2024-07-08 种花家一只兔 21036



US' request should be denied outright so as to taste its own bitter medicine.


How foolish is US; she chose to antagonize China unjustified way.

美国是多么愚蠢啊! 它选择了不正当的方式与中国对抗。

CHINA SHOULD SHARE WITH USA ����! The Moon Samples...
TOGETHER With Another 49 PAIRS OF PANDAS for each oh America's 50 States.


As an American, I feel so shame for our government and those politicians.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Whether you give or not, they will continue to treat you badly, sanction you unjustly.. It’s the nature of narcissists..


They only want lunar soil and never think about how to cooperate with China because they are afraid of China.


Excluding China from exploring space program is an insult.
Apology is needed in the first place.


The Wolfe Amendment established by the United States only affects itself, and has no impact on China


In Chinese culture, an apology holds little weight, as the damage is already done. How you act after you acknowledged your mistake, and what you actually do after to redeem yourself is the more important.


@DubboU If NASA offer the ISS for China's Laser Testing, that would be a good start.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@chriswong9158 First, NASA can't because of the Wolfe Amendment, and they won't do it anyways. Second, what good use is the ISS to China, when their Tiangong is already more advanced in every way. There really is no need to work with NASA and their lagging technology at all.


USA should not get any China moon soil at any price.


The US should send their own mission there to get the sample. It's just a piece of cake for the US since their astronauts have set foot there more than half a century ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

America do own moon landing & samples extraction, with Apollo skills a piece of (moon)cake right NO?


​ @goolooggg9005 Only in Hollywood, the United States of America could not even exit the Earth's atmosphere until their Chinese masters came and taught them how to reach the moon.


The question should not be "Will China share?" But " Should China share?" US got a total of 382,000 grams (382 kilograms ) gave China 1 gram (0.001 kilometers ) go figure. At that time, both countries still on friendly term, and US could only spare 1 gram. Now the US is not treating China as a friend anymore, right? Then what to expect?

问题不应该是“中国会分享吗?”而是“中国应该分享吗?”美国总共得到38.2万克(382公斤)的月球土壤,只分给了中国只有1克(0.001公斤)。当时两国还处于友好关系,美国只给了1克。现在美国不再把中国当朋友了,对吧? 那么它还在期待什么呢?

The reason for 1 gram that they share, because they afraid Chinese will find out the hold thing is a fake, they never had been to the Moon


The US gave that one gram of Moon soil (Assuming the real one) to China as a gift for establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States. With the current situation between the two countries, it seems no need to return the favor.


Bill Nelson, as the administrator of the NASA of the US, should know very well what the Wolf Amendment of 2011 means and how it works.


B...b...but America has got the right to deny anyone it likes. It's America, the greatest country in the world...but only if we're counting the number of people sent to the otherworld.


He has such thick skin. After continually slapping people around, spreading fake news about them, and trying to bring about their downfall, they have the cheek to demand something for free from their victims.


USA always begging China for this or that


USA is like : hey china, look, please kneel down, you know I have something that needs your help


They got the cheek to ask it for free?


Uncle Sam wants everyone to turn the cheek as written in the bible. Jesus NEVER recommended that though, and even the US doesn't follow Jesus' words!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Before asking for samples US need to improve their human rights record and to stop their GENOCIDE in gaza. US need also to get rid of the extreme corruption that is going on in their government for the betterment of the American people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Free sharing?
What about the American Wolf Amendment?
What a bully!

免费分享吗? 那美国的沃尔夫修正案呢? 真是个恶霸!

Good news, China didn't fake a moon landing


US American proven it, for they are begging for the return samples.... What happen to the Hawaiian Rock sample

美国证明了这一点,因为他们乞求归还样品.... 那些夏威夷岩石样本怎么了?

China should gift a sample to North Korea.


