纽约市执法松懈,零售盗窃猖獗,Target 百货宣布关店
2024-07-09 不要可乐 7087

Target has a shoplifting problem so bad, they're now instructing their staff to prevent thefts of $50 or more... which might be tough to implement in NYC where stealing more than that is a non jail able offense. Either way theft is so bad and law enforcement so lax, that retailers have to try something to get ahead of these thieves.

Target在店铺失窃问题上非常严重,他们现在正在指导员工防止 50 美元或以上的盗窃……这可能在纽约市难以实施,因为盗窃超过这个数额不会入狱。不管怎样,盗窃问题非常严重,执法又如此松懈,零售商必须想方设法阻止这些小偷。

Let's spend another billion dollars on security cameras and plexiglass and not arrest a single criminal.


When politicians put criminals over law abiding citizens…


This is not shoplifting. It's the breakdown of civil order.


Target workers don’t get paid enough to risk their safety for 50 bucks

Target 员工的工资不足以为50块钱冒生命危险

The lack of looter diversity is most disturbing!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If they aren't going to prosecute the shoplifters, it doesn't matter.


New York voted for this so I have no sympathy.


As a teen i worked at K-mart back in the 90s. When code "M nine and a half" was announced over the intercom every male, even teens rushed to the location, ready to kick some ass without the worry of lawsuits or even arrest.

我十几岁的时候在90年代的K-mart工作。当对讲机里传来代号“m9 and1 / 2”的消息时,所有的男性,甚至青少年都冲到现场,准备好踢一些人的屁股,而不用担心被起诉甚至被逮捕。

So an employee will stop them and then a cop or judge will let them go. Lose, lose for the employee.


NYC barring Walmart from opening stores in the city may have been a blessing in disguise for Walmart.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thank you Governor Hochul and District Attorney! Soft on crime ! She thinks stores owe thieves under a 1000 ? Why could they be destroying all businesses?


Everything is locked up except the thieves


"I feel like everything is locked up these days.." except the criminals.


It speaks volumes that NYC had to pass a law to make "assaulting retail clerks a crime." It was already a crime everywhere else.


New York voted for it .
They are “ entitled “ to it.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处





Give retailers and their employees full legal immunity whenever they take measures into their own hands. Automatically dismiss lawsuits from thieves and other suspects. Repeal all "excessive force" statutes for police officers.


NOT "shoplifting"...... It is outright LOOTING!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The problem with staff stepping in is the thief will claim to have been hurt during the stop and then sue the store. Then the lawyer will be on TV with an 8th grade graduation picture of the thief and a bunch of teary eyed family members.


as a target employee making 2.5-35,000 a year, i would never throw myself in harms way for a company putting profit over the safety of employee's. thats shameful

作为一名年薪2.5- 3.5万美元的Target员工,我绝不会为了一家把利润置于员工安全之上的公司而把自己置于危险之中。这是可耻的

my mom works for target. she says she cant stand how they let people steal and are supposed to act like you dont know lol


When I was a kid in the late 60’s, I stole a pack of lifesavers candy. The manager called the cops, and I was taken to jail. I had to wait for my parents to show up to release me. My parents took me back to the store so I could apologize to the manager, then went home for an ass whippin’…I never stole anything again. Times sure have changed…️

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No excuse for this non civilized behavior.


Target may want to act like Walmart start prosecuting


Constitutional carry, even in violation of unconstitutional local prohibitions, is the only answer.


Does target really think I’m going to confront shoplifters for the $15 an hr they pay? Especially when the thieves will be out in a couple hours! No way in hell

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Crime is NOT reduced without consequences. Law and order is needed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The idea that a large retailer is calling police about a theft a day or even two hours after discovery is ridiculous... The idea that a police response to a report of shoplifting in N.Y. City happens anytime this century is even more laughable! When in doubt the city blames the victim...


And the worse part is the actual store owners are the ones at risk to get in trouble and not the actual criminals. They put criminals on a peddle stool and lock up law abiding citizens. And they still are pondering “why is there so much crime”


There’s no diversity with those shoplifters


Really good coverage of the topic - you covered multiple aspects of the problem and the contributing factors.


The Target CEO should go undercover for a day at a NYC Target and confront these shoplifters before making cashiers rent-a-cops


To solve this problem, put the NYC DA in jail


I live in the SF Bay Area in CA so I can empathize. Also, if something is locked up, I buy it elsewhere. I'm not rewarding these corporations who donate to democrats who pass laws to allow this sh*t or simply just don't prosecute. Pop Quiz: We used to be able to pump gas and then pay AFTER. If you're old enough, you remember. Why did that change?


No organized society, throughout history, has ever put up with this kind of complete lawlessness.


Why stop a shoplifter if the store isn't going to prosecute them? The store deserves to go out of business.


The governor needs to step up and change shoplifting laws and Target and other stores need to beef up security.


One interesting fact, not one white person stealing stuff.


My friend said that people are stealing because they poor, and I said what you did, "what does a poor person need with 5 handbags and 10 pairs of jeans?"


