2024-07-01 吕洞宾! 9195


Realizing she’s the only non-Chinese person who can correctly pronounce “Chang’E” mission or “Queqiao” relay satellite. Good work!


To make the Americans pronounce clearly why change to CHANG ERR and CHO-WHERE CIAO instead?

为了让美国人发音清楚为什么不把CHANG ERR改成CHO-WHERE CIAO呢?

@kawings It would be a mess if every country had its own transcxtion of Chinese characters based on its own language. So it is simpler to follow the official Chinese transcxtion which is called pinyin. It is not a big effort to learn the few tricks to pronounce it correctly and big thumb up for her !



The relay satellite is called "鵲橋 (Queqiao)," which translates to "Magpie Bridge" in English. It refers to a popular legend in Chinese folklore, also known as "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl" . Therefore, "鵲橋 (Queqiao)" symbolizes the bridge formed by the magpies, enabling the reunx of the cowherd and the weaver girl once a year. It has become a symbol of love, longing, and the pursuit of true love in Chinese culture.

Thanks for that! I love to hear the details.


@trekpac2 Legend has it that every year on the seventh day of the seventh month of July, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl will meet at the Magpie Bridge in the sky. This day is also designated as Valentine's Day in China


Greetings, what China is demonstrating is that it does not depend on biased and egemonic policies on the part of the US. They prove it with facts.


If US is the first country completed the mapping of Moon, it would claim US has ownership of the Moon. It's good that China has done the map first!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Oh here we go with maps again Draw a bunch of red dashes around it yet??? Let us know now, not 80 years from now. Get a grip…

哦,让我们再用地图在它周围画一堆红色的破折号吗? 现在就告诉我们,而不是80年后。请控制自己....
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@mikestewart4752 When the US gives Puerto Rico and Hawaii their freedom, Americans will have something to say about south China. Until then, hush, babies.


@mikestewart4752 what do you mean? Of course South China Sea is China’s


@DaddyBear205 based on what?


@djunior874 They are based on China's long history and records. China's history is so long that when China became a superpower and sailed on giant ships, the surrounding areas of the South China Sea were only backward primitive tribes.The Chinese discovered, named, and used those islands and reefs a long time ago.


USA is made up of Europeans who named themselves USA.
Native Indians were the original residents who called it the 'Indies ' or Turtle Island...



"嫦娥" (Chang'e) refers to a prominent figure in Chinese mythology and folklore, known as the Moon Goddess in Chinese culture.

Chang'e is often depicted as a graceful and ethereal figure, associated with the moon, beauty, and femininity. She symbolizes love, sacrifice, and transcendence in Chinese culture. The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is celebrated in her honor and to commemorate her connection to the moon. During this festival, people gather to appreciate the moon's beauty, make offerings, and enjoy mooncakes.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Beautiful story, I love how this achievement is allowing us to learn about this millennial culture


Mid-Autum festival is on the exact date the moon is fullest for the entire calendar year. China is the only surviving ancient farming society; the entire culture has strong connection with the moon. The farming calendar was base on the phases of the moon which affects the climate that determined the time of the year to sow the seeds and when to harvest...etc



When I was little, during the Mid Autumn festival (Moon Cake Festival or 中秋节) our family had boxes of moon cake lined up on the front lawn and we prayed to our 'big sister Chang E" (嫦娥姐姐) who resides on the moon, hoping that she can get to taste our delicious moon cakes as well

@augusto3113 Chang'e is very beautiful, but the myth is not about beauty, for some reason she stole her husband's fairy medicine to go to the moon, different versions have different reasons, some good and some bad


