2024-07-15 熊猫永不为奴 14100

Even though China appears keen to upset the global dominance of the US, it only wants to do so on Beijing's terms, says Rory Green, the chief China economist at London-based consultancy TS Lombard.
The People's Bank of China has moved cautiously over the past decade to promote greater use of yuan without disrupting financial security and it's unlikely to upset that dynamic now, Green wrote in a note on April 28.
This stability is maintained through the use of capital controls — a grip on how much foreign money can move in and out of China's economy, which in turn influences the foreign currency exchange rate.
Beijing's policy has typically leaned toward having such controls, as it considers them prerequisites for an independent, sovereign monetary policy, wrote Green.

伦敦咨询公司TS Lombard首席中国经济学家罗里格林表示,虽然中国似乎热衷于颠覆美国的全球主导地位,但它只想按照北京方面的条件行事。

Because of these controls, "Beijing can never fully liberalize its current account, but it can still pursue RMB internationalization," Green added, referring to the yuan by its official name, the renminbi.
Rather than pushing for the yuan to become the dominant global reserve currency, Beijing is likely to pursue its sphere of currency influence among countries it trades with actively. It's likely to focus on breaking up US dollar dominance in parts of the world instead, Green told Insider.
But there could be some wiggle room on Beijing's position.
"There's always been the option in China to change capital controls. Except, for Beijing, the question has been whether the global environment would support this — are there enough nations who will adopt yuan?" Abishur Prakash, the CEO of The Geopolitical Business, a Toronto-based advisory firm, told Insider.
"Today, the answer is yes, as many nations have already signed on to using yuan, giving China the signal it needs to change gears," he added.


Why does China consider capital control necessary for an independent, sovereign monetary policy? Does the U.S. also consider capital control necessary for an independent and sovereign monetary policy? Because I am thinking that the U.S. does not see it that way as they mostly or only considers their own economy when implementing their monetary policy. I might be wrong about this, but certain monetary policies in the past had adverse effects on certain countries and as far as I am aware the U.S. Central Bank has to serve the American public interest primarily. Is there a reason for this discrepancy in views?


Italian Philosophers 4 Monica
Could you elaborate on the forms of capital control they use? Foreign investment limits? Controlled exchange rates? Earnings repatriation limits? Those may have different aims, as well as different ideological underpinnings. Also, they are experiencing some economic upheavals right now, so expect liberalization to proceed slowly, unless it is seen as a solution to those issues. And... "liberalization" rarely seems to be the answer to anything in China.


This question accepts the statement as factual, but it's not an official statement by Chinese authorities, just an opinion of some analytics.


Robbie Goodwin
I don't doubt China is keen to upset the dominance of the US. I do wonder how and why China might want to do that on anything other than Beijing's terms. Isn't the main point that China wants the world run on Beijing's terms? Who cares, why not compare China today to the early years of Britain's Honourable East India Company?


got trolled too much this week
You're asking a lot of questions in the last para. I'm not sure which is the real one. The title Q is trivial: China officially still sees itself on the path to Communism (and with a good dose of nationalism added). Giving Western liberal (in the economic sense) capitalists too much power over the Chinese economy is clearly not in the Chinese leadership's plan [to their version of Communism].


The issue is not just that capital controls are necessary for sovereign monetary policy, but that border controls on the movement of all economic factors are necessary to impose a sovereign economic policy upon a market.
I should add as well that the presence of actual restrictions are not always necessary for control. The mere willingness of the state to impose restrictions is capable of exerting control on certain kinds of activity.
China has always had a policy of state supervision of the economy. It also has a policy of building industrial capacity, maximum national self-sufficiency, and maximum completeness of supply chains.
Control of currency exchange rates and capital movements are merely one facet of this general approach.


The US did once have capital and currency controls. It was part of the "Bretton Woods" system of state economic management across the capitalist world in the aftermath of WW2. This system collapsed in 1971 when the US withdrew the dollar from the "gold standard" (i.e. ended the promise that dollars could be exchanged for a fixed amount of gold).
Coincidentally, or perhaps not so much, the 70s are the era during which Western economies began to deindustrialise and workers began to suffer. Essentially, the lifting of economic controls allowed Western capitalists to relocate production to places like China, which at the time were low-wage.
The UK lifted capital controls in 1979, and (due to this, and possibly other economic liberalisations) thereafter followed an immediate collapse in industrial capacity and economic activity, as well as a deep recession in 1981 which is still unmatched in severity by any recession since WW2.
China maintains the controls which the West abandoned, precisely so as not to suffer the same fate and economic weakening, and to ensure that the benefit it gained as a low-wage economy in the past, is retained as it moves into being a higher-wage, more powerful economy.


