2024-06-28 种花家一只兔 9709

Subramaniam Duraisamy Follow
I have realised one thing after all this time.
As long as the politician whom I hate remains as the PM , India will be a paper even if it attains $100 trillion GDP and delivers 10% growth rate for 30 years
Note the smiley
Here is the step by step process for India to be considered a developed economy designed by my own standards and alignment with my own ideology
1.The politician whom I hate should not remain the PM.
2.The political party whom I hate should be kicked out of power in all the states and unx Territories of India.
3.India should sign trade treaties with only those foreign nations whom I love.
4.All the legislations and policies which has come up in the past 10 years should be reversed.
5.I will consider India to be a developed economy only by my own yardstick. All the other yardsticks and data used by reputed global organizations are western propaganda
6.All Indians on social media should agree with only my political views.
Once all of these happens, India will be a developed country even if our GDP is $4.99 trillion and our growth rate is only 6%. Because I have achieved what I wanted and am happy

只要我讨厌的政客继续担任总理,印度就算GDP达到100万亿美元,能在30年里保持每年10% 的增长率,这也只是纸上谈兵。
4.过去 10 年出台的所有立法和政策都应该被推翻。
一旦这些都实现,即使我们的GDP为 4.99 万亿美元,增长率只有 6%,印度也会成为发达国家。因为我已经实现了我的愿望,我为此感到高兴。

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Follow
What percentage of the Critical Exports in the Global Trade Market comes from India?
What percentage of Key Exports in the Global Trade Market comes from India?
3.2% (Refined Petroleum Products)
What is Indias share among the Global Capital Markets for raising Capital?
Less than 1% (0.78%)
You can't become one of the biggest economies in the world without significantly improving the above three parameters
Sure you can show paper of $ 30 Trillion or even $ 40 Trillion - but it would all be just a Giant Ponzi Scheme

不到 1%(0.78%)。
当然,你可以出示30万亿美元甚至40万亿美元的票据 - 但这一切都只是一个巨大的庞氏骗局。

Today India has an importance in the Global Markets solely because of the 110 Million middle class consumers who together spend $ 1.71 Trillion every year (2023) of which 26% of what they spend is on Foreign Brands and Foreign Products and Services (Around $ 480 Billion a year)
Today India is deemed important solely because Indian Consumers have the potential to spend $ 5 Trillion a year by 2035 of which maybe $ 1 Trillion is spent on foreign products and services
Otherwise India has no core importance to the Global Economy
Of its Top Five Exports - Machines, Gems, Services, Electronic Items & RPP (Refined Petroleum Products) - Four can be dispensed with even for 10 years
Of it's Top Five Imports - Oil, Gas, Gold, Base Materials (Carbon Fiber), Mother Machines - The Deficit in any of these could derail the Indian Economy

如今,印度在全球市场中的重要性完全在于其拥有1.1亿中产阶级消费者,他们每年 (2023 年) 的支出总额为 1.71 万亿美元,其中26%用于购买外国品牌和外国产品及服务 (每年约 4800亿美元)。
如今,印度之所以被认为重要,完全在于印度消费者到2035年每年的支出潜力为5万亿美元,其中 1万亿美元可能用于购买外国产品和服务。
印度五大出口产品 - 机械、宝石、服务、电子产品和 RPP (精炼石油产品) - 其中4个即使 10 年不出口,对世界也没什么影响。
印度五大进口产品 - 石油、天然气、黄金、基础材料 (碳纤维)、母机 - 任何一项的赤字都可能使印度经济脱轨。

For India to be be the biggest economy in the world or even among the biggest - India must have :-
At least 10% Critical Exports (0% Today)
At least 10% Key Exports (3.2% Today)
At least 10% Strategic Exports (2.54% Today)
Alternatively India must have
A Global Currency with minimum 15% Reserve usage (We are at 0.14% today)
Alternatively India must have
A Capital Market with a minimum 5% Share when it comes to Raising Capital (Currently 0.78%)
Alternatively India must have
A Strategic Trade route for 40% of Key Exports and Critical Exports (Presently 18%)

