为什么 Nvidia、特斯拉、亚马逊等公司都大举投资人工智能人形机器人,”机器人取代人们不想要的工作,人工智能取代人们想要的工作“
2024-07-11 平平躺平 5595

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jus like AI, Robots are next big growth story

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's all powered by AI chips. The race is still on the semiconductors. Nvidia market capitalization went from $2 trillion to $3 trillion in a few months in this year, people were wondering how that could possibly be, but if you think about the possibilities, it is just the beginning.

这一切都由人工智能芯片驱动。竞争仍在半导体领域展开。今年几个月内,英伟达的市值从 2 万亿美元飙升至 3 万亿美元,人们想知道这是怎么回事,但如果你考虑一下各种可能性,就会发现这只是一个开始。

Robots take the undesired jobs and AI the desired

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

500 people would lose their jobs and their would probably be 3 management jobs available. Everyone will be poor with no jobs available. These jobs are just the starting point

500 人将失业,可能只剩下 3 个管理职位。每个人都会因为没有工作而变得贫穷。这些工作只是基础性的工作。

"don't worry. you will get a job as a manager of the robots". LOL


What these leaders state doesn't add up. Why would companies develop robots if they didn't save on labor?
I think there is a possible scenario where it's true. It's about scale. An age of abundance where the robotic workforce is larger than the human population. Where production is 24/7. It would be possible to decouple economic growth from population growth, which could solve a lot of problems with infrastructure, housing, immigration etc. GDP per capita could skyrocket.


Exactly. Even if that was anywhere near true, say person A's job evolves into managing the robots in their department from job A that they had, what happens to the other people's jobs from job B to Z? You think corporate America (or whatever country) is gonna have each human replaced with a robot be a manager of just the robot that is now doing their job? Not a chance. Especially if the cost to run the robot is basically just the cost of electricity. Every single person in the workforce has seen how these companies will cut costs at the drop of a hat for the greed of executives and shareholders. Luckily at my age I don't think I'll see enough massive rollout of these across the job market before I either check out of by some miracle am able to retire (like that'll happen) but generations younger than me are F'ed because I certainly don't see the asset owning class allowing the proposed solution of UBI (Universal Basic Income) being enacted to this mass human replacement problem ever allowed to happen.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are already a lot of people working these lower level jobs who are struggling. People losing those low-level jobs to robots isn't going to help society. It's going to help those who are rich enough to afford the robots.


There isn't a " labor shortage " there is a paying people fairly problem.


"Jobs we can't fill" == "not willing to pay a living wage"

“我们无法填补的工作” == “不愿意支付体面的工资”

“I think artificial intelligence has the ability to create infinitely stable dictatorships” - Ilya Sutskever

“我认为人工智能有能力创造无限稳定的独裁统治”——Ilya Sutskever

It's not that I don't trust AI-Powered Humanoid Robots, I don't trust humans.


Hope that Will Smith will still be around once they start going rogue.


I feel sorry for Gen Z and later because without UBI they are going to find it hard to compete in a workforce where your competition doesn't take a salary, doesn't get sick, doesn't require health benefits, can work 24/7 nonstop, won't complain and doesn't need a degree or four years of schooling.

我为 Z 世代及以后的人感到遗憾,因为如果没有 UBI,他们将很难在劳动力市场中竞争,因为你的竞争对手不拿薪水、不会生病、不需要健康福利、可以不间断地全天候工作、不会抱怨、不需要学位或四年的学校教育。

So theyd rather invest billions in robots rather than paying realistic wages for jobs “people don’t want”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I work at Amazon, unfortunately, and these are our replacements. Jesus.


I work at insurance and honestly people have all these silly accidents sometimes losing their fingers or even arms and legs and this is life-changing! People are too scared of this new era because they afraid of being replaced, but we lost type of jobs and created new ones in all of generations. People have to adapt and stop whining about progress. It's fair to be concerned but it's not fair to do not want this.