To be honest, NASA's refusal to share and its desire to ask for lunar soil from China reminds me of my younger brother.
When I was a child, my mother put my favorite chocolate and other candies into a big jar and placed it on top of the refrigerator to prevent us from eating too much sugar and hurting our teeth. Because she thought that we couldn't reach them.
Then I moved a chair to get the candy. In order to prevent my mother from noticing that someone had moved the candy jar, I put the candy jar back to its original position. Then my younger brother found out that I was eating candy. He reached out to me for candy.
So I wanted to use the candy to exchange for Optimus Prime in his arms to play for a while. As a result, he hugged it tighter after hearing it. So I pointed to the chair and let him go up to get the candy himself.
Then, he looked at the chair and then at me. He still reached out to me for the candy in my hand.
"COME ON! I didn't stop you, and I didn't move the chair. The candy jar is right there, just go get it. Can't you reach it?"
Then he started crying loudly, because his crying attracted people from other rooms in the house to the kitchen. Then he complained to other people in the family, saying that I "stole candy" and that I was selfish and didn't share candy with him. Then I was taught by other people in the family to "know how to share".
I was speechless, he didn't even want to share Optimus Prime in his arms with me. Then he didn't want to take the candy himself, but wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labor. In turn, he slandered me for "stealing candy" and "not knowing how to share".
Is there such an outrageous thing in the world? ?
NASA, is that right? When will you grow up?


It is the US Government, not NASA. Scientists are usually open-minded people.


EMMM, I don't quite agree with you.
I know that scientists have different positions from NASA, but you can't directly cut NASA and scientists from their positions.
What you said is that the director of NASA cannot represent NASA's official attitude.
On April 27, 2022, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said at a press conference at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida that "he supports the Wolf Act and must continue to cut off all cooperation with China in the field of space."
You see?
The Washington Post reported on June 24, 2024 that NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in an interview: "NASA has been committed to promoting international scientific exchanges and cooperation. We hope that China can share these precious samples from the back of the moon so that scientists from all over the world can participate in this historic scientific exploration.
By sharing data and materials, we can jointly uncover the mystery of the moon and enhance our understanding of the moon and the entire universe."
You see?
[So, the candy jar of lunar soil is right there. NASA, go get it, you can't reach it, right? 】

【所以,月球土壤的糖果罐就在那里。 NASA,快去把它拿到手吧,你够不到吧?】

In 1993, the United States refused China to join the International Space Station. And put China on the list of non-cooperation.
China can only rely on itself to build the Tiangong space station. This may also be the only space station left for humans in Earth orbit after 2028.
On July 23, 1993, the United States claimed that the Chinese "Galaxy" cargo ship sailing to the Iranian port of Abbas was carrying precursor chemicals for the manufacture of chemical weapons, and demanded that the Chinese government immediately take prohibitive measures, otherwise it would sanction China according to domestic law.
And unilaterally shut down the commercial GPS navigation of the Galaxy through administrative means, leaving the Galaxy trapped in the vast ocean, and the United States completely ignored the safety of all crew members.
In the end, China humiliatedly accepted the US boarding inspection, but the result was that the United States did not find anything. Then there was not even a word of apology.


Since then, China has understood that the United States is a villain who never needs a reason or an excuse. If he can do this to China once, he can do it ten thousand times.
Then, China began to seek cooperation with other countries to build a non-US satellite navigation system. Then joined the European Galileo project.
In 2004, the United States put pressure on the European unx. It kicked out China, which had already participated in the European Galileo project. The 2 billion yuan invested by China was wiped out.
So China realized that it could only rely on itself, so it took 20 years to build the Beidou satellite system. It became the world's only fourth satellite orbit navigation system with full latitude coverage.
Looking at the moon plan again, I really hope that NASA and the US government will increase their blockade against China. Because only in this way can more Chinese people give up their illusions about the United States. Let more Chinese people know that the bully, the United States, is neither trustworthy nor reliable.
Oh, by the way. There is no United States in China's Mars plan. China should thank the Wolf Act, which has helped a lot.


In terms of space cooperation, as a Chinese, I sincerely hope that the United States will increase its blockade against China. Without the US anti-China blockade, we really don't know how good we are and how well we can do.
Even we ourselves didn't have much confidence before that China could break through the US chip technology blockade and manufacture its own high-end chips. It took only two and a half years, using another non-American technology route, to finally produce its own high-end chips. China really has to thank the US government. I hope that the large number of chips hoarded by the United States can find another market as big as China in the world. I wish the United States all the best.


the US talking about "Human Rights" violations means nothing now.


Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, and many more have all wanted to say hello to us.


there is something called "reciprocity". I am astonished that Americans dare to ask for collaboration from China after they have rejected China demands to access International Space Station. NASA should have a decent behavior .