至少 10% 的关键出口(目前为 0%);
至少 10% 的主要出口(目前为 3.2%);
至少 10% 的战略出口(目前为 2.54%)。
或者,印度必须拥有一种储备使用率至少为 15% 的全球货币(目前为 0.14%);
或者,印度必须拥有一个在筹集资金方面至少占 5% 份额的资本市场(目前为 0.78%);
或者,印度必须拥有一条覆盖 40% 的关键出口和主要出口的战略贸易路线(目前为 18%)。

Where does India stand?
I rank India 24th in the List of Economies that have a Global Impact
#1 USA #2 China #3 Russia #4 Japan #5 Germany .........#24 India
Today the World is more worried about Kazakhstan or Turkey than India

我将印度排在具有全球影响力的经济体名单的第 24 位。
#1 美国 #2 中国 #3 俄罗斯 #4 日本 #5 德国 .........#24 印度。

How to change this?
Build a Strategic Free Warm Water Port on the Indian Ocean
Enhance partnership with China immediately and set up 100 Refining units of Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt and Manganese
Be a true and loyal member of BRICS and be part of a Global Grain Exchange instead of fence sitting all the time
Sign a Strategic Trade Partnership with China immediately (Yesterday)
Otherwise India will be a Paper Tiger even with a $ 15 Trillion Economy
That's Guaranteed

否则,即使拥有 15 万亿美元的经济体量,印度也只是一只纸老虎,这是毫无疑问的。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Peter Kaye Follow
India, is definitely one of the biggest economies in the world, India is so much better than China in every respect, just ask any Indian, pity it’s all just in their minds, nothing wrong with being proud, but arrogance is a different kettle of fish. Can be a bit on the nose.


Asim Qureshi Follow
India is already one of the biggest economies in the world.
The better question is when will it become the biggest economy in the world?
Right now China is ahead by some way. It’s the world’s factory. But it’s insular and ageing.
India is fast-becoming the world’s technology hub. And, crucially, it’s open, outward thinking, and young.
Industrial, insular, ageing vs technology, open, young?
I reckon India could be there in as little as 30 years, but more likely 40–50.

工业化、封闭、老化 vs 技术化、开放、年轻?
我认为印度可能在短短 30 年内达到这一水平,但更有可能是 40-50 年。

Dinesh Mandal Follow
Undoubtedly, India is already one of the biggest economies in the world. It's vast geographic and proportionally diverse demographic resources make India quite wealthy and prosperous. There is no other country in the world that is comparable to India in terms of national wealth and economic growth inspite of lots of internal problems like poverty, income disparities, social divides, youth unemployment, poor industrial and agricultural growth, gender inequalities, high health costs, corruption, etc. Economists and social scientists should probably research its reasons, and appreciate the successful development of India.
Comparing India with China is like comparing Mexico with America. Indians should better change such comparison mindset, and get rid of inferiority complex. Rather look around and see how Japan, Israel, Germany, Australia, etc. are successful countries of their own distinct interests, character, strengths and weaknesses.


In a complex world's geopolitics, it is difficult to forecast the future of any country. Currently India is a developing country and much behind the benchmark of a Developed Country as per the UN. Like many developing countries, India is in a catch-up mode when it comes to quality education, health, governance, industries, human capital, infrastructures, technologies, social security, diversity inclusion, etc. Situation is really grim when you look at these things at the ground! The whole economic growth and its sustainability depends on how these problems are solved in the next 10 years- no later than that. Economic growth is one story but its sustainability is altogether a different beast to handle to climb up to the league of the Developed Countries! The current economic struggle of China is in the same direction to become a Developed Country.
Forecasting India's economic growth in the next 20–30 years period is quite a hypothetical but worth anticipating idea. In a 20–30 years time, there would be a huge generational change and shift to what we are in now! Ultimately it's the new generation who will make a nation. However, the present mission and vision of the Indian Government can definitely chart a strong foundation and growth trajectory path for the next generation by then.

