2024-06-28 ◣靜♂候輪回 10700
@Alistair Zhao
I worked at an international bank in London ten years ago, with my team spread across the globe, notably in China, Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Despite being an international team with similar tasks, our work ethics and approaches varied widely, often fitting comical stereotypes.
In London, we were somewhat privileged, typically finishing work by 7 PM and rarely staying until 9 PM. However, we could almost always count on receiving a reply from our East Asian colleagues the same day if we sent an email before 5 PM London time, which was midnight in East Asia.
One time, I was emailing different teams around midday to gather information. The Singaporeans responded immediately, and the Chinese and Japanese replied promptly as well. However, the Koreans did not respond.
The next day, I ed up with the Korean team. Seconds after sending the email, my phone rang. It was a private number, not from within the organization. A murmuring voice on the other end said, "Alistair, I am your colleague from Korea. I forgot to send you the information yesterday. Could you please resend the email without the chain?"
Without much thought, I agreed and forwarded the email. While doing so, I recounted the strange call to a colleague sitting next to me. He gave me a serious look and explained that the head of the Korea team required all emails to be replied to the same day and would scream at anyone who failed to do so. He suspected the poor guy was calling me from the toilet using his personal phone. My colleague ended by saying, "I hope you agreed to help him."
At that moment, I realized something important: I did not want to go back to East Asia to work.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Very good answer. Working in East Asia is not easy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Im Yang Gyoon
In Korea, your boss is not allowed to call you after work hours to talk about work
You say you worked in London, so your Korean workplace and London would be the same.
In developed countries, asking people to do work after work hours are over takes up personal time and is a violation of human rights.
I understand that other developed countries, such as the US and UK, also do not contact or send emails after work.
Korea's labor law does not allow people to work after work.
Even if an individual tries to work for the company without receiving additional overtime pay, they are prohibited from doing so.
Companies in Korea announce that they will turn off the power and internet lines to all work PCs before leaving work.
Workers must quickly finish their work when this broadcast appears.
And, at exactly the right time to leave work, the PC is turned off and the Internet is blocked.
If an employee has extra work to do, they must obtain approval from their superiors and work overtime.
Even if it's working hours in London, it's an hour after work in Korea...
Anyone sending mail from London should take this into consideration
Should people in London have free time after work, and should office workers in Korea receive and reply to emails even at midnight?
You can use the automatic email sending function to have emails arrive during working hours when people in Korea are working.
Otherwise, for the information needed in the email, a Korean office worker must go to work and obtain the results.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Alistair Zhao
Just to clarify, I sent the chaser the next morning, so the call happened during working hours in Seoul. We certainly didn’t expect everyone to reply immediately after an email is sent, and not prioritising admin matters is not really frowned upon since everyone has ‘real’ jobs to do. It’s the toilet phone call in fear that got me!


@Im Yang Gyoon
In Korean workplaces, there is no rule requiring frequent checking of e-mail.
Therefore, if you have urgent work, you should use the phone or the chat messenger used by the company.
In Korean companies, rather than a boss directly giving work instructions verbally to a colleague...
We use the chat messenger included in the business program used by each company.
In these chat messengers, when a post such as a question is posted, it is displayed on the relevant person's PC and notified.
Then, the person involved sees the contents of this chat messenger, processes the work, and sends the results of the work process as an electronic document through a program on the work PC.
In this case, it is notified that there is a document for electronic approval on the PC of the person who becomes the merchant of the party.
You must have secured in advance this electronic document system, a messenger used at the workplace, or a messenger commonly used by individuals.
In Korea, “KakaoTalk” is widely used as a personal messenger.
Therefore, you should have installed these programs on your cell phone or PC to easily contact Korean office workers with whom you have business contact.
Additionally, you must have registered your business contacts in this program.
After these procedures...
If you request a document with a lot of content from a Korean office worker, you must first contact the person in charge of the company by phone or use a chat messenger to convey your intention.
If the company does not have a chat messenger shared with the London company, you must convey your opinion through KakaoTalk, which is widely used by the general public in Korea.
And, if you send the document by e-mail, everyone in Korea will read the e-mail and respond.
If Korea does not respond after these measures, they may have decided that the content is not important and not worth responding to.


