2024-07-12 程奇奇 9331


Welcome back to China! This is the final video in our China series, and we are saving the best for last. In this video, we are visiting a Wonder of the World—the incredible Great Wall of China. Join us as we venture to the breathtaking Mutianyu section of the Great Wall! Nestled amidst stunning landscapes, this well-preserved gem offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.



我是中国朝鲜族...我们中国有56个少数民族..下次可以来游玩我们少数民族的地方...你们还可以去2线城市..3线城市会更有惊喜..那里很干净,也现代化...都很安全善良....다시 중국여행 오기를 바랍니다...행복하세요!


试着翻译一下你的意思:I am Chinese Korean. There are 56 ethnic minorities in China. For next time you guys come to visit the places of our minorities. And going to a second-tier city or tier 3 cities will be even more amazing. It's clean. Modernized. It's safe, it's good.

Just imagine how did the army in the ancient times wearing all the armours in the depth of winter managed to climb those stairs!!




The Great Wall is to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, not to invade others, which is a cultural concept of China for thousands of years.


HMM, well, if China is prone to defend invaders instead of being invader itself, where you think the vast area of its territories come from?



@LeanderEast 請看看歷史,中國從以前已經是這麽大的國土,而且,現在已經是多年來被侵佔和割讓後的了,中國國土大,並不是美國那樣佔領別人的地方。


@LeanderEast 这可以追溯到周朝的分封制,那时候王朝外面没有人开发,所以周王们就把宗亲或者有功之人分封到这些尚未开发的土地。请不要觉得每个国家的土地都是靠侵略得来的。

@LeanderEast maybe not very acurate, but the land is actually from all the pass denasities, like mogol and manchu, they are intergrated into China and they were the ones like to conqure. In short, the invader became part of the invaded because the invaded is a higher civilization.

@LeanderEast 也许不是很准确,但这片土地实际上来自所有的关外少数民族,比如蒙古人和满洲人,他们融入了中国,他们是喜欢征服的人。总之,侵略者成了被侵略者的一部分,因为被侵略者是更高级的文明。


@LeanderEast the territory of China keeps almost no change for thousands of years. The name 中国 meaning Centrol Country. Acent China had no interest to invide any other countries. Instead it only demand was other countries to admit China was the suprior countries.
@LeanderEast 中国的领土几千年来几乎没有变化。中国这个名字的意思是Centrol Country。古代中国没有侵略其他国家的兴趣。相反,它唯一的要求就是其他国家承认中国是至高无上的国家。

@LeanderEast Some of the conclusions you have guessed are not the truth. Indeed, China's territory is vast, and now both sides of any section of the Great Wall are within Chinese territory. However, I must tell you some facts. The origin of Chinese civilization is in what is now Henan Province, which we call the "Central Plains." Because their cultural level and rituals were highly developed, people in surrounding areas began to learn their culture and etiquette, gradually developing a sense of identity. Later, with the integration of different ethnic groups, some minority leaders became emperors of the "Central Plains" dynasties. They even required their officials from their own ethnic groups to speak Chinese instead of their native languages, considering Han culture to be advanced.

@LeanderEast 你猜测的一些结论并非事实。的确,中国领土辽阔,现在任何一段长城的两侧都在中国境内。但是,我必须告诉你一些事实。中华文明的起源地在现在的河南省,也就是我们所说的"中原"。由于他们的文化水平和礼仪高度发达,周边地区的人们开始学习他们的文化和礼仪,逐渐形成了一种认同感。后来,随着各民族的融合,一些少数民族首领成为了"中原"王朝的皇帝,他们甚至要求本民族的官员说汉语而不是本民族语言,因为他认为汉族文化是先进的。

you guys are so lucky to come here right before the summer holidays, soon later there will be tons of students from all over China come here


