2024-07-15 兰陵笑笑生 11226
Economist explains why India can never grow like China


Excerpts from the video:
China had a better level of basic education among its workers in the late 1970s compared to India. This enabled China to attract more foreign factories that required workers to follow simple instructions, and also allowed Chinese workers to later start their own companies.
China followed an "investment-led growth model", aggressively investing in infrastructure and productive assets. India also liberalized and increased investment, but not to the same miraculous degree as China.
China was much more successful in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) to supercharge local knowledge and obtain crucial imports. India failed to attract anywhere close to the same amount of FDI as China.
The key difference is how well the local governments in China and India function. China's local governments had the right incentives to stimulate local investment and FDI, while India's local governments often cater to local interests rather than the public good.

1. 20 世纪 70 年代末,中国工人的基础教育水平高于印度。这使中国能够吸引更多需要工人听从简单指令的外国工厂,也使中国工人后来能够创办自己的公司。
2. 中国遵循“投资主导型增长模式”,积极投资于基础设施和生产性资产。印度也实行了自由化并增加了投资,但没有达到与中国相同的奇迹般的程度。
3. 中国在吸引外国直接投资以增强本地知识和获得关键进口产品方面要成功得多。印度未能吸引到与中国相近数量的外国直接投资。
4. 关键的区别在于中国和印度的地方政府运作如何。中国的地方政府有正确的激励机制来刺激地方投资和外国直接投资,而印度的地方政府往往迎合地方利益而非公共利益。

To one has to lose something to gain something....
To attain growth, India and its people have to give up on some perks, and nobody is ready for that .... Any political party bringing mass reforms will definitely be out of business for the next 50 years....
Being a democracy, the focus of politicians is to please the vote bank and not development. Add up the caste equation along with religion and you'll have a hot mess like India...


As mentioned in the video, plenty of democracies managed to do that. So democracy is not the thing that prevents growth, the issue is not being able to get the different levels of goverment to commit to the plan.


I'll also like to blame the population of this country.
Fool can only be made of fools. And our politicians are experts in doing that. It's extremely futile to wait for politicians to do something for country, since they'll make all efforts in their range for us to stay in continuous loop of religious and caste politics, and maybe be in future we break through it, but definitely not now.


Also i think it is due to corruption and scammers which are at every nook and cranny of this country. Even if you follow all rules common man can not do a single thing without paying bribes. Also the money sent by govt is pocketed by them and them as it moves down each person takes their cut.


If it was not a democracy the different levels of government would be forced to commit


That really depends on the structure. There are plenty of dictatorial, one party, or autrocratic systems where parts of the goverment and administration drag their feet.


If government was autocratic but actually wanted to develop I think it would be better


Not so sure about that.
Mexico was a one party state and rather autocratic for a long time under the PRI, and they wanted to develop. Yet they struggled to control many of their 31 states.
The same influences that can corrupt a democratic system can also corrupt a an autocratic one. Only that in an autocratic one you have to corrupt less people.
There is also the assumption that in an autocratic system the opinion of the population doesn't matter. Which is only partially true, because if discontent grows to critical levels there will be a revolution. And that is smoething that every autocratic system fears.

墨西哥是一个一党制国家,在革命制度党执政的很长一段时间内都相当专制,他们希望发展。然而,他们却很难控制 31 个州中的许多州。

Government has done a fine job quelling and discontent in a democratic India Im sure they are well equipped to do so in autocratic India. All your points are very valid however - im definitely envisioning a utopic Chinese model and just strong arming India into the model


And has done a shit job at creating buy in from drifferent levels of goverment and administration.
Somehow you expect one to change if India were autocratic and not the other.
Edit: Sorry that came across as more agrressive than I intended.


A consensus will never happen. The entire world has seen that. The Chinese strategy worked at a time when people weren't looking. But the current situation is such that, every issue has significant interference. Even a simple move as getting government employees to come to their desks on time has faced backlash from unxs. Government jobs in India, which I'm told, is underpaid but has no requirement for skills or rather an intent to conduct your work well. This builds up inertia in one of the largest workforces. Where do you bring sense into people in such a manner?


But so did Taiwan and South Korea. And they came out ahead of the curve. There's always positives and negatives.


South Koreas economic rise only happened in its sixth republix which was democratic. Taiwans economic rise started in the 90s which is after they became a democracy.
China is the exception when it comes to an autocratic state experiencing an econmic miracle.

韩国的经济崛起是在第六次民主共和国时期。台湾(地区)的经济崛起始于上世纪 90 年代,也就是他们成为民主国家之后。

Not really. Think the Soviet unx post WW2 or Nazi Germany post Weimar Republic or South korea under Park Chung Hee or Japan post WW2 (Not a dictatorship but has been ruled by the LDP for almost all of its history). These are flawed examples admittedly for many reasons and China is by far the most remarkable because of the level of poverty, scale and speed but there is a record.
Most developed democracries of today at least with major economies took a lot longer albeit they developed over the course of the Industrial revolution like America or France while some others had a decent run before stumbling like Brazil.


The Soviet unxs economy ended up being highly dependent on ressource exports. So much so that a fall of oil prices was a threath to the stability of the state.
Nazi Germanys economic uptick post Weimar is nothing compared to the Germanys economic miracle in the in the 50s, which happened under a democratic goverment. Not to mention that in the 50s it was achieved by building productive industries, which is consderably more sustainable than growing an economy by increasing military spending.
Park Chung Hee only was in power until 79. SK economic rise didn't happen until the mid to late 80s.
While LD won most elections in Japan, they had serious competition and cannot be compared to an auticratic one party state due to that.
So none of these examples show that autocratic goverments have an advantage when it comes to growing the economy fast and into a system that works well.