Well if Target is sympathetic towards criminals and they have no room to complain when criminals clear out their entire stock

好吧,如果Target 同情罪犯,当罪犯清空他们所有的库存时,他们没有抱怨的余地

I like the family trips. I don’t think the apartments he shows is boring. It blows my mind to see how much these apartments are going for and the real estate costs. He is very informative.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anyone remember Basco, a store chain in the Northeast in the 1970s? You go into the store, choose what you want from their catalogue, give that info to a clerk, pay for your items, then you receive your items. Cut down on theft.


"Target made the difficult decision to shutter this store." I bet it was the easiest decision they ever made.


This is why they cannot have nice things. Once all stores and places of employment leave, they say something along the lines of systemic oppression.


He has never explained why less than $1000 isn't considered a crime. How did this law came into effect.


They don't get paid enough to put their personal safety at risk.


Thought attacking store workers was illegal, yet here we are.


Really good video! You did a great job with end-to-end storytelling about how this criminal organization is currently indestructible and using regular people as fences.


Target should not be bailed out by government

Target 不应该得到政府的救助

Whose gonna put their bodies on the line for $50?
The company won't give any pay rises but expect employees to sacrifice themselves for a product which has little value anyway


Target doesn't have the right to tell regular hourly employees to police the store. That's not their job.

Target 没有权利要求固定的小时工对商店进行监督。那不是他们的工作。

Simple. Bring back the Guiliani era idea of getting tough on crime. And get away from this idea that shoplifting is just a minor offense. We need to resuscitate the Broken Window theory of crime again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I always respected what Costco does…one way in and one way out and a security officer at the exit checks every item on your receipt, signs the receipt, hands it back to you and allows you to exit.


There's no way I'd work at Target if I was expected to do a policeman's job and to do it unarmed. Crazy NY. There are plenty of other great places to live.

如果要我做警察的工作,而且不带武器,我是不可能在Target 工作的。疯狂的纽约。还有很多其他适合居住的地方。

I hate the idea of asking workers to try to prevent theft.
When we first got pay-at-the-pump gas where I live (BC, Canada) thefts exploded. One worker tried to stop a theft, and wound up being dragged by a car and killed. Now gas pump attendants are told to just let them go.


As long as people refuse to call out what's right in front of our faces due to fear of being called names, this will worsen.


No employee must be put in danger! Something is clearly wrong with the legal system here... thieves need to be prosecuted for ANY theft.


I work at American Eagle in New York in manhattan I can assure you EVERYDAY people steal anywhere from $1000-$2000 dollars in clothes. We are actually getting a new policy for no returns on clothes without tags and a receipt. But that means that the BA’s are the ones that are gonna have to deal with the aggressive customers who are returning items which they usually stole.


Target is not going to like the lawsuits that come when these employees start getting hurt for interfering with the wrong shoplifter.

Target 不会喜欢这些员工因为干扰错误的扒手而受到伤害的诉讼。

Once all the stores are closed, they will be coming to your home. And if you defend yourself and your property, you will be going to prison.


Problem is, when all the stores get closed in the large cities, they move to or just start raiding the suburbs... like they are already doing.


Why don't they just do like Fry's Electronics used to do - coraled entrance w/ turnstiles, then one snaking line leading to the long check-out desk. There's no way any jerks where bolting from Fry's with armfuls.


I don't feel sorry for anyone who still lives in a major metropolitan area. Your DOOMED if your not rural by now.


Here depends upon area; some everything is locked up and others not so much.
However I bought like $25 piece of Jewelry from Walmart and I couldn’t touch the item until it was paid for…. So after waiting to get help I had to go to self checkout with employee to pay for the item.
Not to mention the scammers who are running online marketplace. Requesting a deposit before they even give you pick up details.


I rarely go to target anymore. Everything in glass cases--I don't really have the time and patience to hunt someone down in every dept to open the case then wait in line. I understand expensive items but a $10 pack of socks??

我很少再去Target了。 所有东西都放在玻璃盒子里——我真的没有时间和耐心在每个角落找个人打开盒子,然后排队等候。 我了解昂贵的物品,但一包10美元的袜子?

I worked at a Target. I was coughed on on purpose (during covid), spit at, yelled at numerous times by customers and SECURITY DID NOTHING.


I can't imagine being a small business owner in NYC and having the local government force ME to "upgrade security measures," because that same local government refuses to prosecute criminals or enforce the law altogether. You're watching the death of retail businesses in real time. You'll be lucky to find any stores that you can walk into to shop, even grocery stores, in another 5-10 years in NYC at the rate all of the remaining retail stores continue to get robbed and shutter.


I wonder how the mayor and all the other NYC officials would feel if all those looters were showing up at their homes demanding food, furniture, and "stuff".

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why would an employee risk their life stopping a thief stealing 50 dollars worth of merchandise? Let's see the CEO step in and do something.


Sounds like a lawsuit getting ready to happen. As a previous employee of Walmart who was fired for attempting to stop a shoplifter after a manager told me to, it's not worth the effort. Employees do not need to put their lives in danger for any employer who sees bottom-line profits as more important than their employees' lives.


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