印度太空计划: 比中国更雄心勃勃?(2)
2024-06-25 IPmod 9978
印度太空计划: 比中国更雄心勃勃?(2)

China has a lot more to work with in terms of funding and is one of the very few countries operating its own space station. India has a lot to catch up to, but that's neither here nor there because their pursuit and goals differ vastly. India's work on remote sensing and other technologies have benefited them w.r.t to agriculture and natural disasters and of course military tech like ICBMs and so on.


honestly not sure why people always comparing india with china. india has yet to sent a human to space while china is independently operating a space station right now, the only country to do so at this moment. india and china has their own need there is no need to compare. some smaller western countries are afraid of both china and india and are constantly trying create tension between the two.


India has always promoted the study of Mathematics and Science. Space capability is one of manifestations of that. India is not trying to copy China. The study of ISRO of the moon, mars, sun, venus are a logical process. Thank you for highlighting India's achievements in space.


ISRO's achievements are amazing given the limitations they have. While budget is the most obvious aspect, they also didn't have the support structure that NASA or the Soviets had. USA already had leading research in aerospace and aviation with even industrial setup. Then they had access to the latest technology for rockets through captured Nazi scientists.
At the same time, it's not fair to say NASA is inefficient. They have been at the leading edge of space research with Pioneers, Voyagers, moon landing, Hubble, James Webb, Chandrasekhar, and Mars missions.


Probably important to note on the cost difference between Maven and Mangalyaan is the massive weight difference in the equipment and that Maven is already on its 11th year. Not really a fair comparison, though it is nice to highlight that there could be cheaper alternatives in the future.


NASA is a devoted customer of ISRO as well as the European Space Agency and dozens of other countries. I can also point out a ton of facts in India's favour but that will lead to a bitter argument with a friendly. No hard feelings really. Love NASA!

美国国家航空航天局(NASA)是印度空间研究组织(ISRO)、欧洲航天局(European Space Agency)和其他几十个国家的忠实客户。我还可以指出一大堆对印度有利的事实,但这将导致一场与友好人士的激烈争论。真的,我没有恶意。爱NASA!

It's great, finally more funding and interest in space. The future of humans is in the stars, Earth can't help us survive forever. In the words of Neil Armstrong, one foot by me, a giant leap by humanity. It's not just India's pride, it's our pride, humanity's pride. If they find something, the entire humanity benefits the knowledge.


Space program unleashing the true potential of Indian Education system and Indian Society.
Math and Cosmology is millenium old concepts for Indians, modern world has just attached wings to it.
Once a British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said India will fall apart in less than Decade after Independence
Now Rishi Sunak an Indian Origin is the Prime Minister of the same country.
We Believe in Karma veey strongly

现在,印度裔的苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)成为了这个国家的总理。

I find it rather strange and amusing that whether it is a western or Indian analyst, anything India does has to be compared to China. Each has its own plans and aims. It is comparing aplles to oranges. China goes about its space program without worrying about what India does. The Space is definitely big enough for for India, china, USA, Russia and the rest of the 194 countries of the world.


As a Chinese
Can you stop bringing us to your thing
Stop comparing us It’s annoying as hell
I bet the British won’t like it if I compared USA to uk.


But England and the USA are compared all the time. And isn’t China the best comparison? I don’t really know who else could be used as effectively.


Typical ploy to make others fight. The real issue is nationalists from the both the countries would even start fighting in the comments.


No one has ever compared ISRO with the Chinese space program, even Indians. They mind their own business, but looks like he added since he knew it will attraction and views.


facts man. even we indians dont compare ourselves to the Chinese, both are amazing while Chinese are ahead presently but the point is we keep moving forward, these titles are just made to make each other fight amongst themselves


There aren't any hate comments as far as i see this is a educational yt video on space program we Indians are civilized people don't make us to look like Chinese wolf warriors don't bring your ultra nationalist politics here some people are here for just knowledge


It’s amazing what they’ve achieved in such a short space of time and on a much smaller budget than pretty much any other Space reaching nation.
On behalf of all reasonable and sane Brits, we are very pleased for you and genuinely marvel at your ingenuity and commitment to the project. We look forward to see what you achieve next in Space and appreciate you taking some of our projects up there for us! Keep up the good work and inspiring people all over the world with your spirit of innovation and dedication!
Love to India ���� and all her good people from Britain ����


Indian Space Agency ISRO is the second largest and successful space agency in the world. After NASA. ISRO will be number 1 after some time����


You kidding me, right? More action and less talk. Now I understand why there are so many hate comments toward india. Their YouTube warriors are always so boastful. Be humble for once.