纳粹德国在魏玛时期后的经济腾飞与 50 年代德国的经济奇迹相比简直是小巫见大巫,而德国的经济奇迹是在民主政府的领导下发生的。更不用说,50 年代的经济奇迹是通过建设生产性工业实现的,这无疑比通过增加军费开支来实现经济增长更具可持续性。
朴正熙只执政到 79 年。韩国的经济崛起直到 80 年代中后期才出现。

Fair points although in 3 of these examples the miracles were also fueled by American support.
In Japan's case in particular, they traded military spending for growth. South Korea's fertility rate has crashed and Germany is facing some huge structural problems today. Japan completely stalled. China has big issues as well.
Which obviously raises questions about whether incredibly fast growth is actually desirable. Malaysia grew at 5-6% for decades and is borderline a high income country today for example.
But the common factor in all of these sotries is education. Japan and Germany all had relatively well educated populations post WW2 and China had a substantially better education system in the 70s than India did. South Korea and the USSR poured a lot of investment into education as they grew. This is part of why China's bureacracy is more effective than India's.
I guess a better example for a succesful dictatorship would be Singapore albeit it's a very lite form and again...scale and being very lucky to have competent leaders.

有道理,不过其中 3 个例子的奇迹也是由美国的支持促成的。
这显然让人怀疑,高速增长是否真的可取。例如,马来西亚几十年来一直以 5-6%的速度增长,如今已接近高收入国家的水平。
但所有这些国家的共同点是教育。日本和德国在二战后都拥有受过相对良好教育的人口,而中国在 70 年代的教育体系比印度好得多。韩国和苏联在发展过程中对教育投入了大量资金。这也是为什么中国的政府比印度更有效的部分原因。

Chinas growth was fueled by american, well western support as well. A lot of the capital, machines and markets were all provided by the west.
Low birthrates in Germany have been a problem in both the east and the western parts and only western germany had this huge economic growth. They also are an issue in Spain, the UK, France, to a degree the US and so on. Low birthrates in general seem to be an issue that developed countries have to deal with.
Fast or slow is the wrong question imo. The important part is whether the growth is sustainable. Fast sustainable growth is great, but if you got fast growth that leads to a collapse which wipes out most of that growth anyway a slow and steady approach is prefferabble.
I agree that education, especially basic education is a must in order to become industrialised.
Singapore is indeed an interesting example. Although it is also worth mentioning that Singapore doesn't have to worry about the different levels of goverment going along with a plan due to them being a citystate.


It’s hard for developing nation with a low trust culture to control 31 states in a geography of mostly mountainous land.

对于信任度较低的发展中国家来说,要在多山的地理环境中控制 31 个地方政府是很困难的。

Any of the democracies had as big a population as india or as diverse as india ?


There is no country with such a big and diverse population as India. So if you apply this criteria nothing that works anywhere can work in India because of that.


Exactly nothing does, cause population , diversity and geography changes everything. Percentage of tax paying people in India is very less and that money generally caters to non tax payers, which is mostly given in form of freebies, which cannot stop because without freebies parties will loose ( irrespective of any political parties) . Development becomes a huge challenge.
Also to note that none of our neighbours want us to succeed specially China, so they do everything they can to stop india competing with them


We don't have leaders; we have followers of the masses as our "leaders".
Leaders would gain the trust of the people, communicate the sense behind policies, and lead them into sometimes unpleasant directions for the sake of long-term good. You have to build consensus for reforms, and then reforms will happen. But you need good leaders for that.


As long as politicians buy vote banks with handouts, instead of investment in the education system and basic infrastructure; we will always lag behind Developed nations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People won't admit it but their communist background allowed them to develop their human resources and discipline to a great level though they couldn't leverage it until a controlled liberalization where they made sure the foreign countries couldn't use China as a slave, like they did with South East Asia and South America, the reason why they will be stuck in middle income trap. Most of India is uneducated and unhealthy with no discipline


You forgot to mention how the caste system creates unnecessary problems and complications for India.


I have seen this video and I agree with him . Here democracy is not mature and it will take long time to elevate majority of citizens to status where they can take informed decision. Until then cast and religion based manipulation will be there as major factor in politics . But I am glad atleast the elite class is setting sight for the top position in the world . We cannot see more than 10 percent growth in the near future .

我看过这段视频,我同意他的观点。这里的民主还不成熟,需要很长时间才能将大多数公民提升到可以做出明智决定的地位。在此之前,选票和宗教操纵将是政治中的主要因素。但我很高兴,至少精英阶层正在瞄准世界第一的位置。在不久的将来,我们不可能看到超过 10% 的增长。

But I am glad atleast the elite class is setting sight for the top position in the world .
Those with the money (elite class) are fuckin' flying away in droves and settling in green pastures abroad. India will soon be a country filled with old people and youth who couldn't fly away due to some reason.


India won't grow like China, but it doesn't need to it needs to find its own way. We can't undercut the world in manufacturing, but we can leverage our better geography and leverage goodwill to cut deals. We shouldn't make the mistake of strategic sector thinking and pour our efforts only in a few sectors .it creates vulnerabilities for larger countries.


很赞 17