2024-07-07 UP机器人 15310

中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪于 7 月 4 日(在东南亚的第一家工厂)泰国工厂竣工投产。泰国工业部部长萍帕拉·威猜昆、中国驻泰国大使韩志强及比亚迪董事长兼总裁王传福等嘉宾出席仪式。

THAILAND is the Heart of ASIA Automotive.
Congratulations to THAILAND n BYD

泰国是亚洲汽车业的心脏啊! 恭喜泰国和比亚迪!

Actually China, India, Japan are the top automotive manufacturers in asia.
They approached to india first for $1 billion investment, additional future investments, tech transfers and supply chain creation. But India refused BYD's investment.

其实中国、印度和日本才是亚洲汽车制造业的顶级大佬。 比亚迪最开始是想在印度投资的,提出了10亿美元的投资计划,还承诺未来追加投资、技术转让和建立供应链。可惜印度拒绝了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Dr.Kraig_Ren what ? Endia ?


@limk8994 Me Too... I really want to know why India on that list...?


it was not true, actually india wanted to buy electric buses from BYD, and the Chinese manufacturer wants it cash on a basis, because india is a bad customer, delaying payments or not paying at all. It was indian propaganda saying the opposite.


Yeah. Better than indo.


@ridhobaihaqi144 I want to why...?


@ikajunita.k cost operasional lebih murah, birokrasi lebih mudah.. indonesia sudah bukan lokasi sasaran inventor. Justru kebalik skrg, inventorlah sasaran indonesia. Mesti lobi dulu, tp teteplah ujung2ny inventor cari yg cuan, yaitu kembali ke prioritas awal, contoh thailand, vietnam, kamboja.


Gak juga kok...Masih tetep menggiurkan Indonesia...Termasuk Investasi di Bidang Otomotif...
Klo opsi negara investasi di Thailand & Vietnam aku sih setuju...
Klo yang dibilang Myanmar...Aku malah mempertanyakan yang ini...?
Buat ku...Competitiveness Indonesia Lebih Unggul daripada Myanmar...

也不尽然啦, 印尼还是很有吸引力的,包括汽车行业的投资。 说泰国和越南是投资之选我同意, 但说到缅甸, 我倒要问问为啥了? 我觉得,印尼的竞争力可比缅甸强多了……

EU can mount up tariff, but I have a feeling that in long term, European cars will be ever expensive because they can only sell within Europe, while the rest of the world buys Chinese cars. Limited amount in Europe won't compensate sufficiently for cost of production and R&D; thus, price per unit will be high.


Namaskar As an Indian, I can only admire and salute China. Indians are too busy with Politics and Religion rather than Economy and Technology. Today 142 Chinese companies dominate Fortune 500, while Rank 111 Hunger Index India still lives in the Middle Ages with a medi mindset building massive temples and statues - India has the Lowest Female Labor Participation rate among G20 countries and its going down further


Thailand is next gen z economic booster in central Asia. Hope Philippines have ambition to be economic growth


Who would invest in the Philippines? Where rampant corruption and extortion makes businesses bleed? A lot of American, European, Korean & Japanese car manufacturers already closed and left the Philippines only Toyota and Mitsubishi are left manufacturing in the Philippines because of incompetence and corruption.


One of the fastest if not the fastest growing economy in Southeast Asia and is projected to become upper middle income in the next 5 to 10 yrs and you’re asking this question?? Stop with this BS misinformation pls..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

150K per year factory is a drop in the bucket. Its 4% of BYD's production...


But that's a huge deal for Thailand. You expect 50% of BYD's production in there?


BYD's production will be avalible around the world in the future, let's add them up.


Why the BGM is so annoying?


Weird and skeptical BGM used here.


The BGM is like China build a prison there. They know how jounalism works.


They approached to india first for $1 billion investment, additional future investments, tech transfers and supply chain creation. But India refused BYD's investment.


No Chinese top manufacturer will invest in India now. After what has happened to big Chinese companies, they will stay away from India until they know they can actually keep their investments.


byd forced industrialization in southeast asia will happen, the factories will not only be in thai soon


come to mexico please I need one of those 10k car you are selling. All major car company in the US wants to rip me off. Chinaman you are my only hope.


US said no.


Living in Bangkok, it would be wonderful if these EV's took over the local market. But we need some serious upgrades in energy production. Hopefully Thailand can also start importing Chinese nuclear reactors to flood the country with cheap electricity.


They just assemble, 100% of components made in China

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's why they are calling it an assembly plant. Isn't it obvious?


same for made in india too . india just assemble , never did any new inventions past 2 decades


so what are your problems with assembly plant? some components are source from Thailand like the set, lightings, glass and mirrors, tires and labor force as well, but BYD also plans to have stamping plant in Thailand to lessen the cost of transporting from China


Send it to Pakistan and Bangladesh, but don't expect them to pay

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pakistan and Bangladesh needs electricity power stations and efficient road&rails, after this is done, auto mobile industry supply chain could be steadily improved. that is why China is investing belt and silk road there at first.


Pakistan and Bangladesh are developing countries, if China want make more money from these 2 countries, at first, China has to help them to get rich. the best way is to move some industry to these countries, when their people are rich, they can trade more with China.


Why should they pay for Made in China quality?