I have a job robots can do right now, fix all the pot holes on my road! Robots won’t strike, they won’t complain working 1am when the roads are quiet. They will do it at a consistent quality, no shoddy workmanship. There is a future for robots and humans to co exist. We will witness an unprecedented productivity never seen before

我现在有一份工作是机器人可以做的,那就是修补我路上的所有坑洞!机器人不会罢工,也不会抱怨凌晨 1 点道路安静时的工作。它们会以始终如一的质量完成工作,不会出现粗制滥造的情况。机器人和人类共存的未来是光明的。我们将见证前所未有的生产力
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My question is if corporations plan on going AI that means putting people out of work who’s gonna have money to pay for their products?


Isn’t this how Skynet, Cylons, and the machines from the Matrix got started?


It always starts with: it's just the entry-level jobs that nobody wants to work with...
In the near future, why should you have privacy or human rights, a robot can do your job!?


So, we're safe until the robot figures out how to disable the killswitch?
Got it!


10% of automative factory lines are automated, but there is no decrease in prices. This is well thought out

10% 的汽车工厂生产线实现了自动化,但价格却没有下降。这是经过深思熟虑的

Hopefully, the robots can take some of these CEO's jobs. They aren't doing anything anyway.

希望机器人能接手部分 CEO 的工作。反正他们什么也没做。

It's going to happen even if people don't believe it. So better to be prepared. The best way isn't to go against it but make sure that you and your family are safe if somehow loose our jobs for this humanoids robots. The best way is to invest on this companies that are producing these bots. I remember when the mobile started, it was a block with an antenna and now we can do so many things with our mobiles. This is the way life goes, forward with technology.


Given how impressive Tesla's full self driving has become and not yet complete it really feels the idea of their making humanoid robots will be much easier to succeed at. the biggest issue with full self driving hasn't been the road but dealing with other drivers. a warehouse full of robots would obviously not have that problem


Say goodbye to many jobs that are currently still being done by humans, in the next 20 years.


"These robots will give us back time" ahahah hahahh hahaha. good one, capitalist!


Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have made humanoid robots more capable than ever before

人工智能 (AI) 的最新进展使得人形机器人比以往任何时候都更加强大。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think AI is about software while the robot is a physical machine.


It is all a part of the same being, the robot is just the body and the AI is the intelligence of the machine. You need both for the same thing to exist.


An exciting industry and one that should be moving forward. Having said that, it needs to be done right (not just from a safety perspective, but from handling people who's jobs get replaced).


Crazy these are basically the first gens and it’s just going to improve way more with AI evolution.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just like EVs, Chinese companies are going to demolish those overpriced AI-Powered Humanoid Robots vendors in the US, they simply have a much larger scale and market. Nvidia, Tesla, Amazon can probably build the best robots, but Chinese ones will be 90% capable with a price tag 90% lower.

就像电动汽车一样,中国公司将击败美国那些定价过高的人工智能人形机器人供应商,只是他们的规模和市场更大。Nvidia、特斯拉、亚马逊可能可以制造出最好的机器人,但中国机器人的性能将达到 90%,价格却低 90%。

China is about displaying its advancements without substance. It is mostly facade. It lacks originality and technically, ie precision machinery. This is a fact. Their lead is not much a lead but their willingness to see things through will give them an edge, imo.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like the potential of artificial intelligence with robotics and having that combined, however there are people who say that you need to have the three big companies as your resources so that you can do this stuff and the fact of the matter is is that there are plenty of entrepreneurs out there who can actually do this stuff without those three companies that’s point number one
Point number two is the power of this stuff and what it can do for people and the ability to relieve people of work. The question with that is how do you get paid if you’re not working and you’re a minimum wage employee what exactly would you get to do if you’re constantly needing to actually work every day? How would you make money if The business owners are the ones who own all the robots and have access to all this high-powered artificial intelligence. How exactly do we maintain our capabilities with income?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like the idea of artificial intelligence because it gives a lot of capabilities for people like me that we didn’t have before plus it has access to mountains of data that it would take me years to learn by the time I learn it the stuff is outdated. That means that I can’t utilize it to make my life better immediately, which with things like robotics and artificial intelligence, I would be capable of doing and actually having fun while I’m doing it and I could do it while I was still Relatively young because I’m in early middle age
Is that artificial intelligence and robotics takes over every single job that’s available from truck driving to warehousing to factory work to everything else and then what happens to us workers out here that’s the scary part that a lot of people are complaining about and the fact is that with business owners wanting to lower costs faster and faster? How exactly do us workers continue to get paid and so that creates a problem because we work out here pay a lot of taxes and we’re not working. We can’t pay taxes because we don’t have income anymore and so that is a scary part of the entire situation and so my question is, how do we rectify the situation or do people like me just go by the wayside and starve to death.


