香格里拉 - 喜马拉雅乌托邦
2024-07-01 IPmod 6276

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处


I agree Shaxi has been very well done. A good balance between old and the needs of tourism. Hopefully it will never become like Lijiang and Dali old towns. I hope you show more of Baisha and some of the other Naxi villages in the area, that were rebuilt after the earthquake.


The patchwork of brown fields, seen on your drone shots, is evidence of the hard work needed to grow and create the beautiful patchwork of greens of fruit and vegetables also seen among them. I liked the story of the trading caravans and exchanging horses for tea with a map of trading routes. The credit/debit card of today has ruined everything!


This ancient village/town is so much authentic compared to Dali ancient town and Lijiang ancient town. I have been to Dali twice and Lijiang once and I have plan to visit Dali and Lijiang again and I will not miss Shaxi ancient town this time.


You make a village with no high expectation into an extraordinary place.
So many other China travel channels, even the ones that make an effort to get out of the big cities, the narrators pose in front of the camera too much, and after the filming is done, they recite a written scxt overlaid on the scenes. Your words are spontaneous, spoken while you are filming, walking or riding, nothing artificial. Your conversational voice, and the simple sounds of the scooter on the different road surfaces and the background noises on the street, this is the only "sound track" you need. We are not your audience and you are not a performer. We are your companions while you explore China.
You must have done some research but the essential maps and historical images and background facts are few and quick. You do not present this place like an audiovisual lecture. You share the experience of your visit. This is the opportunity you give to us who cannot travel with you. We discover the parts of the village at the same time that you first see them. When you are surprised, we are surprised.
You do not try to dominate the video. Your face, when we see it, most often appears as a secondary element in a bigger scene. Partly, this is your humility, but it also indicates that you know the geography, the human and the natural geography, is more important in the video. Ironically, only someone with your unique personality and skill could produce the video this good.
The editing, the sextion and arrangement of scenes, especially on this video about rural Yunnan, should be studied for its technical sophistication. It appears to be simple and effortless but there is great judgement and precision in the flow between the different views, the balance of high drone shots, floating above the landscape, and the low shots from the scooter, traveling on the roads. Do people realize, the "post production" takes as much effort as the initial filming, and is just as important? Do people realize how sophisticated your videos have become? For me personally, many of them are worthy of being seen more than once, like favorite movies.
Did you take any cinematography courses when you were in school?


Love the Drone footage and then I thought how lucky I am to live in a small city in New Zealand where we all live in single story houses and have our own piece of land to be our garden.
Drone footage over where I live would look similar although our architectural style is more simple and not beautiful.
I think the modern Chinese people have so much nostalgia for this simpler way of life.
So many Chinese now live in towering blocks of apartments. For these people this has become a tourist destination. Seems a little sad to me.


All Chinese have ancestral land issued by the government after the liberation of China. The apartments in cities are second homes.


@banarama4144 I'm not sure that this is actually true. Nice idea but I believe the Urban land is owned by the state and rural land is mostly owned by collectives of farmers who live there. So maybe a family as a whole owns some rural land but I'm not sure what each individual owns. We have Maori land in NZ which is owned communally by an indigenous tribe, or Whanau, that decides what happens on that land and which individuals can live on it. An individual might have leased rights but does not own any part of it.

@banarama4144 我不确定这是不是真的。虽然你的想法不错,但我认为城市土地归国家所有,而农村土地大多归居住在那里的农民集体所有。因此,也许一个家庭作为一个整体拥有一些农村土地,但我不确定每个人拥有多少。新西兰的毛利人拥有土地,由土著部落或Whanau共同拥有,他们能够决定土地上发生了什么以及哪些人可以在上面生活。虽然个人可能拥有租赁权,但并不能拥有其中的任何部分。

They do not have chimneys in the roofs. Seems no heating required. How they manage the garbage issue in the small alleys, ist also unclear: neither collection bins nor any other disposal places.


Almost everywhere in China is heated by gas or electric stoves, so why do you need chimneys?Towns also have dedicated sanitation workers to clean up and recycle garbage.Is all this hard for you to imagine?


