2024-07-01 国外新鲜事 5040

The size of the US Treasury market has expanded dramatically in recent years to more than $34tn, with greater demands on market liquidity. In particular, with the Federal Reserve's policy of raising interest rates and shrinking its balance sheet in response to inflation, as well as international geopolitical tensions and economic frictions, foreign central banks' demand for US Treasuries has declined, resulting in frequent liquidity challenges in the market.


In this context, the US Treasury's repurchase of Treasury bonds, especially those with poor liquidity, aims to provide necessary liquidity support and maintain market stability by directly participating in market transactions.
The repurchase operations, which will be conducted through the New York Fed in cooperation with major dealers, are scheduled to repurchase up to $2 billion of long-term Treasury securities each week over the next three months. It is worth noting that the Treasury deliberately avoided the most liquid bonds in the repurchase market to ensure that the repurchase action was targeted to address the problem of market illiquidity.


"Debt monetization is the final step before currency collapse!"


But this step can take a long time


It will happen so plan accordingly




People are easily fooled?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s basically a bail out for banks with low interest treasuries.


Yes. Banks can get rid of assets when they are in need of cash.


Bailouts and bonuses


The Fed can do this too but this is just the Treasury stepping in probably just to act like the Fed is not doing QE when in reality it is. Can you imagine the political pressure on the Fed from the Brandon administration in not allowing an easy money policy.


The biggest bail out for banks is keeping mortgage rates above 7% which is more than double from just 2 years ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@888strummer You are talking about the consumer, when has any Democrat cared about the consumer? No they worry about the banks and financial institutions who they work for.

@888strummer 你在谈论消费者,什么时候有民主党人关心过消费者?不,他们担心的是他们为之工作的银行和金融机构。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@anthonycarbone3826 No clue what you are talking about; first of all nothing I said was political at all. But if you want to talk politics, then be honest. Neither party cares about the consumer. The dems are terrible and only care about the banks but the same goes for the repubs; with the exception of Trump. Trump knows if the consumer is weak then the economy eventually tanks so Trump puts in policies that help the consumer. But again; the biggest bail out to the banks has been the rates doubling in 2 years, with enough new mortgages and auto loans despite the sky high payments. That's where the banks are raking it in; plus the average credit card rate near 25%.

@anthonycarbone3826 我不知道你在说什么;首先,我说的完全没有政治色彩。但是如果你想谈政治,那么要诚实。两个党派都不关心消费者。民主党人很糟糕,只关心银行,但共和党人也是如此;除了特朗普。特朗普知道如果消费者疲软,经济最终会崩溃,所以特朗普实施了有助于消费者的政策。但再次强调;对银行最大的救助是利率在两年内翻了一番,尽管支付高昂的费用,仍有足够的新抵押贷款和汽车贷款。银行就是在这里赚大钱的;此外,平均信用卡利率接近25%。

@888strummer Plus they pay zippo interest rates on all of the money they hold in checking and savings accounts from the consumer.

@888strummer 另外,他们对所有从消费者那里持有的支票和储蓄账户中的资金支付极低的利率。

borrowing money to pay other debt really just sounds like a massive ponzi scheme


100% agree!


They are for sure making record profits doing this. — Crazy times!!


American tax payers have to pay for it


Not always, they could buy gold or silver


You got it! Buy everything with no money; just print more money! It is "a balance trick"


I believe it is purchased at a discount in the open market. So they are actually saving money. Correct me if I'm wrong.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ekcoylejr They appear to have confused a lot of people with economic imagination. The original purpose of the Fiat Currency was to ensure the value of US Dollars with the sales of Treasury Notes. That was what they explained in 1970.
So Treasury buying the Paper that is supposed to support the FED printing Dollars, appears to be of no actual value to anyone but the Treasury. For 20 years Treasury has not been accomplishing the obxtive they proposed to sell the Fiat Currency.
They offer a lot of inter-government department sharing of funds to provide an appearance of Value. But the USA is basically pointing an Empty Gun at an economic situation.
Senator Tommy Tuberville said the USA is "Dead Broke" Perhaps He was not supposed to say that?

