2024-07-09 献丑4096 8925

China is so dominant in the market for the batteries powering electric vehicles and green tech that it would take a technological upheaval to change that. One might be coming, but Beijing isn’t asleep at the wheel.


With a booming electric-vehicle market at home, Chinese battery makers are the giants of the industry. In the first four months of this year, just two companies from the country—Contemporary Amperex Technology, or CATL, and BYD—already have more than half of the global EV battery market between them, according to SNE Research. More crucially, Chinese manufacturers also dominate the supply chain for battery materials. China accounted for nearly 90% of cathode active material capacity globally and more than 97% for anodes, according to the International Energy Agency.

由于国内电动汽车市场蓬勃发展,中国的电池制造商成为了该行业的巨头。根据 SNE Research 的数据,在今年的前四个月,仅来自中国的两家公司——宁德时代和比亚迪,就已经占据了全球电动汽车电池市场的一半以上份额。更关键的是,中国制造商还主导着电池材料的供应链。据国际能源署称,中国在全球阴极活性材料产能中占近 90%,在阳极方面则超过 97%。

For countries such as the U.S. that wish to break China’s dominance in the automotive and power technology of the future, the only hope would be a scientific breakthrough that could rejig the battery supply chain with different materials and components. New technology wouldn’t replace existing lithium-ion batteries, which have been around for five decades, but could provide alternative options.


There are a few potential candidates. Sodium-ion batteries look like the most viable alternative, but CATL and BYD have already massively ramped up their capacity. More than 90% of new supply announced through 2030 will come from China, according to Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. That is despite the fact that the utilization rate of sodium battery plants is still fairly low.

有几个潜在的候选技术。钠离子电池看起来是最可行的替代品,但宁德时代和比亚迪已经大幅提高了其产能。根据基准矿物情报(Benchmark Mineral Intelligence)的数据,到 2030年新增供应的 90%多将来自中国。尽管事实上钠离子电池厂的利用率仍然相当低。

Another option to boost energy density is to replace graphite anodes with silicon, making batteries lighter and able to store more energy. That could potentially challenge China’s dominance in graphite. Japan’s Panasonic 6752 -0.11%decrease; red down pointing triangle said this past year it would purchase silicon anode materials from U.K. startup Nexeon. U.S. startup Group 14, backed by Microsoft MSFT -0.08%decrease; red down pointing triangle and Porsche, also has a joint venture with Korean battery maker SK Group. Benchmark expects silicon anode capacity to more than triple this year.

日本的松下在去年表示将从英国初创公司 Nexeon 购买硅阳极材料。得到微软和保时捷支持的美国初创公司 Group 14 也与韩国电池制造商 SK 集团建立了合资企业。基准公司(Benchmark)预计今年硅阳极产能将增长两倍以上。

And China isn’t sleeping on this opportunity. Beijing will provide 6 billion yuan, equivalent to nearly $830 million, to companies including CATL and BYD to research and develop solid-state batteries, according to domestic media. EV maker NIO NIO -2.27%decrease; red down pointing triangle said it plans to produce cars using semisolid state technology, which might still contain liquid electrolytes.

中国没有放过这个机会。据国内媒体报道,中国政府将向包括宁德时代和比亚迪在内的公司提供 60 亿元人民币,相当于近 8.3 亿美元,用于研究和开发固态电池。电动汽车制造商蔚来(NIO)表示,它打算用半固态技术来生产汽车,这种技术可能还是含有液态电解质。

China’s battery supremacy looks secure for now, but new technology could throw in a wild card for Western companies seeking to catch up.


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Burton Richardson: Let's electrify our whole fleet of vehicles and have communist China supply 95% of the batteries. What could go wrong?


David Eyke: The problem is the estimated cost for the necessary electric grid reconfiguration is $5 trillion - all forced through to ratepayers. This $5 trillion will be added to the cost of US production and act like a negative trade tariff on our own exports. International buyers will then price-prefer non-Clean Air Act production over US production to an even greater extent - worsening climate pollution.


