2024-07-14 Aya Shawn 18239
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Aya Shawn
Different orbits!
Apollo spacecraft:
There are astronauts on board, and the spacecraft must run a life support system.
The Apollo spacecraft has limited electricity, oxygen, food, and water, which cannot withstand long-term consumption, and must complete the mission in the shortest time.
They chose a radical flight route:
They used the most powerful and expensive super rocket in human history, Saturn V
The Apollo spacecraft hardly used the gravitational slingshot effect, and was even reluctant to circle the earth one more time. Instead, it accelerated at full speed. When returning to the earth, they set off from the lunar orbit and directly entered the Earth-Moon transfer orbit. When the spacecraft was captured by the earth, it directly slowed down and landed.
Advantages: simple and direct, saving time
Disadvantages: requires super rockets and large engines, a lot of fuel, high flight control risks, and low safety redundancy.


Chang'e probe:
It is an unmanned spacecraft that does not require any life support system. Solar panels provide it with almost unlimited endurance. It has plenty of time to slowly complete the mission.
They chose an economical and conservative flight route:
They did not even use the full version of the CZ5 rocket, but only a small thrust version to make full use of the gravitational slingshot effect. Whether going to the moon or returning to the earth, they first fly around the planet, using the slingshot effect to accelerate, save fuel to the greatest extent, and adjust the orbit carefully and gradually.
When returning to the earth's orbit, they also slow down four times and gradually adjust the orbital height, repeatedly orbiting the earth, and finally cut into the earth's orbit at a very small angle and return.
Advantages: low cost, no need for particularly large rockets and engines, and no need to consume too much fuel. The orbit can be adjusted multiple times, with low control risk and high safety redundancy.
Disadvantages: slow speed


The rockets used in the two missions have huge differences in size and cost
The Apollo program took place in the 1970s, when the United States and the Soviet unx engaged in a fierce space race. Various plans spared no expense and cost more than $25 billion (equivalent to more than $180 billion today)
China's moon landing plan took place in recent years. Space plans of various countries are very concerned about reducing costs. China's lunar exploration plan has a budget of $200 million.
Different mission demands determine that they choose different plans.

阿波罗计划发生在 20 世纪 70年代,当时美国和苏联展开了激烈的太空竞赛。各项计划不惜重金,耗资超过250亿美元(相当于今天的 1800 多亿美元)

@Gregory Scott
$25 billion in 1970 would be about $200 billion today.


For comparison, the US military aid for Ukraine so far till date is 175 billion US dollars

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Peng Wang
You are very knowledgeable, but this does not apply to Chang'e 6, which also used a fast orbit, left lunar orbit on June 21 and landed on Earth on June 25.


@Richard Teo
Thank you for the clarification …


Hollywood is located in the United States.


One crucial matter must be answered before talking about the time or days of returning from Moon, which is whether anyone has been landed on Moon decades ago.


@Walt Day


No, the moon landings very clearly happened. On the other hand, some people struggle with research, literacy, or mental health.
Their learning or mental issues have nothing to do with 12 people visiting the moon between 1969–72.


As seen from the footage of the first landing on the Moon footage of the moon landing I cannot see any star on the sky of the Moon. Since there is no atmosphere nor cloud, the stars can be soon without difficulty. Besides, the angle of the shadow for certain obxts were never changed, thus, controversially speaking, the footage was likely made at movie studio. On top of the aforesaid, astronauts of the missions dared not to swear they have been landed on the Moon.


@G. H.
If the KGB believed the USA landed men on the moon then the USA landed men on the moon.
The KGB did not have any files saying it did not happen.


I worked on sets for 20 years. I shot specialty photography for years. I produced television shows for 14 years. Please believe me, you don’t have a single clue what you’re talking about. That’s not “controversial speaking,” just solid fact.
A starfield is 23 stops dimmer than the sunlit lunar surface. The film used on the Apollo program had a dynamic range of 6 stops. The video camera probably had less dynamic range. A modern cinema camera has a dynamic range of 15 stops.
When you photograph the moon, you have to choose if you want a proper exposure of the sunlit lunar surface without stars, or a photo with stars in it, and an overexposed sunlit lunar surface.
“the angle of the shadow for certain obxts were never changed”
Yeah, the Apollo 11 EVA lasted 2.5 hours. A single daylight period on the moon is 14 earth days long. I’m not sure why you’d expect the shadows to change over 0.5% of a day. The shadows certainly change over the course of the J missions photography, but they stayed up to 1/5th of a lunar day.
“astronauts of the missions dared not to swear they have been landed on the Moon”
Alan Bean, Eugene Cernan, and Edgar Mitchell all swore on a bible that they landed on the moon. Do you admit that the moon landings were real based on that?
Bart Sibrel is a liar. If you’d bothered to watch raw video of the Apollo missions, you’d be able to sort that out really quickly.
You should be smart enough to not be taken in by a dishonest liar.