I am Chinese, and I sincerely wish for the success of Indian aviation. India is also an ancient civilization and should return to its own cultural essence, rather than lying on the remnants of Western civilization, engaging in internal colonization and external expansion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Never compare with china,they are at different levels

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Which level we reach darkside and mars before them as our economy grow we need to level with advance country like america they are the boss not china


Well the Indian space agency should be ambitious if his goal is to move-up on-par w/China's achievements. But I hear some "China vs India" antagonism in this presentation on par w/typical WhiteMale chauvinism that aims to raise more controversy btwn China and India as advesaries, when they should indeed work closer together, and India learning from successes of the Chinese model instead of antagonizing it under Western-influenced directives.


India is doing great, but how about UK? a developed country, done nothing, doing nothing, will do nothing. such a failure country; but still wants to keep its influence.


Brits crying in comment section coz they can't even launch a single satellite on their ownlisten folks, India was your daddy, India is your daddy and India will ALWAYS be your daddy so deal with it


Well the Indian space agency should be ambitious if his goal is to move-up on-par w/China's achievements. But I hear some "China vs India" antagonism in this presentation on par w/typical WhiteMale chauvinism that aims to raise more controversy btwn China and India as advesaries, when they should indeed work closer together, and India learning from successes of the Chinese model instead of antagonizing it under Western-influenced directives.

如果印度航天局的目标是与中国的成就并驾齐驱,那么它就应该雄心勃勃。但我在这次演讲中听到了一些 "中国与印度 "的对立情绪,就像典型的白种人沙文主义一样,目的是在中国和印度之间引起更多争议,因为他们本应更紧密地合作。印度也应学习中国模式的成功经验,而不是在西方影响的指令下与中国对立。

Maybe India will put a human being on Mars before China.


ONE THING that annoys me about the Indian Space Program is... The Indian Govt has spent BILLIONS of $/£ on getting into space over the decades, but yet... THAT MONEY... COULD HAVE... :-
- IMPROVED the quite frankly, LETHAL archaic Rail System, that culminates in FAR TOO REGULAR train crashes (trains derailing, head on train crashes even multiple train pile-ups), killing hundreds of passengers EACH TIME...
- IMPROVED on the VAST AREAS of slums, thus improving the health and well being of those that STRUGGLE to find clean water and food ON A DAILY BASIS. Live amongst VILE SMELLING rubbish, children digging through bare foot, big rubbish tips to find what they can to sell for pittance (and MANY MORE related issues), AND help IMPROVE the housing situations in said rural/slum areas.
- IMPROVE on the buildings where hundreds of people work producing garments/shoes/other textile type products (or other products in general), ALL crammed into buildings that collapse (killing said workers) due to the aged and crumbling/non-maintained buildings.
- IMPROVED on the Hospitals/Health systems for all its citizens ESPECIALLY for those that live 'Out in the sticks' as there ISN'T enough hospitals so there a FAR TOO MANY people struggling to get the medical help they need...
- IMPROVED/INCREASED its Police/Law system as the Indian Police numbers are SORELY LACKING for the amount of crimes committed - thefts/burglary/assaults/murders a HUGE percantage of said crimes DON'T get dealt with because currently, there are WAY TOO FEW Police stations, SERIOUSLY NOT ENOUGH actual Police officers/staff to help serve/protect the people and so crime rates are absolutely ridiculous.
- IMPROVED on the education system FOR ALL. As an example, it has been reported regularly over the decades that the UK Govt has sent UK TAX payers money to help 'Pay for educating kids in India' either directly to Indias' Govt or through NGOs to the tune of hundreds of Millions of £££s!
Generally, IMPROVE the living (and surviving) standards for MORE of the people that live in India...
But no... REPEATEDLY over the decades, The Indian Govt deem having a VASTLY EXPENSIVE Space Program is more important than ALL THOSE COUNTLESS LIVES LOST AND AFFECTED due to negligent accidents, 3rd world living conditions, crumbling and often LETHAL infrastructure, crime, a lapse hospital/health system, the welfare/education of children (who WILL BE the next, to take on the the issues with the country), the HIGH levels of crime, and general wellbeing of its citizens, Man, Woman and Child (and/or families) who have to day on day, deal with the incompetencies the Indian Govt ARE NOT DEALING WITH!
IT'S THE BASICS! Look after your people, feed/hydrate them (keep them alive), educate them, give them safe working conditions, apply the right TAXes, THEN USE THOSE TAXES WISELY to reinvest in your peoples and the countries infrastructure... And... As each generation comes and goes, the country will MOST LIKELY become powerful and notable on the 'World stage'...