I’m saying this as a US citizen and there is no difference at this point in my thinking between myself and someone who’s a night high net worth individual the fact of the matter is is that if you don’t continue to educate the people out here then we’re gonna end up with a situation where we have unbridled spending in our government because robots have taken over everything and artificial intelligence has also taken over everything and so we’re stuck in no situation and so there are pros and cons to this situation, but Some people would say it’s extremely scary and I think I understand why now because if you have robots and artificial intelligence taking over every job that there is end up being out of work and what happens you can’t even pay bills now you end up with a lot of people who aren’t even able to get by and so we end up with homelessness, poverty, and all the rest of that stuff so I would say that we need to be very careful about how we utilize this technologyand we need to embrace it needs to be some kind of balance and if we don’t have that balance, then I would say we’ve got big problems


Once they start learning for themselves they will become Terminators, Tesla already has Starnet, this is the next phase of the plan to destroy humanity


I hope I get to see skynet come online before I die.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Humanoid robots are the greatest revolution in human history


Amazon, TEMU, 7-Eleven, petrol stations maybe some fast food outlets, hotel, office cleaning jobs etc. could possibly lose their manual labour.


When a robot can outrun a human, time to get scare!


This is not going to be a near-monopoly for the mega companies. This is a field that are going to be really interesting when open source / crowd development is taking off. The parts a robot is made of is easily available to a minimal cost (stepper motors, controllers, gears and transmissions, etc.). Joints and body parts can be 3D printed. It’s the design and programming that’s difficult. Fifty thousand people worldwide, joined together online under a agreed upon protocol, can rival the big companies, making designs that cost a fraction of what the big companies are going to charge for their product.


Billionaries would rather spend billions developing robots than paying real human workers fair wages


Incentive. If you own a business where your employees are constantly asking for raises and benefits, and your customers complain about your prices. One or the other has to give, or both has to be fulfilled. Sure, you can reduce your margin by not hiking prices while paying your employees more each year. But tell me, how do you guarantee your customers will continue to buy your products when your competitors are selling at much lower price for the same quality? billionaires or not, economy drives on demand, more often than not, these progress are driven by consumers, not by billionaires.


cos they need to make line go up and they have run out of things that actually make peo[les lives better so they are turning to "I can make your employees disappear"
Just like Generative Ai this will never actually BE a thing that works, it just needs to keep the shareholders happy and the line going UP - for now. Hopefully when it stops and the bubble bursts someone else will be CEO.


There is a lot of "potentially" and "could have" and "in 10-20 years" (long enough that nobody cares anymore to call someone out). If they actually had the tech already they would say it. They would not lead the "it's already in use" section with "Elon Musk claims that 2 robots are in use somewhere in one of the factories." Besides, if you watch the videos, the Tesla robots are shown to be teleoperation and not GenAI, which is very different.


Seeing the hype for Open AI, AI in the US is mainly focusing on robots chatting like real lawyers, journalists, politicians, freelancers, TV archors, and entertainers.
AI in China is mainly focusing on robots working like real engineers, programmers, workers, drivers, teachers, doctors, nurses, and farmers.
A little amusing.

看到对Open AI的热潮,美国的人工智能主要集中在让机器人像真正的律师、记者、政治家、自由职业者、电视主持人和演艺人员那样聊天。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

there are 3 billion worker. average sallary is about 10.000 Euro /a year.
if your company works 3 shifts, it means you need 3 different people with 30.000 Euros/year.
imagine that, buy a robot with 15.000 usd. run it for 24 hours. return of investment is about 6 months. after 6 months you just pay for electricity bill.
too low maintenance cost because of the closed-loop gear system, and at least you will use any robot for 10-20 years.
imagine a company now which employ 1000 people. 600 are in production area. replace them with 200 robots. pay 3 milyon euros. and in the first year gain extra money about 6 milyon usd a year.
this is why those company wants to improve this market.

