2024-06-30 Phelps 11147

Tommy Pengelly
It’s the equivalent to an Englishman reading French. They recognise some of the letters and their groupings, enough to make out where the toilet is for example, but otherwise no.


Kanji was brought over from China a long while ago, and both writing systems have evolved in their own separate ways since then. For example, Japan has twice reorganised the official list of Kanji (the one that is used to teach literacy), the 2nd time being just after the war. And then in China, Mao also radically overhauled the Chinese writing system to encourage literacy (hence “simplified”. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau maintained their traditional writing styles.


What I can tell you is that, even as a foreigner, I can sense when a kanji is not Japanese, and is part of a wider Chinese text. There are parts of the pictogram that I have never encountered before.


Ah, and as Michael Caplan states below, the grammar is backwards to each other, so making out a sentence wouldn’t work.

啊,正如Michael Caplan在下面所说,两种语言的语法是相反的,所以弄清楚一个句子是不行的。

This is a vaguely loaded question. It suggests that the writing system known as “Chinese characters” is an invention that belongs to the country known as “China” and that anybody else who can read or write them is somehow borrowing, stealing or appropriating them. I often hear Chinese people stating that Japan, Korea and Vietnam all ‘took’ writing from China, with the implication being that China is somehow better, cleverer, more advanced, etc. as a result.


The fact is, the writing system was invented and developed SOMEWHERE in the Asia-Pacific region. Nobody knows where. Modern China has adapted the system in its own fashion (simplifying thousands of characters). Japan has pruned the number of characters used, changed a few and added two different alphabetic scxts. Korea and Vietnam have dropped the system altogether to adopt completely alphabetic ones.


So - Can Japanese people read Chinese? Some can - those who have learned Chinese. Can Chinese people read Japanese? Some can - those who have learned Japanese. Are there similar elements in written Chinese and Japanese? Yes, they have a common ancestry. Are those elements “Chinese”? No, they are the cultural/historical property of a large Asia-Pacific region.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

George Arno
If it’s traditional Chinese writing (i.e. as used on Taiwan), yes, they can read some of it.
If it’s simplified Chinese writing (i.e. as used in mainland China), no they mostly cannot read it.

苏 陈

Many older Japanese people can roughly read classical Chinese. In general, Japanese are more likely to read classical Chinese than modern Chinese texts


Hajime Suzuki
We as Japanese people do not know how to pronounce them in Chinese except we have learnt Chinese.
But, in terms of understanding, we can read Chinese because each Chinese character has a meaning.


NEKO (Chibineko Suwano)
I’ve been in Shenzhen for 3 yrs+, but still can’t understand Chinese well.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hantani Sadahiko
Actually, Japanese learn ancient Chinese in high school.
This is the ancient Chinese textbook used in Japan.


Japanese can read ancient Chinese.
The reason I can't read modern Chinese is very simple.
Chinese can't read because they changed the Chinese characters. Taiwanese Chinese characters are old Chinese characters, so I can read them.

The Japanese can read 「學」「廣」「醫」.
Japanese people cannot read 「说」「广」「个」.

Prabhuti Vashisth
Japanese claim that they can read Chinese, but the truth is that they can only pick out the nouns and verbs in a sentence, so they understand the topic and general gist of most written text, especially from Taiwan.
However, since adverbs and adjectives are also written in characters, Japanese can’t figure that part out. Equally important, Chinese grammar is so much closer to the SVO pattern of English that it’s much too confusing to most Japanese. Most of it ends up being guesswork, piecing together the recognizable nouns and verbs.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Of course, some simplified Chinese characters from mainland China and Singapore are quite unrecognizable. I suppose the youngest generation in Japan may now even fail to recognize a lot of really complex traditional characters, as well, and they’ve become quite lazy in recognizing a lot of characters that they’re supposed to know.
One would think that adverbs and adjectives aren’t really significant in a sentence, but when all you know is Japanese, you soon discover how many adverbs are central to Chinese sentences and are crucial for understanding Mandarin. Another big problem is that so many character combinations can act as either a noun or a verb, so that makes things even worse for Japanese readers of Chinese if they don’t know Mandarin or Cantonese.