@ekcoylejr 他们似乎用经济想象力混淆了很多人。法定货币的最初目的是通过出售国库券来确保美元的价值。这是他们在1970年解释的。
参议员汤米·图贝维尔说美国“已经破产” 也许他不应该说这个?

They are saving a ton of money. They should do $20B instead of $2B.


The key is always WHO is getting paid off.


How do I get on that list. Lol


Sorry "It's a big club but you're not in it" George Carlin


Treasury yields and other safe cash-like investments are raising high returns, yet most investors believe this is a good time to buy stocks than gold despite crash. I'd love to spread across $400k into profit-yielding dividend equities and end the year well, but unsure of which to acquire.


all the best, buying on sale is actually one of the best ways to invest in stocks, and advisors are ideally suited for such task


In private financial terms, they are using one credit card to pay off the debt on another card. We have heard about that with people with terrible finances!


Don't forget to mention that the second credit card charges a higher rate of interest.!!


Gonna party like it’s 1929


Sorry to ask, Since wall street crash in 1929, What's the correlation to this buyback?


Don’t apologize…..we have entered Triffin's paradox. We have to create liquidity to meet the eurodollar demand or offshore dollars. During times of inflation our FED must increase rates to offset or institute quantitative tightening. Also our treasury has the obligation to cut spending, which they will never do so somebody has to buy the debt. When foreign entities see the debasement of the reserve currency they stop purchasing the debt and confidence erodes. At that point fiscal dominance leads more debt and more debt and more debt…..hence Triffin’s paradox.


party's over, oops, out of time. So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1929... ♫


@glengarrison3441 That’s really interesting. I was reading about Special Drawing Rights that were created in 1969 by the I.M.F. In response to the Triffin Paradox and the less faith that countries had in the ability of the U.S. government to convert those dollars to gold.

@glengarrison3441 这真的很有趣。我在阅读关于特别提款权的资料,它是国际货币基金组织在1969年为了应对特里芬悖论以及各国对美国政府将美元兑换成黄金的能力信心不足而创建的。

get in physical assets


Or 1837.


The govt is doing something shady. Expect bigger unexpected disaster.


So. It's like a home owner swapping its low interest rate mortgage for a higher interest rate, shorter term mortgage. Brilliant.


Perfect if you need the money for a cash and term


proportionally? quite small

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

the author missed a big point. bonds value severely drop when interest rates rise. so a 100 dollar bond issuing 1% when interest rates rise to 5%. it's value will drop to 20 dollars. because 20 dollar bond today at 5% will give you the same return as a 100 dollar bond from years ago giving 1%.
the drop isn't as steep as this, as the maths takes into account maturity when the bonds face value is paid out. but I hope you get the point.
this then reduces the amount of money at face value the government has to pay out. so it is very possible that overall it is reducing the supply of money when the maturity date of those bonds would have caused a massive influx of more money into the economy.


but again, it all depends on what price the fed is buying these bonds at. Below or above fair value, will determine who gets the extra money and profits off the trade.
this is one of the scams fed and banks do. how they steal or transfer wealth from foreign countries and usa government to their own private banks.
so it really depends on what price the fed is buying these bonds at. As to whether it is a good or bad decision and for whom. As good for banks often means bad for you, your government and china.


They are issuing bills at 5% to buy back long bonds at 4.3% to drive down long yield to save the bank and economy but destroy treasury balance sheet


Except they can buy their mortgage instead of paying it off. Buying the mortgage costs less than paying it off, when interest rates have gone up.


Sounds like scam


That’s because it is.


What do you think the whole monetary system is? paying debt with debt


It is




His family is selling fried fish face sandwiches


Wow! Bought back treasuries! (created from thin air and subsequent interest also money printed from thin air) WOW AMAZING!!!


