2024-07-08 献丑4096 8205

US. and European tariffs on car imports from China look similar, but will have different consequences.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

America and Europe are heading down different roads in response to China’s emergence as an electric-vehicle juggernaut.


The U.S. is closing its borders to Chinese EVs before they even launch. The Biden administration last month raised the total tariff rate to 102.5% on Chinese EVs, despite extremely low imports. Canada, whose car industry is tightly integrated with the U.S., is considering new tariffs too, Bloomberg reported on Friday.


In case sky-high import duties don’t keep Chinese EVs away—for example if they are built in Mexico to benefit from the country’s free-trade agreement with the U.S. and Canada—Washington also launched an investigation in February to assess their security risks. This could be an even more potent blocking tool. If President Biden loses November’s election, a second Trump administration would likely be even more hawkish.


Meanwhile in the European unx, additional tariffs announced by Brussels this month will only slow the influx of Chinese EVs. The products need to overcome consumer resistance to unfamiliar brands, which will take time, but the market is open.


The proposed levels of duty are relatively modest: an additional 17.4% in the all-important case of Chinese market leader BYD. On top of a longstanding 10% tariff, that might close most of the company’s cost advantage compared with European peers, but it probably wouldn’t throw its growth plans off course. Assuming that the company splits the cost impact of the proposed tariff with consumers, Citi estimated that it would still make higher margins in Europe than in brutally competitive China.


And the final tariffs could be lower still. The EV probe is part of a negotiation: China responded last week with its own antidumping investigation into imports of EU pork products. Both initiatives invoke World Trade Organization rules that allow so-called “countervailing duties” on subsidized products. The “Section 301” tariffs used by Washington, by contrast, are a uniquely American tool that is unlikely to lead to any kind of bilateral deal.

最终关税有可能会降低,欧盟调查中国电动车是双方谈判的一个组成部分:中国上星期对从欧盟进口的猪肉产品展开反倾销调查作为回应,两项调查都引用了世界贸易组织的规则 ,即允许对补贴产品征收所谓的反补贴税。华盛顿方面使用的301条款关税则是美国独裁工具,不太可能促成任何形式的双边协议。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The key effect of EU tariffs would be to speed up an existing trend toward localizing production, as happened when the Reagan administration placed import quotas on Japanese cars in the 1980s. Andrew Bergbaum, a partner at consulting firm AlixPartners, already counts eight planned Chinese EV factories in Europe. As long as they also use a high enough proportion of local parts, they will be able to sell into the region duty-free.


There are no more car buyers for these new factories, so the tariffs being introduced to protect European industry against excess Chinese capacity will simply create excess European capacity. This is good news for consumers, who will get deals and wheels, but bad for old-school car manufacturers in what was already a tough market.


The incumbent industry could help itself by sharing plants with the newcomers. Stellantis, which owns brands such as Fiat and Peugeot as well as the Chrysler business in Detroit, last month formed a European joint venture with a Chinese automaker, Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology. The business is starting to use a Stellantis factory in Poland to manufacture Leapmotor vehicles for the European market, according to a recent Jefferies note. In some ways, the approach is a mirror image of the Chinese JVs through which most Western automakers still access the Chinese market.

他们通过与新势力车厂共享工厂自救,旗下有菲亚特和标致等品牌、在底特律有克莱斯勒业务的斯特兰蒂斯上个月与浙江零跑科技合资建厂。报告显示 ,零跑利用其在波兰的一家工厂为欧洲市场造车,某些方面来看,这种做法翻版了大多数西方车厂进入中国市场采用的模式。

The U.S. is borrowing different tactics from China. Tariff increases need to be seen alongside the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, which kicked off a new era of Chinese-style industrial policy backed by massive state spending. If the elaborate combination of carrots and sticks works, it will create a whole new EV supply chain to run alongside the Chinese one that dominates today’s industry.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

But this, too, is a recipe for overcapacity, particularly as it will be tough to keep the supply chains totally separate. Regardless of its growth potential, the EV industry is doomed to low returns by its political sensitivity.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

D I Shaw
The larger question is who will be motivated to buy the vehicles at any price except at the point of the government's gun, e.g. the coming bans on internal combustion engines in California, New York, Maryland, etc. EV's may play a somewhat expanded version of the roles that golf carts play in some communities in Florida, but the laws of physics make widespread adoption nearly impossible in the wider, open spaces of most of the United States and Canada.

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Alan Wells
Americans are simply innumerate. I blame Public Schools, the US graduates more lawyers than engineers. Math is hard.


Tom Taggart
With a low enough price, Chinese (or "Mexichina" imports) can find a niche market as second cars for suburbia. If used for grocery runs, or as mom's taxi service for the kids, or a school and work car for a teenager, the range limitations are not a problem.


chris rottmann
So our EV policy is not really about saving the planet from climate change . It's about political power and picking winners and losers . What a surprise .


John A Miller
No, it's not about saving the planet, Mr Rottman, because first and foremost the push for EVs, Energy Transition, and Net Zero is based on the computer generated fantasy of CO2 Climate Doom.


Raymond Lee
China is just doing what they said they would do 20 years ago. Lead in solar, renewables, and EV's......we seem to be shocked that they did what they said they were going to do.The West on other hand, talks a good game, but did nothing except make more SUV's and trucks.Shame on us for letting them catch up......


Leon Drozd
On the other hand, while America was fussing and fuming about this and that, China kept its eye on the ball and bigger picture. As many say, China plays a longer term game. Americans are short term.


