2024-06-27 ◣靜♂候輪回 5274
They don’t.
The more accurate statement is that Japanese spend many hours in the office. Whether they are actually being productive in those hours is another matter entirely.
The reality is that Japanese office workers spend a good amount of their office hours either pretending to be busy or literally sleeping on the job.
Japanese society is 99% image and 1% substance. Looking like you’re working is far more important than actually working.
For most jobs in Japan, actual KPI performance is rarely a factor. Only the most cut-throat sales positions really look hard at KPI. If you’re working some middle office position, there’s no need to worry about job performance so long as you show up on time and leave after your boss.
Now, to be fair, this culture is changing. More Japanese firms are making it clear to their employees that they need to actually get work done even if it means that they can leave before their boss does.
Progress is slow as evidenced by failed national initiatives like “Premium Fridays” which allowed employees to go home at 15:00 on Fridays. Basically, no one participated in the initiative, and the few companies that said they would, didn’t actually carry it out. They would much rather have their staff sit in the office doing nothing than actually going home and boosting the economy by shopping or making babies.whatever-happened-to-premium-friday-japanese-government-looks-set-to-pull-the-plug
The bottom line is that Japan is a victim of its own inefficient and inflexible culture. Everyone in Japan opening acknowledges that their work culture is toxic and inefficient, but no one is willing to actually affect change because no one is willing to be the first to do anything.


@Gama Windasta Sutapa
Yeah, you hit it right! I work in Japan, on Japanese company. I see it myself, while some may really have many work to do, some other just killing time by opening-closing browser tab, looking on Yahoo! News, flip and flip some papers, watching YT (exclusive for manager above), etc. But again, why we have to work so many hour even we actually don’t have many work to do? The reason is to get more income from over work time. I remember 1 of my senpai said before he was transfered to USA: “We are honorable company warrior who valiantly work a long hour of over work to maintain and keep our living!”


@Alek Trajkov
In Japan they read Yahoo! News!!! I guess it is just another peculiarity of the Japanese culture. I thought no one was reading it.


@Gama Windasta Sutapa
Yeah, at first I was amazed too. Yahoo Japan still live quite soundly here. Even I used many Yahoo service like: Yahoo News, Yahoo Weather, Yahoo Shop, Yahoo Auction, Yahoo Flea Market, etc. In my home country, Yahoo was already at terminal ill state when I leaved Indonesia about 12 years ago. I don't know now....


@Kur Darwin
It's deader now in Indonesia


There are black companies, which work people to the bone, but most of them are just slacker companies where you show up and “work” for show and do about 1 hour of work maybe for 10 hours.


@Jacob Baumgardner
“Fuck like rabbits” should definitely be a national priority in a lot of nations.


@Shun Bot
More specifically “rawdog like rabbits”. Condoms would make the whole exercise pointless.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Kevin Vardanian
Would increase morale either way.


@Arthur Willoughby-Maxwell
Oh dear! The world is already overpopulated with humans by about a factor of about 15. Imagine how lovely the planet would’ve been with a human population of 350-400k.


@Quan Nguyen
Overpopulation is largely a nothingburger term used by eugenicists. The actual issue is the inefficient distribution and usage of resources, as well as the wasteful lifestyles of most in the West.


@Jacob Baumgardner
Our lifestyles, even with technology, would plummet. We can live as we do today because there’s delegation of tasks. Now maybe a few billion less wouldn’t hurt, but a few hundred thousand would send us back to the dark ages.


@Philip L
I suspect it was American propaganda, so that American workers (especially unx of auto workers) felt the pressure (and yes they were far lazier than the Japanese).


@Karen Fowler
I recall an article in the NY Times, perhaps twenty years ago, maybe a bit more, that described the typical Japanese office as one where no one leaves until those in rank above them have left. So, the entire office stayed at their desks until the big boss left, (at some time well past the regular work day), then the level below him, then the next level down, and so on until everyone had left. This resulted in Japanese office workers putting a ton of what we used to call “face time,” i. e., time spent physically at the desk to make it look like one was toiling away, while accomplishing nothing. Is this still the norm there?


@Tom Ryugo
Around the same time, ABC 20/20 did a comparison of the lives of the average Japanese company worker vs the average American company worker. The American gets up, has breakfast with the family, and drives his/her own car to the office. He gets to work right away in the office. The Japanese wakes up very early and takes public transit to the office. He spends a lot of time drinking tea and gossiping with fellow office mates. The American leaves the office around 5 and drives home to his single family 1,300 square foot home and has a family dinner. The Japanese often has to leave with the boss and hang out in a bar for a while and might get home at 7–8. His home is (usually) a cramped apartment with maybe 800 square feet.


Experienced it first hand when I lived there in 2016, my professor even asked me once, Arya san do you go back home at 6pm in Germany? I told him, I actually go home at 4 in Germany. He wasnt happy.


@Zachary Reid
I’ve often read that honour is extremely important to Japanese people. I’ll believe it when I read about Japanese bosses killing themselves for making Japanese family life impossible.


