2024-07-10 jiangye111 6801
UK universities urged to end drugs zero tolerance and focus on harm reduction

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(Jeni Larmour, 18, who died on her first day at Newcastle University in 2020, after consuming a lethal combination of alcohol and ketamine.)


UK universities are being urged to ditch a zero-tolerance approach to drug use and focus instead on public health and harm reduction, with drug testing and non-judgmental support for students seeking help.


The warning came as new research found students are less likely to use drugs than those of the same age group in the general population. Of the minority that do, more than two out of five would like to reduce their use.


Experts remain concerned that a zero-tolerance approach still deployed on some campuses, including fines, suspensions and expulsions, does little to reduce drug use and could deter students from coming forward for help.


Almost one in five (18%) out of 4,000 students who took part in a poll for Universities UK (UUK) – the organization that represents 142 higher education providers – told researchers they had used drugs in the past, while one in eight (12%) had used drugs in the past year.


Of those who had ever taken drugs, the most commonly used in the past year were cannabis (53%), cocaine (8%), prescxtion drugs (7%), ketamine (6%) and ecstasy (4%).


Among non-students, almost 18% of 16- to 24-year-olds in England and Wales reported drug use in the year up to March 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics, while in Scotland, 23.5% of the same age group had used drugs in the year prior to being surveyed.


According to UUK, only one in five students who have used drugs in the past 12 months have asked for support from their institution. Of those students who did seek support, nearly half (46%) said their university’s drug policy was a barrier, while more than a third (37%) feared the consequences of coming forward.


Jeni Larmour, 18, of Newtownhamilton in Northern Ireland, died in October 2020 on her first day at Newcastle University after consuming a lethal combination of alcohol and ketamine given to her “by another”, according to a coroner.


Her mother, Sandra Larmour, welcomed the report and said her own views on drug policy had changed. Where once she might have backed zero tolerance, she now favours educating and supporting students, though she said universities should never condone drug use.


“If you tell a bunch of teenagers ‘don’t do something’, you’re on a hiding to nothing. Anybody that’s got children knows that – they’re going to go out and do it,” Larmour said.


“But if you’re doing something in an open and informed manner, that can only help. If you’ve got people there with insight, knowledge and professional experience that can give them guidance on it, and they feel they can come forward, that’s a very positive step.”


The SafeCourse charity, which was set up to promote harm reduction policies on UK campuses, welcomed UUK’s new frxwork for action. Its founder, Hilton Mervis, whose son Daniel died of an accidental overdose, said a zero-tolerance approach may have discouraged him from seeking help because of fear of expulsion.


“Drugs left a hole in my family’s life because Daniel was failed by zero-tolerance policies,” he said, adding that the college now has a “clear harm reduction policy which puts the safety and wellbeing of their students first.


“Yet many universities continue to declare zero tolerance on drugs. In practice, this means zero action. This puts students at risk. The time has come for universities to adopt active, student-led harm reduction approaches.”


The UUK report, Enabling student health and success: tackling supply and demand for drugs and improving harm reduction, published on Tuesday, also calls on universities to promote and inform students of drug checking services. “Students often do not know the contents and strength of illicit drugs at the point of purchase,” it says.


“The consequences of this can be fatal. Drug checking provides an independent service which encourages students to have any substances of concern tested by chemists, and the results discussed during a consultation with a health professional.”


It also suggests a sliding scale of warnings of increasing severity for repeat incidents over an agreed timefrx to ensure a university is not perceived as permissive about the use of drugs.


Larmour urged parents whose children are preparing to go off to university in the autumn to talk to their child. “Make sure that you’re open and honest with them.” To youngsters about to leave home, she said: “Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of who your friends are. Think before you do anything.


“I miss Jeni every day of my life. I think about her all the time. Everything I do, I do it for one reason. That’s to keep her name alive, to keep her name on people’s lips, to keep her memory alive.”


I'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs


It is inevitable. Drugs have existed as long as the human race, what arrogance to think that you will finally be the generation that eliminates them.


Absolutely - and what arrogance to think that everyone agrees with you that drugs should be eliminated. If everyone thought that, they already would be eliminated. People don't all enjoy the same things, and that's fine.