The Aussies are paying. They love made in China evs.


lol, byd sold less than 2000 last month, they bought more corolla than byd.


Customers paid at advance for BYD EVs. In June, BYD's production of new energy vehicles was 341,700 units, a year-on-year increase of 35.02%; the cumulative production from January to June this year was 1.632 million units, a year-on-year increase of 27.95%.


BYD do not worry about who the buyers are, its EVs are prepaid by customers, they only concern how to increase production as soon as possible.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Over 95 % were sold in chyna at dirt-cheap prices, and the car was banned in North America and sold bearing high tariffs in Europe and Brazil, there is no more big auto market available in the world


I wish BYD investment in Indonesia to produce it like Wuling...

说实话…… 我倒是希望比亚迪能在印尼投资建厂,像五菱那样在这儿生产车子。

I am not surprised by the number of frustrated American Sour Grapes commenting here.


China must invest to India SUPERPOWER make india initiative come true. Jai hindi MODI THE GREAT immortal in the world

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why not come to Malaysia?


because Malaysia is far right, Thailand is just right


Congrats , open in India also


no india should give more importance to indigenous brands like ather, ola, tata, and mahindra.


Nah. They wanted Tesla but Elon said he's too busy.


Tesla also rejected India. Never return their call.


WoW that why i saw a lot of Chinese EV on street but mostly Chinese ppl riding on is ..
Not gonna lie tho car's may look a like as LAMBORGHINI or MARCLAN or PORSCHE..
But there build quality is far worse than Toyota TAxiS cars ..
I never humiliated myself that i thought tho super luxury look a like cars but performance is worser then car that we use to make as Taxi

哇哦,难怪我在街上看到那么多中国电动车,不过大多是中国人在开…… 不得不说,这些车外观确实挺像兰博基尼、迈凯伦或保时捷的。 但是它们的制造质量比起丰田出租车差远了…… 我可不想自取其辱,虽然那些车看起来超级豪华,但性能却比我们当出租车用的车还差。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

BYD YangWang U8 SUV is a 100,000 kilometers or 10 years warranty, so where is the worst in BYD cars? although this is a hybrid but the gas engine (2.0 liter 200 whp) are not connected to any wheels, U8 has four 300 whp each electric motors and run by battery while the battery are charge by gas engine generator, also it has a charging port of both AC and DC charging, it can float in water (IPX 6.8) and turn around 360 degrees within in its position like a war tank, this U8 SUV has no comparison anywhere in the world in features, specs and performance and less than the price of Land Rover Defender

比亚迪仰望U8 SUV可是有10万公里或10年的保修期,哪里差了?虽然这是混动车,但它的发动机(2.0升200马力)不直接驱动车轮,U8有四个各300马力的电动机,靠电池运行,而电池由汽油发动机充电,还有交流和直流充电接口。它能在水上漂浮(IPX 6.8),还能像坦克一样原地360度旋转。这款U8 SUV在功能、规格和性能上无可比拟,而且价格还比路虎卫士便宜。

"Chinese EV makers face European unx tariffs up to 38%".
It's both true and not true: EVs made in China face these tariffs. But EVs made by Chinese companies in Thailand, for example, would not face the tariffs. At the same time, EVs made by European companies in China would also face the same tariffs.

【中国电动车制造商在欧盟面临高达38%的关税】。 这个说法既对又不对:在中国生产的电动车确实面临这些关税。但比如中国公司在泰国生产的电动车就不会面临这些关税。同时,欧洲公司在中国生产的电动车也会面临同样的关税。

Toyota is afraid now


No.. Toyota clearly has the right vision for the future.. And EV is not the future

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Setback for India


biggest motorcycle company is indian. And out of 10 biggest motorcycle companies, 4 are indian. TVS, Bajaj, Hero, and Royal Enfield. India also comes in top 3 in farming vehicles production.


There will be import tax in other asean countries. No point.


150K EV per year. no worry, the Thai people can purchase them all.


I wonder why BYD open in Hungary instead of Sweden where political climate for EV there is the most lax for both user and investor


manufacture cost is much cheater in eastern europe


I guess Hungary more centred in EU for cheaper transportation costs


electricity cost, enviornment protection cost, land cost , labor cost..Sweden has her own choice of whether to produce high end semiconductors or produce EVs. not every country wants to make cars, some small countries could produce the car parts, like electrical motors, monitors, windows, wheels.


Hungary is much open to foreign manufacturing, Sweden is also open but can not afford to have foreign competition as of now from foreign brand, but they are open and willing to buy Chinese EV's
Chinese car manufacturers not interested yet in Poland and Ukraine


I live in China. Everything is miserable here, but no one dares to complain.
Seriously if there is next life, I wish to be born in any other country, except China.


No one stops you to leave China.


Actual review:car of problems,bad bad battery life,worthless waste of money


Indian cars are better


I would buy Chinese made cheap plastic toys and clothes. No way I’m buying an EV from them. They cut too many corners. No business ethics.


Bruh. Can you afford one in the first place. Toys and clothes are cheap.


junk are coming

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they dont go to ur junk place


I have a BYD. It's the worst car I have ever owned.


That’s a punishment from BYD for you mixed up which hand you put Curry into your mouth and which hand you pull your Curry out from the bottom.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 53