2024-06-26 不要可乐 6754

A hotel in the Japanese city of Kyoto allegedly canceled an Israeli tourist’s reservation because of “war crimes,” drawing criticism from local officials who said it violated regulations.
The tourist received a Whatsapp message from an employee at the popular destination’s Hotel Material telling him the booking scheduled for June had been canceled in response to the conflict in Gaza, according to the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo.

据以色列驻东京大使馆称,这名游客收到了京都市知名酒店Hotel Material员工发来的WhatsApp消息,通知他计划于六月入住的预订已被取消,理由是对加沙冲突中以色列国防军(IDF)成员所犯战争罪行的反应。

One message, confirmed to CNN, is said to have read: “We are sorry to inform you that, due to war crimes being committed by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) members in the conflict taking place in Gaza between Israel and Palestine, we are not able to accept reservations from persons we believe might have ties to the Israeli army.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s unclear why the hotel employee believed the person had ties to the Israeli army.
The traveler who received the Whatsapp messages made an initial complaint to the Israeli embassy in Tokyo. The person was able to make a new reservation at a different hotel in Kyoto and continued his trip as planned.
The Embassy accused the hotel of “a clear case of discrimination” when the news of the alleged incident went viral last week.


The hotel, which has not responded to multiple requests from CNN for comment, was also strongly reprimanded by Kyoto’s city government, which accused it of breaching Japan’s Hotel Business Act, which regulates the hospitality industry.
“Our position is to provide safe, secure, and high-quality accommodation for citizens and travelers, and we will respond strictly to situations that do not conform to this, such as this one,” a representative for the Kyoto city government told CNN, adding that a city representative visited the hotel in person to inform them of the legal violation.

京都市政府的一名代表告诉CNN:“我们的立场是为市民和旅行者提供安全、安心和高质量的住宿环境,对于像这样不符合规定的情况,我们将采取严厉的措施。” 他补充说,市政府的代表亲自访问了该酒店,告知他们存在法律违规行为。

‘Singular incident’
Ido Bromberg, a political counselor at the Israeli Embassy, told CNN that the person who allegedly sent the Whatsapp messages was a low-level employee at the Hotel Material, not its general manager, owner or director.

以色列大使馆的政治顾问伊多·布隆伯格(Ido Bromberg)告诉CNN,据称发送WhatsApp消息的人是Hotel Material的一名基层员工,而非其总经理、老板或董事。

The Embassy has sent a formal complaint letter to the Japanese government, but Bromberg emphasized that there is no animosity between the two countries.
“We know that this is not a characteristic of Japan in general or the hotel industry in Japan,” he said. “We know that the hospitality of Japanese hotels is excellent and extremely nice, so we hope that the hotel will take necessary measures to make sure this will not happen again, and with the specific employee.”


“We see this as a very singular incident, and we hope it doesn’t happen again.”
Bromberg noted that there is a direct flight between Tokyo and Tel Aviv operated by Israel’s national carrier El Al and says that Japan is a “favorable” destination for Israeli tourists.
The Israeli embassy says it would appreciate an apology from the hotel but will not pursue any legal action over the allegation.

布隆伯格指出,以色列国家航空公司El Al经营着东京和特拉维夫之间的直飞航班,他表示日本是以色列游客“青睐”的目的地。

On October 7, 2023, Hamas militants entered Israel via Gaza, taking about 250 people hostage in a violent terror attack that killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel was “at war” shortly afterward. Since then, more than 37,000 people have been killed in Gaza by Israeli military offensives, according to Gaza health authorities.
A United Nations inquiry this month found that both Israel and Hamas have committed war crimes amid the war in Gaza.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"It’s unclear why the hotel employee believed the person had ties to the Israeli army" - because all Israelis are required to serve in the army with few exceptions.

“不清楚为什么酒店员工认为那个人与以色列军队有联系” - 因为所有以色列人除少数例外都必须服兵役。

I live in Japan, well connected with the Israeli community and have seen the What'sApp messages. The guy who sent it wasn't even Japanese.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I find this extremely unusual as l travel to Japan frequently and most often in Kyoto. I am half-Japanese and have relatives in Kyoto and Osaka.
One of my cousins has traveled to Israel on a student exchange program and found lsrael to be a welcoming country to the world. I hope this is a fluke. Kyoto is one of the most welcoming cities in the world.

我发现这非常不寻常,因为我经常去日本旅行,最常去的是京都。 我有一半日本血统,在京都和大阪有亲戚。
我的一个表亲曾参加交换生项目去以色列旅行,发现以色列是一个欢迎世界的国家。 希望这只是个偶然事件。京都是世界上最热情好客的城市之一。

Or maybe because they demanded unauthorized discounts, and then refused to pay the deposit?
(But of course they will sue)

或者是因为他们要求未经授权的折扣,然后拒绝支付押金? (但当然他们会起诉)

Wait a minute. Assuming any Palestinians were able to travel to Japan, did they deny them their hotel stay because of ties to hamas? I wasn’t aware that any hotel did such a thorough background check on any guest, because if that’s the case, just about every single person would have ties to the mafia, a cartel, the military, the police, the British, Russia, China, and the list goes on. Not a single person’s history is free from some tie to an ancestor or organization that did something truly awful—either recently or in the past.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sick of these low level employees thinking they have the right to cancel anything for the company they work for. There needs to be fines of $1000 or the loss of business revenue, whichever is greater. Teach these people a lesson.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its their business. They have a right to refuse service to any person/people they choose with any reason they want.


