2024-07-08 2956648914 12839


It's fantastic to see two of my favorite China travel vloggers embarking on an adventurous journey across the country. Enjoy your trip, savor the rich local cultures and incredible cuisine, and meet some of the friendliest people. Have a wonderful and unforgettable experience!





Maybe it is a good timing to upgrade your gears by shopping at 淘宝,天猫,京东,和小红书!Everything will be delivered at your hotel in hours! Vendors provide FREE refund pick up service if you don't like what you buy. We placed our orders prior boarding the plane and everything we needed are in our hotel when we touch down. Water, soup, food, fruit...没有中国商家做不到的,只有你想不到的。Have fun!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You are citizens of our world at this moment! We are proud of you! In some point of the future, when you think it's time to settle, you may pick one country which you visited and love, build your nest there and live together happily forever!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think many of you are looking forward to your Yunnan adventure and wish you a safe and healthy journey!


There are some future China travel destinations like xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Greater Bay Area aka more Southern Chinese cities, Sanya, Qingdao, Tibet,Harbin, Wuxi, Nanjing etc..


I'm really grateful that you chose to travel in China. China warmly welcomes you. You are all so lovely. Both urban and rural areas in China are extremely safe. Please rest assured that people here will be very friendly. Well, it's so nice to see you. I hope you can have a very pleasant trip.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


There are actually hidden gems in Guangdong province like Huizhou (惠州) and Zhuhai (珠海) both are coastal cities with cute beaches and pretty laid back. Not many foreigners travel there.

Good move, glad you enjoy traveling in China. In summer, some of the places in China are so rainy, hot and humid. Other than that, everything shall be fine. People are friendly, food is good, safe as always...


It is the wisest choice to go to Yunnan in this season.Because it's like spring all the year round.Although economically, it is the whole country.Relatively backward provinces But there is a beautiful sky.And charming scenery.A long history of national cultural heritage


Good on you guys. Have a nice trip. China is so massive you will sure to experience varieties of climate, landscape, culture, urban development, cuisine etc. Next time, go to xinjiang province and inner Mongolia, sure it will be once in a lifetime experience


Yunnan is at least one of China's most exciting places. It has the perfect weather in summer and fascinating ethnic cultures. Hope you enjoy the beauty there and stay there longer. You may need a jacket and long pants in Yunnan.


Your China series has been the best for me and I'm excited for your new adventure! Your previous video really got me thinking how some people really are smh.... I'm going to Russia next year and I've gotten the same treatment even from my friends; they say that I was crazy and that Russians are this and that... Anyways, I've went to Beijing recently and it was my first time I've set foot in China. All I have to say is that most people who give negative comments have never really seen it for themselves. I wished I had more time and funds to travel full time like you guys. I hope you'll have a blast in China!

你们的中国系列对我来说是最棒的,我很期待你们的新冒险!你们之前的视频确实让我觉得有些人真的很可笑.... 我明年要去俄罗斯,我的朋友们也这样对我:他们说我疯了,说俄罗斯人是这样那样的...... 总之,我最近去了北京,这是我第一次踏上中国的土地。我想说的是大多数发表负面评论的人都没有真正亲眼见过中国。我希望我有更多的时间和资金像你们一样全职旅行,希望你们在中国玩得开心!

I hope you can stay here after deeply understanding China. It's also easy to find a job in China. Luke can continue to be a fitness trainer, and Naomi can find a job in a network company. In the future, when you have children, China's safety and education are both good. At least, Chinese children's math skills are much better than those in other countries.

Yunnan is so beautiful !!!!When i was traveled in Yunnan I had deep impressions of a little town who named "沙溪(shaxi)" Its sooooo peaceful and beautiful place just between Dali and Lijiang city。Sometimes i just sat in there and enjoy the sunshine

I think you should have watched Marie Kondo art of decluttering right? If you haven't you should especially the clothes folding technique might save even more space in your luggage.

我想你应该看过Marie Kondo的《整理艺术》吧?如果你还没看过,那就应该看看,尤其是衣服折叠技巧,也许能为你的行李箱节省更多空间。


I have been to Tibet by motorcycle, to an altitude of 5400 meters, basically no altitude sickness, because the reuse of a Chinese medicine, called "rhodiola", (红景天)you can put the "rhodiola" soak in boiling water at night, the next day with as mineral water to drink, you can also buy rhodiola capsule, rhodiola is a herb, known as plateau ginseng, for altitude sickness has a certain effect
我曾骑摩托车去西藏,到了海拔5400米的地方,基本没有高原反应,因为我服用了一种叫 "红景天"的中药,你可以把“红景天”晚上泡在开水中,第二天拿来当矿泉水喝,也可以买红景天胶囊,红景天是一种中药,有高原人参之称,对于高原反应有一定疗效。

July in China is the "san fu tian", hot and rainy, is also the season of high incidence of geological disasters, mountain floods, landslides, etc. Yunnan is mountainous, pay attention to safety, in fact, this season is suitable to go to xinjiang, which is cooler and drier than the south, xinjiang has 1.66 million square kilometers, except there is no sea, other landforms are there. There are snow-covered mountains, deserts, grasslands, canyons, Yadan landform, Danxia landform, karst landform, and many beautiful lakes, with many ethnic characteristics, enough for you to play for a month or two, the reason is well known, xinjiang will have more flow, after xinjiang, to Qinghai Province, Gansu, xi 'an, and then go to the south in October,In addition, if you want to travel in China for a long time, it is necessary to sign up for wechat, which is not only a payment tool, but also an instant messaging tool and even a translation tool,Wechat also has its own we-media platform,


