2024-06-28 大号儿童 13202

Residents in all 27 countries of the European unx went to the polls this weekend to vote for the European Parliament, which resulted in a surge of support for far-right parties across much of the continent while many liberal and Green parties stumbled. Far-right parties did especially well in Italy, Germany and France, prompting French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call snap elections. Lawmakers in the European Parliament can veto and shape laws, though they cannot introduce them. They also set the EU's budget and approve the sextion of the European Commission president — a powerful role currently held by Ursula von der Leyen of the center-right European People's Party, which remains the strongest bloc. For more on European politics, we speak with Mehreen Khan, the economics editor at The Times of London and a former Brussels and EU correspondent for the Financial Times. Khan says that while some observers celebrated the relative strength of mainstream conservative parties, that is more a reflection of how successful racist, nationalist parties have been in reshaping the continent's politics, particularly on immigration. "These formerly center-right parties are now definitely occupying territory that we used to call that of the far right," she says.

本周末,欧盟的27个成员国居民前往投票站选举欧洲议会,结果显示在大部分欧洲大陆上,极右翼党派获得了强劲的支持,而许多自由派和绿党则表现不佳。意大利、德国和法国的极右翼党派尤其取得了良好的成绩,引发法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙解散国民议会并宣布临时选举。欧洲议会议员可以否决和制定法律,但不能提出法案。他们还审批欧盟的预算并批准欧盟委员会主席的任命 —— 目前这一重要职位由中右翼的欧洲人民党主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(担任,该党仍然是最强大的政治集团。有关欧洲政治更多信息,请听伦敦时报的经济编辑、前《金融时报》布鲁塞尔和欧盟记者梅赫林·汗的讲解。汗表示,尽管一些观察者对主流保守派的相对强势感到欣喜,但这更多反映了种族主义、民族主义党派在移民议题上重新塑造欧洲政治的成功。“这些曾经的中右翼政党现在明显地占据了我们过去称之为极右翼的领域,”她说道。

This generation of Elites and Oligarchs need a life lesson about human nature.
History has taught us that it doesn't end well for them.


Who voted for Ursula????


This woman knows NOTHING about Europe and Europeans


Imagine thinking a people should care more about immigrants than themselves.


Look very closely, 9 out of 10 media outlets can't tell the difference between these terms: "Immigrant" and "Illegal Immigrant"

仔细看,10 家媒体中有 9 家都分不清“移民”和“非法移民”这两个词的区别

this channel should be named "Marxism Now"


Everything's 'far right' when you're 'far left'.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its not far right , its just right. Stop lieing and fearmongering.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People waking up to keep the identity of their nation is not "far right."


So isn't this what democracy is all about? So, what's the problem?


Great news for Europe and the rest of the world! The people voted and made their choices. That's what I call Democracy Now!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you move to the far left, the center will seem like the far right to you


They’re not anti-immigrant they just want their cultures back. Scotland should belong to the Scotts, etc.


Im not a republican, or a trump supporter, but calling anyone with common sense “far right” is pretty moronic


Europe is back on track and it's about time. Europe for Europeans.


How is wanting LEGAL immigration “far right”?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And by Far Right, they mean everyone that isnt Extreme Left.


Wanting secure borders passes for far right

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being anti-war and a focus on self development has now become 'far-right'!


The 'natives', ie Europeans have a right to decide who and how many enter their countries.


It not far right. Just leans right.
You are so far left you dont recognize leaning right.

这不是极右。只是倾向右派。 你们左得太远了,看不出右倾。

FFS. We're not "far right". We're just right.


Anti illegal immigration get it right


It's quite telling how a channel called Democracy Now normally blocks comments.


How can it be "far right" if 20-40% of people are voting for it? Wouldn't that make it definitionally center right?


So they are against fascist Islam and that makes you far right?


Portraying them as anti immigration and not as people who don’t want to lose their national identity is sinister


When Europeans vote for their own interests, it's called "far-right". When Europeans love their own people, that's xenophobia. Is it wrong for Europeans to remain the majorities in their own homelands? Would you say the same thing for other nations, in Africa or Asia? Of course you wouldn't, because that would be rightfully seen as you hating them, but when you do it to Europe, you believe it is completely fine. Keep telling Europeans how horrible they are for having self-determination, see how it ends if you think this is now horrible.


These countries have drifted so far to the Left that a move to the Center can be quite liberally considered a move to the Far Right.


Its funny its always the far Right but never the far left.


It's insane that any movement away from the far left is automatically called "far right" the media is so out of touch with reality.


Everyone that doesn't agree with the EU narrative is braided far right, the people are fed up with present parliament.


Not a shift to the mythical far right. It's a shift to common sense.


WRONG. It’s anti illegal not anti immigrant. Stop the LIES!!


Is any sort of Immigration restriction just smeared as “Far Right” at this point?


"Far right"? Oh, you mean "normal sane people".


Politicians should protect western culture without being branded far right.


Absurd. There is no shift to the "far right" (whatever that even is, I don't know a single person who identifies as this). There's a shift toward moderately conservative values, which now LOOK like the far right compared to the progressives.


Everyone who smears centrist as "far right" is not your friend.


Is it just a coincidence that the propagandists owned by the overlords are using the exact same terminology?


Wonder what Goodman would call Islam & Sharia. Would the brilliant reporter from London care to elaborate?


