2024-07-02 大号儿童 5516

More than eight months into Israel's devastating assault on Gaza, the territory's healthcare system is barely functioning, with the World Health Organization reporting this week that there have been 464 Israeli attacks on Gaza's healthcare system since October 7, affecting 101 health facilities. Gaza's Health Ministry warns that the few remaining hospitals still partially functioning could completely shut down due to Israel's near-total blockade of the territory, which is keeping out parts needed to maintain hospital diesel generators, as well as crucial medical supplies. Over 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's war on Gaza, and nearly 85,000 Palestinians have been wounded. "The situation in Gaza … remains catastrophic," says Dr. James Smith, an emergency medical doctor just back from Gaza, where he treated patients for nearly two months. "There are no fully functional hospitals any longer in Gaza and no health facilities that are able to absorb the sheer scale of need now."


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm Austrian. I do not understand our government. And I don't understand Germany too!


No more money or weapons to Israel


Sickening how the once described 'Holy Land' has become an 'abomination of desolation.' Sacrificing so many innocents, especially children, to their idols of greed - luxury waterside apartments and the rest.


Doctor James Smith thankyou Sir, for helping the Pallastinians you are a real Hero. God bless you and family and all Doctors in The State of Palestine.


Netenyahu & his admin belong in prison.


Israel claims to hate antisemitism, yet they are doing everything possible to promote it.


Poor children!! Totally innocent!
Free Palestine now!!!!!!!


Shame on Israeli Government.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the most heartbreaking interviews I have watched on the GENOCIDE in Gaza. The conditions in Gaza were brilliantly and eloquently expressed by Dr Smith. Thank you for your role in saving the lives of Palestinians


“Israel” asked Palestine: “Palestine, why do the Western governments love me but hate you?” Palestine responded: “Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth.”


It is simply unimaginable a territory that one cannot leave, that has no airport, no port, has nothing. No free decions, it's really a prison and Israel decides for good or bad. Just horrible

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Harrowing testimony. Another one. I wish they would get through to the people in power, because, quite frankly, this is maddening.


I will never forgive Israel for what it has done to the poor Palestinian people ,im from England

我永远不会原谅以色列对可怜的巴勒斯坦人所做的事情 。我来自英格兰

That's one of the most vile things I've heard... starving people, then waving expensive healthy food in front of them, knowing they can't afford it.

这是我听过的最卑鄙的事情之一… 把昂贵健康食品摆在贫困人民面前,知道他们买不起。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shame on America shame on European countries shame on Arab leadrs


Don’t let the commitment to accuracy throw you off. They say 80 something thousand injured. And thats conservative. What constitutes an injury could be convoluted in a war zone. I’m sure there are people concussed, cut, or with fractured or broken bones (not to mention malnourished) in the thousands that aren’t being counted because the injuries or conditions weren’t severe enough to expend the care. And then theres the psychological effects, which can be worse than physical.


If BRIBERY is a criminal act for all employees , likewise it should be a criminal offense for the LOBBYISTs and lawmakers/congressmen.


1776 : Independence from England
2024 : Independence from IsraeI

1776年:摆脱英格兰的独立 2024年:摆脱以色列的独立

"The Nazis made me afraid of being Jewish and the Zionists made me ashamed of being Jewish." - Israel Shahak


Yet the world just sits there and watches.


A very well spoken account of the condition's in Gaza from Dr James smith. Im sure his personal and professional experiences will stay with him always. And I'm sure every Palestinian who experienced this GENOCIDE will be haunted every single day for the rest of their lives by these horrific memories.


This is unbearable... heartbreaking
Ya Allah help the Palestinians and takecare of them

这太难以忍受了... 令人心碎。愿真主帮助巴勒斯坦人,并保护他们。

Is the algorithm suppressing videos of doctors speaking of Gaza? The folks at Breaking Points noted it days back. Videos of doctors reporting on Gaza just aren't getting the same views. Maybe it's just difficult for people to hear about the continuing carnage so they skip the reports from doctors in Gaza? Or maybe these are being actively suppressed? Very interesting.