在复杂的世界地缘政治中,很难预测任何国家的未来。目前,印度是一个发展中国家,远远落后于联合国对发达国家的基准。与许多发展中国家一样,印度在优质教育、卫生、治理、工业、人力资本、基础设施、技术、社会保障、多样性包容等方面处于追赶模式。当你看到这些事情时,情况真的很严峻!整个经济增长及其可持续性取决于如何在未来 10 年内解决这些问题——最迟不超过这个时间。经济增长是一回事,但其可持续性则完全是另一回事,要想跻身发达国家的行列,就必须应对!中国目前的经济斗争方向与成为发达国家的方向相同。
预测印度未来 20-30 年的经济增长是一个相当假设但值得期待的想法。在 20-30 年的时间里,我们将经历巨大的代际变化和转变,与我们现在所处的状态不同!最终,新一代将成就国家。然而,印度政府目前的使命和愿景一定能为下一代奠定坚实的基础和发展轨迹。

Reflectio77· 11h
Remember india will become number 1 in the world when
1 we will sign RCEP with china
2 gadkari becomes the pm

1 我们将与中国签署 RCEP;
2 加德卡里成为总理时;

You are What you Do· 9h
When Gadkari becomes PM, they will find new reasons to hate him too. Because policy wise, I don't think Gadkari will be any different from Modi.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Tanishq Chawla· 9h
We have n number of leaders from nitin gadkari to S. Jaishankar.
But this is democracy (people's choice) and people don't love the great. Otherwise u won't find criminals in the parliament.


Raj · 11h
Librandus and Congress supporters cry as if before 2014 , India was a golden bird. Then BJP came and ruined everything.

利布兰杜斯和国大党的支持者们哭诉说,2014 年之前,印度是一只金鸟。后来,人民党的出现毁掉了一切。

Elankavi Anbazhagan · 10h
Yeah India was well-developed and safe country. But BJP ruined it.
Damn. I remember bomb blasts happening every 6 months. Trains in pathetic conditions. 4–6 hours of power cuts. All before 2014.
But nowadays safety is more or less guaranteed. Trains are shiny (though it is getting worse recently) and power cuts are a rarity in my town ! But BJP is bad :) haha.

该死,我记得每 6个月就会发生一次爆炸;火车状况很糟糕;每天停电 4-6 小时。这一切都发生在 2014 年之前。
但现在安全或多或少是有保障的。火车很闪亮(尽管最近情况越来越糟),停电在我镇上很少见!但人民党很糟糕 :) 哈哈。

Pushpendra Kumar· 10h
And Bhakts claim as if India has become better after 2014 on the Ram mandir based testosterone while remaining equally backward and poor

而印度教信徒声称,2014 年后,印度在基于罗摩神庙的睾丸激素的帮助下变得更好了,但同时印度仍然同样落后和贫穷。

You are What you Do· 9h
Yes, we have become a lot better.
India's GDP has grown with much less inflation, than in UPA era. Infrastructure has improved at far more rapid pace. UPA gave us banks crippled with NPAs. Today, banks are at their healthiest. From banks being put on PCA to stop lending due to high NPAs, we are reached a state of high credit growth.
What is stopping further growth is pending reforms, that are opposed by Congress.

与联合进步联盟时代相比,印度的 GDP 增长速度要低得多。基础设施改善的速度要快得多。联合进步联盟给我们带来了因不良资产而陷入困境的银行。如今,银行处于最健康的状态。从银行因不良资产高而受到警察投诉管理局处罚,到停止放贷,我们达到了信贷高增长的状态。

Zzzzzz· 10h
Andh namazis obviously support the corrupt congress. A decade ago people stood in queue for two hours to book railway ticket , waited at the yellow telephone booth at 10 pm to make STD call at half rates ……..and many many more. One party ruined a country's progress .

印度左翼显然支持腐败的国大党。十年前,人们排了两个小时的队才订到火车票,晚上 10 点在黄色电话亭等着以半价咨询性传播感染病.... 还有很多很多。一个政党毁了一个国家的进步。

Krishmunn· 3h
Sanghandus and BJPigs think ILLEGALLY releasing convicted rapists and worshipping them make a shiny India


Zzzzzz · 3h
One guy married a 6 years old and raped her at 9. His followers now protest .. Ironic

一名男子娶了一名 6 岁女孩,并在她 9 岁时强奸了她。他的追随者现在正在抗议......讽刺。

Aswin G· 11h
In odd days India is a thirdworld shit hole country with no achievements and nothing to be proud of.
In even days India should be indebted to congress party for making the country what it is.