有一种东西叫“互惠互利”。我很惊讶美国人在拒绝了中国进入国际空间站的要求后,竟然还敢要求中国合作。NASA 应该表现得体面一点。

Don’t you know the Yankees do not have the English word - pathetic. They continue to have the mindset of being too arrogance but fearful of losing its hegemonic power.


Its the crazies in our government...the American people love the Chinese people and hope the future brings cooperation between Russia China and the US

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Got to give the Chinese credit for their recent successes, especially for the landing without tipping over part


Ah, but what was the difference in costs? Intuitive Machines was a relatively inexpensive — for space — effort. I’m not familiar enough with the specifications of the Japanese probe to know how much they invested. Because of the sample return I’d assume that the Chinese Space Agency would have spend a lot on this mission, and because of that they probably used a lot more simulation and engineering time.


What is your opinion on the statement made by Bill Nelson, the top executive of NASA, during his congressional address: "The far side of the moon is always dark, and I don't understand why the Chinese are exploring it?" LOL
Bill Nelson's comments have sent shockwaves through the scientific community and space enthusiasts globally, shedding light on the possible reasons behind NASA's underwhelming performance in recent decades. With budget cuts and a substantial exodus of experienced experts and engineers, NASA has transitioned from being a proficient agency to one that lacks the necessary space knowledge at its highest leadership levels.


The Americans also complained that the systems in the Chinese space station are in Chinese, not English. How arrogant are they


he didn't say he don't understand, he said he has "no idea", basically he is a paper pusher who doesn't know much about the science.


yeah man I watch Bill's comment on this and I almost rofl. And the audacity to demand China for moon sample while emphasizing the legality of their infamous Worf amendment. How low and dispicable can one stoop!..tsk tsk


The Wolf Amendment will be recorded in the history book as the law that gave the independence to the China space exploration.


In a recent interview with a nasa scientist, he said: they dont have the technology to pass a astronaut through the Van Allen Radiation belt.
And when asked what about apollo program, the guy from nasa said well we lost that technology


Never underestimate China's prowess the Chinese Aerospace program is the creation of Qian Xuesen. ( Tsien Hsue-Shen ), he's considered as the father of the Chinese Aerospace Program...
He was also one of the co-founders of the J P L. ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory )
He was an Aerospace engineer, and a cyberneticist, and established engineering cybernetics, above all he was a humble human. R I P .... For his significant contribution to America, he was deported... Where he later became the father of China's Aerospace Program.....
Great loss for America...
Great gain for the motherland..
Not long ago, when China built her own Space Station, and was choosing a group of scientists, engineers, etc., from different walks of life to participate in her Space Station, Bill Nelson had the audacity to say that he needed to inspect China's Space Station, and make sure it was safe for the Western scientists to board it...What a joke ! What an insult to the Chinese Aerospace team...
Bill Nelson, ! f you're watching China's progress... Eat your heart out... Your arrogance is not welcomed .....
Sorry, but I had to vent that...

千万不要低估中国的实力,中国航天计划是钱学森的杰作。(Tsien Hsue-Shen),他被认为是中国航天计划之父...
他也是 J P L.(喷气推进实验室)的联合创始人之一。
他是一名航天工程师,一名控制论专家,建立了工程控制论,最重要的是,他是一个谦逊的人。安息吧... 因为他对美国的重大贡献,他被驱逐出境... 后来他成为了中国航天计划之父...美国的巨大损失...
不久前,当中国建造自己的空间站,并从各行各业中挑选一批科学家、工程师等参加空间站时,比尔·尼尔森竟然大胆地说他需要检查中国的空间站,确保西方科学家登上空间站是安全的... 真是个笑话!这对中国航天团队来说是一种侮辱...

I really hope US scientists don't get a speck of Chinese lunar dust from this last mission, if they want to study that dust just make them relinquish US citizenship


You reap what you sowed. When they enacted the Wolf Amendment back then, they had not thought that China's space program would be so advanced to date.


no matter near side or far side, all the ground of the moon in these pictures from Chang'e looked the same.
And they are all different from Apollo's cement powder ground.