In the 1990s, when I was quite fluent in reading both Japanese and Chinese, I’d ask Japanese tourists to Canada whether they could tell me the meaning of the Taiwanese text I was reading. They’d claim the could, but then, they could only point out the very general topic and not really what was happening in it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Despite my own background in both languages, I find Hong Kong newspapers unreadable, except in the same sense of picking out the general meaning. So many Cantonese speakers claim that the written version is identical to Mandarin, but it’s just not true. Too many words are different, and the grammar in Hong Kong newspapers really does look different from what’s used in Taiwan and China. I did eventually learn simplified characters as well in the latter half of the 1990s but still prefer the meaning-filled traditional characters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aakash Sharma
Japanese people can obviously not read Chinese but can get the gist out of the sentence.
Japanese has 3 scxts, namely;

1) 平假名
2) 片假名
3) 日本汉字

Hiragana and Katakana originated in Japan but Kanji came all the way from China.
(i drink water)

(Chinese)我喝水- Wǒ hē shuǐ
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(japanese)私は水を飲む- watashi wa mizu wo nomu

(中文)我喝水- Wǒ hē shuǐ

(日语)私は水を飲む- watashi wa mizu wo nomu
The word written in bold above is a “kanji"(literally meaning Chinese letters) of water. Both japanese and Chinese use this very symbol or kanji to represent water.
In Chinese this symbol is called shuǐ in japanese its called mizu.
Therefore a japanese who doesn't knows Chinese pronuntion will kind of know that this sentence revolves around water but theres no way he/she/other can read it like that of a Chinese.


Rose Queen
I know japanese people used much kanji (Chinese words) in their language.. but the Chinese and the japanese usually cannot speak or write each other languages ..


Akom Seni
What you are wondering is whether a Japanese who has managed to learn all the 2,000 kanji is able to read Chinese.
Well, only to a little extent. It is simple to explain.


First and the most obvious, the Chinese use more kanji or characters than the Japanese. Hence, for this argument, suppose the Chinese use 4,000 kanji as against the 2,000 in the case of Japanese. Then there would be a 2 to 1 chance that a Japanese person may not recognize what appears in the Chinese writing.


Second, when the Japanese study kanji, they learn how to use it ONLY in conjunction with hiragana and katakana. This means these kanji words either lead a full sentence or get sandwiched in between hiragana and katakana words in a typical Japanese sentence. Therefore, if all the hiragana and katakana words in such a sentence are removed, the remaining kanji words would not be able to deliver the full meaning of the original sentence and would only make partial sense.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now, to a typical Chinese sentence where everything is in kanji. Based on the fact mentioned above, what are the chances of a Japanese person understanding it?
The chances are 50% or much less.


Jamie Farley
Japanese Kanji is based on Logograms the same as the Chinese characters. The characters can be broken down further into radicals that have more basic meanings.
Japanese people can sometimes u understand the concepts of the Chinese written language but stray from the point a little.
The Chinese written characters are pronounced differently by Chinese people than they are read by Japanese people.
Japanese Kanji characters already have 2 different ways of reading them.


Stephen Benfey
Not anymore. Educated Japanese used to be able to read and write classical Chinese by using transcxtion rules to rearrange the order of the characters and tack on Japanese endings. This is called yomikudashibun. 読み下し文. Japanese students are still taught the basics of this process but it is not much use for making sense of modern Chinese, at least not modern Mandarin 普通话.
Classical Chinese was the standard for all official documents and correspondence (between men, mainly, since women were expected to write in kana syllabary) until the end of the Tokugawa or Edo period and the begng of the Meiji era in 1868. The situation was similar to that of Latin in Europe. Think about why all Western European languages are written in adaptations of the Roman alphabet, despite its unsuitability to representing languages such as Polish and English.


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