这就是为什么美国选择购买 F-15EX 而不是更多 F-35 战斗机
2024-07-01 平平躺平 12269

F--15 Still Great Fighter so was F-14 D Personally I think F-35 looks like Sheeet and Single Engine . I wouldn't want to Fly it over the Big Soup. With one Engine. Last time Navy used Single Engine Fighter was back in the 50s. Get The F-14Ds out of Moth Balls start flying those again Fk that F-35 over Price Billions over Budget POS. many other Countries lost Interest and went with SU-57 that's a Bad Ass MF

F-15 仍然是一个伟大的战斗机,F-14D 也是。就我个人而言,我认为F-35看起来不怎么样,而且是单引擎的。我不想在复杂的战场环境中驾驶单引擎飞机。海军上一次使用单引擎战斗机还是在50年代。应该让F-14D从封存中重新启用,再次开始飞行,放弃那个F-35,它超预算数十亿,是个糟糕的废物。许多其他国家也失去了兴趣,转而选择了SU-57,那真是一个强悍的混蛋。

I help build the F-35 as a member of the F-35 Program Office. I also have extensive experience in F-18s and numerous other jets. First of all, there are major differences between a 4th generation F-15EX and 5th generation F-35A/B/C. The first and foremost advantage is superior software technology capability. I will not discuss the specifics on this platform, but it is great. Air superiority is not based on how fast a jet can go but the software capability to destroy or attack the enemy before they can react. I will agree that the F-35 is overpriced compared to the F-15EX. The US has the best technology in the world when it comes to the development of tactical fighter jets. By the way, the US already has unmanned six generation prototype aircraft that are flying as they go through test and uation. China, North Korea, and Russia don't want to get into war with the US because they will lose along with NATO support. Period.


Because the F35 is an overhyped overpriced 5th gen to be sold to foreign nations and so far, 3 of them crashed on their own without any actual combat ... whereas the F15EX has actual history and works very well with better value for money ... correct me if am wrong ;)
Plus, the U.S. have the F22 as the premium stealth 5th gen.


F-15 lost to ground fire, not as likely, their mission is a lot higher. The F-16 is a fine widow maker, I mean fighter, since there have been almost twice as many made. They are tasked with close in air support like the A-10 so they are more likely to get ground action.
Fact is there are 3 reported ground fire F-15 loses of the Strike Eagle.
My whole point was your loose use of statistics. You said equal record when the facts disprove that.
Both fighters are great aircraft and have differing roles that they both do well.


We need both aircraft. They will complement each other greatly. Together they will give any adversary huge headaches.


F-15EX would be a very good Anti Shipping platform.


In addition the F-15EX is a beautiful master piece of engineering.

此外,F-15EX 还是一件精美的工程杰作。

and it works unlike the F-35

而且它还能用,不像 F-35

AND, A Proven War Fighter!! Build many more of them.

而且,它是一款久经考验的战争战斗机! 多造几架吧。

Nope, it's a 55 year old design that is now nothing more than political life support for Boeing.

不,这是个有 55 年历史的设计,现在只不过是波音公司的政治生命支持而已。

The F-35 works and has been proven time and again in Red Flag and real combat. Just like the rest of the fanboys here your comment is incorrect and idiotic.


exactly. They have no idea. It takes a while to perfect an extremely complicated piece of technology like the F-35 and they have. The F-35 grew up in the digital age and that's why it is under so much scrutiny.


The F-15EX is a missile truck that can fly behind the F-35's and launch AIM-120's and Aim-260's that the F-35 can guide to its target while staying out of engagement range. Yes, the 260 is already in production.


Here’s a man who knows what he is talking about. The F-15EX is a niche player and a damn good one.


That "Missile Truck" can still out fight an F-35.


not in a long range engagement the F-35 has superior heads up and data sensors and with stealth it can kill before being seen.
an F-15 by contrast has such a large radar cross section it is literally bigger than the plane it's self and it wants to be seen but with modern SAM and BVR missiles that's not a great thing to have.


Put the AI used in the CCA program in both aircraft and begin the engagement outside BVR and the F-35 will eat that F-15 up 9 time out of 10, and that 1 time can be worked out in programing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

why would you want to put such a massive beacon that is the F-15 rcs in any sort of package where low observability was required?
The F-15 would need to be kept at a significant range to keep it getting shot.