印度太空计划让我感到恼火的一点是...... 几十年来,印度政府为进入太空花费了数十亿美元/英镑,但是...... 这些钱... 本可以... :-
- 改善致命的、陈旧的铁路系统。坦率地说,这套系统非常糟糕,经常发生火车相撞事故(火车出轨、火车迎面相撞,甚至多辆火车相撞),每次都造成数百名乘客死亡...
- 改善大片贫民窟,从而改善那些每天为寻找干净的水和食物而苦苦挣扎的人们以及生活在散发着恶臭的垃圾堆中,光着脚在大垃圾堆里刨来刨去,只为找到能卖钱的东西(还有更多相关问题)的孩子们的健康和福祉。帮助改善农村/贫民窟地区的住房条件。
- 改善成百上千在生产服装/鞋/其他纺织类产品(或其他一般产品)的建筑物中工作的人的工作状况。这些人都挤在建筑物中,而由于建筑物老化、摇摇欲坠/无人维护,这些建筑物可能会倒塌(导致工人死亡)。
- 改善所有公民(尤其是那些住在"偏僻地区"的人)的医院/卫生系统,因为医院的数量不够,有太多人在为获得所需的医疗帮助而挣扎......
- 改善/加强警察/法律系统,因为与犯罪数量相比,印度警察的数量严重不足--盗窃/入室盗窃/袭击/谋杀等犯罪中的很大一部分都没有得到处理,因为目前的警察局太少,真正的警察/工作人员严重不足,无法为人民提供服务/保护,因此犯罪率高得离谱。
- 改善全民教育体系。举例来说,几十年来经常有报道称英国政府将英国纳税人的钱用于帮助"支付印度儿童的教育费用",有的直接捐给印度政府,有的通过非政府组织捐出,总额高达数亿英镑!
但是没有... 几十年来,印度政府一再认为拥有一个耗资巨大的太空计划比那些因疏忽事故、第三世界的生活条件、摇摇欲坠且往往致命的基础设施、犯罪、失效的医院/卫生系统、儿童的福利/教育(他们将是下一个承担国家问题的群体)、高犯罪率、公民的总体福利而失去和受到影响的无数生命更重要。男人、女人和儿童(和/或家庭)不得不日复一日地应对印度政府没有处理好的无能问题!
这是最基本的!照顾好你的人民,为他们提供食物/水(让他们活下去),教育他们,给他们安全的工作条件,征收适当的税,然后明智地利用这些税来重新投资于你的人民和国家的基础设施...... 还有... 随着每一代人的来来去去,这个国家很可能会在“世界舞台”上变得强大和引人注目……

Highly unlikely.
Both countries are following their own time table. There isn't really a competition between the two


@thedarkknight1971 you are wrong from head to toe, No matter if a country is poor or not that country should invest in space technology as this gives the country technological capabilities & space program contributes to enhancing knowledge of the country. What you are saying is like telling a poor child not to study and to do labor instead bcoz there is no money at home, totally non sense

@thedarkknight1971 你从头到脚都错了,无论一个国家是否贫穷,都应该投资于太空技术,因为这将赋予国家技术能力,太空计划将有助于提高国家的知识水平。你的说法就像告诉穷人家的孩子因为家里没钱就不要读书,应该去工作一样,这完全没有道理。

​ @sidharthcs2110 india and china were same in 90s in terms of economy,tech,etc. All the change happened in the last 2-3 decades, if the Chinese can achieve these kinda feats, then why cant we

@sidharthcs2110 印度和中国在上世纪90年代在经济、技术等方面是一样的。所有的变化都发生在过去的二三十年,如果中国人都能取得这样的成就,为什么我们不能?

I just love that brits are getting frustrated, over every single success of India, remember the meltdown over chandrayaan 3 landing, it's just shows us the reality of these people. I'm seeing people are lecturing us over poverty and all kinds of social and economic issues that where the byproduct of colonialism and it's atrocities, I think brits are still in that "white man's burden" mind set, they can't fathom the fact that India is no longer their slave but Britishers are still not getting over the atitude of master's. it shows that the colonial mind set is still deep rooted in the British society.


I am very happy to see that Indians can remain highly optimistic so far. I bless Indians and sincerely wish India to become the second largest country in the universe. Oh, I am sorry, because South Korea is the birthplace of the universe, so I am sorry that India can only be the second largest country in the universe. .
I hope India can always maintain this optimistic attitude towards the future. Seeing you like this makes me relieved.
I like Indians very much, because Indians provide a lot of jokes and a lot of joy to this boring world, so the whole world should thank India for setting an example for us and reminding us where to go and what to do. What to avoid.
Remember not to drink too much water before going to bed, so as not to wake up from peeing in the middle of your beautiful dream.


It is amusing and getting boring that commentators cannot talk about any subject without inadvertently making it into India versus China competition. In the first place China's space program is not design to compete with India. China has its own plans and obxtives which is very different from India's.


I think India and China should work together with Russia and collectively take the lead in space exploration and its subsequent colonisation (because we all know the next step would be colonies like on the Moon for example). All of the people hating in the comments will cry further the day the Indians realise it's in their best interests to work with their fellow Asian nations (e.g. China and Russia) rather than working with the countries whose citizens spread racist vitriol towards them, like in this comment section.


很赞 22