Brian Cooke: Even simple questions like "Who makes Tesla batteries besides Panasonic" meet with bewildering info like "Tesla has been diversifying its battery supply chain to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles". That's greenie talk for China.


Kenneth Tennysfan: The US is much better off by spending hundreds of billions to support migrants and to pay the tuition of Gender Studies majors. Let the Chinese dominate in technology. At least we have diversity!


Stephen S S Hyde: You have a tough sell, WSJ, putting a technical article in front of a bunch of political junkie projectionists. Please keep trying though. Cheers, Steve

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Brousse B: My thoughts exactly - was this designed to be a technical advice or a political scare article.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

BILL FENTON: Methinks this is more of an equities ad for those solid state battery companies at 90% off. Having lost 36K on Enron years ago I am a tough sell, am more of an index buyer now.

我觉得这更像是给那些固态电池公司打的广告,它们股价都跌了 90%了。我多年前在安然公司亏了3万6千美元,现在可不好忽悠,我现在更愿意买指数。

HOWARD SIMONS: Or you could simply stop the farce of forcing uneconomic EVs on everyone and this artificial problem and self-inflicted wound would go away.


Michael Mellinger: BYD sells a $10,000 EV in China. That’s uneconomical?

比亚迪在中国卖 1 万美元的电动车。这还不划算?

John Pound: Pushing on a string, at least in the US where EVs are a tiny niche (8%+/-) of all auto sales and a horrendous source of financial losses for all US automakers save Tesla which so far has made money on fanboys, virtue signaling and government subsidies and tax credits.

在美国,电动车就是个小得不能再小的市场(大概 8%),占汽车总销量很少,除了特斯拉,美国那些汽车制造商在这上头都亏惨了。到现在为止特斯拉就靠粉丝、装装样子还有政府补贴和税收减免赚钱。

Robert Sayre: Tesla just got some bad news today with sales down almost 5% and stock down 16%. Rivian needed a cash infusion from Volkswagen last week to survive, and Fiskar went bankrupt last week. The market is speaking.


David Mcmahon: The market is dynamic and EVs are the future. Strange definition of "tiny". Be careful what you say, its going to be a much larger "niche" over the next 5 years.

市场是动态的,电动车才是未来。“很小”的定义很奇怪。小心你说的话,它会在接下来的 5 年里成为一个大得多的“细分市场”。

E Goldberg: Solid state batteries have been the holy grail for EV proponents for some time. But they have yet to see the light of day, for some very good reasons. The main one being their cost to produce, which is beyond prohibitive. EVs already have a major upfront cost disadvantage vs ICE vehicles and hybrids. Solid state batteries would worsen that cost disparity exponentially. They also perform much worse than Li ion batteries at cold temps and have an annoying tendency to form dendrites. But the EV loyalists can keep dreaming about them if it makes them feel better, I guess.


David Eyke: An electric vehicle will always be 1,000 pounds heavier than a gasoline-powered vehicle with a full tank of gas. Always. Over 100,000 miles that’s a terrific amount of destruction to road and bridge infrastructure.

一辆电动汽车总是比一辆加满油的汽油动力汽车重 1000 磅。总是这样。跑个 10 万英里以上,对道路和桥梁基础设施是一个巨大的破坏量。

John Robins: New battery technologies are wonderful until they're no longer new. Eventually we'll have to develop a final resting place for what could become mountains of dead batteries that have reached the end of economic life.


WILLIAM MARSHALL: Interesting that both the technology and manufacturing process was given to China by the Republicans. Develop under an Obama initiative, Republicans cut the funding and the Chinese picked it up, fully funded advance development and set up two companies waited for the inevitable shift in the market. Overall US technological weakness is the Republican party itself. Pending the next election, the US can fall further behind.