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The "missile truck" carries so much that they call it the Spam-Ram.

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Because they would spot and close with the F-15, not knowing they were already within lethal range of the F-35. Bait for the trap.


Don't worry. The F-35 would already have the kill chain completed well before the enemy was capable of completing theirs, and still wouldn't even know the F-35 was there.


ah I can imagine the mission brief, 'and you are to be the bait' .... Nope, that is just, no!


you live in a Harry Potter novel


Like hell it can. Far more often than not the F-15EX won’t even detect the F-35 until after the F-35 has fired its missiles at them.


It's not me that doesn't recognize the difference between detection range and engagement range. You state that like the F-35 is just going to sit there and let enemy aircraft close on the F-15 without guiding its missiles to targets that can't detect it. Now who's living in a fantasy world?


Na dude I never said any of that. Looks like you have difficulty detecting comments. Was your comment detector made by Beoing...???


Nope. The Eagle 2 has the same systems and open architecture as the F-35 and has a larger improved intetegrated radar, and in addition some very exact tech to detect, kill, and defend itself from gen 5 aircraft. This is not just a new build C model. It's a whole new aircraft really.


Make perfect sense. When the only two jets that can take you down are also on your team, no need to worry about air superiority.


They both use the same AWACS.


They don’t use the same stealth.


It doesn't matter if the AWACS is directing the show. That, and the F15 actually has the capacity to carry longer range missiles...and has better kinetic energy to avoid them.


Accurate analogy. But applicable to airspace only. And as important as airspace is, wars are still fought and won on the ground with artillery and riflemen.


Put an F-15 with anF-22. TheF-15 will scare them so bad they won’t even look for the F-22.


The F35 won't be able to carry big size ordnance unlike the F15EX. So, both types complement each other.


No they don’t in the slightest and yes the F-35 can carry a huge load. Just like most of the comments on this post, including yours, this video is a joke. The USAF never wanted the F-15EX and still don’t.


A stealth aircraft is not a sniper; it's the most critical component of obtaining air dominance. F-35 can carry just about everything capability that the F15 can for ground targets, just fewer of them, but if bombs are what you want to carry, get a B2. As the video says, the F15EX is really an interceptor and not a multi-role fighter. And in the case of China, it's really the US Navy has the attack job, not the Air National Guard. My problem with the F15EX argument is that it's a decade's long commitment to a domestic interceptor that is more expensive off the line than the world's most sophisitacated platform, the F35. Sure the F15EX is available sooner than the F35, but that's because the F35 is in demand. I see the value in the quick transfer, but is that really needed for domestic air patrols?


If either Ukraine or Russia were to obtain air superiority, this war would be over now. Haven't you seen how much more a 1500kg glide bomb can do vs a 45kg artillery shell? That's how we lost recent territory to Russia and then stopped their advance: not having air defense weapons, then having them again.


Whoever produces new weapons faster wins the war. Just like in WW2 when German factories were systematically destroyed day and night... and they had better weapons, if they had waited a little with the development of jet planes and the atomic bomb..... there certainly would not have been this war in Ukraine....


Agree! When I was talking about "air superiority" I was talking about the Top Gun dogfight fan boys (of which I am one). Some in that group are fixated on that one aspect of air-power and think that wins wars. The glide bomb kits you mentioned are ingenious fixes that turn old dumb bombs (some manufactured in the 1960's) into standoff, precise munitions that can be launched from a distance at little or no risk to the aircraft deploying them. Also, keep in mind that there are infinitely more artillery shells lobbed at Ukies on any given day than glide bombs dropped. Artillery combined with ground operations and venerable SAMS are and will give Russia the final victory.


Air bombardment in the form of incendiary raids and the two nuclear strikes certainly hastened Japan's surrender and saved lives on both sides as well as the lives of Allied POWs and civilians suffering in occupied territories. But from a military standpoint, Japan had already been defeated by the island hopping campaign, naval air power (hat tip to that!), and other naval warfare, especially American submarines decimating Japan's merchant fleet and starving the home islands of food and other resources.