Provides liquidity in overall markets to allow for friends to exit nicely. Thanks Wyckoff for the tip.


This will help those banks that were in trouble because of the large unrealized losses they had due to the large number of old very low interest treasuries that they held. But using a high interest credit card to pay off a low interest long term mortgage doesn't make much sense financially. So is this the Treasury department shoring up banks that were in trouble? Or is it just Janet Yellen giving a hand to her buddies in the banking system?


Except in order to trade out of the old bond the bank has to realize the loss. The treasury reduces its current debt load but has to pay a higher rate. And if there is a ten year bond that is nine years old and they issue a one year bill has anything really changed?


@AdventurerPrimefire So NOT a bank bailout.


This channel has some of the best financial content anywhere. Great work


If they are buying them back at full value it’s a bailout.


Bailouts and bonuses for bankers

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Have you considered this scenario: They buy back long term debt for short term debt, because they expect an economic crash and much lower interest rates?
Why would they want to pay someone 4.5% for 30 years if they can pay them over 5% for a few months and then they only need to pay half a percent over the next 29 years


I think that’s actually the case. We‘ll see an economic downturn with higher unemployment and probably deflation.
When you watch productivity data, revenue data, employment data and prices. Everything suggests deflation and recession. The only reason the price index holds up right now is because of rent and insurance. Basically slow, long-term pricing. Houses and cars and many other products become cheaper already.
I don’t know for 100% but that’s what I see.


Inflation will run much higher than 5% over the next 30 years. The market will not accept rates less than 3%, no matter what the Fed rate is.


@aliasjones6381 Interesting view, but which facts do lead you to that conclusion?
Where should inflation (=higher prices) come from? The consumers are completely tapped out and drowning in debt. Every major economy needs cash more than ever. (China deflation, EU recession…)
The only way for higher inflation would be if the governments around the world would print money like there is no tomorrow and then hand it out to everyone across the globe


@K.R.98 Recessions do not automatically create deflation. While that is often the case, it's not a guarantee. I could be wrong but .gov borrowing money to pay people to not work (unemployment insurance) seems awful inflationary to me... these people will produce zero, but continue to consume. I agree they will probably consume less but their productive output will go to zero yet they will still have 60% if their income.

@K.R.98 经济衰退不会自动引发通货紧缩。虽然这种情况经常发生,但并不是必然的。我可能错了,但政府借钱支付人们不工作的费用(失业保险)对我来说似乎非常通胀...这些人不会生产,但会继续消费。我同意他们可能会减少消费,但他们的生产输出将归零,但他们仍将拥有60%的收入。

@K.R.98 That's pretty much exactly what they're doing right now as we speak, and have been doing for the last 20+ years, except instead of handing it to everyone, they're handing it to their buddies and their harems. From there it filters out to 'everybody'.

@K.R.98 这几乎正是他们现在正在做的事情,并且在过去20多年里一直在做,只是他们不是把钱发给所有人,而是发给他们的朋友和他们的后宫。从那里它会过滤到“每个人”。

Lining some other pockets?


So it’s like taking a payday loan to pay off a signature loan.


Rob Peter to pay Paul. Kick that can boys and buy precious metals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Keeping long term T-bond rates low, is a trick to help the consumer loans on autos and houses.


Prediction: bailing out banks with low interest bonds


There's one extra step this business cycle. Offload bad real estate loans as securitized products to pension funds. That process has been well underway since 2023. Then, when price discovery finally happens, grandma's pension is insolvent, and the taxpayer isn't bailing out the banks... they're bailing out grandma.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yep. If SVB had access to this buyback, they might have been able to survive their deposit run.


Protect the bank users not the banks. Bigger banks will step in and eat the bankrupt banks.