@Joe Huang
I applaud you for explaining precisely why Tigar’s “evidence” against the moon landing(s) are all faulty. Another such “evidence” that I’ve seen online is why the US flag planted by the astronauts seems to wave in the wind when the Moon has no atmosphere? Well, this was debunked by Mythbusters where they shook a flag in a vacuum chamber; the absence of air resistance caused the flag to flutter as if there were a breeze.


@Jon L
Americans want to Return to the Moon to prove that they did not lie to the World, that they are still the winner of the Space Race. Soon we shall know the Truth. Elon Musk would probably be the best person to work with. But Musk is quite honest about technology. He's open and straight talking


@Scott Hix
Small correction. The multiple laps around the earth are not gravitational Slingshots. These are multiple perigee burns to raise the apogee to the moon with a small engine burning only when it is most effective.
slingshot effect is only applicable with 2 gravitational bodies. if the moon was used as your second body then it would not be there on the next orbit.


Any method that uses the gravity of a celestial body to accelerate or decelerate is called a gravitational slingshot. This does not require two gravitational bodies.


@Terry Wong
Great Lesson on Aeronautics and Space flight, thank you.


@Al Kohol
The Apollo landings are all faked, filmed in a Hollywood studio.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Kim E Ellingsen
Any rocket to put stuff on the moon and back will be of the big ass type. But not as big, I grant that.


@Joshua Engel
Sheesh. It’s a baby compared to a Saturn V. It looks like you could power it off a couple of class E engines.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Kim E Ellingsen
Speaking of, the Lego Ideas set was a very fun build.


@Krister Sundelin
I haven’t decided if I want the Lego Icons Artemis SLS.


@Kim E Ellingsen
I’ve got the Apollo. That’ll do for spacecraft.


@Sloborn Rider
Saturn V: 110m x 10m
Long March 5: 63m x 5


@Stan Dalone
That’s why—as awesome as manned space travel is—unmanned probes are better for most of it.


@Steven Harbron
I remember visiting Cape Canaveral many years ago, walking around a Saturn V rocket. Those thing were huge and nearly all of it was fuel.


@Jeff Gerckens
“medium honking rocket“ snicker.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Geneva White
Lol luv it

哈哈 喜欢它

@Ira J Perlow
There were actually 9 Manned missions to the moon, even if they didn’t land. Apollo 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, all requiring pretty much the same requirements as landing on the moon.


@Krister Sundelin
Simply put, Chang’e wasn’t in a hurry, while the Apollo missions (there were six of them) were. Oh, and it took Apollo 11 three days to get home, not five.
So what’s the difference? Well, the guys inside.
Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins very much wanted to come home alive, and since there was a limited supply of oxygen, CO2 scrubber canister, water and food, they wanted to get home before it ran out. That means that you need fuel for blasting people from the Moon to the Earth as quickly as possible.
So you have to bring all that fuel to the Moon, and that means that you need a big honking rocket to lift all that fuel – as well as the astronauts and all their food, oxygen, CO2 scrubber canisters etc. But that is okay, if you can pay for it – which they could since it was a national prestige project to get to the moon before that decade is out and to beat the Soviets.
So they built a big honking rocket with the fuel to send the entire mission to the Moon and back in a week, with a day on the surface for planting flags and picking up rocks and dirt and stuff.
Chang’e has no such restrictions. It can take its time and make the journey back home in a more economic and leisurely pace, since nobody will die of oxygen depravasion, malnourishment or boredom.
That also means that you don’t have to put as much fuel onboard the return craft, which means that you don’t have to lift as much fuel to the Moon. And since it doesn’t have any astronauts, you don’t need space for them plus food, oxygen, water, scrubbers etc. You can also make the journey to the Moon much slower too, so you need less fuel to go to the Moon.
In short, since you don’t stuff crew in Chang’e, you can go slow and light. So you don’t need an expensive big honking rocket, but can make do with a less expensive medium honking rocket.


@Loring Chien
Astronomy and space enthusiast and experienced EEJun 27
An unmanned probe does not have to be in a hurry, there are no life support issues - food, breathable oxygen, etc. that need to be sustained compared to the 3 men in Apollos command capsule.
On the other hand, a quick return costs more money and equipment effort. The launch speed escaping from the moon has to be faster which takes more fuel which has to be carried from earth on the outbound journey. And more fuel is required for braking when re-entering earth. Recalling the space problem sending payloads from earth requires about 100 pounds of fuel and rocket to put 1 pound or two into earth escape journeys.
OTOH, Apollo had to make a choice of more speed or more life support supplies, which sort of cancel each other out in terms of fuel and weight requirements.
But for unmanned, time is not of the essence in reducing project efforts.