Where did bottomfeeder BS come from?


What an odd conclusion to make, especially since Heisenberg himself said in 1945 that an atomic weapon wouldn't be possible for another 20 years. The Nazis thought the Manhattan project was a PsyOp to scare the Japanese, as they had abandoned their efforts well before 1945.
Moreover, I don't think the other great war of the last century was won by who made new weapons faster.
I think more military men will hang their hat on war being decided by will and logistics.


Only in "Beast Mode " and it's stealth is compromised and no ,not even in "Beast Mode " isn't comparable to a F15 EX in terms of payload .
Also speed is hard on stealth coatings and so you need aircraft that aren't stealth to fly lots and lots of nonstealthy missions.
The F15EX can get to the airspace quicker than an F35 .


all assets fit together like a puzzle piece to win a war. It takes all assets whether ground forces or air assets to win a war.


Right! A better analogy would be a football team. Is the QB the most important player? Perhaps, but he can't do anything without every other position player doing their part so every man is important and must do their job for the team to be successful.
Stealth aircraft ARE a very handy thing to have, but mostly in the initial phases of the war and if they do their job then the 'heavy lifting' can be done by non-stealth aircraft that carry more weapons.


they will never see the F22 it will pick them off without them even knowing it's ther


Since the National Guard is getting them, I’m sure they’ll be great to help defend the large airspace over Alaska.


or maybe near the mexican border


What threat does an F-15 handle at the border?


tl;dw: Not every mission needs stealth and the F-15 is a superior tactical platform in every OTHER regard. I'd rather have a bunch of F-15's and A-10's to go to war with than a few F-35's


Your statement has been proven over & over throughout the years!
Absolutely love when they refurbish older models for today's use!


Yup. The stealth aircraft are best (for ground) during the initial parts of a war.
Many people seem to forget that there are many ways to make 4th gen aircraft survivable. Stealth is one of the more recent ones.
There is EW, standoff, anti-radiation missiles, passive countermeasures (chaff/flare), and active countermeasures (LAIRCM)... and there are point defense lasers in testing.


If you aren't fighting China or Russia.


Really? Why is that?
The Ukraine war has shown the S300/S400 doesn't seem to be able to keep soviet era jets from attacking them.

真的吗? 为什么?

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It can't hurt to overwhelm with heavily armed numbers of quality aircraft. I have doubts about Russia, but China appears to be top shelf quality.


After 8k hours the cost comparison is firmly in the 15s favour.


Nope, not even close. The F-15EX is more expensive to buy and to fly. All for far less capability.


Yeah twice the engines, 70% faster more than twice the load than the f35. The question. Is why the F35 is so expensive.


@joemaloney1019 I’ve been waiting for an idiotic comment like this. The F-15 is not faster in combat configuration and that is irrelevant anyway. No F-15 in service bothers with speeds higher than 1.6 Mach. It’s tactically irrelevant, not to mention you can’t do anything afterwards because you will have no fuel left. Standard fanboy moronic point. Why is the F-35 so expensive? It isn’t. It’s cheaper to buy and operate than the F-15EX. It also gives vastly more capability.
Why is the F-35 restricted to 1.6 Mach? Because that’s the speed the USAF and USN wanted. It will go faster easily, it has the thrust and is very aerodynamically clean. The USAF/USN wanted the intakes optimised for 1.6 so that’s what they got. It will out accelerate and out climb a loaded F-15 easily.
Now you should go ask your mum for a juice box before commenting again.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@dat581 When you attack me personally you already lost the argument. The F35 flies at 1.4 mach because it was designed that way. The F35 was designed as the Universal (fighter) bomber good for the Air Force, Navy and Marine Corp. The Marines needed a stól aircraft so Lockheed put a giant fan facing down behind the cockpit. The Áir Force and Navy did not and that was deleated but not the fuselage that housed it and because of a little thing called the area rule the plane cannot exceed 1.4 pushing that barrel sized fuselage. But thats okay it is only supposed to be a (fighter) bomber anyway and the F22 was supposed to do the air superiority thing. Except the f22 got cancelled at less than 200 built. But that is okay because the f35 was a more lucrative program for the subcontractors and politicians anyway. Remember the F22 was designed as a mach 2.4 fighter so is the Eagle in fact the F15ex is basically a non stealthy f22 same flight envelope with the new engines aesa radar and advanced software and fly by wire. I think it could perform the f22 long range interceptor role at mach 2+ as well as bomb truck. An f15 is kind of an exeptional aircraft.