The diplomatic relations between China and North Korea are at the highest level. If North Korea wants it, China will definitely give it to it. However, considering North Korea's space technology, they may not have enough conditions to study it now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

No point giving it to the US, they got tones of it in the past, they discocvered nothing from it.


did they , the US , have kilos of the moon? or some soil samples from some area in the US

他们,美国,有几公斤的月壤吗? 或者那只是美国某地的一些土壤样本。

From the Chinese pictures, even a tiny rover passing the surface of the Moon, a clear darker mark was visible. showing the underneath untouched soil. Now, you look back at those Apollo pictures.


China should just give them samples from the Taklamakan Desert. It's not like they're smart enough to know the difference.


Known global & arrogant hypocrite, Uncle Sam is now like begging for free sharing. Shameless... indeed!


NASA makes U S become laughable indeed !


I say the same like many here, US should not get any samples, free of charge or even if they would pay for it. China is far ahead of the US, so the question is, does China need the US for cooperation?


1 gram in good relationship, then rejection when china wants to join the ISS(international space station), and now sanctions on china, lol, nice joke


NO,to USA,China be doing all this by themselves,should share to friendly countries only


China got rocket technology from the US to get to the moon, it should give back to the US


@ne1cup Maybe you need to search for information on the Internet. The United States does not have hypersonic missiles now, only China and Russia have them.


The U.S claimed the first to walked on the moon...and now ask to share lunar soil ....


Mau pilih kasi negara manapun itu hak China , tidak di bagipun terserah china, China yg ambil.. apa urusanmu Amerika ? , kamu punya Apolo ambil sendiri !!!

不管是想分享给哪个国家,都是中国的权利,得由中国来分享,中国来分配……美国,你有什么问题吗? 你让你的阿波罗号自己拿去呗!
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Man it’s shameful and embarrassing to even ask, it’s not that important y subject urself to this embarrassment

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Should give them some mooncakes. Mooncake festival is approaching.


NASA did share its moon soil samples with China, albeit, a tiny one gram. The US excluded China from the ISS even though China applied. Russia participated in ISS because it provided the control module and the booster rockets to put modules in orbit. Russia is breaking away from the US space program and is aligning with China to participate on lunar habitation.


No No No and NO, get your own. What happen to the Wolf Amendment 2011?

不,不,不,不,这一切都是自己咎由自取。还记得你在2011 年通过的沃尔夫修正案吗?

US look down on the Chinese Space technology. Now, they know how they feel being left out


USA tech is way beyond China... USA landed it's first rover on Mars in 1997 & walked on the moon in 1969

美国的技术远远超越中国……美国于 1997 年将第一辆火星探测器登陆火星,并于 1969 年在月球上实现人类行走。

Do you want the Russians or Chinese to retrieve your stranded astronauts? Remember, 3 years ago the Russians went to help retrieved one of your astronaut? Or if you ask the Chinese, you gonna lose face?


China is moving ahead and making great progress with its space program to explore outer space.
China decided to build its own space station to conduct scientific experiment as the US refuse to allows China to participate in space exploration and the US even passed law like the Wolf Amendment in 2011 to banned China from engaging in direct, bilateral cooperation regarding space exploration and scientific experiments.
China's space program is to explore the vast cosmos and develop the space industry for scientific experiment and new discovery.
China's spending on space is only $US12 billion as compare to $US62 billion spending by the US in 2022.
China still has "some way to go" before catching up with the US in space.
It has been unfortunate however after the US’s Congressional act adopted in 2011, the US space institutions have been blocked from cooperating with China, which is the Wolf Act.
Now, the US make an about-face by accusing and criticised China of being "intolerant of any examination of their space program."
Bill Nelson accused China of being inflexible and not very transparent.
The US sanctions on Russia destroy cooperation on the International Space Station.
With Joe Biden announced new sanctions that will degrade Russia’s aerospace industry, including their space program.
China’s rock samples is of great scientific value in areas including space weathering, volcanism, the regional geological background and evolution of the moon.
The long-term and systematic research on lunar samples including its structure, physical properties, chemical composition, isotopic composition, characteristics of the minerals and the geological evolution will deepen our understanding of the origin and evolution of the moon.

