2024-06-26 兰陵笑笑生 7779
Do you guys think this will be feasible? How badly will it affect SG?


I used to be an officer on a tanker, so I think I can confidently say ship owners would still prefer calling the port of Singapore.
For one, it's the best place for crew changes. The flights out from Changi Airport caters to the crew daily, with most of them coming from India, Philippines and/or Europe.
Secondly, the cost of bunker. Singapore has consistently provide good quality bunker at a very good prices. Not to say there isn't any tampering of the flow meter occurring off the coast of Singapore, but generally, if you're diligent and cautious about the amount that's going in your bunker tank, it's probably the best place in the East to get it.
Also, Singapore has been a hub that connects the east and the west for so long, I personally think the owners will prefer a trusted route than a "shorter" route. From personal experience, Singapore port turnover can be done in less than 48 hours, whereas in other ports, it can be double the time, if we consider the same tonnage being moved.
Of course, I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg. There's many reasons as to why Thailand would be a more feasible option, but if you're looking at the next 10-15 years after completion, I think it wouldn't affect Singapore too much. Hell, until today some owners would still prefer to ships to spend an extra 10-14 days out at sea and sail past the cape of good hope than to pay to go through the suez canal.

此外,新加坡长期以来一直是连接东西方的枢纽,我个人认为船东们更愿意选择一条值得信赖的航线,而不是“更短”的航线。从个人经验来看,新加坡港口的周转可以在 48 小时内完成,而在其他港口,如果考虑到同样的运输吨位,周转时间可能要长一倍。
当然,我说的只是冰山一角。有很多原因可以解释为什么泰国会是一个更可行的选择,但如果你着眼于建成后的未来 10-15 年,我认为这不会对新加坡造成太大影响。该死的,直到今天,一些船东仍然宁愿船只在海上多花 10-14 天,驶过好望角,也不愿花钱通过苏伊士运河。

Is Thailand really "shorter"? There is loading/ unloading time, time to get containers on a fleet of trucks and move them across the land bridge (which seems to be 2wks), and waiting for the new ship to leave, which might not be immediate. I really find it hard to belive that this isn't going to be considerably slower and more expensive than just sailing through sg.

泰国的真的“更短”吗?装货/卸货时间、将集装箱装上卡车并运过陆桥的时间(似乎需要 2 周),以及等待新船离开的时间,这可能不会立即完成。我真的很难相信,这样做不会比通过新加坡航运慢得多,也贵得多。

I can attest to this. I do commercial operations of ships and for many trade routes, Singapore is the best stopover for all things shipping before proceeding to next destination.
I don’t think the land crossing will make impact to Singapore’s position. Mainly because it’s a land crossing, which means ships need to dock at a terminal. Discharge the cargo (this part will cost tens of thousands in USD). Put the cargo on either rail or trucks. Another cost here. And then bring another ship alongside to load those cargo. Another tens of thousand. It doesn’t make any commercial sense imo. When a ship coming down to Singapore only takes a couple days and less touch point is less cost.
My speculation is that the Chinese are pushing and funding this project. Reason is that the Chinese wants to have an alternative route aside from the malacca straits as pretty much every trade coming from Europe/arab/india are routed through malacca straits. Should there be a blockade during war. It would be a huge issue for the Chinese.


This land bridge is not feasible, at least not for most commercial purposes. The main reason China wants it built is to suit their own purposes of having an alternative to the Strait of Malacca if war breaks out. As for Thailand, their economic interest is less clear because there’s no way this land bridge will have enough business to sustain operations unless China routes all of their cargo to this land bridge instead, and even then it’s unclear if that would be enough.
Either way, it’s probably safe to say that this land bridge is being pushed through for political rather than economic purposes, so it wouldn’t make sense to try to look at it from a feasibility perspective.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So this is another "China lending another country money to build empty infrastructure that only benefits China?"


Except China has shown no interest in this project whatsoever and has made no mention of it. It's the Thai PM that has been trying to sell it to them, so far without success.
If China is interested in anything, it's a canal, not a land bridge... but they have shown little interest in that either.


Bro don't go bringing facts and common sense into this conversation, just let the good people of reddit irrationally hate on China!


Thai politicians want the bridge. May not be profitable for the country but large construction projects like this could be very profitable for certain individuals.


China doesn't trust Thailand after the stupid stunt they pull off shunning all Chinese tourists, now they want them back which is a stretch. In all likelihood China's trust in Singapore is greater than the Thais as we're seeing an increase in Chinese tourists nowadays.


You have to unload at one port, transport to the other port, and reload on another ship at that port.
The infographic itself says it takes one to two weeks to do that. Though it claims overall time savings, does it really take more than two weeks to sail from southern Thailand down to Singapore and from then on to the South China Sea?
They should have gone big and dug the Kra Canal. That would have led to real time savings and would have seriously challenged us.
The land bridge idea is a compromise that is not feasible in the long run. Either you go big or you don't do anything. Halfway solutions simply don't work.


Digging the canal might undermine their national security. Southern Thailand have some separatist issues.