Yep. What Joe didn't mention is what does it mean for Treasury bonds to be "illiquid"? There isn't a large market for these off-the-run treasuries to begin with, so that means they command a wider bid/ask spread under normal conditions. And because their coupon rate is lower, they trade in the secondary market at a discount to face value. So as a collateral asset, they stink, which is why banks would love to get rid of them if it weren't for the bad haircut. If all of a sudden the holders of these Treasuries want to get out at the same time (say, a run on the banking system), the bid/ask spread could get even wider, to the point where certain runs go no-bid. Oops! This is bad if the bonds you hold have to be marked to market.
So the government is going to take a higher carrying cost of its total debt through higher short term rate carry (like the credit card analogy) in order to keep the market orderly on its long term debt. That's my theory, and I'm sticking with it.


Why bail out banks when they want to centralize power and control?? They will just have the "healthy" banks absorb the "unhealthy" banks like 2008


So is it possible the whole system is actually insolvent


Just duation of dollar

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I hate this fuck'n monetary system.


@dissident112 whoa, bro. I was just saying I wish we didn't go off the gold standard, but go off


Damn felt that one @dissident112


Then you're going to love the new US Digital Dollar - lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@sumralltt lMao


It's fraud


It makes a big difference whether the government is buying its old debt or redeeming it. If they are buying up lower interest rate bonds, it’s doing so at a discount. This would have the effect of reducing the face amount of the total debt. But increasing the cost to the treasury over the new term. Because interest rates have been rising, the market value of that outstanding debt is less than the face amount.


Yield curve control


Sounds like kiting checks back in the day. Depositing a check from one bank account that had NSF into another bank account and taking the money out and writing a check to the original bank with from another bank account that had NSF.


Take 30 year bonds sold some years ago when rates were < 1%. Those have suffered massive duation when rates moved >5%. Now they issue T-Bills at 5% and buy back the long bonds at a huge discount, at the loss of the seller. Some time in the future, they send rates back to 1% and the T-Bill people no longer will have the party going. And what about inflation? Well, who cares about it? As long as debt is being monetized, all is fine for the government. If technology boosts productivity, CPI can remain under control and all is fine. USA can lose its reserve currency status, but will escape its debt at the cost of the fools who bought it. That's why other countries are doing all they can to avoid the US dollar.


Great job in explaining the US problem.


The fed is not selling, they're just not buying. Not fashionable to call fed operations as yield curve control, but they are.


The buyback is not stealth qe but it can be inflationary if it’s like an operation twist where you are issuing new debt. It gives the banking system more on the run collateral which is the most liquid underpinning foundation of credit creation


Kicking the can down the road

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Could this be in anticipation of a yield curve steepener, like short term rates coming down and normalizing?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In fact the actions suggest that the Fed is trying to nudge US and other international investors for higher yield. This may be in response to the older dated and lower coupon T-Bills being dumped by China and threatening Dollar. Net effect of offering higher interest rates is sucking out liquidity I feel in medium term


Joe, how on earth did you miss the true reason for this buyback operation? It is obviously a bank bailout to replace all their underwater treasuries. If liquidity were really the issue, Yellen could simply be selling exclusively T-bills at all the auctions for new and maturing debt. After all, new and refunding auctions are at an all-time high.


I guess this is why the yield on the 10-year bond dropped 10 bps today.


US Treasury (ie taxpayers) are helping out the Fed (ie international banksters) by keeping LT rates lower than they otherwise would be.


The chart at 2:32 does not use dual entry balance sheet accounting. Look at a graph of federal debt and you will see that it was still growing in 1998-2001 and has not had a single year of decline in more than a half century.


YCC for you and me!


well explained, maybe the treasury is anticipating an economic contraction in 2 years which would prompt the Fed to lower its rate. This would lower 2 year refunding costs.


Just so I understand it correctly, they are buying back for the current very low price. Basically making a short term profit.... And generating cash for banks.


The low interest long-term debt is at a huge discount right now. I would also buy back the debt if I can find money to do so, since I raised $100 when selling the debt 3 years ago, and now it only costs me $50 to buy it back.


That is risky lol. It is basically playing with leverage.