由于美国拒绝让中国参与其太空探索计划,美国甚至在 2011 年通过了沃尔夫修正案等法律,禁止中国在太空探索和科学实验方面与之进行直接双边合作,因此中国决定建造自己的空间站进行科学实验。
中国在太空方面的支出仅为 120 亿美元,而美国在 2022 年的支出就达到 620 亿美元。
然而不幸的是,自 2011 年美国国会通过法案以来,美国太空机构一直被禁止与中国合作,这就是沃尔夫法案。

China said that there would be three main uses of the samples: science, public outreach and sharing samples with other countries and scientists around the world.
China is ready to share the lunar samples including relevant data with all like-minded institutions from other countries.
On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, China has signed agreement with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) have agreed to work together to develop the space capabilities of United Nations Member States on China's future space station.
Under the agreements, UNOOSA and CMSA will work together to enable United Nations Member States, particularly developing countries to conduct space experiments on-board China's space station, as well as to provide flight opportunities for astronauts and payload engineers. Both parties will also promote international cooperation in human space flight and other space activities, increased awareness of the benefits of human space technology and its applications, and capacity-building activities in space technology.
CMSA will provide funding support to UNOOSA in this regard.
This opportunity to further build the space capacity of developing countries and increase understanding of the benefits space can bring to humankind, including for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals with these initiatives.
In accordance with the Outer Space Treaty, outer space resources are the common asset of humanity and China will act upon the relevant treaties.
China space program and research is fully open to international researchers, and guides for the open solicitation of research proposals will be regularly issued under bilateral cooperation agreements.
China plans to launch a new type of propulsion spacecraft, reaching the boundary of the solar system at 80-100 astronomical units (AU), conducting scientific exploration in the distant, dark, and cold unknown regions, aiming to establish new milestones in humanity's understanding of the universe.


NASA once again helped me understand what "shamelessness" is.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Stop begging, go get your own samples. Isn't the US the most advanced country. If NASA is incapable ask Musk.

别乞求了,自己去取样品吧。美国不是最先进的国家吗?如果 NASA 没能力,就去问马斯克吧。

Give to every countries in the world who asked for it except the US. Tit for tat will wake america up.


China must learn to say no. Be proud and happy with your achievements. U do not need to work with the US to validate your own achievements. Keep your head down and continue to work hard with trusted partners.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Come on, Americans should not break its own legislation by asking for sample from the Chinese. Peace for everyone


China, as a respectable law-abiding country, you must follow the Rules-based Order from the Greatest Nation and abide by its Wolf Amendment. If you disrespect the Wolf Amendment, you will be sanctioned!


The Wolfe Amendment only affects the United States


@InsiderTruth-wv9ry I know and it's the US through NASA that's asking for the soil samples. I don't think China obxts to giving soil samples to other European nations provided they give sufficient justification for wanting them. Besides, the amount given out to countries will be so minute that those countries will probably not be able to provide a portion of it to the US

我知道,美国通过 NASA 要求中国提供月壤样本。我认为中国不会反对向其他欧洲国家提供月壤样本,只要他们有充分的理由要求提供。此外,提供给各国的样本的数量非常少,这些国家可能无法向美国提供其中的一部分。
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中国不要接 NASA 的电话,也不要回复他们的邮件。假装你不认识 NASA。

Apollo on the Moon? What happened after it? A lapse of 60 years? NASA could not identify the exact position on the Moon where it landed. (America desert?)

阿波罗登月?之后发生了什么?仅仅时隔 60 年?NASA 已经无法确定其登陆月球的确切位置了。(登陆的是美国沙漠?)

If we North Americans (USA), believes China will share or give us anything for free or any relatively 'reasonably' fair price, us is pigs. China is hard chagrin to be # one in every aspect of commerce and science possible. And, there ain't anything realistic that we can do about it. We'll loose a lot in any type of war we choose - Military, commerce or scientific research and related production. As a retired USMC vet and loyal Southern American (my great grand dad's 'chased' the Yankees home), I regret we are in that position however, reality is just that.


This is the reason why the US should be FAIR in competitions, treat other countries with RESPECT , none of that Superiority Exceptionalism bs. The US must surely know that spreading lies and ganging up to isolate another country is evil ??