The rover is called YuTu “jade rabbit”,which is the pet rabbit of Chang‘e the moon goddess,and the space station is called Tiangong,which means heaven palace. I just love how the CNSA name their amzing works of art


Wolfe : China violated human rights on the MOON
Biden: yes!... I am the first president on the Moon, and I tripped while boarding the return-lunar capsule


Gordon Chang Er must be so proud of his name! Since the only moon he can land on is when his pants are at his ankles getting a doctor's probe for rocks.


Like it or not, the Chinese don't trash talk but just do it like Nike's slogan. If I have not remembered wrongly, it seems that there is NO failures in China's space program. That's even more awesome!


European-Chinese lunar exploration partnership is over.
Under pressure from the US, ESA has decided to stay out of the Chinese-led International Lunar Research Station (ILRS).
So no ESA-China partnership for Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 in the future.
China will continue alone without the burdensome ESA. All praise for China.


Great video! Thanks for talking about how communications to earth work, I was wondering about that. Is it a live lix? or does the satellite have reach a more appropriate location?


Be pragmatic and realistic, apply the wisdom of the ancients and the art of war, be neither arrogant nor arrogant, and be down-to-earth to complete the set tasks step by step.


CIA - ' China has destroyed NASA Apollo Mission landing site, leaving no trace of American Astronaut on the Moon surface !!! '

中央情报局 - “中国摧毁了美国宇航局阿波罗任务的着陆点痕迹,月球表面没有留下任何美国宇航员的痕迹!!!”

America can send 2 astronauts and hundred kilograms of lunar sample in 1969...
But they can't do it any longer, technology gone yeah right

1969 年,美国可以派出 2 名宇航员取回 100公斤月球样本...

Why does that law exist saying that we are prohibited from sharing anything with China with regards to space exploration? Was this something to do with a trade agreement that went bad or is there some other reason why we should be prohibited from cooperating with china? I mean they seem like good people and clearly they are very intelligent and highly technical.


China successfully achieves its obxtives, contrasting with the United States' reliance on theatrical tactics, which lack sincerity. Consequently, China's inability to find evidence of past American moon landings highlights this disparity.


In 1969, NASA took Armstrong and co to and from the moon only required 8 days. China's Chang-e 6 took 2 months to arrive there and 22 days to return. Does it mean the 1969 US's technology was more Advance.?????.


I look forward to seeing SpaceX culture overtake not only Chinese space accomplishments, but rid itself of NASA's political restraints, and that of the FAA as well. Having the FAA no longer require prohibitive incident reports after each test launch is the first step in that direction.

我期待看到 SpaceX 文化不仅超越中国航天成就,而且摆脱 NASA 和 FAA(美国联邦航天总署) 的政治限制。让 FAA 不再要求在每次试射后提交令人望而却步的事故报告是朝着这个方向迈出的第一步。

The reason these Chinese landings don't get much attentions is that they are using the exact method used by Apollo. If they used a different more innovative method, they would finally get the respect they are looking for.


The amount of craps I hear from Indian media and Indians in general about China makes me sick. India is miles behind China when clearly India has the severe hunger problem to fix before investing in space. Encouraging the poor Indians at borders to migrate into their neighbors like Nepal taking advantage of open borders with an agenda to have Indian mass in Nepal to internally interfere in their political affairs is shameful. Nepal has to close its open borders and protect it before it becomes a big headache for them just like the case of Rohingya.
China must help as India has been suppressing their economy with silent economics blockades since they are landlocked by India on three sides. One belt road is a must in South Asia which India want to trash as it will allow India's tiny neighboring landlocked nation like Nepal and Bhutan to grow and not be subjected to India's economic blockade.

我从印度媒体和印度民众那里听到的关于中国的废话让我恶心。印度远远落后于中国,而印度显然在投资太空之前要解决严重的饥饿问题。 而他们却鼓励边境的贫穷印度人利用开放边境移民到尼泊尔等邻国,并计划让大量印度人进入尼泊尔干涉其内部政治事务,这是可耻的。尼泊尔必须关闭其开放边境并保护它,否则它会像罗兴亚人的情况一样成为他们的大麻烦。

很赞 35