@joemaloney1019 Argument? There is no argument, you haven’t a clue what you are talking about, and your second comment proves it.
Funny you claim the F-35 was designed to fly at 1.4 Mach since it was designed aerodynamically to fly well above 2.0 Mach and easily has the thrust to do so. The limiting factor are the intakes which were designed for 1.6 Mach at the direction of the USAF and NAVAIR. The F-35 does not need to go faster and no fighter does in service. What you don’t understand is both the F-14 and F-15 in service rarely got above 1.2 Mach in service and NEVER above 1.6. This is the reason why the F-16 is restricted to 2.0 and the F/A-18 to 1.8. Going faster is pointless and has no operational purpose.
Then we have your idiotic Area Ruling comment. The F-35 has an enormous amount of area ruling in it’s design. Seriously are your eyes painted on? Your 1.4 Mach claims are ludicrous.
No the F-35 was not designed as a “universal bomber”. Just like the F/A-18 and F-4 before it, the jet was designed as a fighter with multirole capability a secondary factor. You cannot design a jet as a bomber and turn it into a fighter. That has been a fundamental of combat aircraft design for near 100 years.
No the F-15EX is not a non stealthy Raptor in the slightest. It is a modernised F-15E which the UASF never wanted and still doesn’t. It does not have the performance of the F-35, not even close. You pointing out the Raptor was designed as a “mach 2.4” fighter, it wasn’t, shows you haven’t a clue about air combat and just read numbers off Wikipedia. The F-15EX is not capable of surviving over the modern battlefield and is nothing more than political life support for Boeing. Why do you think it is being sent straight to the ANG? Even the ANG don’t want the thing. They wanted modernised F-16s. The F-15 was an exceptional aircraft in the 1970s and 80s. It most certainly is not now. “I think it could perform the f22 long range interceptor role at mach 2” Such a dumb comment. The F-22 never gets above 1.6 in service either. The F-35 will easily out accelerate any F-15 to 1.6 Mach and it will stay there much longer. With a normal combat load the F-15, and this includes the F-15EX is not getting above 1.6 due to the drag of it’s external weapons, not to mention the external tanks.
But do keep commenting, I could use a good laugh.


@joemaloney1019 actually the X-32, the technology demonstrator for F-35, was built as an A model. The size was dictated by internal fuel requirement. The STOVL variant was demonstrated by the removal of a fuel tank to put that "giant fan" in.
As for the 'area rule' there is plenty of that happening, it is just not as obvious as the traditional 'coke bottle' effect of the Mirage III, F-106, F-4, F-5 and so on. Just because it is not obvious, doesn't mean it is not there.
Also the F-15 is not faster in any meaningful war fighting manner, and needs almost 20,000lb more thrust to actually achieve it, which also means higher fuel burn. F-35 will achieve M1.6 with a pair of 2,000lb class weapons and a pair of AAMs (or 4 AAMs) with 18,000lb of fuel, the F-15 in any guise will not do that. The internal fuel of the F-15EX is circa 13,500lb and as soon as you add anything external you are adding parasitic drag that the F-35 does not have to over come. So my question to you is to put 2 x 2,000lb weapons and a pair of AAMs on an F-15, the external pods it will need for the mission then measure your speed and mission radius. Then add in probability of mission success and survivability.
Now if you want range, you are adding a truck load of external fuel, including CFTs and EFTs and just how much of that much talk about payload is absorbed just in fuel? Hint about 20,000lb. leaving just 8,000lb for anything kinetic (after adding nav/target/irst pods). You will start to understand the reason for the F-35, which is actually cheaper than the F-15EX

至于“面积规则”,有很多这样的情况,只是不像Mirage III、F-106、F-4、F-5等传统上的“可乐瓶”效果那么明显。只因为它不明显,并不意味着它不存在。

It's because F-15s aren't for carriers, are cheaper, and very capable. F-35s are meant for stealthy quick strikes. F-15 is still the best bang for dollar.


because they have a hard time keeping 40% of the F35 fleet combat/mission ready.status. Lots of Manhours between sorties to keep F35s flying, even worse for the F35B. With the latest Radar tech, stealth isnt as stealthy as you think


F-35s aren't for carriers either.