@Alistair Zhao
Thanks for the detailed reply, learning something. I didn’t know about this law in Korea. That’s absolutely reasonable! In London, most banks will ask employees to sign waiver to the 40 hour working hour right…
What happened to the guy inKoreaa could certainly be an isolated incident. Butthee whispering phone call was an eye opening experience to me. and the colleague telling me the boss over their screaming sound genuine enough.


@Im Yang Gyoon
Korean labor law requires workers to work 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday only.
If overtime is required, the work must be paid at least 1.5 times more per hour.
Additionally, this overtime must never exceed 16 hours per week.
If these laws are violated, the boss or company representative who committed the illegal act must be brought to the labor inspector for investigation.
And, after this investigation, you will be prosecuted and face criminal charges.


@Margareta Krzyszton
Well done Korea!


@Emily Kim
Forget it
Korea does have such laws and regulations
But they are all fake
Few companies will actually enforce them, they are all scammers
Korea is the country with the highest work pressure in East Asia


@Lily Hilton
The Singaporean aspect is true. In Singapore, many companies require overtime aside from the 8 hours a day work. For many case, they have to bring their work home. They are not paid for their overtime. This is why many Singaporeans complain about working in Singapore.


@Kokswee Goh
I'm a Singaporean working
in China, and I'd say that it's not that bad in Singapore, at least when I compare it to what I see here in China…


@Ewe Yu Yie
Banks are like that. In my country too bank staffs are required to complete all their tasks for the day including replying emails before they can go home. Failure to do so may end up getting reprimanded or screamed at.


@Margareta Krzyszton
Privileged to finish work by 7pm or 9pm? I sincerely hope your pay reflects this slavery.


South Korea is controlled by the chaebol, the whole country is for the chaebol, the life of ordinary people is very difficult.
Massive sexual assault, abuse of women.
Compared with Japan, in fact, the pressure of Japanese life is also great, and the word social animal is spread from Japan to China. But Japan's laws regulate so many things that the Japanese slowly accept such helplessness.
China is also under a lot of pressure, many people are constantly internal consumption, there are too many excellent students, so they can not accept the salary of ordinary people. Do not want to go to the second and third tier cities to develop, are stacked in the first tier cities, would rather go to work freelance rather than go to the second and third tier cities.
Because China's AI is developing rapidly, it will replace many manual labor in the future, and China will transform its saturated talent market. More training technician and other professions.
But at least the Chinese people are relatively happy, the motherland is strong, the Chinese government is the people's government, and the Chinese soldiers are the soldiers to protect the country and protect the people. In China, at least, it all seems harmonious.


@Jeanpeterson Pierce
Most astoundingly, the highest rate of home ownership in the Whole World is in CN - when your home is haven, your life is heaven.

最令人惊讶的是,全世界最高的住房拥有率在中国 - 当你的家是避风港时,你的生活就是天堂。

@Oh Hyok Kwon
In the 1990s, the PRC basically studied and copied the South Korean economic development model with large government backed companies, focus on key industries and exports. That is why China’s main industries mirror or are the same as South Korea’s key industries, like shipbuilding, electronics and semiconductors.
The 1 difference is that the PRC does not allow worker unxs; whereas almost all large companies in Korea have worker unxs. Ironic since the PRC claims to be communist.


You laugh me to death, we are a big agricultural country, later developed industrial, copy the Korean economic model? Your whole Korea is smaller than one of our provinces.
Have you grown enough vegetables? Do Koreans want to compete with China in farming? South Korea's watermelon is expensive, corn is expensive, kimchi dishes are imported from China.
I'm not mocking South Korea, I'm just saying this with certainty, because occasionally you see many of your stars are forced to death, athletes who have won glory for the country to commit suicide, almost always because of oppression, sexual assault.
We are a socialist country. We learn from the Soviet unx's industrial development and Communism, but based on national conditions, so it is customized according to the national conditions of the characteristics of the socialist road, and the development of Communism.


