2024-07-10 jiangye111 6178
Largest UK public sector trial of four-day week sees huge benefits, research finds
-South Cambridgeshire experiment led to fewer refuse collectors quitting and faster planning decisions


(Council rubbish bins in Cambourne, Cambridge.)


In the largest public sector trial of the four-day week in Britain, fewer refuse collectors quit and there were faster planning decisions, more rapid benefits processing and quicker call answering, independent research has found.


South Cambridgeshire district council’s controversial experiment with a shorter working week resulted in improvements in performance in 11 out of 24 areas, little or no change in 11 areas and worsening of performance in two areas, according to analysis of productivity before and during the 15-month trial by academics at the universities of Cambridge and Salford.


The trial by the Liberal Democrat-controlled authority drew a furious reaction from the Conservative government, with a minister telling the borough leader, Bridget Smith, to “end your experiment immediately”, complaining that it would not give value for money for local taxpayers.


The Tory former local MP, Anthony Browne, who was defeated by a Liberal Democrat in last week’s general election, had attacked the trial as “an ideological crusade”.


The multi-year study of the trial involving about 450 desk staff plus refuse collectors found:


1、Staff turnover fell by 39%, helping save £371,500 in a year, mostly on agency staff costs.
2、Regular household planning applications were decided about a week and a half earlier.
3、Approximately 15% more major planning application decisions were completed within the correct timescale, compared with before.
4、The time taken to process changes to housing benefit and council tax benefit claims fell.


On the downside, rent collection for council housing worsened slightly, although this was attributed to the cost of living crisis. The speed with which empty council houses were relet fell slightly, from 28 to 30 days on average. The results were adjusted for the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Joe Ryle, the director of the 4 Day Week Campaign said the results heralded “a huge opportunity for councils and organisations across the public sector to start planning for a four-day working week”.


The new Labour government is expected to push the NHS to work longer hours to reduce waiting lists, with more operations at weekends, and is preparing to speed up the planning process to boost housebuilding.


Productivity has flatlined in the British economy since the pandemic after historically rising at about 2% annually. In 2019, Labour under Jeremy Corbyn included plans to cut the working week to 32 hours with no loss of pay in its manifesto, but this year the party said nothing about enabling a four-day week in its latest promises. It has pledged to deliver economic growth and productivity growth across the economy to enable greater spending on public services without raising income tax, national insurance and VAT.


Employers everywhere from Sweden to the United Arab Emirates and New Zealand to the US have experimented with the four-day week. But last week the government of Greece announced a new six-day week policy for private companies aimed at boosting the economy amid a shrinking population and shortage of skilled workers. It is seeking longer hours from workers to turbocharge productivity.


Under the South Cambridgeshire trial, which began in January 2023 and ran to April 2024, staff were expected to carry out 100% of their work in 80% of the time for 100% of the pay. The full trial cut staff turnover by 39% and scores for employees’ physical and mental health, motivation and commitment all improved, the study showed.


“Coupled with the hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayer money that we have saved, improved recruitment and retention and positives around health and wellbeing, this brave and pioneering trial has clearly been a success,” said John Williams, the lead council member for resources. “We know we cannot compete on salary alone and have needed to find bold new ways of tackling our recruitment and retention issues.”


Mike Davey, the leader of Cambridge city council, which shares planning services with South Cambridgeshire, described the trial as “a win-win-win situation, with improved service delivery for residents, reduced staffing costs for the council, and a better work-life balance for council staff.”


Scores of private companies have already adopted the approach, with many finding it helps staff retention. Ryle said the South Cambridgeshire results “prove once and for all that a four-day week with no loss of pay absolutely can succeed in a local government setting”.


I worked a 4-day week for about a year. I just cramming a lot of hours into the 4 days but it was still really good. I had Fridays off and a 3 day weekend, every weekend, was perfect.


It depends on the sector. I did compressed hours in an office and it was great, can’t imagine doing it in retail though I’d go insane.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Beer-MilkshakesBlack Country
We call bank holidays "family day" because that is what it is. If I worked 4 days a week we'd have a family day every weekend where we didn't need to cram shopping and house chores.