全球有 30 亿工人,平均年薪大约为 1 万欧元。如果你的公司实行 3 班倒,那就意味着你需要 3 个不同的人,年薪为 3 万欧元。想象一下,花 1.5 万美元买一个机器人,运行 24 小时,大约 6 个月就能收回投资,6 个月后你只需要支付电费。由于采用了闭环齿轮系统,维护成本很低,而且机器人至少可以使用 10-20 年。想象一下现在有一家公司雇佣了 1000 名员工,其中 600 人在生产区,用 200 台机器人取代他们,花费 300 万欧元,第一年就能额外赚取 600 万美元。这就是这些公司想要改善这个市场的原因。

I personally believe these robots will be able to do these jobs in the future, I don't think it's going to be soon. And by the time it happens, it won't be any of these companies that are making it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I understand that these robots arent perfect but what irritates me is how clunky they still look. Most of them look like they waddle like a penguin and that at a slow speed. Another thing is when tesla's bot at around 13:00 shows to demonstrate how fluid it's new hands are, but the very next clip it shows the slowest hand picking of an egg. I dont wanna be demonstrated delicate item picking, I wanna be shown it can handle an egg like a normal person. I hope this gets a major improvement in the near future.
Call it childish but let me point out from the recent developments I hear in a video game like Call of Duty's upcoming Black Ops 6 game is introducing omni-directional movement as well as some quality of life improvements that require even less buttons to press and maneuver around a place.
Epic Games making their own Unreal Engine 5 has optimised directional movement with smoother transitions.
For something related to hands, Im not aware from where they could take inspiration from but I hope it would be more efficient later down the line.

Epic Games开发了自己的虚幻引擎5,优化了定向移动,使过渡更加平滑。

I know if any company would pay the worker instead of worrying about how much they made the investor they wouldn't have a labor shortage AT ALL!


because they see and estimate there are billions of human workers in the world and if they can replace each one with a 10k-100k robot (plus the upgrades and maintenance), it will be a trillion dollar business.
and all the companies assume theyre the only ones using robots so their customerbase will still retain their jobs and money to spend so they are demanding this progression. but then they notice their customers are staying home because of unemployememt and at best they get UBI which is paid from companys corporate taxes. so net result can be negative.


So the robot in the decade will be estimated 20k Use expectancy should be around 8-10 years) so figure around $2500 annually now add electricity and maintenance so I would conservatively believe around $4000 a year per unit. A year has 8760 hrs. So lets assume they work some 8500 hrs a year. Now the guest said "55 lbs 75-100 times an hr." thats some 132,000lbs a day or about the output some 6 times the output or someone well acclimated to manual labor. So we have a workforce at 0.47 cents an hr. or about .08 an hr for the average very hard working human. Yes eight cents per hour of back breaking effort! And no tedious hiring process, no training curve, no benefits needed, does not slack off or call in sick. Sounds like a no brainer if you are a manager.


The problem with replacing a job with a robot manager job is that there will never be a 1:1 ratio, ultimately jobs will be lost. This will result in economic decline. Then who will actually be buying these goods being made by robots? Out of work people don't buy things.


I see a lot of comments like: they will take "all" our jobs. The thing is: if there is no one consuming products because they are unemployed then there will be no industry producing those products. Hence no robots are needed to produce those products.
Yes, they will take jobs. And already do. But having low cost robot workers is not the only force that drives the market.


How does it dramatically affect the economy? Negatively yeah, because the robots don’t spend money!! so where do people work if 30% of the job openings are filled by robots? I’m a little confused here!

它如何显著影响经济?是的,是的,因为机器人不花钱!!那么,如果 30% 的职位空缺由机器人填补,人们在哪里工作呢?我有点困惑!

Would be great if we can send a fleet of robots to places like Mars and have them preprogrammed to build the human habitats so everything's ready to go when we arrive.


Everyone deserves to enjoy most of their time alive. Not just being a worker for most of your days.


很赞 3