@Luke Wang
They will just do a deep bow as part of the public apology and their sense of honour and dignity and integrity is fulfilled! After all, what more do you want after I already have a public apology with a deep bow to boot!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@C C
It's not honor. It's ego.


how many hours do you work for in China though?? I have seen the sleeping thing in China too. Infact, Chinese companies like xiaomi, vivo factories have implemented this in india too. staff compulsorily takes an afternoon nap. they say it boosts productivity.


@Willow Tree
staff compulsorily takes an afternoon nap forced naps remind me of kindergarten. dont get me wrong, I want a nap too, but it gives off kindergarten vibes.

员工必须午睡 这种强迫午睡让我想起了幼儿园。别误会,我也想小睡一下,但这种感觉就像幼儿园。

@Luke Wang
It does because people naturally tend to get tired around 2 to 3pm so a nap before boost work productivity in the afternoon, without the need for coffee and being more tired after work. there are also some other benefits like letting people run errands, go home for lunch with kids, etc


@Carlos Botero
If a person started to work hard early (from 7 to 8 a.m.), vitality tends to crash between 2 to 3 p.m. Maybe it’s related to lunch digestion hogging too much oxygen and leaving the brain with a deficit. And people with a sedentary job are hit the hardest.


@Carlos Botero
If a person started to work hard early (from 7 to 8 a.m.), vitality tends to crash between 2 to 3 p.m. Maybe it’s related to lunch digestion hogging too much oxygen and leaving the brain with a deficit. And people with a sedentary job are hit the hardest.
An obvious solution is to just do physical tasks that do not require a high level of concentration. But in many jobs the employee cannot leave the office or the workstation to do a physical activity. So the solution is a nap for 45 minutes, preferably taking a strong coffee before sleeping. That will give one 3 or 3 and a half hours of energy with a good performance.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I also heard that carbo like rice will particularly make people sleepy as well.
Also, the noon nap thing isn’t a new thing in China either, it practice goes back a long time, way before modern office work. Remember that when there is no AC and temperatures hits like 30C to 40C with high humidity, especially in the south, people will naturally get more tired, and working physically outside is a bad idea to even dangerous. So taking a rest is a normal thing to do as well.


@Michal Soukup
It is not in the worker’s interest to be any more efficient than the absolute minimum necessary to keep the job, unless they are paid extra for the efficiency.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Natalja Shuvalova
This is very true. My husband was a real maverick in his youth - after being hired by Marubeni right out of university he proceeded to not only go home at six but also to take a whole hour to eat lunch on the park bench outside, every single day. They still had to send him to the UK to study English as it was a part of his contract. He never came back and did a Masters in Oxford instead, and then a PhD. He didn't belong in Japan and he knew it.


@Keith McLennan
I once toured China Central Television in Beijing. I saw people sleeping at desks there, too. I presumed it was because they had worn themselves out working.


No, Chinese people like to take noon naps and the practice is still ongoing at most government agencies, state enterprises and schools. Lunch hours of 2 hours is pretty normal as well. In many cities, there are mandatory noon nap breaks of 1 to 2 hours during summer months as well for people to cope with heat.
private enterprises might be another matter especially high tech ones like Alibaba that likes 996 culture learned from Silicon Valley


This “actually going home and boosting the economy by shopping or making babies.”
Funny, but with a kernel of truth.


@Donald Seekins
I imagine that during the 1960s and 1970s Japanese employees worked really hard - which was why their economy grew so quickly. But since then, efficiency and productivity have taken a dive. I taught at a university, and hours that could have been used productively to improve teaching or do research were devoted to meaningless meetings. The time wasted on meetings and other trivia came close to driving me nuts.
Yes, some teachers slept during the meetings. But most chattered aimlessly and a few of us stuck our noses in books, trying to wring something meaningful out of the wasted time.


@Peter Peters
Look at the amount of paper in that Japanese office.


@Shun Bot
Yeah, this is why I can’t help but laugh when people make videos about “Japan is living in the future”. Yeah maybe if that future is the year 2000.


EXACTLY Japan is living in future, where you have to you fuckin COINS in a vending machine to get something. Even india has QR code payments with street vendors.


@Tom Ryugo
Japan is not a society for people to rock the boat.
The 1956 movie “Ikiru” explored that - the protagonist worked as a city bureaucrat - never really getting anything done - and learns he has terminal cancer. He made it his mission to have a playground built on a vacant lot when nobody else would do anything about the lot flooding every time it rained.


@Tom Chadaravicius
I have worked in Japan. My Japanese colleagues (software developers) worked long hours: as many as needed.


@Peter Hodaki
They work long hours. Even if some people idle at work, they’re still at work instead of being at home, with their families or friends or relaxing or shopping or whatever.
Working means you are devoting your time to your employer. It doesn’t matter if maybe there are no activities for you for 100% of that time.


@Winson IP
In Japanese companies, employees often feel compelled to stay late at the office, even after regular work hours, to demonstrate their diligence to superiors. This culture of 'face time' is prent across all levels, as workers race to avoid being the first to leave for the day, even if they are merely killing time rather than being productive.


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