算法是否在压制医生谈论加沙的视频?Breaking Points团队几天前就注意到了这一点。医生在加沙报道的视频并没有得到同样的观点。也许人们很难听到关于持续屠杀的报道,所以他们跳过了加沙医生的报道?或者这些视频正在被积极压制?非常有趣的问题。



I knew it! I had heard about the “commercial trucks” that were being allowed in. I suspected that they must’ve been full of food of food from Israel, meant to be sold to Gazans at unaffordable high prices! It’s gross what they are doing.


What Gazan markets purchase the Israeli brand foods? How does that work, please?


where are the worlds hospital ships or why are they not allowed to vist

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is an escalation in aggression in the comments section reflecting the aggression on the ground & that which is spouted in interviews. This does not help your cause , simply proves what the world knows. No-one is under any obligation to watch a video, read a comment or post a reply.


Every Video Date Month And year Added Much Better


This dude said "since the gennicidde that started in Oct" What? Idk if this guy was even there? What? What has he seen and pictured himself? Oh.. NOTHING

这个人说“自从十月开始的种族灭绝”什么?我不知道这个人是否真的在那里?他看到和经历了什么?哦.. 什么也没有。

We know for sure that there is 1 less doctor practicing healthcare in Gaza, because 1 doctor was guarding the hostages in his apartment when the Israel rescue team arrived to save their people. Oh well.


Maybe it was a bad idea to START A WAR?, I'm not religiousbut I like this one "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."


I don’t believe this doctor who has been on the ground, I’ll listen to Ben Shapiro instead.


You know this woman actually believes her lies I guess the truth doesn't matter anymore


Where is Hamas - the legal government of Gaza who brought this catastrophy over the people of Gaza!?!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is no GENOCIDE! Stop misusing words for propaganda reasons.
What’s happening in Sudan and Syria is a GENOCIDE. What happened to the Tutsi in Rwanda was a GENOCIDE.


What about the medical doctor and his wife along with their son who was an Al Jazeera journalist and the fact that they were holding Noa Argamani hostage. You are biased.


You are lying about starvation in Gaza. There are hundreds of humanitarian food trucks going into Gaza every day.


Devastating justified assault. Why are you not calling for Hamas to give up?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Propaganda machine os running smoothly. This is not a GENOCIDE. This is not a calculation, this is war .

宣传机器运转正常。 这不是种族灭绝。 这不是计算,这是战争。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why do you focus mainly on Gaza?? What about all the bombings and killing of babies on October 7th and the rape and murder of Israeli women and all the young people killed at the Nova Festival and the hostages in captivity for 8 months. What about those topics?

为什么你主要关注加沙?10 月 7 日发生的爆炸和杀害婴儿事件、以色列妇女被强奸和杀害事件、新星节上所有年轻人被杀害以及人质被关押 8 个月等事件又如何呢?这些话题呢​​?

The sooner your simple mind learns to accept your reality the easier this process will be. Israel has spoken.

你简单的头脑越早学会接受现实,这个过程就会越容易。 以色列发话了

& the slaughter continues & the world does nothing! Humanity is dead!!!!


Was there any health system in palastine before even 7th oct...then why palastine people travel to Israel for medical assistance and crirtical operations


nothing that ever Happened in Gaza compares to Oct 7th

在加沙发生的一切都比不上 10 月 7 日。

Remember the elite SS panzer units came from eastern Ukraine


Turn from you sin and seek Jesus if you want to live. Every one will stand before God for everything they did on earth. You can not be good enough to enter heaven. God promise he will send you his spirit, the holy spirit, to live in you and guide you if you receive the son of God, Jesus, God in human form, who came to die for your sins so you may live and avoid the wrath of God for your sins.


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