No matter what FED does, buy back, QE, selling bonds, .... All are paper assets. The financial assets have no usage for people's daily life. No matter how much money you have, those money (in forms of data, paper, ...) have to be used to purchase things. If no one likes USD, they don't sell anything to you to take USD, the USD will be worthless.


What could go wrong?


Nothing lol


In simple terms and cut to the chase. It is called debt consolidation but at a higher interest rate.


Thank you. Can you take a look at the foreign holders of Treasury changes and tell us what you think? I understand why China is dumping. Why are the UK, Luxembourg, Cayman Islands buying? How is Yellen convincing them to buy?


The FED is retiring some of the debt from the banks (i.e., stockholders of the FED) before the next rate hike that will affect the banks' long-term holdings (bond prices) after the next rate hike. I speculate that the FED is going to raise rates and try not to have any banks go bankrupt. Government workers do add value to the economy: roads, courts, and regulations that protect citizens from the morally corrupt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

#Gold & #Silver to the baby we out


His explanations were correct. However, is liquidity really the problem?


The government is paying off low interest, fixed debt with higher interest variable debt. And then handing us the bill.


Can you quantify the benefits of this Treasury policy? Is it adding some liquidity in the economy for both consumers and producers? Is it a TAILWIND for the stock market?


Getting the banks out of heavy long-term assets to get them set up for an asset grab, of (real) assets in the near future (3-12 months). I’m thinking something like that.


Perhaps it is to boost banks exposed to bonds with low interest rates. It shifts the risk from banks and institutional investors to the Fed,

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They probably know that interest rates in the coming period will be higher. So better borrow now than a year or two from now when interest rates are even higher.


HMM so what happens to those short-term T-bill rates that replaced the longer-term bonds if/when the Fed starts lowering the fed funds rate?


Cheers!! to kicking the can a little further


This is like a bank bailout and “quiet” QE rolled into one. Isn’t this a form of yield curve control as well?


Blow off top chart is an excellent head and shoulders pattern


This Treasury buyback program is a bailout for the banks that bought long-term bonds. The knock-on effects will cause everything to grow into a larger bubble.


I believe they are buying back short, and borrowing more long loans... so eventually they have rolling long loans it could potentially push everything years out... or just more balanced maturing date?


Is it really true that it is a $ for $ trade? Isn't the long-term debt discounted right now because of the yield curve? So if they waited to pay for the debt in 10 years it would be at par, but right now isn't the purchase of those bills at less than par?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another factor is that the debt ceiling is currently suspended until January 2025. Big incentive to increase borrowing now to fill accounts to be drawn down during the fight over the next debt ceiling.


They are almost out of tricks. This is nuts.


It seems to me like kicking off this buyback as the reverse repo fund tanks is not a coincidence. It's almost like they're trying to head something off that we haven't heard about.


When the central bank has to buy the debt, there is not enough liquidity for rates to be where they want in lowness. Their buying the debt artificially lowers the rates.


Expect US Govt bonds 5, 10-year yields going lower in the short term, and right action in the current situation. It is a genuine crisis onset and efforts appear afoot in the background to douse fires of a small scale.


Yields are very high meaning debt investors got meagre returns for the past 6 to 10 years and still they are waiting. Now buying back and the nexus of mutual funds with the government would loot them even more by giving less returns and making them in losses for the past 10 years.


$30 is a hotspot for buyers. Now, let's see how the ESB might stir things up in that territory.


How do they expect inflation to come down when they're doing QE?


@3:10 are you saying the government is taking out payday loans?


Treasury faces a $1 trillion Interest Payment Bill, on top of providing enough money to make the USA appear tough and ruthless. When I was taking Economics Classes in 1970, Treasury Guys came around promising to sell as much, as the Federal reserve prints up. How are they doing so far?


When you buy high and sell low on a spread trade it is BEARISH! The government…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When interest rates lower, the high yield 5.5 short notes sold will cost more for Treasury. Right?


