2024-07-08 不要可乐 11466

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


South Korea is controlled by the chaebol, the whole country is for the chaebol, the life of ordinary people is very difficult.
Massive sexual assault, abuse of women.
Compared with Japan, in fact, the pressure of Japanese life is also great, and the word social animal is spread from Japan to China. But Japan's laws regulate so many things that the Japanese slowly accept such helplessness.


China is also under a lot of pressure, many people are constantly internal consumption, there are too many excellent students, so they can not accept the salary of ordinary people. Do not want to go to the second and third tier cities to develop, are stacked in the first tier cities, would rather go to work freelance rather than go to the second and third tier cities.


Because China's AI is developing rapidly, it will replace many manual labor in the future, and China will transform its saturated talent market. More training technician and other professions.
But at least the Chinese people are relatively happy, the motherland is strong, the Chinese government is the people's government, and the Chinese soldiers are the soldiers to protect the country and protect the people. In China, at least, it all seems harmonious.


Japan and Korea also strong and prosperous. With amazing culture and food, popular world wide. The governemnt is elected directly by the people, and the army cannot turn against the people, hurt them or subjugate them, no matter who tries to seize power. The government has to follow the constitution, otherwise the ruling party will need to peacefuly step down. People are also very rich. The streets are clean and safe. You can walk out at night and you are safe. If you criticize someone important, there will be no police banging to your door at night. Your family is safe.


I have never denied the strength of Japan and Korea, I am only talking about the living conditions of the people at the bottom.
Secondly, the food of Japan and South Korea can not be compared with that of China. In terms of culture, the cultural origin of Japan and South Korea is China, but later there are many changes in their countries.
I can tell you that the vast majority of Japanese cuisine in foreign countries are owned by Chinese. Even better than the Japanese.


Yes, Korea's laws are very relaxed, no matter what you do bad things, you can get out of prison soon, really civilized country.


Oh Hyok Kwon
In the 1990s, the PRC basically studied and copied the South Korean economic development model with large government backed companies, focus on key industries and exports. That is why China’s main industries mirror or are the same as South Korea’s key industries, like shipbuilding, electronics and semiconductors.
The 1 difference is that the PRC does not allow worker unxs; whereas almost all large companies in Korea have worker unxs. Ironic since the PRC claims to be communist.


You laugh me to death, we are a big agricultural country, later developed industrial, copy the Korean economic model? Your whole Korea is smaller than one of our provinces.
Have you grown enough vegetables? Do Koreans want to compete with China in farming? South Korea's watermelon is expensive, corn is expensive, kimchi dishes are imported from China.


I'm not mocking South Korea, I'm just saying this with certainty, because occasionally you see many of your stars are forced to death, athletes who have won glory for the country to commit suicide, almost always because of oppression, sexual assault.
We are a socialist country. We learn from the Soviet unx's industrial development and Communism, but based on national conditions, so it is customized according to the national conditions of the characteristics of the socialist road, and the development of Communism.


China and South Korea are cooperative relations, the purpose is to defeat Japanese products, started with the 1997 Asian economic crisis, South Korea was bankrupt, and later if China had not opened its market to South Korea, let South Korea to deal with Japan, your South Korea would not be qualified to become a developed country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniel G
Japanese have been going through labor reforms for a long time. Their economy has nothing to do with it. Japan also has better functioning laws and less corruption, which makes it easier to enforce as well. Companies do not always have it the easiest in Japan when it comes to getting around. This is why Japan is more relaxed.


Taiwanese definitely because of their society but their warmer climate can also play a role too. Taiwanese in general are just happy despite some issues.
Hong Kongers with the hustle and bustle of the city as well as rocket high living prices, it's very stressed indeed. Macau probably just as much, maybe a little less.
Southeast Asian ones are more relaxed than the all the other counterparts. They just want to live and be happy and they are for the most part.


And Mainlanders, too big to explain, there's everyone.
Koreans, considering their competition and strict conformity to society as well as their ability to be as perfect as possible is why they are way more stressed than other East Asians.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cathleen Avila
I don’t know where this observation comes from but it’s not true. Japanese work long hours and let off steam by drinking and karaoke. They start their days early and end late. Chinese are a little more relaxed except in Hong Kong where the hustle bustle and pressures of work are intense for the professional person.