The US bands and excludes in any space program. It even bands Chinese to any aerospace conference. This is how low it gets. Now it asks for cooperation?

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

USA: Our scientist are not allowed to talk to your scientists
Also USA: Can we have some of your moon samples?


Yes The moon belongs to humanity but you can’t wait for someone to do the job in getting something from the moon and ask to be shared free of charge Humanity needs cooperations and contributions from those who are capable in the endeavour If you don’t have the intention to cooperate then you do it yourself


Only those countries that have directly contributed technologically to China's space projects are entitled to share the collected sample ! It would be unfair to extend the sharing of such a very limited sample with all the non-contributors!

只有那些对中国航天项目有直接技术贡献的国家才有权分享收集到的样本! 如果让所有没有贡献的国家都分享如此有限的样本,那将是不公平的!

I think china should share some moon samples to USA. This hand out ceremony need to be make it as grand as possible . All the worldwide media and foreign dignitary had to be present . This is to show how generous china is and at the same time making USA to reflect back the bad treatment towards china before. In the opening speech the Chinese should tell the Americans that corporation in space technology is open. China is always welcome on corporation with the Americans. I really eager on what the Americans would reply next.


I hope China would stand firm denying the shameless request of sharing the lunar soil from the US , since she can squeeze her allies to get what her is so eager to obtain.


It is rumoured that the US 69 Moon landing technology was stolen by China. That's why the US can't go back to the Moon but later China discovered that the 69 technology was only good for landing astronauts on a set in a movie studio


What has happened to all lunar samples collected during the Apollo missions. China can share with cuba, Venezuela, and all peace loving. However, for security reasons America should be excluded from list of countries.


Just give 1gram sample to them as an appreciation of their past generosity . Anything more, RMB 88B per gram. Cash in advance, no credit.

只需给他们1克样品,以感谢他们过去的慷慨。超过 1 克,每克880元人民币。预付现金,不赊账。

When China sets up a Colony on the Moon and a Moon Base will America ask for a free Apartment ?


All these trips to the moon? For the love of science when is someone going to put a camera on it's surface facing earth so we can monitor weather etc.


Will China share the lunar soil with the US? There is no question that the answer is yes. China is sharing the soil with other countries including several western allies of the US. If China does not want US to have access to the soil, they would not share the soil with any other countries. That means China did not close the door. What they would not do is to share with the US directly.


Tell NASA to take a hike. They can go get it themselves as we all know that they will NEVER be thankful or grateful for the gift but instead will in turn spike China Goodwill.

让 NASA 滚蛋吧。他们可以自己去拿,因为我们都知道他们永远不会感谢或感激这份礼物,反而会损害中国的善意。

@ 1:07 , NASA is a space exploration agency. For much of its history NASA leadership comprised only of scientists and engineers. As China’s space program leapfrogged USA’s space program, the NASA Leadership was unable or reluctant to politicise the U.S. space program. NASA leadership failed to bestow upon the Men of Power the prestige, the glory, and the vanity. Hence, the commissioning of Nelson as the Director of NASA.


The appropriate response from China should be, sorry we cannot share any of the samples with you. It’s a matter of national security, I mean we are “decoupling from the west”, I mean this is the “rules based” system, etc

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

7:36 That is wrong, the US has not been ALWAYS the #1. The USSR when it existed was ahead of the US in aerospace tech with a long list of firsts in space records for humanity like the first human on space, the first satelite, first lunar landing, the first space station and nowadays even the ISS core module is from the Russians.
Just because the US had the first human on the moon, it doesn't make them always the #1 related to aerospace.

7:36 处错了,美国并非一直都是第一。苏联在航天技术领域领先于美国,为人类创造了一系列的太空记录,比如第一个进入太空的人类、第一颗卫星、第一次登月、第一个空间站,而如今,甚至国际空间站的核心舱也是俄罗斯的。

It's Sad because usa never did landed on the moon. China was probably the first to sent robotic into the moon. WOULD USA ALREADY SHOULD HAVE SAMPLE?!! LOL


If the American brought back 385kg of moon rock.?? ohhh, the spacecraft wouldn’t be able too take off from the moon?.??ohhhh China brought back 1935 gram NASA brought back 382 kilo, Houston will have a problem ohhh

如果美国带回了385公斤的月球岩石?? 哦,宇宙飞船就无法从月球上起飞了?? 哦,中国只带回了1935克,而美国宇航局带回了382公斤,休斯顿有麻烦了。

So what's the problem in handing over some soil samples?