Prakash Nayak · 11h
Jokes apart, I think 10 trillion dollar Economy is a sure shot way to call India an Upper Middle Economy. Regardless of per Capita GDP metric.
Cause, in PER Capita metric LIBYA is a better place than India.

玩笑归玩笑,我认为 10 万亿美元的经济规模肯定可以使得印度成为中上等经济体。无论人均 GDP 指标如何。

Aditya Krishnan · 10h
You are letting your political biases get in the way man. Earlier you used to write purely from an economic perspective. I suggest you stick with that.


Subramaniam Duraisamy · 10h
You are right. I should stick to only economic perspective. But you tell me- did it make any difference to me or my detractors?. Or to the voters?.
Nope. The janta loves masala and entertainment more than perspectives. One has to adapt to market needs


Aditya Krishnan· 8h
It's sad that masala overrules sensible discussion nowadays. I am disillusioned by the finger pointing which has become ubiquitous in Indian politics, and consequently in political discussions. The leftwing- rightwing bickering has become irrelevant. The level of anti-intellectualism in Indian political discourse baffles me.
I might be a leftist and you a right-winger, but we both have the same goals for our country i.e. a developed India where no Indian is left behind. We might not see eye-to-eye on certain issues, and that's fine given that we both are sincere and willing to learn and dissect issues with an open mind. If the politicians can't go beyond the petty finger-pointing, at least we should take it upon ourselves to elevate the political discourse and not view disagreements as belligerence. Or else, we can retreat comfortably into our respective echo chambers and regurgitate propaganda that distracts us from the real systemic and societal issues that plague our nation.
I'm saying all this because I see you as a writer who can elevate the political discourse by presenting obxtive facts. Just my two cents.


Azrael· 6h
You forgot about nuclear disarmament of India and also military being disarm- no no I mean reduced. Also, taxes shouldn't be redistributed among different states ��.
Other than these points, all the points were definitely accurate.


Pushpendra Kumar· 10h
I agree with this. Was sick of this attitude for so long. All the stick given to Congress for so long by the opposition and their supporters was following everything you just said


R.Kumar· 7h
Still, these economy metrics are completely useless. Economy is important but not as much as USSR collapse has heightened it to be.
The future of India is to send her children to die in South east asia for America against china after which there will be the fourth battle of Panipat with Muslims.
Whether we have a 10 trillion economy or 3 trillion, it’s completely inconsequential.

无论我们的经济规模是 10 万亿美元还是 3 万亿美元,这都完全无关紧要。

Jaisal Bhati· 13h
India will never be a superpower even after 1000 years


Charlie Buffett· 12h
Yes. I guess just making policies as per KBs suggestion will also not do it.
The rule is simple, if you cannot produce a single Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or Nobel Prize winner or Innovators. Then don’t reproduce. You don’t have it in you.
Till the time India pulls the plug on reproduction at all levels of society, India will keep producing sweepers, rag pickers, manual laborers, cart pushers, rickshaw/auto rickshaw pullers, sugar cane juice sellers, paan beedi shops, Tyre puncture repair, Gas/petrol fillers, beggars. All useless jobs. Absolutely worthless burden on a nation. All this manual labor could be replaced by machines.
And why so much manual labor? Greed for multiple children especially male child (superstitions and voodoo tribal thinking) and accidental births. Root cause of all evil in India.


Sathyaswamy S · 10h
Population control is a must. I'm damn sure that India will face resource shortages as the popultion expands.