LMao, the F35B and F35C are


Yep i dont understand why my homecountry Germany doesnt buy f15 aswell


It’s not a great value if it can be shot down in the modern threat environment.


Not correct. Most of the F-15 fixed cost are over and the maintenance is still easier. At this point we have no idea how expensive the F-35 boondoggle is going to be. I have hopes for it but a swiss army knife is a terrible way to fight wars.


you will learn that youtube is full of misinformation LOL.
The F-35A, the version that the ANG would get, is not for carriers. The F-35A is cheaper than the F-15EX at around $82mil vs $90mil. The difference is that the F-35 comes with all the sensors and fuel internal. The CFTs and he mission pods to make the F-15EX effective are an additional cost. Same goes when comparing cost per hour. The F-35, because it has everything onboard, gets billed for everything. The F-15EX, they replace a pod and it gets fixed off sight and the cost of that gets attributed else where, not against the flying cost.
The reason the F-15EX works well for ANG is mentioned in the video, it is less disruptive as it is like for like. To change to F-35 is a significant undertaking and I have seen timelines of up to 2 years to get them back up and running.


it says right in the video that the F-15EX is more expensive. You can also find it widely reported saying the same. The CFTs ARE and additional cost. The USAF only sought funding for them last year. Not sure why the fact the F-35 gets called a 'swiss army knife' it is a multi role strike fighter, so is the F-15E and all variation including the EX


Swiss Army Knife because it is trying to be an Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. These are three distinct missions. The F-15 was and is designed to be an air superiority fighter that does some side jobs. It has ONE customer, the Air Force. Believe it or not, the branches do not see eye to eye on much. And, no, it does not cost more based on a bot's assertion in a video.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@misspuddles63 I believe the 15,000- 20,000 hour airfrx of the F-15EX is what beats out all F-35s which is why it's far more cost-effective to go with the F-15EX. It's also the fasted fighter in the world, can carry a larger payload, and carry out the same missions as any F-35 other than carrier missions. F-15EX and F-35C (carrier fighter) have have the same operational distance of 1,200nm (1380.935 miles)


Maybe because we got Typhoons? Similar capabilities but a lot lower radar signature.


f-35c’s are for carriers, F-35a’s are for the air force and the B models for marine corps and ski jump aircraft carriers and small support helicopter carriers.

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Right on!!! Stealth is needed when you are vying for airspace dominance……after that’s done, then, sheath isn’t really needed. Planes should be designed for 40~55 years life……wars done happen everyday….but they do happen. A long shelf life fighter is Economically efficient.


F-35C are for carriers. F-35B are for pocket carriers…..USS Bantaan

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Maintenance cost
Moscow weapon is useless why use expensive toys
But f22 look really good


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Would not be a bad Idea The F15EX is a significant upgrade over the older F15.

不会是个坏主意 F-15EX比旧的F-15有了显著升级。

The fact this platform is still flying is a true testament to the F-15, while the avionics suite has been upxed over the decade, the kill ratio to no losses is insane!

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Say the same about Russian planes so doesnt mean the longevity means its good. Not saying its shit by the way. Yes it was the top of its generation for its time


no ruzzian airfrx can compare at all
Plenty of Russian airfrxs are just as capable. The f15 never fought a near pier


It's funny how people don't know that the F-16 has the same record, with twice the number of flight hours.


Not really funny since this is not true. The F-16 record is 76-1-5. Seventy-six wins, 1 loss and 5 lost to ground fire.


The one loss is not USAF, it's some garbage irrelevant country (Pakistan) that shouldn't even have them. Do you think no F-15 has ever been lost to ground fire? No, there's been 3. Considering the F-16 has twice the fight hours and flies the harder missions, that's not bad.


The only aircraft ever flown with one wing torn completely off. I would have bet any amount of money that such a thing was impossible.