Rob Dougan
China has spent 230 billion subsidizing its EV industry...


Jason Schripsema
Awwww.... Poor West. You shipped all your manufacturing jobs to China, gave them access to all your tech in exchange for cheap labor, and now China actually got smart about something. And you're mad about it.Next time invest in your own people and don't be so short sighted. Those stock portfolios aren't going to save you if China invents some crazy new weapons technology that you don't have...


Dom Fried
The complete failure of the multi-decade engagement strategy that Nixon is famous for pioneering is now, I believe, widely accepted, as you so eloquently alluded. This is evident by the observation that it no longer guides policy. The US does not appear to have any coherent strategy to replace it.


William Guenthner
I'm tired of being told by our politicians and our media that China is our enemy. Without Chinese goods our store shelves would be empty. That's not an enemy. That's a critical and irreplaceable economic partner.


Harry Hundal
Exactly. From tooth brush to sun glasses, hats & clothes and shoes everything is made in china, and that too at very affordable prices.
If greedy American businesses go and setup their shop in China to save on costs, you should not blame China for that.


Marrio S
Imagine if we didn’t jump start Ev’s in the early 2010’s. Even after bailing out the auto industry for the umpteenth time, they would be out of business.In the 80’s Ross Perot sold his software co to GM. They wanted a more entrepreneurial spirit so they put him on the board. He told him to stop playing golf, stop taking private planes, and roll up their sleeves and get to work. They promptly paid him $700 million to go away.


Alan Wells
I worked for the US postal service for awhile after leaving Fedex. I recall saying to my dad (a retired P&G VP) that I prayed that the USPS was the most inefficient organization on the planet after what I had seen. Without hesitation he responded "You've never seen General Motors".


Peter del Rio
We are at the tipping point where major Chinese brands make better products than American brands. That certainly is the case for EVs and I just bought a Midea U-shaped air conditioner and have a Midea refrigerator in my basement.How tariffs help I am not sure but once again the Biden administration is motivated by buying votes while the American dream slips away due to poor policies viewed as good politics.


Daniel G. Eramian
Biden is blocking cheaper EVs for Americans that would help the environment and at the same time his administration says we are on the verge of a climate disaster if we don't switch to EVs. Sounds like he trying to get more US auto unx votes so the environment will just have to wait.


Robert Cunningham
You'd prefer China to flood the market with heavily subsidized vehicles with stolen American technologies, destroying not just the US manufacturers but the entire supply chain that goes into the vehicles? Sounds very patriotic.


William Brown
Biden wants what Trump wants: US manufacturing to build those EVs.


Peter del Rio
BMW EVs are made in factories that get 100% of their electricity from renewable energy and their Neue Klasse EVs will be almost recyclable. Just because America can't do it does not mean the rest of the world can't.As an owner of two BMW EVs, the BMW iX is the best car I have ever driven.In sum, America is falling behind due to mediocrity because America is no longer a meritocracy.

宝马的电动汽车是在那种100%靠可再生能源发电的工厂里造出来的,他们的 Neue Klasse 电动汽车差不多都能回收。不能因为美国办不到,就觉得其他地方也不行。我有两辆宝马电动汽车,宝马 iX 是我开过的最好的车。总之呢,因为太普通没亮点,美国正在落后,因为美国不再是个能者居上的地方了。

Jeffrey P
The problem with China is the state supported overcapacity and dumping with little concern for losses with the state backing inefficiency, waste and loss.It makes free trade with China impossible because the distortions created by their leftover command economy system are problematic for the global economy. Maybe when China embraces democracy and capitalism things will change, but that’s not happening anytime soon.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

M Anders
This is a really important article. Small team of us helped create the CAFE and Emissions laws of the US (as near infants) years ago, so we know how they now tie the hands of US and EU electric vehicle makers with thousands of micro-regulations that make these US EV’s among the most complex, hard to maintain - and - inadvertently polluting - vehicles in the world. (Tesla style EV’s and similar are about 5% as recyclable as gas cars from Toyota/Honda etc - over their 20 year lifecycles.80% of materials in gas cars are recycled. Tesla-style cars are not close.) China and India have been making simple “EV’s “ of all kinds - motorbikes, motorcycles, delivery vans, trucks, and now cars for almost 50 years, and these simpler vehicles are easy to recycle. China and India built their now global EV industries - upward - from the lead-acid batteries in industrial forklifts, motorbikes, etc to the sleeker cars of today.

这篇文章非常重要。好些年前,我们一小拨人(那时候还年轻)帮忙弄出了美国的企业平均燃油经济性和排放标准,所以我们清楚现在那成千上万的琐碎规定咋就把美国和欧盟电动汽车制造商的手脚给绑住了,搞得这些美国电动车成了世界上最复杂、最难维护,还不小心就污染得厉害的车。(像特斯拉那种电动车还有类似的,20年下来,能回收的程度也就丰田、本田那种汽油车的5%左右。汽油车 80%的材料都能回收。特斯拉那种车可差得远了。中国和印度一直在造各种各样结构简单的“电动车”,电动摩托车、电动单车、送货车、卡车,现在是汽车,几近50年,这些构造简单的车子回收起来很容易。中国和印度从工业叉车、摩托车用的铅酸电池开始,一步步发展起到现在的全球电动车产业,到如今更时髦的车辆。
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M Anders
and most of the global EV’s actually burn COAL and OIL….to make the electricity the EV’s use.That’s also mostly true in the US. Think about that. Milk comes from cows, not a bottle.


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