2024-06-27 冲动的小李 14829
Profile photo for CaiLei
There is a subject in China called archeology.
For archaeology, the most valuable artifacts are not gold, diamond jewelry or artwork, but bamboo slips, silk book, oracle bones, and bronzes with writing on them.
Documentary materials are often limited by the era and the cognitive limitations of the recorders, so that it is impossible to reflect the social phenomena and historical facts completely and truthfully.
But the cultural relics are different, it is in each period of time left behind the obxtive reality. It can fully confirm the authenticity of historical documents, correct the errors of documentary records, and fill the gaps in documentary records.
Bamboo slips of the Qin Dynasty unearthed in December 1975 in Tomb No. 11 of Sleeping Tiger Land, Chengguan Town, Yunmeng County, xiaogan City, Hubei Province, China, recording the laws and official documents of the time, have been collated and included in the book "Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts".


This batch of bamboo slips is a precious historical material for the study of politics, economy, culture, law and military in the period from the late Warring States period to the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, and it is also the basis for the proofreading of ancient books.
According to the evidence, the owner of the tomb was "xi", who had served as a magistrate of the county during his lifetime and participated in "prison management", and these bamboo slips may be the transcxtions of the laws and legal documents of the Qin Dynasty made by the owner of the tomb according to the needs of his work during his lifetime.
“Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts” counted 1,155, 80 pieces of debris, is now categorized and organized into ten parts, including: "18 kinds of Qin law", "the effect of the law", "the Qin law of miscellaneous copy", "the law of the Q&A", "sealing diagnostic formula", "chronicle", "language book", "for the way of the official", "day book" A and "day book" B. The "language book", "effect" and "day book" A and "day book" B. Among them, the Book of Words, the Effective Laws, the Seal Diagnostic Forms, and the Book of Days are the titles of the original books, while the others are organized and formulated by the later generations. The bamboo slips are 23.1 to 27.8 centimeters long and 0.5 to 0.8 centimeters wide, and the inner texts are written in ink with Qin clerical scxt, written in the late Warring States period and the period of Qin Shi Huang.


However, through the excavation of Qin slips, we see that the Qin Empire's corvée was paid, the court took care of the food, and the government could distribute clothes. Each household was not allowed to draft two people to serve at the same time, and the workload in winter was reduced by one-third. In short, it was very humane, and Qin Shi Huang was not the tyrant depicted in the literature and novels.
As for the fact that Emperor Qin Shi Huang did not bury the Confucian scholars alive, there are actually controversies in Chinese history.
For example, does the term "Confucian" refer to "Confucian students" or "sorcerers"? This point needs to be verified by more historical data.
But in any case, the “Shuihudi Qin bamboo texts” is a very, very, very important historical material for the modern study of the late Warring States period to the early Qin Dynasty.


The Thirteen Ming-Tombs in Beijing were not stolen, nor were the tombs of Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma in Nanjing.
Using modern technology, wouldn't the results be known by comparing the genes of Zhu Di and Empress Ma?
China still has a lot of underground cultural relics have not been excavated, the current level of technology can not do 100% of non-destructive excavation, all, China will not do any work on these cultural relics, so that they continue to sleep in the ground is the best protection.


@Nguyễn Đình Quý
I wonder why Qin Shi Huang’s tomb hasn’t been opened. I think not because they’re afraid to damage artifacts in the tomb but they fear that the deadly weapons described by Sima Qian would kill excavators.


@Zheng Jun
Of course it's because they are afraid of destroying cultural relics. It’s 21st century now, there are robots if they are afraid of the deadly weapon.


@Peter Chan
Yeah only in an Indians Jones movie where the tombs can kill. Modern day scientists have all kinds of tools available to even measure the air, the soil. They can find even a hint of poison gas. They have technology that can see through several meters into the rocks. No “hidden boobie traps” can get them.


@Peter Chan
What is that worm in the first image?


I thought the first picture was a wireworm, but it turned out to be a curled bamboo slip. It's amazing.


@BL Cheah
“There is a subject in China called archeology.”
I love the calm way you reply to what is clearly an ignorant and bigoted question.
Westerners and their minions perpetually have an exceptionalist mentality, and this extends to very basic things.
When I was in college I once overheard a Filipino-American talking to an Arab (foreign) student. The Filipino-American was surprised that Arab countries have jets.
The Arab student was shocked. “So how did you think I came to America to study? I rode my camel over the Atlantic?”
“No. By ship.”


Yes. The Chinese and Western systems are different.
The Chinese believe that history is very serious and needs to be taken seriously.
In China, archeology is generally conducted by serious academic institutions such as the National Research Institute.
Some aspects of Western archeology are dominated by antique dealers. They hope to sell them at auction for a good price after packaging, so the "cultural relics" they unearth are very new and not as old as Chinese cultural relics. Once academics are mixed with business, they go bad.


@Huang Kun
You said, “Some aspects of Western archeology are dominated by antique dealers.”
Well, tomb robbing is pretty common in China, from ancient times to even nowadays. These Chinese robbers would raid ancient tombs and steal artifacts to sell in the market. Most are not antique dealers but your everyday Joe.
For example, in 2020, a man was caught in Shaanxi robbing tombs. By day he sold pancakes but by night, he would become the leader of a professional gang of grave robbers. Over five years the looting earned them US$1.8 million. He was finally caught and sentenced to 15 years in prison. And it was the second time that he went to jail over robbing graves.
These Chinese, in the name of “to get rich is glorious”, decided that robbing ancient tombs is the fastest way to get rich, and it is pretty rampant in China.
In 2020, the Chinese authorities reported that they had arrested 2,400 such thieves and retrieved over 31,000 lost or stolen items, almost three times the number reclaimed during the previous year. In 2016, Yao Yuzhong, the person behind China’s largest grave robbery case since 1949, was sentenced to death in a court in northeast China’s Liaoning province.