Thom Wright: It seems you believe that Government, not industry, should fund R&D. Do you think we should just be China? We saw it very clearly with the Obama administration's funding of alternative power (solar and wind), it was all and only about pushing cash into the hands of Obama's big supporters, using taxpayer dollars to further enrich Democrat benefactors.


Ajay Sharma: Given the lead that the Chinese already have on battery technology, it is foolhardy to push government-mandated EV adoption here in the US. If you think dependence on Middle East for oil was a problem, just imagine how much bigger this problem is! China will control our entire energy supply (via batteries). I am thoroughly dismayed by this administration's mandates for EV adoption. Of course we all know that Biden is asleep at the wheel, so what did we expect?


Roger R: The EV tax credits have sourcing requirements on the batteries.


Marc Jones: Tulips. Unfortunately, unlike the initial tulip craze which burned the money of volunteer investors, this one uses tax dollars taken from both the living and the yet unborn.


FRANK BOVINE: have to do something, otherwise you won't be able to get insurance on your florida/texas house.


Robert Hoff: EVs work for a large part of the world with only electricity. Providing cheap transportation and daily fueling by electricity is massive. The US will be the last, if ever, adopter.


JOHN WATSON: Nobody. Wants. Them. Wake up.


dave hulett: Nobody? EV sales in the US and WW has grown and continues to grow every year. Has it slipped so far this year? Sure, but so have gas powered cars. A doubling of interest rates has that effect on gas powered cars too.


M Sugarman: The most revolutionary battery company that no one is talking about is #ENVX.... Enovix.


Jose Chao: British company is aiming to disrupt the EV car charging market. Nyobolt, based in Cambridge, England, has developed a battery that took just four and a half minutes to charge from 10% to 80%. That’s about 75% faster than it takes current chargers, such as Tesla’s Supercharger, to complete. And Nyobolt’s CEO says he thinks the technology could be ready to use sooner than you think, saying “Our extensive research here in the UK and U.S. has unlocked a novel battery technology that is ready and scalable right now. We are enabling the electrification of new products and services currently considered inviable or impossible.”

一家英国公司正致力于颠覆电动汽车充电市场。位于英格兰剑桥的尼欧博尔特公司开发了一种电池,从 10%充电到 80%仅需四分半钟。这比目前的充电器,比如特斯拉的超级充电器,快了大约 75%。尼欧博尔特的首席执行官表示,这技术能投入使用的时间比你想的要早,他说:“我们在英国和美国的广泛研究已经解锁了一种新颖的电池技术,现在就已经准备好并且能规模化应用。我们正在让那些现在看来没法电气化或者不可能电气化的新产品和服务实现电气化。”

Robert Hutchings: Here's an idea: steam-powered autos. With EVs, we are already back to the 1800s. We might as well go all the way back.

嘿,我有这么个主意:蒸汽动力汽车。有了电动汽车后,我们已经一夜回到 19 世纪。干脆咱们彻底回到过去得了。

JOHN YOUNG: There is a Stanley Steamer car in the West Hartford Ct AAA, it belong to a Doctor and is beautiful restoration. Steam cars where not very practical because every time you went any where you had to build a fire in boiler and wait for steam pressure to build. Of coarse it may have been faster than My Doctor office.


donald mahoney: Simple, don't buy and EV. Save money and get a gas driven car. Trump will turn the fossil fuel back on upon his re-election.


Cara Acot: That's why any tariffs with the new administration will undoubtedly help rare earth producers like MP Materials (also soon to be an integrated batteries producer). We simply need to also be able to do it here.

就因为这样,新政府弄的任何关税肯定会帮到像 MP 材料那种稀土生产商(很快也要变成综合电池生产商了)。我们需要也能够在美国搞成。

Eric Larson: We have everything in the US, but Administration won't let us use it to do it. Lithium, lots of it in California, other rare earth, loads in Wyoming. We have lots of copper that can't be mined as well. Same for


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