J H 152
This is not the hotels fault, but the result of one of its employees. That person took it upon themselves to put their political beliefs into action. This is a form of racism directed at the Israeli person, because they are a Jew.


Bravo to Japan. This needs to be a global movement. No need to house ICC war criminals anywhere.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Their business, their rules - isn't that what we say here in the US when businesses discriminate according to their beliefs?


First of all, the IDF is causing the death of thousands and thousands of civilians. Second, it is the right of the Japanese hotel and any other business to deny service to whoever they want.


The Japanese saying someone else committed war crimes is laughable. Not just what they did to American GI’s and our allies but lest we forget the havoc brought upon the Chinese.


Fast Neutron
The Zio supporters are all for businesses not hiring or firing those who support the Palestinian cause so why should this be any different? Hotels are a private business that can refuse service to anyone.


The Japanese are keeping it real....
Finally, someone has gotten it right.
Netanyahu should be arrested by the gov't of any civilized Nation as soon as his feet hit the tarmac of their airport.
Japan has taken a brave stand, although 90% of the world is in agreement with their stance (including many secular and orthodox Jewish groups here in America). The Media here in the US is so biased, it's laughable to call it journalism.
What's going on in Israel/palestine has nothing at all to do with religion.
its all politics and strategic operations.

日本人做得很实在... 终于有人说对了。任何文明国家的政府都应该在内塔尼亚胡的脚踩到他们机场的停机坪时逮捕他。日本已经采取了勇敢的立场,尽管世界上90%的人都同意他们的立场(包括美国的许多世俗和正统犹太团体)。美国的媒体如此偏见,称之为新闻简直令人发笑。 以色列/巴勒斯坦的事务与宗教毫无关系,完全是政治和战略行动。

The ambassador who called incident as discrimination obviously knows the meaning of discrimination well. Would he kindly explain the discrimination the Palestinians face in their homeland every day?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Companies have a right to refuse service to anyone without cause. It is a private property. Here in america there are people being ejected from gym for wearing 'free palestine' shirt. Why can't israelis be ejected by the owners too? Its their right to refuse service. Just as it was a right of a religious couple to refuse service to a gay couple for baking their wedding cake. What makes Israelis so special?


Private business, they can do whatever they want. Am I sorry or concerned, no.
International community needs to boycott Israel and Israelis. That is the only way to address the Palestinian, Israeli issue.

私营企业,他们可以做任何他们想做的事情。我为此感到抱歉或担忧吗?没有。 国际社会需要抵制以色列和以色列人。这是解决巴勒斯坦和以色列问题的唯一途径。

God bless those countries that are not invested up in Israel and can speak their truth about it, without fear or worry or kneeling to polls.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well human beings cannot mix with walking demons you know.i cannot fathom thinking I'm "the chosen people" when I cant empathize and feel superior just because.


Bravo! A spark of honor and integrity in a world almost devoid of it. Everyone needs the same resolve in the face of evil.


the right want to decline services to individuals for a range of reasons. i would say that bibi and the idf comitting slaughter is a tad bit worse. actualy unlike bibis collective punishment of palistine i do not believe an individual should be persecuted just because they are lumped into a group unless that individual has committed an offense


This incident will get more guests for hotel for sure, and everyone will want to see and speake with the person that sent that not eccepting note to the tourist. Maybe now much more to follow in otheer countries. Could it be a start of something around the world.


The hotel owes that traveler an apology and should pay for his trip. Everyone knows this is propaganda that's spread among j haters and ignorant people. Hypocritical also. What about real war crimes in Darfur and Afghanistan? Protest something real. Yahoo admit the truth.


As if history regarding the Palestine israel conflict started on that glorious day of the 7 th of October, the above article must inform us of that day.. I don’t understand the relationship between an outraged international community over Israeli war crimes which led Japanese hotel to cancel the reservation of an Israeli and the 7th of last Oct.. kudos for that hotel and its employees; for, israel must understand that its mass killings cannot go unpunished. israe must be put under international sanction for its violations of not only international law but human descency


The guest did not commit any sort of crime if there are any to begin with. But with this hotel, Hamas supporters would likely get a 25% discount.


Jun Mo xiao
The Japanese have no history of antisemitism like the Germans before and during WW II, but they committed war crimes and GENOCIDE as atrocious as anything the Germans did. It is therefore wholly appropriate that the Japanese reject nationals whose countries are guilty of GENOCIDE and war crimes today as it is for Germans to reject antisemites.


Japan is an "intelligent" country, though there are individuals like this hotel person who are not. Avoid this hotel no matter where you are from. They are out of touch with reality.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Funny I don’t see the hotel chain cancelling reservations from every Islamic country in the Middle East that refuses to take in the people of Palestine? Why is that? Why does Egypt refuse to help Palestinians? They share a border? Tells you something right?


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