Yunnan is my hometown and you will not regret visiting it!!!!! Please make sure to try Yeshengjun (wild fungus/mushrooms) hotpot with chicken soup! Summer is the best season to visit Yunnan as the temperature is very friendly like in spring and it’s the right timing for wild fungus (you can only get fresh ones in this time of the year). And also Mixian(rice noodles) with various of cooking styles(more than 100+ styles) and shaokao (bbq). As for special customs and minority group cultures, you can visit cities like Dali and xishuangbanna. The customs, natural scenaries, food, weather… everything is so different and will blow your mind! They are also very famous travel destinations for Chinese so don’t worry about not friendly for travelers. Welcome again!!!!!

云南是我的故乡,来过不会后悔!!!!! 请一定要尝尝野生菌鸡汤火锅!夏天是去云南旅游的最佳季节,因为气温像春天一样适宜,也是品尝野生蘑菇的最佳时节(只有在这个季节才能吃到新鲜的蘑菇)。此外,还有各种烹饪方式(100多种)的米线和烧烤。至于特色风俗和少数民族文化,您可以去大理和西双版纳等城市,那里的风土人情、自然风光、美食、天气......一切都那么与众不同,会让你大开眼界!这些城市也是非常有名的中国旅游目的地,所以不用担心对游客不友好。欢迎再次访问!!!!!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I Can't wait watching your vedio of trip to Guangdong & Yunnan.Yunnan is a tourist destination,you can enjoy.Guangdong is also worth visiting.Cantonese cuisine is delicious and freshLove from China,Wuhan.


Yunnan is a world within itself and is one of the most diverse and beautiful places on earth IMO. From tropical Thailand style xishuangbanna, to big modern city Kunming , to picturesque Dali, to Jade Dragon mountain in Lijiang, to Shangri-La Tibetan autonomous region, and more than 30 different ethnics minorities and different culture. And by the way Yunnan is the only place in China that grows coffee beans and they have high quality Cafes in most of the cities of Yunnan since you two are coffee lovers like me. I m sure you will have an unforgettable time in Yunnan!


I can't wait to see your first vlog in Guangdong. You might consider buying a 26-inch or 28-inch suitcase in Guangzhou. Suitcases made in China are of very good quality and very inexpensive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are too many places in China worth exploring. She has an extremely rich history, landforms, scenery, cuisine, customs, and other cultures. Maybe it will take a few years


The mushrooms in Yunnan are really delicious this season (but better not cook them by yourself, because some mushrooms are poisonous if they are not done), . And if you have some dental problems, you can go to a dental hospital in Guangdong. It is Affordable, fast, and the efficiency is pretty high. One day should be enough (in my experience, I only used half day to clean my teeth).

这个季节云南的蘑菇真的很好吃(但最好不要自己煮,因为有些蘑菇如果没煮熟是有毒的),............. 如果你的牙齿有问题,可以去广东的牙科医院,那里价格实惠,速度快,效率也很高,一天时间应该够了(根据我的经验,我只用了半天就把牙洗干净了)。

If you go to Yunnan Province I recommend to go to Dali, the most beautiful place in China, if you go to Guangdong Province I recommend you can go to Guilin in Guangxi Province next door, Dali and Guilin scenery is definitely the best in China. And there are many fruits in Yunnan and Guangxi, even though I am Chinese, I have never tasted them, because I live in Harbin, in northeastern China, which is too far from there


I come from Chengdu. It was very nice to see you share your trip to my city earlier.And our neighbor city Chongqing.We call Yunnan Guizhou Sichan (provinces)& Chongqing are F4 SouthwestIf possible, you are welcome to travel to BEAUTIFUL Guizhou


In fact, you don’t need to carry many things. China is one of the most convenient places in the world for shopping. For example, for those medicines you bring, there is a pharmacy every 200 meters in China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

very enjoyable with your sharing of how you prepare. You are both very young and I admire your passion for travel and experiences that the majority of us will never experience....as you age obviously things will change so in the meantime enjoy!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The ultraviolet rays in Yunnan are very strong. Last time I went there, I was not prepared, which resulted in my face getting sunburned. Be sure to bring sunscreen or an umbrella, and rent a small electric motorcycle in Yunnan. It will be very convenient to go around the Erhai Lake


Love your vlog so much! After Yunnan and Guangdong, how about Gansu and xinjiang? Silk road, where desert and snow mountains stand side by side, people of various nationalities live together, and stars shine among the night sky untainted by modernization.


Make sure you try Yunnan coffee!Yunnun now produces their own coffee,and in the past China imported coffee from other nations.Maybe you guys could get a taste of their coffee as coffee master.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you are in Malaysia you should try our local coffee. You can get it in all coffee shop. It is real dark looking taken with condensed milk is best. Alternatively we should try our famous “white coffee” it’s usually sold in 3in1 sachets which you get in every super marks.


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