Compared to the West, it appears that robbing graves is more common in China these days. An important reason is that there are no tombs like this in the West that can be robbed. Tomb robbing is also rampant in Egypt. Do you know why
Chinese grave robbers didn't fake artifact, They are also not involved in academic
A 1600-year-old British "artifact" is surprisingly inscribed with Simplified Chinese characters: Jim was in here.
(Simplified Chinese characters only began to be used in mainland China in the 1960s)
You know what? It's counterfeiting, and the purpose of counterfeiting is to get a good price at auction.


@Huang Kun
So, the counterfeiting was done by a Chinese?


What Chinese person do you see writing Chinese characters that are so crooked?
Of course you can't write Chinese characters well, because you're not Chinese.

吉姆在这里 British "artifacts" from 1600 years ago — botched forgery.

@Huang Kun
Few years ago, a Chinese boy was caught vandalizing an engraving inside the Luxor Temple in Egypt. It read: "Ding Jinhao was here.”
The written Chinese characters were also pretty crooked.


@Peter Chan
You do realize bad people are everywhere right? Not exclusive to China.


@Huang Kun
But robbing tombs seem to be more prent in China than the West.


@Peter Chan
Maybe because there aren’t any tomb in the US?


You are working from a fallacious premise: the official historical records, especially before the Tang, were not that easily changed at will.
I don’t lie much, because telling the truth is simpler. You don’t have to keep all your stories straight. It’s the same with history.
Careful examination of sources shows that some information is wrong. Within the same book, say one of the 24 official histories, you can find contradictions, apply logic, and figure out the most likely event.


An example is the story that Lü Buwei was Qin Shi Huang’s father. First, that didn’t appear until the Han dynasty, so it rang alarm bells centuries ago. Things just don’t match up. Could Lü really have been that stupid? In recent decades, archeologists have found voluminous records of Qin laws, so we know that ladies were meticulously inspected when they entered the palace, so there is no way a pregnant woman could have slipped in.

Also, for example, the misunderstanding about 趙高 Chao Kao/Zhao Gao, the Emperor’s chariot driver and a huan: in later dynasties, the term referred to a eunuch, so people thought Zhao must have been a eunuch, a slithery, sneaky man. But when the terracotta army was unearthed, something was out of place: chariot drivers were all tall, viral men, at least 190cm, and had to be strong enough to control six horses! Then the records of Qin laws showed that 宦 meant something else to the Qin: it referred to an official who had a relative who had committed a serious crime.

Qin Shi Huang did bury people, but Li Kaiyuan has pretty well demolished the story that he buried scholars. When you examine these things carefully, they don’t hold water.
The examples I just mentioned are from earlier times. In later times, there are also a bunch of secondary sources, notes, memoirs, and so forth.
Of course this requires careful work, and there is still a lot left to keep scholars busy for generations, but overall, as they say, the truth will out.


@Robert Matthews
Much food for thought. Yes, words and customs change over time. Historians and readers of history books must be on guard against anachronistic interpretations.

An amusing example of an anachronism was a palace drama I saw decades ago that showed 秦始皇 Chyn Shyyhwang, the first emperor, sitting on a chair hundreds of years before they appeared in China. Linguistic anachronism can be even more difficult to spot.

@Jason Le
What an interesting point! It never dawned upon me that the throne may not actually be accurate til after the Han dynasty!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@@Robert Matthews
Chairs became widespread in the Song Dynasty (1000+ years after the first emperor took power), but they do appear sporadically in Tang paintings. Earlier emperors apparently sat on an elevated platform, a dais.


@Noel Leong
“Ancient Chinese historical documents were easily changed at the will of the rulers”
The above statement is easier said than done. Firstly, the history of an emperor was written by court officers after his death and not before. So, it’s quite impossible for the emperor to change anything when he was no longer around. Secondly, there’s not only one historical record and history was written not by a single court officer, but by court historian as well as scholars who did not take order from the emperor. Thirdly, even if a subsequent emperor wanted to change what history recorded about his father (the previous emperor), he wouldn’t have the time to go through every records as he would be busy with his work and the women in the imperial harem. Fourthly, after the Qin/Han era, there’s proper protocol and system to follow for official recording of history which the emperor has no right to interfere.


@Ed Wong
Historians do not rely on a single source. Things have to add up. As crime drama tells you, there is no perfect crime.


@George Hu
I can answer this with a single idiom that is often used in historical discussions.
A single source is not valid evidence.
It is possible that a historical source had been tampered with. However, more often it could easily be written with some form of bias, called Spring and Autumn writing technique in Chinese, and it was present in all forms of history books since…the Spring and Autumn period. The author used subtle praise and criticism to reflect on his personal opinions towards certain matters.


I learned another point of view from another author aya on the Chinese topic, which I think is very reasonable. "Cross-reference" Because there are so many ancient Chinese documents, those ancient scholars often refer to other documents they saw at the time when compiling their own documents. So they will quote the contents of other documents in their own books. This kind of reference forms a complex cross-relationship. If you modify the content of a book, you must modify dozens of books related to it. This was basically impossible to do in ancient times. This has formed a blockchain effect in Chinese historical documents, which is difficult to tamper with.

这种引用形成了复杂的交叉关系。 如果你修改一本书的内容,你必须修改与之关联的数十种书。这在古代基本是不可能做到的。

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