@Fred Chuatiuco
Not really. The Japanese workers are much worse off.
To set the tone, a global survey found ranked Japan dead last for workplace well-being. . . with South Korea, second to last. Japanese (49%) and Koreans (53%) are not “happy” at work. Both are ranking neck-to-neck to be not the happiest people on earth.
In Japan, around 12% of workers are at risk of "karoshi," or death from overwork, as they clock in more than 100 hours of overtime each month." While again, South Korea is not far behind - with the world’s highest rate of suicide.
South Korea's suicide rate is the highest among the major advanced countries as nearly 13,000 people committed suicide in 2022, the latest data showed. The suicide rate slightly fell in 2022, however, it is still high among the major advanced countries, Seoul-based Yonhap News reported citing Statistics Korea.
A 2023 Cabinet Office survey estimated 1.46 million working-age Japanese or about 2% of people between the ages of 15 and 64, live as hikikomori. Hikikomori is a Japanese term that refers to people who live in isolation within their homes for at least six months. Some hikikomori only leave their homes to buy groceries or for occasional activities, while others don't even leave their bedrooms. Women make up almost half of hikikomori. South Korea is not far behind - with estimates varying from around 350 thousand to over half a million.
Japan and Korea have also the world’s fertility rate. This time, its the reversed. South Korea has the lowest. South Koreans and the Japanese are not having babies because of work stress and the cost of having children.


@Wow Wang
China and Japan have gradually found a balance in life in the process of social, cultural and economic development, while South Korea has been under heavy pressure due to the combination of multiple factors. Understanding these differences may provide us with reference for thinking about how to balance development and happiness in the process of modernization.
Icon for All about Korea
As a Korean I feel like the country as a whole is focused on results rather than process. This means that no matter how hard you try and what situation you’re in it’s kind of the social norm to only judge by one’s grade, salary, social status etc. Don’t get me wrong, I love my country and if you’re willing to put in the hard work I feel like it’s one of few countries left in the world where you still have a chance to escape poverty or become successful regardless of your parent’s wealth


@Patti Rogers
I’ve lived here 5 years and it indeed is all about accomplishments. Visuals are everything as well. I love it here however I would succumb to the pressure. Parents want to brag about their children. If you doubt me, you only have to read up on Jin from BTS. High suicide rate as well in young people.


@Jia xing Chen
I think its the same among Chinese.
It's always about competing and showing that you have more than others at an easy to measure task (grade, money) where non measurable things become “valueless"
Although South Korea is a developed country in terms of economy power, the country was never a level of a developed country in many aspects.
Living in South Korea is so stressful compared to other developed countries because there are something never changes no matter how long it takes. Shit in the 90s is still a shit in 2022 in South Korea.


When thinking about stress in relations to development, I see most people not stressed. Of course I’ve seen many stressed out as well.
Long working hours, rude people, and low pay is a big category of stressed out Koreans and development doesn’t help with that. Many people who work in the “services industry” are in this predicament and have daily stress.
In general, S Korea’s development has taken out a lot of stress. Everything working, fast wifi, automation, quick deliveries, and the ease of taking care of official business over the phone adds to a “stress free” life. Personally, a Bachus D and a few hours at my local bathhouse keep stress at bay.

总的来说,韩国的发展已经减轻了很多压力。一切正常,快速的wifi,自动化,快速交付,以及通过电话处理公务的便利性,增加了“无压力”的生活。就个人而言,喝一瓶achus D和在我当地的澡堂呆几个小时可以缓解压力。

@Karen Park Lee
First of all, it is a small country with about 52 million people, and its capital Seoul is densely populated. Most South Koreans aspire to live in Seoul because they have not developed rural areas enough for people to want to live there. All these people are competing for limited jobs and universities with a high cost of living and housing.
South Korea is a developed country mostly economically. They have a way to go politically and socially for young people to want to get married and have babies. S.Korea has the lowest birth rate amongst OECD countries. Very sad…


@Pencast Kim
It has only been a decade or so since South Korea turned into a developed country. The GDP per capita of the country is $34,994 in 2022. Compared to Japan, whose GDP per capita is around $40,000, and other “developed” countries around the world, with mostly over $40,000, the figure of South Korea is far behind those of the established countries. It has nothing to do with the level of stress, though.

韩国成为发达国家才十几年。2022年该国的人均 GDP为34,994美元。与人均GDP在4万美元左右的日本和世界上其他“发达国家”相比,韩国的数字远远落后于老牌国家。不过,这与压力水平无关。

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