In this episode, I started the ride in Lijiang, and then riding towards Shangri-la!

Shangri-la is mesmerizing county-level city nestled in northwestern Yunnan Province, it is the largest city of the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The city, originally known as Zhongdian (中甸), was renamed Shangri-La in 2001, inspired by the fictional paradise in James Hilton's 1933 novel "Lost Horizon". The city has an old town and an amazing Tibetan Buddist monastery...

Hi Yan. I am an old American and your videos are such jewels of sharing and learning. I will not see these places for real and I appreciate your generosity and your insights. Thank you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

HI Yan !!! → Whoa ! I Remember Those Views When I Was There in 2019! I Can't Wait Till October When I Am Back to Lijiang and Dali on My Route to Lhasa. THANK YOU For Showing Us The Start of The Tiger Leaping Gorge : The Best Trek I Have Ever Done in My Life !!!! → ALL The Best and You Take Care ! → Fernando.

嗨Yan ! → 哇啊!我还记得2019年我在那里时的那些景色!我等不及十月去拉萨的途中再回丽江和大理了。谢谢你带我们去虎跳峡的起点:这是我这辈子做过的最棒的徒步旅行!!!→祝你一切顺利,保重.....!→ Fernando。

Ni HAO I love China, it's people and culture. My greatest adventure in my life was travelling to China with train, then around in China. Kuan Yin has been my Guardian for 23 years


The big prayer wheel is an incredible copper artwork, even a samoyed dog went around to pray


I am watching from Nigeria I have fallen so deeply in love with this channel while growing up i told myself i am going to be a tourist but i end up doing that from social media thanks for showing us part of China i never knew existed kudos much love from this side


Great Film Work Yan,I loved the White Yak, Im a breeder of Zebu Cattle,it was quite a treat to see this animal , beautiful scenery up on terraced farming plots,with wonderful village housing, its amazing what you see from your Golden Eagle Drone,keep your self covered with warm jackets ,all those deep valleys & High Mountains are rather cold at times,it seems its Spring time up in the Mountains,the village people seem very friendly,just makes one want to be there with you, But the videos are Great,there is so much to learn in this big world of ours thank you again Yan, for these videos, Cheers & Best Wishes, Regards Trevor.W.Bacelli. Biloela Qld Australia.


A melodious flute in a background of stunning scenic valleys in the far east is perfectly in keeping with my imagination of Shangrila. You made my day! Thank you for taking your viewers to roads less travelled.


I was in yunnan about 1 week ago, it’s amazing i love the province every place we visit shock me and exceed my expectations I will definitely go back again


My dear little sister Little Chinese Everywhere
Thank you so much for this video. From my point of view it is one of your most beautiful and powerful videos. The landscapes of this region are magnificent, powerful and so full of harmony. Thank you for all the emotions you've shared today.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Yan...look at what you have done!!! You have the whole world now adoring you. You started something!!! It is your courage and love we follow. Thak you for showing us this. I will enjoy your installment.
We love you and wish you safe travels to u and hubby and one day I wish u to be featured on National Geographic.
Keep us smiling and be safe. We love you out here. Damn fine courage!!!!


I think the funny man was singing “Cotton eyed Joe” an old Swedish hit song
Beautiful footage as usual, hope to see some Tibetan homes, they have the most beautiful interior designs

我觉得那个搞笑的人在唱一首瑞典老歌"棉花眼乔"(Cotton eyed Joe)。

Beautiful! The 1937 movie Lost Horizon has always been my favorite. Thank you for bringing us with on your journey through this new Shangrila.


Your drone views are epic! Thank you so much for sharing the beauty of your country. I live in Oregon USA. In decades past I have had the privilege of flying over most of my state in a private plane. Some day I would like to be able to visit many places around this beautiful Earth we live on.


Springtime with blossoming fruit trees! It's easy to be Shangri-la at such a time. Beautiful place by the dragon mountain. Drone perspective is gorgeous! Music wistful, enchanting.