我不知道这种说法从何而来,但事实并非如此。日本人工作时间长,通过喝酒和唱卡拉 OK 来发泄情绪。他们每天早出晚归。中国人相对轻松一些,但香港特区除外,那里的喧嚣和工作压力对职业人士来说非常大。

Goodi Shang
The South Korean economy is controlled by chaebols, and the lives of grassroots people in South Korea are extremely difficult. They must work overtime to support themselves and their families.
There is a phenomenon that can prove this viewpoint. The birth rate in South Korea has become negative.


The family burden index determines the birth rate. A family has an average of 8 consumers, and the population responsible for earning money is 2 people. If the earner cannot obtain enough money, it will reduce the consumer population. The most direct way is not to have children.


The South Korean government rewards people to have children by distributing money. This method may be short-term effective, but the effect is minimal. Because people's lifestyles have not changed, they still have to work more than 12 hours a day and do not even want to have children.
South Korea should implement a policy where all children are supported by government funding until the age of 18. Will South Korean chaebols be willing to pay this amount of money? I think the possibility is very small.


Paul Denlinger
Korean values, the educational system, and runaway consumerism are designed to turn everyone neurotic, and the system largely succeeds.
Basically, Korean society is a pressure cooker, and going insane is one way to escape. Another way is suicide, which seems to be popular among Koreans working in entertainment.


The Japanese are more relaxed because their economy has been screwed since 1990, and things aren’t getting better.
The Chinese are more relaxed because their economy and country is huge, and Chinese have a very long historical memory. Basically, they have seen everything.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This means that the Chinese have perspective.
When they are unhappy or see something they don’t like, they complain to their local official, and tell him to fix it. Since the local official’s job performance is measured by how many complaints he resolves, his career depends on resolving the issue.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

King Stonne
Hahahahahahaha…Japanese lives are relaxed?? Search online and u might find that many Japanese die due to overworking… they have the mentality of having the need to show their bosses that they're hardworking & loyal…not a sign of a relaxed life…


Alistair Zhao
I worked at an international bank in London ten years ago, with my team spread across the globe, notably in China, Korea, Japan, and Singapore. Despite being an international team with similar tasks, our work ethics and approaches varied widely, often fitting comical stereotypes.


In London, we were somewhat privileged, typically finishing work by 7 PM and rarely staying until 9 PM. However, we could almost always count on receiving a reply from our East Asian colleagues the same day if we sent an email before 5 PM London time, which was midnight in East Asia.


One time, I was emailing different teams around midday to gather information. The Singaporeans responded immediately, and the Chinese and Japanese replied promptly as well. However, the Koreans did not respond.


The next day, I followed up with the Korean team. Seconds after sending the email, my phone rang. It was a private number, not from within the organization. A murmuring voice on the other end said, "Alistair, I am your colleague from Korea. I forgot to send you the information yesterday. Could you please resend the email without the chain?"


Without much thought, I agreed and forwarded the email. While doing so, I recounted the strange call to a colleague sitting next to me. He gave me a serious look and explained that the head of the Korea team required all emails to be replied to the same day and would scream at anyone who failed to do so. He suspected the poor guy was calling me from the toilet using his personal phone. My colleague ended by saying, "I hope you agreed to help him."
At that moment, I realized something important: I did not want to go back to East Asia to work.


Lily Hilton
The Singaporean aspect is true. In Singapore, many companies require overtime aside from the 8 hours a day work. For many case, they have to bring their work home. They are not paid for their overtime. This is why many Singaporeans complain about working in Singapore.

新加坡的情况确实如此。在新加坡,许多公司要求员工在每天工作 8 小时之外加班。在很多情况下,他们不得不把工作带回家。他们没有加班费。这就是为什么许多新加坡人抱怨在新加坡工作。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kokswee Goh
I'm a Singaporean working in China, and I'd say that it's not that bad in Singapore, at least when I compare it to what I see here in China…


Ewe Yu Yie
Banks are like that. In my country too bank staffs are required to complete all their tasks for the day including replying emails before they can go home. Failure to do so may end up getting reprimanded or screamed at


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