Not really, if you look at the map, the parts affected by the malay insurgency takes up less than half the land area below the isthmus and the population that does the insurgency is still a minority overall even with the split given how big hatyai is population-wise. It will be only slightly logistically harder to deal with the insurgency and of course the risk of terrorism would be high for such an important piece of infrastructure


I think it's easier for army already on land going to the south from north to continue the journey via land than to halfway at the kra canal, get up on a transport ship from one side and then to the other. Bridges connecting one side to the other can be destroyed. There can be strategic land crossings over the railway from north to south. The army can also easily put additional bridges for the vehicles to use if it's over rails. A canal makes defending attacks from the north easier and prolonging any war.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I bet my money Singapore is financing these separatists to keep the north Thailand unstable, just like how Singapore is sending war supplies and funding Myanmar junta


based on what? Did Singapore fund Jemaah Islamiah in Indonesia as well?


Given the terrain, a canal would mean locks and therefore a convoy system and thereby lose any time savings gained by the shorter route.
Unless they wanna blast a line straight through as wide as the Strait of Johore and make Malaya an island.


also added costs to provide security for trucks moving cargo between the 2 ports.
that distance to travel is no joke.


They're not building a canal. They're building two ports, one on each coast, and a railway line between them to transport goods.


I was making the point that even building a canal would not generate the needed time savings to make building the canal viable unless they are willing to accept an enviromental and geopolitical disaster.


Panama and Suez cut off a continent sized chunk of travel; Kra could only reduce a Malaysian peninsula sized amount of travel. Only if the Straits and ports of Singapore become too congested can a Kra canal hope to be commercially viable.
But of course commercial viability is not always the point; it’s certainly not why the US built the Panama. The commerce was just icing on the geostrategic cake. It’s hard to see what Thailand gets out of building a Kra canal in that dimension except a target painted on its back, probably a debt load to China, and a reinvigoration of separatism in the deep south.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think you’re right on the commercial viability front, that’s not the main reason. However, once you project this map onto the existing “string of pearls” China has built the picture becomes quite clear.
Right now the biggest break in the string of pearls going to India (one of china’s main competitors today) is the straits of Singapore, which also is a US navy port.
So I think it makes total sense why China, for a while now, has been pushing to circumvent the straight of Singapore.


Agreed - the strategic logic is there for China. I just don’t get why Thailand would open itself up to that. Especially the ancient crusty Thai generals who at times have been some of the most ardent supporters. The lessons of history from Panama and Suez are pretty mixed for the host nation of such strategically vital infrastructure. I guess they think this time will be different…


I've been on a cruise from Singapore to Penang and back. It takes half a day to do that. Lets be generous and say it takes a full day to sail from south Thailand to Singapore.
If it truly takes a week to transfer goods between ports, then its more time-efficient to just go to Singapore.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I studied shipping in poly more than 15 years ago they already say they want to build this already.

15 年多前,当我在保利学习航运时,他们就已经说要建造这个项目了。

In Thailand they’ve been talking about the Kra canal for about a century…


they ask investors to take the risks, if its so profitable, this thai govt wouldnt invite them to take part.


lol Because it has risks, that is why the Thai government wants others to die for it, it really does not want to touch such a white elephant.


Thailand was never and ever capable of doing this alone. The realization becomes clearer with the rising of China.


Even with the power to do it, it does not make any sense. Even the Suez, the busiest canal in the world, only handles enough shipping in a whole year to match what the Straits of Singapore handle in one DAY. That is the difference in scale we are talking about. The canal is only 0.3% as effective as the natural route.

即使有能力做到这一点,也没有任何意义。即使是世界上最繁忙的运河苏伊士运河,全年的航运量也仅相当于新加坡海峡一天的航运量。这就是我们所说的规模差异。运河的效率只有自然航道的 0.3%。

This is a "land bridge", which is just marketing for two ports and a highway between them. It's a lot more hassle and much slower than an actual canal that ships could just sail through.


Sounds like a logistical nightmare to transit an entire vessel of cargo inland from one port to another, for sure it will be less efficient and less green, so many things can go wrong too. Geographically, it does not save much distance for most shipping routes either.
Quite a foolish idea if you think about it.


It would take decades to construct assuming the Thais manage to pull it off. There are very few huge construction projects that have not gone over budget or not blown past deadlines. Factor in corruption, local resistance (there will be a huge amount of dislocation), battles with environmental activists, etc. etc. etc. It can be done but I would always aim to triple the budget and double the time required. If I had to pluck a number out of the air, I would say it would take 50 years to complete. By which time global warming might well make the whole thing redundant.

假定泰国人能够完成这项工程,也需要几十年的时间。很少有大型建设项目不超出预算或不超过最后期限的。还要考虑到腐败、当地人的抵制(会造成巨大的混乱)、与环保人士的斗争等等等等。这是可以做到的,但我的目标始终是将预算增加两倍,所需时间增加一倍。如果让我凭空捏造一个数字,我会说需要 50 年才能完成。到那时,全球变暖可能会使整个工程变得多余。

很赞 5