So they are doing a balance transfer from one cc to another cc.


Game over...


There is a question that when they buy back, are they paying market value or face value? Market value should be much lower. If they pay market value then they are realizing the loss, which is bad for the bank, if they pay face value, then they are doing QE to bail out the bank, which its legality should be scrutinized by Congress.


Only those less liquid bonds will be bought back, such as TIPs and 20-year bonds.


So let’s say they drop interest rates in the next 6 months, does that work in their favor?


2024 is the new 1929.


Does this signal that the Fed is going to cut interest rates?


Our policy makers can't get out of their own way. Constant manipulation hinges more and more on the financial integrity of the government instead of normal market forces. But the government's finances are in shambles. How much longer can they play the market?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s like a Casino, you are the house, and you are a gambler.


Maybe they know they will reduce the interest rates soon.


But are they paying face value or market value?


Take a cash advance on MasterCard to pay off Visa. Then apply for AmEx card and take a cash advance on AmEx to pay MasterCard then apply for a Discover card to… The whole US Treasury system is the same as taking advances in credit cards.


Buying lower interest debt is purchased at a discount. Correct me if I'm wrong.


The market must be expecting a rise in interest rates longer term.


Das straight wild


It’s always like this bro. Issuing new bonds or treasuries to pay off the old and due ones. Therefore it’s a wheel that keeps rolling until an accident happens. Oh, don’t worry, a reset and new system will be created by financial genius. Lol.


Ok so the gov is renewing old debt that was at lower interest rates with longer maturity with much shorter higher rates….seems like either they know that eventually they’ll be able to renew all renewed debt even longer and lower in the not too distant future to me when the fed is forced to lower rates. By forced I mean back to 0 or even negative so it’s about to get real bad real soon


We do have a surplus of dollars. They can print more if you don’t believe it.


But are they at least making a profit on the sold-off Treasuries? The Treasuries they are buying are like, 20% to 40% discounted?


Borrowing to pay debt, that only makes the debt worse. I see it as an attempt to lower interest rates on their loans. Or maybe they're being threatened with another downgrade.


A series of experiments never ends,.. making life so weary


FED just gave us their gameplay - FED will lower rates before the US needs to buy back their loans.


Why USA not just print out money and distribute the paper money to various organizations and people, like they did during the COVID?


They are probably going to cut rates....

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Printing more money to buy back old debt, that's real smart. Is that what they teach in American universities?


Banks do these treasury swaps and if interest rates drop, this becomes a win for the banks - a bank bail-in! Got it.


Is the government buying old debt at market price or nominal?


Payday loans!!


I'm 55 and earn about $450k annually, only save 30% in HYSA's. I've been reading a lot of articles mentioning how worthless 'cash savings' are in this current unstable economy, thus my question - real estate, stocks or gold, which will be a better investment as of now?


Agreed, opting for financial advice is the best way to go about the market right now. I average 4 figures/month in dividends. I'm in the process of dumping some stocks that I feel are not solid performers, but my overall ROI just hit $850K. I only have 30 or so stocks (20%) of my portfolio with more of my investments in digital assets clearly vetted by my financial advisor.


Ponzi scheme?


Our property rights are the foundation of individual wealth.


Be smart, keep stacking up gold and silver.


Si le taux d'intérêt du dollars américain augmente cette été, cela feras baissée l'or et l'argent, si la fed baisse le taux alors il sera le temps d'acheter de l'or!


So it's a bet that long-term interest rates will go down. They're buying assets in the 10-year market today, while prices are depressed due to high rates, with the expectation that rates will fall and they'll be able to move the short-term debt they're accumulating today into long-term notes at the future low rates. And people will want to buy those future long-term notes because of the liquidity being injected into that segment right now.


Missing the simple fact that those bonds are sold for less than their worth on the market these days. So yeah they could be making money off those even when borrowing with higher interest rates.


"Buy back at the same time sell" is restructuring.


It's a bail-out.


很赞 4