China: Yes, we share the moon soil for free.Please NASA go to moon and pick some.


China can share the lunar soil with USA,but it should not be free. the price should be giving the equivalent value things that in America to China. what things? let Huawei and BYD make a wishlist .I think chip producer machines High -NA euv machines in intel factory is good idea. no need to worry about Wolf term ,Americans can handle with this


Positive charges particles on far side South Pole Luna is excited by Solar? May be.
Solar is a dominantly large body in the solar system, that made it positively charged relative to the rest of its family planets and moons. Solar’s plasma sphere composed of super heated gas known as plasma, which composed of positive ion and negative electrons. As a result positive ions are expelled from Solar in all direction and become solar wind. Most ions reaching the n natively charged Lunar are neutralizing the remains ions linger in the atmospheres was detected by chang’e six.

太阳是太阳系中占主导地位的大型天体,这使得它相对于其家族其他行星和卫星带正电。太阳的等离子球由过热气体(称为等离子体)组成,等离子体由正离子和负电子组成。因此,正离子从太阳向四面八方排出并形成太阳风。到达 n 天然带电月球的大多数离子正在中和残留在大气中的离子,嫦娥六号检测到了这些离子。

0:00 Wolff Amendment, I would never ask for it. You sir, have no honour, bearing in mind your country's treatment of China in respect of the ISS! Y'all looked down on China's technology. Y'all thought China could not build a space station using its own technology. "Tiangong" is now in orbit and USA is "wolffed" from it. (you "Wolff" me I "Lang" you) Henceforth, to be "wollfed" is to be "ban, banished"!
China has its own CSS(ChinaSpace Station). USA should now build its own ASS or USSS. We need proof of your technology before we (global south) can believe in your technology! What with leaking valves and leaking space walk suits! I saw on yt a piece blaming the leaky valves on Indian manufacturers. Even if India had used Al instead of Ti, your QC process should have picked it up. In the end the ball is in Boeing/NASA's court!

中国有自己的中国空间站。美国现在应该建造自己的美国空间站。我们需要你们证明自己的技术,然后我们(全球南方)才能相信你们的技术!什么阀门漏水和太空行走服漏水!我在 油管上看到一篇文章,它将阀门漏水归咎于印度制造商。即使印度使用的是铝而不是钛,你们的质量控制程序也应该发现这一点。最终,这个球将在波音和NASA的法庭上被踢来踢去!

Awwww poor Americans and NASA, not capable of getting back to the moon and like little spoiled kids are crying that China is sharing soil from the moon with 18 countries and not 1 western country is getting any

可怜的美国人和 NASA,没有能力重返月球,就只能像被宠坏的小孩一样哭泣,中国与 18 个国家分享月球土壤,而没有一个西方国家得到任何一些分享。

I gram of “moon” soils and represents friendship and cooperation . You really a good friend. However there is a law set up by American that China can’t act as a friend but offend American law. LO


China tell Nasa that USA has to pay tariff $10 billion or more for 10 grams omg
If not, america do own moon landing & samples extraction, with Apollo skills a piece of (moon)cake right NO?


In my mind china should not share anything unless they are trying to prove they are more grown up as a nation of people the way ameruca treats them is nuts and in my heart its cuz they are not all with jesus in my heart thats why but they will never admit it if not that then why?


Those NASA scientists studies and research found any results from the Moon soil and Rock simple , Did you NASA space program has highlighted any news to whole world nation , China make it to Moon soil and Rock simple bring back in 2024 , in-between more than 40 yrs , China frist trip to Moon soil and Rock doing scientists studies found had water at moon base or raw material is benefits


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