This is really worth considering - there are myriad downstream benefits from this that are really hard to quantify.
What is the benefit to every employee being x% better rested?
What is the benefit of every child spending X% more time with their parents? What's the benefit of every working adult having more time to visit the doctor?
What is the benefit to local economies of having an extra day of prime consumer time? The benefit to the high street?
What is the benefit to culture for having an extra day available for people to learn new skills, meet up with friends, write, sing, etc? What is the benefit to innovation and development?
All these things are really hard to quantify, but I think self-evidently could be revolutionary.
It's also worth taking into account something that I think it was Bhutan recently started doing - measuring GNH Gross National Happiness. Why do we do anything? To live and be happy. If we're confident a four day work week is sustainable economically, we should do it based on that merit alone, let alone any of the other great reasons.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a teacher I can’t see how it would work—-unless it’s timetabled so teachers are off one day a week but the kids are still in for all 5


4 day school weeks for the children and teachers are being used in lots of school in America (plus, France and Japan the the US has been in the news for it semi recently). It's partly a money and retention thing, but it also seems to have got big positive responses from all of teachers, parents and students.


I think most people are stressed and on the verge of burnout (I know I am!) and so it's not surprising that an extra day off doesn't result in a reduction in productivity, just like forcing an extra day wouldn't result in more work being done.


Was discussing this issue with friends this weekend. We're all in our 30s and feeling exactly the same. Just seems like work culture has become focused on a kind of 100% output capacity 100% of the time, and we all feel like that's just not actually sustainable. We all either burn-out or we step back and just resign ourselves to no longer being seen as outstanding or excelling at our work, which is actually quite hard to deal with if you take pride in it or are career-focused.


It's time for the 5 day work week to die. So outdated. People work more efficiently / effectively and productively with better work life balance. Happy people are just better at everything.


My worry about the the 4 day week is that a lot of the initial results could be down to the novelty of it. Will everything level back out after a number of years? IDK.
In my view it will only get a foothold if privates jump at the researched benefits, or the workforce start demanding it in a similar vein to work from home.


Unfortunately, this trial doesn't really answer the big question.
For jobs which rely on a headcount being available, how is this going to help?
E.g. the lix in the article regarding bin collections suggests they don't have enough evidence to comment on how they can do 40 hours work in 32. They can't drive to areas any faster, and probably can't move bins any faster.
I work in an industry which needs to have a certain number of heads available at all times. We calculate how many employees are need at any one time to deliver in most circumstances. If we drop an average hours down from 40 to 32, it will simply mean we need to hire more people which means increased costs etc.
Whilst there's obviously an argument that this is still an improvement for many (including me), it's going to undoubtedly create a lot of resentment in those who can't benefit because of the impacts. I feel like we need an answer for that.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why does every job need to have the same work week, if it doesn't work for that job don't do it.
Completely made up issue simply solved by not having a one size fits all policy.
The need for fairness or everyone being the same leads to nonsense like this.


The naivety in this post is outstanding.
Imagine yourself in the position of a care worker. Your HR colleagues, your payroll colleagues etc all get an extra day off a week at 0 reduction in pay. You do not.
Now how do you think staff retention is going to be in that role? It's all well and good saying "don't do that job then", but then again it's not like we need care workers, is it?
Shit like this is great for populists, the lazy office worker vs the real workers.


I get the less days, more hours. Sounds great! 4 10 hour days Vs 5 8s, lovely, sounds great.

我少了天数,多了小时数。听起来太棒了!4个10小时工作日 VS 5个8小时工作日,很好,听起来很棒。

I work in a sector that has a 55hr average working week excluding breaks where if you're getting home 12-13hrs after leaving you're doing well.


As a public sector worker I'm not sure how that would work for me at all. Most of the time we are at capacity or there or thereabouts (e.g. cut to the bone to the point when certain functions work spikes we have to outsource which in some respects is the most efficient way). I can see the points and how this might work but surely your effective cost per hour goes up for the utility gained so I'm not seeing how this would help? Sounds a really good idea but I can't see how it would work in a practical sense?


My promotion came with an extra day off a week, I make up from it doing an extra two hours a day.
I have such a better life balance now I have three days off a week.


I charge a day rate. If I want to drop to 4 days, I have to increase my day rate by 25% to maintain the same income. That’s fine, but I suspect my customers won’t be overjoyed.


It wouldn't work and I would want to work that extra day and maybe for more money but would be nice to have a 4 day work week instead of 50+ average or often 60+ hours a week without the weekend as well


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