Good for Europeans!! Walking up and taking their countries back! The US needs to do the same, we’re tired of the elites starting wars and starving their people.


"Far right" implies fringe. Considering their massive electoral success, they're not really fringe, are they?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When this woman speaks you can actually hear the bias oozing out, just the inflection of her voice and the overusage of negative or derogatory adjectives when speaking of different sides shows her dislike of the right. What happened to just stating the facts. Less descxtive words and more of just what happened.


Don't fly your national flag in your own country because you might be a nationalist who would have ever thought the people flying their country flags in their own country would be considered the bad guys


Note that the only person interviewed about the shift in European politics by Democracy Now is named Mehreen Khan

请注意,“民主现在”关于欧洲政治转变唯一采访的人名叫Mehreen Khan。

Far right? Only because you on the Progressive Left have gone so far towards socialism that from your point of view we are far. In reality, we on the Right haven't changed or moved at all. You might want to look up the word Progressive as it's a verb defining motion. It is the Left that is moving not the Right.


The fact that some people here thought that the current France situation was "unexpected" shows how out of touch people have become


Nice to the some EU counties moving in the RIGHT direction. That's right, its Trump's fault!


This comment section turned out to be a pleasant surprise! Glad to see people have stopped guzzling the kool-aid.


I've lived in Europe 3 times. Few if any Europeans hate legal assimilating immigrants but they do have a problem with Sharia Islam and its attempting demographic change of Europe. It's part of The Hijrah. I have also been to an Islamic country. I've seen how they live, tread minorities who aren't Muslim and their "wonderful' treatment of women. People on the left cry havoc on the right yet Islam is literally the most illiberal institution on the planet. If they took the time to study Islam & the obxtives of the Muslim brotherhood maybe, just maybe they would change their mind, but I doubt it. The modern left's entire value system is empty empathy over logic and tolerance and consent over well researched reason and logic. But don't worry everyone they are on the 'right side' of history & science?! Let's just hope for Europe's sake the right side wins enough control over the future of Logic that it prevails.


I live in Europe where the Green New Deal and other green policies have been implemented rapidly, leading to a shift towards the right and increasing opposition to these initiatives, Most people are in the centre, a hard left or hard right within any parliament isn't good for any democracy , this balance was badly needed .


Why do they call it,the far right. Its normal people standing up for themselves and are sick of all the liberal idea's


No wonder the media gets hammered;; so sick of hearing THE FAR RIGHT what we have now is far left.


Why should I accept mass immigration, especially illegal? I'm American but our elections are coming up and turns out, letting millions of unknown people into the country is not something we like either.


Democracy Now! You should change your name to Everything Commie Now! that's more your speed.


the world has doubled its population in 40 years, its going to be so interesting watching humans , when we get to 20 billion. i dought that we will ever have personal responsible reproduction,


is this the network supported by the SOROS family, ooh i made a mistake, I need to switch to another network, i dont watch liberal network


Praise God for common sense coming back to Europe
I am delighted with a turn to conservative God-fearing values

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After reading many responses I'm so glad people are not falling for this BS

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You seem to dislike the right, these are people just like you, with a slightly different view.
Some left voters in 2019 have voted centre, some centre voters in 2019 have voted right.
The sooner the centre parties fix immigration the sooner thus trend will end.


It's not a threat to democracy. This IS democracy!


Immigrants should be encourage to live in their own native countries. NATO nations bombed Lybia, Syria, Iraq, etc to oblivion and complain about immigrants.
Journalists were supposed to tell the whole story


You keep proposing horrible policies and then act surprised when you get rejected?


mass immigration without assimilation is destructive. Glad someone is finally waking up to this.


This is democracy working as intended.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The whole point of these segments is to jam in the phrase "far right" in as much as possible. If they repeat the phrase enough, it will make it so!


Funny how they are being called far right. Common sense is now far right. This channel reminds me of home country.


The more time passes, the more when I hear "far right" and "populist", the more i understand "normal average people"...




The shift to the far right worldwide isn't weird if you understand how we got here - lol. Illegal immigration, documented asylum seekers, and the economy are the issues of the day. The first two are a direct result of the collective West's greedy and underhanded foreign policy towards developing nations (forever keeping them in perpetual developing nation mode) over the course of the last 60-70 years. The failing economy is partially due to the COVID-19 pandemic (which set the United States especially back 10-15 years) and partially due to the West allowing a plutocracy and corporatocracy to take hold. We are reaping what we've sown, and people are reacting to it without thinking it through and coming up with ethical, manageable solutions.

如果你理解我们是如何走到这一步的,全球极右派的转变并不奇怪 - 哈哈。非法移民、被记录的寻求庇护者和经济问题是当今的议题。前两者直接源于过去60-70年来西方集体的贪婪和阴险的对发展中国家的外交政策(永远使它们处于永无止境的发展中状态)。经济衰退部分原因是由于COVID-19大流行(特别是让美国倒退了10-15年),部分原因是由于西方允许寡头政治和企业统治获得控制。我们正在收割我们所播下的种子,人们在没有深思熟虑并提出道德、可管理的解决方案的情况下做出反应。

And I love to see that most of the comments even under Democracy Now's own video are in support of sanity now and not giving on to these sycophants anymore

我很高兴看到,即使是在Democracy Now's 频道自己的视频下,大多数评论现在都支持理智,不再向这些阿谀奉承者屈服。

很赞 7