Jaisal Bhati · 5h
Gas chamber nazi style

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Charlie Buffett· 1h
Absolutely now except gas chamber there is no other solution. Had they accepted the formula of Sanjay Gandhi and let the emergency run for 5 more years then there would be no need of Gas chambers. India would be competing with China instead of blowing up taxes on keeping these worthless cockroaches alive (who ultimately end up becoming lawless goons).
So alas now it’s time for gas chambers

现在除了毒气室之外,绝对没有其他解决方案。如果他们接受了桑贾伊·甘地的方案,让紧急状态再持续 5 年,那么就不需要毒气室了。印度将与中国竞争,而不是通过征收税款来让这些毫无价值的蟑螂活下去(他们最终会成为无法无天的暴徒)。

Philip L· 4h
Yet I heard from Indian Americans that India was already a superpower and had the largest middle income consumers in the world back in the mid 1990s.


Santhosh Krishn · 1h
yes because india will be a HYPER power LOL


Venkata Krishna · 12h
A brilliant essay. We are even behind African countries like Egypt.


Sathyaswamy S · 9h
India can also be called a social media superpower considering the number of blind Indian nationalists making clickbait videos on how India will become a superpower and such. However, they are actually quite entertaining to watch.


Santhosh Krishna · 6h
LOL much better than anti-india trolls who make illogical claims like you quite entertaining to watch you cope on indias space success


Stinging Atheist· 12h
No mention of drinking water !!! How long can we sustain with one failed monsoon ?? Every year the threat of droughts loom over India. All your schemes will fall in place only if basic existence is guaranteed. You must have seen people of Bengaluru lining up for water.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Unknown X· 11h
KB sir, you are to Quora what Samdish Bhatia is to Youtube.
You expose the dark side of India’s economy while he exposes the dark side of India’s society.
Keep up the good work sir.
Never stop criticising India, we know we are a million miles away from being even a liveable nation.
There are 1000s of people who will show the rosy stuff but a bare few like you, Samdish, Dhruv Rathee etc who can show the living reality of the country.
Mad Respect for you

KB 先生,你之于 Quora 就像 Samdish Bhatia 之于 Youtube。
有成千上万的人会展示美好的事物,但像你、Samdish、Dhruv Rathee 等这样的少数人可以展示这个国家活生生的现实。

Glenn Lee · 12h
For India to have a per capita GDP of US in 2022, India would need a GDP of 98 trillion dollars.


Subra Iyer· 12h
you think India is behind even Egypt?


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam· 12h
Not exactly
India won't impact the globe as much as Egypt
If Egypt collapses - the Suez would be critically affected and that's a large chunk of Global Trade
Same for Turkey (Bosphorus)
The Question talks of Biggest Economies in the world and it means more Impact than Number


Siva Kumar· 12h
Spot on sir! Id be watching how ussr ( soviet unx broke ), if it didnt cease to exist if they adapt Chinese model of economic market policy in late 80s. Wish badly usa ll be collapse of its former self as economic giant soon.

先生说得对!如果苏联在 80 年代末采用中国的经济市场政策模式,它不会不复存在,我会观察苏联是如何解体的。真希望美国早日失去昔日的经济巨人地位。

Skyhigh· 11h
The only thing the rest of the world cares is the rich population (which is still very low considering total population) who can buy the foreign consumer products. Cash cow precisely, to take more Indian money abroad. Nothing else.


Sathyaswamy · 10h
Indian logic: We will become a superpower with colonial age laws, institutions, systems and mindset along with Western wokeism, Russian oligarchism, Chinese labor laws, Latin American crime rates, Iranian religious fanaticism and European taxes for Sub Saharan infrastructure and amenities. Don't forget cesspit democracy either.


Santhosh Krishna · 6h
C logic:- WE WILL become super powers despite commiting an population blunder due to our history
pakistani logic;-god will protect us
western logic;- make wrong claims of having nuclear weapons in enemy territory gain support of the world invade said country and destroy it

C逻辑:- 尽管我们在历史上犯了人口政策的大错,但我们仍将成为超级大国。
巴基斯坦逻辑;- 上帝会保佑我们。
西方逻辑;- 错误地声称敌方领土上有核武器,获得世界支持,入侵该国并摧毁它。

Epstein Lance · 4h
There’s no such Chinese logic. Their population control policies created the wealthiest society ever in all of human history and in shortest possible time. There is no hope that such a national economic rejuvenation story will ever be repeated again and on that scale.