Absolutely gerat video. I love this area around Sumtseling monastery. How much has this town changed? I was there in 2010. A couple of years later the town experienced a devastating fire in which many beautiful old buildings were destroyed. From what I could see the big prayer wheel is still there and in excellent condition. Just wish to go there again. Thanks for this video and wishing you a successful and trouble free continuation of you trip to Nyingchi.


Superb as always;I was up in Shangri-La back in 2018 what a once in a life time experience. I would like to add on to all guest comments before the book Lost Horizon by James Hilton ! There was back in the early 1920 already an Austrian-American botanical named Joseph Rock studying flowers and birds living there in the Lijiang vicinity for 27 years. He was doing that partly on sponsorships from National Geographic , what amazing stories to encounter indeed.

一如既往的精彩。2018年我曾到过香格里拉,这是一生难得的体验。我想在詹姆斯-希尔顿(James Hilton)的《失落的地平线》(Lost Horizon)一书之前,补充一下所有人的评论!早在1920年初,就有一位名叫约瑟夫-洛克的美籍奥地利植物学家在丽江附近研究花卉和鸟类,一住就是27年。他这样做的部分原因是得到了《国家地理》杂志的赞助。

I decided to watch your videos as you tell the history, as you ride along on your scooter all around the countryside! I hope you visit Canada someday, as I am enjoying seeing the beautiful country of yours. I love those drone shots, as it gives me a great sky view! It's just amazing, and the people are so hard-working! Thank you for this window into your life! Cheers! Oh, your bike needs the shocks redone and the brakes:) They are pretty worn out with all that hard travel...:) I have a scooter too:) If I were there I would have fixed them for you!!:)

我决定看你的视频,听你讲述历史,看你骑着摩托车在乡间穿梭!我希望有一天你能访问加拿大,因为我很喜欢看你们这个美丽的国家。我喜欢那些无人机拍摄的画面,因为它能让我看到美丽的天空!这里太神奇了,人们是如此勤劳!谢谢你为我提供了这个了解你们的生活的窗口!谢谢!哦,你的自行车需要重做减震器和刹车了,它们在长途跋涉中已经磨损得很厉害了:) 我也有一辆摩托车,如果我在那里,我一定会帮你修好它们!:)

Hello little beautiful Chinese Fairy. Your vlog to Shangri-la was wonderful . The oldest Monastery is beautiful & historic. Your drone shots further added to the beauty. Take care of your health & skin. Admiring your enlightenment of famous & historic places & their ethnic cultures, languages & foods. Keep it up & keep smiling.. An aged well-wisher of little fairy Chinese & China from Pakistan.


Yan rightfully makes it clear that Shangri-La is fictional despite claims by many places to be the actual location.
The myth was likely based on some actual place that existed centuries ago. A good candidate is the ancient Guge kingdom that thrived under Buddhist rulers. Its ruined capital is at a place called Tsaparang in remote and difficult to access western Tibet.
The British historian Michael Wood made the arduous journey and recorded it as part of his "In Search Of Myths & Heroes" BBC series. The episode is called "The Search For Shangrila". Wood makes a good case for it being the place that inspired the Shangrila myth. I've seen the program on television and on DVD. You can probably stream it, too.

英国历史学家迈克尔-伍德(Michael Wood)踏上了这段艰辛的旅程并将其记录了下来,作为英国广播公司(BBC)"寻找神话与英雄"(In Search Of Myths & Heroes)系列节目的一部分,这一集名为"寻找香格里拉",伍德很好地证明了这就是香格里拉神话的灵感来源。我在电视和DVD上都看过这个节目,你或许也可以通过流媒体观看。



A point of clarification: Yan - I hope you did not take my recent comment [S2, Ep 75] on your "fierce riding" through crowds seriously! This was but a joke - ok, an attempt at a joke. In fact, I wanted to compliment your scooter riding skills: in few months you have become not only a scooter rider but a very good scooter rider (which, in my view, is not trivial and not attainable by everyone; I myself never got "there").


很赞 10