There is a theory that drugs played a part in human evolution. Psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms), were believed to have been used by Homo erectus which kickstarted the cognitive revolution which led to Homo sapiens, the exact mushroom in question was believed to be Psilocybe cubensis. This theory was based on studies by a gent named Roland L. Fischer. This is just one theory of many, the stoned ape theory I believe it got called.
Also a quick one, Professor David Nutt, was forced to resign from his job (2009 I believe?) after the Government (UK) had asked him to investigate the damaging effects of LSD, ecstasy and cannabis. Well they didn't like the results, turns out all three of those drugs, are less harmful than legal ones. Alcohol and tobacco ranked higher on the scale. They didn't like that one bit, forced a man to resign for doing the job they asked him too, all because they didn't like the results.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Legalise the fucking lot and control it. Allow it to become dosed and kept in controlled situations. This would deal a massive blow to UK and global crime gangs. It would make the economy extremely strong and would see deaths plummet.


Yes and the government can tax drug sales too, win win.


Look at the American towns that have pulled back from the brink by doing this with weed, suddenly got huge influx of cash, local businesses growing, others selling it, all employing people and paying tax, leading to a general improvement in living and education conditions for an awful lot of people. Better than jail just because they’d rather get wasted on something other than booze. The illegal cannabis industry in the U.K. turns over more than £5 billion that could be invested in your local town instead of disappearing offshore.


Although things went wrong in Oregon when they decriminalised hard drugs for personal consumption.
The trouble is that consumption goes up when something is more easily available/marketed/reliable then that means you end up with rises in things like addiction, and addiction then creates a black economy of it's own (theft, homelessness, prostitution etc) as a percentage of users always fall into that hole, so bring in more users then that results in more people falling into the pit. The notion of spending taxes on treatment is flawed as addicts have to go through a lot before it really actually works for them if it ever does, so that means that they live in that underbelly of society with crime etc, so that might well increase due to more people joining the addict sub-set.


Things went wrong in Oregon and similary in Washington because they stopped dealing with criminal activity by addicts, at all.
The first steps in a sensible legalization strategy are to apply the lessons learned from the booze trade. Licensed premises, controlled hours and restrictions on sales to intoxicated individuals all act as a behavioral nudge to prevent excessive consumption for the majority. Prosecuting crimes committed by users brings problem users into view.
Obviously different substances cause problems in different ways and over different timescales. Identifying appropriate policies and actions to apply to individuals in the ground between starting excess use and full blown medical detox is where the hard part is.


Allow it to become dosed and kept in controlled situations.
It would make the economy extremely strong and would see deaths plummet.
I don't like the idea of making the economy strong bY LEEching off the vulnerable. That money would be coming from their pockets. Such a system should not be incentivised by profits.
How do you define 'controlled situation'? I'm assuming you mean that people can walk in off the street, pay for drugs, and use them there and then, whilst being monitored for sometime afterwards? What are the limits on this? Would someone be able to walk in again an hour later? How would personal tolerance be taken into consideration? Has any other country implemented this?
Don't get me wrong though, I think that any personal possession should be legal, and that people should have access to cheap drug testing services (if practically possible). We should not be criminalising what is effectively a medical condition.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do universities actually care if students use drugs?


Universities don’t get massively involved in people’s lives outside. What a harm reduction pivot would enable would be a student to go to welfare and say “this is really embarrassing, but my friends and I got into coke and it’s started to impact my studies and I don’t want it to get worse”, and student welfare could then signpost to appropriate support services without any risk of disciplinary action. Zero tolerance prevents this conversation from taking place and that’s a bad thing.


pharmaceutical drugs kill more, but you never hear a peep.


Decriminalise drugs and you remove the contact with criminals for users. The gateway has never been the drug itself, it’s the connections and the network.
Also you can control the ingredients and make them safer. You can make them cheaper and tax them.
For people opposed to drugs, do you ever drink? Smoke? If you do, what makes YOUR drug OK but not other people’s?


Legalise drugs. OK. I don't want to pay for your related health treatments you need because of your choices, though. Compulsory health insurance, or you're on your own. Same with alcohol. Wasting resources in Casualty while a sick child is waiting?


Damn maybe if you just not take drugs it's never a problem. Pretty easy to not accidentally snort or inject expensive and illegal substances


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