they went during the spring i think. you can tell from the clothing


To be honest, I have watched a lot of videos about foreigners traveling in China, only this couple is my favorite, with basic respect for China, without saying "I thought there was something wrong with China, I didn't expect China to be so good." I feel that the bloggers who say such things are biased against China before they come here and feel that it is not so good, so the expectations are also low. Nor have they always emphasized how much they like China, to make a comparison, "China is good in a certain aspect, and a certain country is bad in this aspect." This so-called praise for China. The whole trip you two are just very easy to experience, the state is most like a pair of high-quality education under the ordinary tourists, too lazy to do the guide, so directly find a local guide to play with. Eating food is also a challenge to myself, although never eaten, very fresh, but also actively try. The food and drink are really authentic. And the tour guide is also very good, introduction will also bring out the Chinese name. Just like when I go to a country for a few days, I may feel fresh and interesting, the people are friendly, the food is delicious, these days are great, it is a good memory, and then the deep level may not feel, after all, 144 hours and not long will make me feel that I fall in love with this country. This is very good, foreigners do not need to love this country, as long as they break the prejudice, harvest a wonderful journey, and will share with their family and friends to introduce China, it is enough. People who really love this country will find a way to stay and become residents, like your tour guides. Finally, I sincerely welcome you to travel in China again. If you come to Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, I can also be a free guide for you, although my spoken English is not good.


I think bias is unavoidable especially when your surrounded by it. I think its already amazing that these tourists are coming to China to see for themselves rather than being trapped in their own echo chamber.
Not to say that China is perfect- it absoloutely has problems but it's certainly not the dystopia a lot of people think it is so I respect anyone who comes to see for themselves!


@porcelaincrown I think you are quite right about what a country is like and whether the local people are friendly or not. I think it is more real to go there and see it with my own eyes than to see it in the media. Believe what you see with your eyes. That's more important. I know that many media on the Internet are hostile to China, but we Chinese people still welcome you to travel to China and see the real China, China is always open to friends from all over the world!

@porcelaincrown 我觉得你说得很对,一个国家是什么样的,当地人是否友好,我觉得亲眼去看看比在媒体上看到的更真实。相信你亲眼所见,这一点更重要。我知道网络上很多媒体对中国充满敌意,但我们中国人仍然欢迎你们来中国旅游,看看真实的中国,中国永远向全世界的朋友敞开大门!

I am Chinese-American. Although I fully agree that it's sad that western media is so biased and sextive in reporting on China, perhaps I can explain a slightly different reason for why YouTubers say this. I am sure some channels purposely say this even if they fully expect a great experience in China. Remember that there is a shock value to saying things like "I didn't expect China to be so good." Especially if they say this in the video title! If they feel like such a statement will gain more views, some of them will say it even if they themselves never felt that way. It certainly is a way to attract attention.


OMG! This comment is way too long! I did not read it and I doubt anybody else would. Wake up and learn how to exist in the real world


Bias is acceptable like kids don't like spicy food.
once they tried, SOME of them will refresh their acknowledge, and the rest of them are not wrong.


There are always some people in this world who close their eyes and stop thinking, refusing to accept new things. But more people are willing to explore, learn, and understand the unknown. Maybe this is why humanity keeps progressing. Thank you to everyone who visits my country with fairness and an open mind. We may still have many problems, but China is always full of goodwill. Let go of your prejudices and visit China with a curious heart. You will find that the joy in life is more than you thought.


I hope you guys come back to China soon. I think you can use the 144-hour transit visa unlimited times as long as you leave China and come back again. The Chinese government may grant U.S. visitors visa-free entry for 15 days, which is currently available for many European countries. More Westerners need to visit China to see how great it is, as many of them are brainwashed by anti-China propaganda in Western media.


camera just can't capture how steep some parts are. it's just crazy and people ran up and down the wall in full battle armor


There is an old saying in China:He who has not reached the Great Wall is not a true man.Now you are true heroes.love from China

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He who has not reached the Great Wall is not a true man,This sentence was said by Mao Zedong


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