We need at least 50 of them here in Poland. I know our government was considering buying them a year ago or so. F-35s - yes, as they're already in production for us I believe, but the F15-EX is absolutely necessary here these days as well.


90% the mission 50% the cost of F35


this is one heck of a fighter jet!!
I agree with the air force buying more f15 simply because it’s faster carries more and more capabilities.


Do I ever wish the Canadian government would purchase this fighter plus a bunch of f16s as well as the compliment of F35s that we are getting. Beautiful aircraft and I think we should upgrade our fleet of CF18s then we would be back in the hunt with a very strong military again. The guys up are well trained but not a large enough force. This way we can always be able to back up our brothers and sisters in the US.


The F-15 was an absolutely fantastic aircraft when I was first "introduced" to it in 1975. Amazing that it is still a formidable aircraft nearly fifty years later.


The Air National Guard does not need stealth.


You missed a huge key consideration, Air Guard is about people as well as mission. Air Guard airplanes with 2 seats requires twice as many personnel authorized in the cockpit. In addition, part time, non Title 10 folks trained to maintain F-15 airplanes would have to find time AND money in their already tight budgets to retrain their entire maintenance force in addition to costs associated with shelters and maintenance of the F35’s skin which is not an issue for the F15’s.

你忽略了一个重要的考虑因素,空中国民警卫队是关于人以及任务的。空中国民警卫队的双座飞机需要双倍的授权人员在驾驶舱。此外,兼职的非Title 10人员接受F-15飞机培训将不得不在他们已经很紧张的预算中找到时间和资金来重新培训他们的整个维护队伍,除了与F-35的皮肤相关的成本,这不是F-15的问题。

It is those air national guard pilots they have thousands of them before retirement and they can fly this "new" F-15 without much re-training that is the reason. I don't know if the f-35 woiuld be a big tactical addition or not ... others can comment on that but for an older pilot flying basically same plane is a plus ...


The GE engines on this jet are seriously impressive. Combined with the fly-by-wire flight controls. This jets performance is incredible.


The F-22 is still the beast of them all. The whole airforce family is top tier


F-15 will not go alone in a combat mission it will accompanied by other combat aircraft such as F-18 growler for electronic warfare and F-35a and F-16 to defend F-15 in dogfight from other incoming targets in case F-15 aircraft mission carried important package to take down the site of the enemy.
Features and upgrades of F-15 is just it can defend itself when the situation is vulnerable.


If the mission doesn’t require stealth, the f-15ex can outperform the F-35 and F-22. Its faster and carries 2-3x more ordinance. Also carries missles that wont fit on 22/35.


It’s just amazing how big those engines are on the f-15.


ANG has homeland air defense and intercept mission. They need top speed , climb rate, cost of operation efficiency, unrefueled endurance, and weapons carriage. All of which F-15EX excells that over F-35 and some over F-22. It can also do potential anti-satelite, and do all air-ground that current F-15E does.


I love the F-15! Beautiful aircraft with a helluva punch!
I just wish they'd kept the Blackbird in service too!
That can do surprise recon missions which satellites can't do.


Perfect for Air Guard.
Faster, lower op cost, more versatile, and the best, proven, aircraft ever, for overall Interceptor functions. imo
Brute force, agile enough, able to get to possible incoming threats, fastest. Given mission parameters being defense over homeland space, the EX makes tons of sense. Stealth doesn't matter when deterrence is much of the specter during intercept and interdiction of potential bogies. What matters is arriving to BVR strike range, and visual ID, as fast as possible.
A baseline mission where a squadron of Eagles is most capable of causing threats to bug out, or be eliminated.


I love this aircraft but have lost faith in Boeing:/


The f15ex can be paired with stealth combat drones to improve the eagle's chances to overwhelm stealth capabilities of peer adversaries as a low cost alternative to the projected 300million dollar NGAD.
The NGAD is a priority aircraft procurement program but it's prohibitive cost gives doubt that it will ever get built in the numbers the USAF needs.
Maybe it is also time to rebuild the B1 bomber into an air-air missile carrier networked with f22s and fighter drones in order to fight peer challengers like Chinese J20 and Russian SU57 aircraft.


很赞 8