2024-06-24 侧对飞雪 10703

A 20-year-old man woke up in a hospital in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh to find out that his genitals had been removed and his sex change operation done. His life turned upside down, he started crying when his “friend” told him that he was now a woman and they both will have to get married.


The victim, a resident of Sanjak village, was allegedly tricked into a hospital visit by his friend who allegedly colluded with doctors of the Begrajpur Medical College to carry out the sex reassignment surgery. The friend later threatened the victim that he will now have to live with him as no one from his family or community will accept him, or he would shoot his father and seize his share of the family land.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Police identified the friend as Omprakash Pal, who was later arrested following an uproar and protest demanding action, by the Bharatiya Kisan unx (BKU) under farmer leader Shyam Pal.


According to police, Omprakash lured the victim into visiting the hospital on June 3 after telling him that he had a medical issue that required immediate inspection. But, on reaching the hospital, the staff administered anaesthesia to the victim and performed the operation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The victim told police that Omprakash had been threatening and harassing him for the past two years. Lying on the hospital bed, he said the accused had ruined his life. “I had no idea what was going to happen in the hospital. I just came with faith,” he said.


He added: “When I regained consciousness the next day, he told me that I have become a woman now and we both will have to get married.”


The victim told police that he asked why the accused had done this. “He told me that he changed me from a man to a woman and now we will have to live together. He said a lawyer had agreed to conduct our court marriage and we will soon move to Lucknow, where his uncle lives. He wants to build a house there and he also withdrew Rs 35,000 from my account,” he said.


Soon after the case came to light, farmer leader Shyam Pal also staged a protest in front of the medical college demanding action against the accused and hospital staff. Khatauli circle officer Ramashish Yadav also reached the medical college and assured action.


“There was an incident here in which a sex change operation was done on a young man. The family members of the youth alleged that the other party had got the operation done by misleading them. The accused will be investigated. Further legal action will be taken on the basis of whatever facts come to light,” Yadav said.


What in the what? This can’t be real. “His friend tricked him and the hospital into doing a sex change so that his family and community wouldn’t accept him so that he would have to marry the “friend””


So I get how one might decide to steal and sell organs on the black market because y'know money but wtf is the deal with Gender Reassignment without consent?!


Fuck humanity sometimes. I really hope this guy goes to prison for life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nah he will get away with it max few months in jail that's all


What organs? His balls? His prostate? His penis?
Genuinely curious and confused at how this horrible story is tied to organ trafficking.


They can be quite valuable for research; and as you might imagine, most guys don't just volunteer them up.


How valuable?


Back around 2007, the cancer institute in my city offered $80k for a healthy testicle.


You mean I have $160,000 hanging between my legs? That’s life-changing money, in more ways than one!


Not really, not anymore...


They said no "responsible" institution would allow you to donate a testicle if it resulted in you having than less than 1.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wait seriously? I might have to look into this.


Yes, I was offered that while I was donating blood/plasma to my uncle who was receiving treatment at the time. But, From what I can tell, it's not something that happens too often. They were only offering so much at the time because they needed to test a new treatment before human trials would be allowed and there was a shortage of, uhhhh... "Fresh corpses."


Yeah, how much?? I’ve got one that I don’t need anymore. Yes, only 1.


Those doctors got some sneaky balls, doing this while he slept!


As with this case, it will be down to complicated family inheritance situations. If it's tradition within a family for property to always go to a male heir they can't inherit if they're no longer male.


He’s still a male, no matter what.


That has been outlawed a long time ago stop spreading misinformation


That's why I was careful to say "tradition" rather than law, I know India has done fantastic things in modernising the legal side of this, but even western countries aren't immune to "local traditions" in rural areas.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Caste system is outlawed also, na?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It may have been outlawed, but that doesn't mean it doesn't still happen.
I can imagine many conservative families sticking to what they call 'traditional gender roles ' and favouring sons in inheritance.


Bro fell asleep first at the sleepover


Was hoping I'd see this.


It's all a bunch of hocum. These are small medical schools in rural areas of one of the poorest states in the country.
Gender reassignment surgery is a highly complex procedure which is one of the lowest priority areas of Indian state funded healthcare systems.
These allegations and then protests are usually just parts of scams or a means to obtain compensation from hospitals.
In none of these news articles will there be any views from the doctors involved and there are no follow ups.


That makes a lot more sense. I was like, wot. None of this makes any sense it reads like a soap opera. Ah because it IS a soap opera.


What? How does this actually work? How can there not be clear evidence for this guys story? Pretty sure there are easier and less risky ways to scam money, than cutting off your own genitals.


Found another source where the hospital's views have been printed.
Apparently the person had been meeting a plastic surgeon for 2 months, underwent psychiatric uation twice and even had a video shot where he accepted that he identified as a woman and wanted to undergo the procedure.


Florida: Man marries crocodile
India: Hold my beer…


india just topps everything. i love that country. the gift that keeps on giving.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India is the Florida of the world.


UP is the Florida of India


Why would he believe someone who had been threatening him and harassing him for years? And then visit the hospital accompanied by the person who has been harassing him? It all sounds like a weird scam.


What? Removing the penis and balls doesn't make someone "a woman", it makes them a eunuch. I can't imagine they had the time (or even expertise) to do a reconstruction. That is serious surgery, like 16 hours+. He'd need hormone therapy, maybe breast implants, hair removal... a transition doesn't happen by accident in a couple hours.


You took the word's right out of my mouth. Removal of genitalia make's one a Unuch, Not a woman.


India is so wild


Never mind. It’s India.


Damn, not even men are safe from forced marriage with men


This is why you don’t fall asleep first anywhere


I don’t know how it works in India, but this could never happen in the US. Gender reassignment requires extensive testing beforehand along with psychological uation. It’s a long series of conversations with the patient and tons of doctors and therapists and ethics people. Surgery is something a patient works up to having after lots of steps along the way. Absolutely insane they’d do this procedure because his friend said it was ok.


Is this onion news?


I find it hard to believe that doctors in a medical college risked their jobs and degrees for such nonsense. There’s has to be more to it than is being shared on social media


The point of onion news was that the moment you start to see the real news look like onion news, you know end is near.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is so fucked up that I can't even think anything about this critically without wanting to kill that friend


Where the hell are we heading as a country? This is beyond disgusting and terrifying. Not even men are safe anymore.


Why not just be gay?


Like you’re probably kidding but as a gay man on the modern dating scene you wouldn’t believe the amount of bi guys who’ve tried to psyop me into thinking I’m transgender and convince me to transition to ‘womanhood’ so that they can be attracted to me and still be ‘straight’.


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