Santhosh Krishna · 2h
LMao you truly believe china is the richest LOL to be honest there are many such stories both in empires and modern state building the Chinese didn’t become the richest and are not the wealthiest society your average american and european has more GDP then china. it’s impressive growth but to say it was the greatest achievment is exageration. china already had the potential and territory to become a power what’s even more impressive was that backwater europe somehow became the most dominant within 100 years during the rennaisance and simultaneously defeated all asian powers

哈哈哈,你真的相信中国是最富有的,哈哈,说实话,无论是在帝国还是在现代国家建设中,都有许多这样的故事,中国人并没有成为最富有的国家,也不是最富裕的社会,普通美国人和欧洲人的 GDP 比中国人更多。这是令人印象深刻的增长,但说这是最伟大的成就则是夸张。中国已经具备了成为强国的潜力和领土,更令人印象深刻的是,在文艺复兴时期,落后的欧洲不知何故在 100 年内成为了世界上最主要的国家,同时击败了所有亚洲强国。

Charlie Buffett· 1h
China is the greatest achievement ever. The biggest miracle. US, UK, Australia, Europe are not a miracle because they looted half the world’s wealth and then became developed.
But China never looted any country, it was a third world country worse than India, yet by sheer hard work, control, discipline and laws became a developed country.
A thousand salutes to China !! The only self made developed country in the world.
To a certain extent Japan is also. But Japan became a US lackey after world war, so it cannot be counted


Santhosh Krishna· 1h
and looting half of the world needed military power and money to govern said world spain, portugal, UK,FRANCE, DUTCH and USA where all hisrtorically weak or got butchered by the muslim caliphs until the age of discovery making the discovery of america and colonizing it and making profits out of them was one of the most immpressive feats that has changed human history forever. this doesn’t mean I support GENOCIDE I simply stated facts you don’t simply defeat the largest army with only 100 casualties which the british raj generals did during the opium wars

掠夺世界一半的土地需要军事力量和金钱来统治。西班牙、葡萄牙、英国、法国、荷兰和美国,这些国家在历史上都很弱小,或者被穆斯林哈里发屠杀,直到大发现时代,发现美洲、殖民美洲并从中获利,这是改变人类历史的最令人印象深刻的壮举之一。这并不意味着我支持种族灭绝,我只是陈述事实,你不能像鸦片战争期间英国拉吉将军那样,仅以 100 人的伤亡击败最大规模的军队。

Gooloo Ggg· 11h
Expats & labor can be one of India key exports, inbound remittances 2023 total $125 billion making India No 1 in the world…

外籍人士和劳工可能是印度的主要出口产品之一,2023 年入境汇款总额达到 1250 亿美元,使印度成为世界第一...

Charlie Buffett· 1h
Nobody is willing to accept the unhygienic, ill mannered, uncivilized illiterate worthless labor? Israel had to accept because they were in a do a die situation. Else they would have never accepted Indian labor.


Bishwajeet Narayan Deb · 5h
Sir, no point giving these data. The stupid Bhakts believe what Modi says - 4th largest economy and they start dancing. Again they believed when Modi said that the last ten years were just trailers, the main picture would be shown in his 3rd term. The population of his Bhakt is phenomenal, these blind people decide the fate of the election. Though people of UP proved that they are no blind.


Charlie Buffett · 1h
Politically you are correct. But even Kejriwal or brightest leader in Congress also cannot do anything. Because India is one hell of a cesspit full of 80% rabble. Illiterate duffers lawless uncivilized dishonest, goons and corrupt to the core. Impossible to control them with appeasement democracy
Only way is the China style police, Cameras and strong laws and courts and purging of such lawless dishonest thief rabble, which is impossible in India.
So as one gentlemen above has suggested only Gas chambers is the solution.

从政治角度来说你是对的。但即使是凯杰里瓦尔或国大党最聪明的领导人也无能为力。因为印度是一个充满 80% 乌合之众的粪坑,充斥着文盲、笨蛋、无法无天、不文明、不诚实、暴徒和彻头彻尾的腐败分子,不可能用绥靖民主来控制他们。

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