无人探测器不必着急,与阿波罗指挥舱中的三名宇航员相比,没有生命维持问题 - 食物、可呼吸的氧气等需要维持。
另一方面,快速返回需要花费更多的金钱和设备精力。逃离月球的发射速度必须更快,这需要更多的燃料,这些燃料必须在离开地球的旅程中携带。重返地球时需要更多的燃料进行制动。回想一下太空问题,从地球发送有效载荷需要大约 100 磅燃料,而火箭需要将 1 磅或 2 磅燃料投入地球逃逸旅程。

@Terence Clark
Returning faster takes fuel. It's worth it when humans are involved and life support is limited. But with robotic missions they can decrease fuel use and by extension increase science payload and decrease costs by taking a more leisurely path that takes it's time. Sometimes missions can take full advantage of things like atmospheric breaking, which basically allows spacecraft to let basic physics do the work propellant would have done. Faster is not always better, especially when human lives aren't on the line.


@Lucas Curtis
Chang-e 6’s ascender vehicle launched from the lunar surface on 3 June 2024, and docked with the orbiter/return vehicle 3 days later. Then the return vehicle continued to orbit the Moon until 21 June, when it fired its rockets to return to Earth, arriving on 25 June.
So, the return vehicle was only in transit for 4 days, which is similar to the return time for the Apollo missions.

因此,返回飞船仅需运输 4 天,与阿波罗任务返回时间相似。

@Andrii Melnykov
It worth noting that the USSR sample return missions took even less time: it took Luna-24 just 3 days to return. So different flight times are possible.
However it took Chang’e just 4.5 days to return to the Earth, not 20. The missing 15.5 days were spent orbiting the moon after the ascent.

值得注意的是,苏联的采样返回任务花费的时间更短:月球-24 号仅用3天就返回。因此,不同的飞行时间是可能的。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The difference in travel time between Chang ' e 6 and Apollo 11 is primarily due to their different mission obxtives and technological constraints . Apollo 11 was a direct mission to the moon 's near side , with the primary goal of landing humans on the surface and returning them to Earth as quickly as possible . The mission was optimized for speed , employing a powerful Saturn V rocket for launch and a direct trajectory to the moon . Chang ' e 6 , on the other hand , has a much more complex mission profile . It 's tasked with collecting lunar samples from the far side of the moon , an area that 's never been explored by humans . This requires a more intricate flight path and a longer stay on the lunar surface for sample collection . Additionally , Chang ' e 6 utilizes a more fuel-efficient propulsion system , which means it takes longer to accelerate and decelerate . Furthermore , Apollo 11 was launched during a favorable alignment of Earth and the moon , allowing for a shorter travel time . Chang ' e 6 , on the other hand , may not have had this same optimal alignment , contributing to the longer travel time . In conclusion , the longer travel time of Chang ' e 6 is a result of its complex mission obxtives , more fuel-efficient propulsion system , and potentially less optimal launch window compared to Apollo 11 . This highlights the advancements in space exploration technology , allowing us to reach farther and explore more of the universe , even if it takes a bit longer .

嫦娥六号和阿波罗 11 号在飞行时间上的差异,主要源于它们不同的任务目标和技术限制。阿波罗 11 号是一次直接前往月球近侧的任务,其主要目标是让人类登陆月球表面并尽快返回地球。这次任务针对速度进行了优化,采用强大的土星五号火箭发射,并直接飞向月球。而嫦娥六号的任务概要则复杂得多。它的任务是从月球远端收集月球样本,而月球远端是人类从未探索过的区域。这就需要更复杂的飞行路径和在月球表面停留更长时间以收集样本。此外,嫦娥六号采用了燃料效率更高的推进系统,这意味着它需要更长的加速和减速时间。此外,阿波罗 11 号是在地球和月球呈有利排列时发射的,因此旅行时间更短。另一方面,嫦娥六号可能没有这种最佳排列,导致旅行时间更长。总之,嫦娥六号的旅行时间更长,这是由于其任务目标复杂、推进系统更省油,而且与阿波罗 11 号相比,发射窗口可能不太理想。这凸显了太空探索技术的进步,让我们能够走得更远,探索更多的宇宙,即使需要更长的时间。

@Jonathan Dough
With unmanned missions like the Chinese one, there is no need to rush back, abd you can afford to use a trajectory that is more fuel efficient. The less fuel you need, the aller and cheaper the rocket you need to launch the mission into.orbit. Apollo require the largest to rocket ever launched to be able get a spacecraft that could return from the moon in just a few days.


@Max Tierney
Obviously there is only one answer, Chang’e 6 was only doing 25 percent of Apollo 11’s speed.
There are many reasons why this is desirable but I am not on the launch team so obviously I cannot know what the reason was!

显然只有一个答案,嫦娥六号的速度只有阿波罗 11 号的 25%。

@Super Power Lee
real answer:
The Americans actually only needed 1 day, and they deliberately delayed for 5 days to avoid public suspicion.
It really only took 1 day to move Armstrong from the Hollywood studio to the sea


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