This is simply an example of the well-known "impossible trinity or trilemma" from (international) economics.
Simple short version:
You can only pick two of these three:
Fixed exchange rate.
Free capital flows.
Freedom to set your own interest rates.
3 is sometimes referred to as "sovereign/independent monetary policy". But in my opinion, the word "sovereign" is a bit grand and overblown. (It's a bit like if we called a country's decision to use a particular voltage its "sovereign, independent electricity policy".) The use of the word "sovereign" (which usually has grander connotations) results in confusion such as here with OP and the other answers. All that's meant here is the freedom to set your own interest rates.
Most rich countries (including the US) choose 2 and 3 (and so give up on 1).
China chooses 1 and 3 (and so gives up on 2).
Singapore and Hong Kong choose 1 and 2 (and so give up on 3).


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Stack Exchange Supports Israel
Monetary policy means the amount of money in the system, which is set by interest rates (at least in the US system). Free control of interest rates is free control of the amount of money which is free monetary policy.


Monetary policy means the amount of money in the system I would instead say that monetary policy is about how easy and cheap it is to borrow (and lend) money. Today, most countries (either explicitly or implicitly) use an inflation-targeting system. And, to achieve their inflation targets, they control interest rates. // Targeting and controlling the "amount of money" was tried in the 1980s (and advocated by Milton Friedman and his monetarist followers) but widely abandoned since 1990, because the "amount of money" is not easy to define, measure, or control.


Stack Exchange Supports Israel
I wouldn't. That's just how western countries choose to control the amount of money in the system.


Stuart F
"Free control of interest rates" in the sense that if you set them too high or too low you'll tank the economy, even if there were no international capital flows. –


Why does China consider capital control necessary for an independent, sovereign monetary policy?
Short Answer:
Because it keeps their exports cheaper in foreign markets. They control capital to suppress the value of the yuan to foster huge trade surpluses to fuel the growth of their economy.


It really is counter intuitive. They use currency in order to control the exchange rate. In order to keep the exchange rate stable, while running massive trade surpluses. So they can make more money, in order to foster growth and remain independent?
If China did not "peg" the yuan to western currencies by controlling hard currencies; the trade surplus would naturally cause the yuan to strengthen which would make their products cost more and force the surplus down.


This stability is maintained through the use of capital controls — a grip on how much foreign money can move in and out of China's economy, which in turn influences the foreign currency exchange rate.
It's a bit misleading. They don't control how much money flows into China by limiting investment or limiting exports . They control hard capital to influence the exchange rate by buying western currencies with the yuan to push the value of the yuan down while pushing the western currencies up. That's what they mean by "capital controls". They balance the market forces to give themselves an edge. Most advanced economies don't do this, it's a bit of a sore point that China does do it.


Rather than pushing for the yuan to become the dominant global reserve currency, Beijing is likely to pursue its sphere of currency influence among countries it trades with actively. It's likely to focus on breaking up US dollar dominance in parts of the world instead, Green told Insider.
It's hard to take any talk of the Yuan becoming a reserve currency seriously given it's value is not set by the market but the result of Chinese currency manipulation. It's more of a long term goal I guess.


The net result for the west.
This is bad for the West as it creates economic instability over the short term. It's also good for the West because all that money must eventually come back to it's country of origin to achieve it's full value. In economics though short term instabilities can make for sever economic pain even though the big picture is brighter.


Why China's Currency Tangos With The USD
A cornerstone of China’s economic policy is managing the yuan exchange rate to benefit its exports. China does not have a floating exchange rate that is determined by market forces, as is the case with most advanced economies. ... The true value of the yuan is difficult to ascertain, and although various studies over the years suggest a wide range of undervaluation - from as low as 3% to as high as 50% - the general agreement is that the currency is substantially undervalued. By keeping the yuan at artificially low levels, China makes its exports more competitive in the global marketplace. China achieves this by pegging the yuan to the U.S. dollar at a daily reference rate set by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and allowing the currency to fluctuate within a fixed band (set at 1% as of January 2014) on either side of the reference rate. Because the yuan would appreciate significantly against the greenback if it were allowed to float freely, China caps its rise by buying dollars and selling yuan.


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