2024-07-16 冲动的小李 10957
@Shun Bot
There’s a wealth of published research.
The Tang Dynasty’s supposed penchant for BBW is based on a single woman: Yang Guifei.
The girl was kinda chubby. We don’t know exactly what she looked like, but she wasn’t a size zero. There are some modern scholars who insist that she wasn’t actually all that fat, but… we will never know. At least she was known at the time to be fat.
The Emperor genuinely loved her because she played hard to get in the opening years of their relationship. She is also almost single handedly responsible for allowing the An Lushan Rebellion to happen, the 2nd most destructive rebellion in Chinese history, killing some 30 million people (that would be more than the entire population of Europe at the time).[1] Women and politics are always a winning combination.
Eventually, the Emperor was forced by his advisors to execute her or he would be executed. Thus our plus-sized queen met her well deserved end.
The An Lushan Rebellion of 755–763 is considered the 2nd deadliest rebellion in Chinese history (the most deadliest as a percentage of total population killed). And it was all because of one chubby girl who really liked to see a grown man dress up as a baby. This is why China doesn’t do female heads of state.
Like most cultural trends for beauty, they are inspired by examples in the imperial court. This was no different. Yang’s prodigious BMI became well known within the empire and so naturally contemporary artists went along with it.
Like Yang herself, the trend did not last forever, and largely disappeared after the end of the An Lushan Rebellion.
A 19th century Japanese rendition of Yang Guifei. Naturally, she’s topless, cause Japan.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Robert Hansen
The Emperor genuinely loved her because she played hard to get in the opening years of their relationship. She is also almost single handedly responsible for allowing the An Lushan Rebellion to happen, the 2nd most destructive rebellion in Chinese history, killing some 30 million people
My kind of woman.


@Shun Bot
i caN fix HeR!


@Robert Hansen
I have never failed to fix her, gracefully end that relationship, fix someone else, and repeat. I even got a Bulgarian fem-NEET into gainful employment.


The Emperor genuinely loved her because she played hard to get in the opening years of their relationship. She is also almost single handedly responsible for allowing the An Lushan Rebellion to happen, the 2nd most destructive rebellion in Chinese history, killing some 30 million people (that would be more than the entire population of Europe at the time).
That's not her fault, the Emperor was incompetent.


@Zane Liu
Xuanzong was responsible for taking the Tang to its zenith in the first half of his reign.
Hardly an incompetent ruler. Rather, a fallen hero.


@Alexander Christopher
Incompetent also doesn’t mean anyone using the emperor’s incompetence for gain is guiltless. In her case, she introduced her cousin Yang Guozhong to the court and he was pretty much blamed for the An Lushan rebellion. Emperor accepted Yang Guozhong because he was heads over heels for her and because Yang Guozhong himself is good at flattering the emperor. But he couldn’t have been in that position had not for Yang Guifei.


@Shun Bot
Not really. The story goes that all his advisors warned him not to trust An Lushan, but Yang insisted he keep promoting the guy because she found him charming.


Tells a lot that the Emperor was made dumb by a woman, but not the woman's fault because he had been warned. Yet still history blame Yang Guifei because of her gender. That's the Emperor's fault if he was hardly incompetent.


@Kenneth Knight
I first learned about this era through a historical fantasy written as a carbon copy of the late Tang, Under Heaven, by Guy Gavriel Kay. Fascinating historical period!
And the more you look into it, the wilder it gets when you consider the Central Asian and Iranian effects from exiled Sasanian princes to Zoroastrian Bukharans serving under An Li.


@@Uṉṉata Nērmai
Why is she single-handedly blamed for the An Lushan rebellion when they are other people who far more to be blamed.


@Shun Bot
Because she convinced the Emperor to keep promoting An Lushan into higher and more dangerous military commands. His other advisors warned him against it, but he let his dick get the better of him.


@Uṉṉata Nērmai
Tbh, that more the emperor’s fault. I think his minister chancellor Li Linfu and Guozhong were more to be blamed

@Shun Bot 顺博特

Nah, I’m gonna blame the woman.


@Uṉṉata Nērmai
Typical Confucian


Also fat back then does not mean obese. If yang guifei went to Walmart, she would be average. People gotta get their image of plus sized models out of their head.


@Bryan Goh
I remember there was a hotpot restaurant that offered a dish which was basically a barbie doll dressed in slices of raw lamb. It was called the Yang Guifei set.


@Rohan Pishar Lahor
HMMm would love to fondle the mini melons..
Sorry for being an embarrassment to my race , due to Caste systems doctrines and backwards cultures.


@Long Huang
tittys aside I appreciate the attention to detail in the background of the last painting.


@Harry Lao
Chubby, small lips, small feet, etc


@Jhon Halim
Naturally, she’s topless, cause Japan.
lol , AV industry ancestor


@xihang Yang
she was marriage to his son right and even gad a child with him.


@Chris Crox
isn’t that Wu Zetian ?


@Shun Bot
Wrong girl.


@Đá Đi
The aesthetics of people in the Tang Dynasty were truly problematic
Women's hanfu during the Tang Dynasty were similar to korea hanbok , they were both extremely... ugly
Even if you give the most beautiful person something to wear, you cannot save them


@Shun Bot
Women's hanfu during the Tang Dynasty were similar to korea hanbok , they were both extremely... ugly
You’re right. The two are literally identical.
In other news, Biden and Trump are literally the same person because I too, am blind.


@Tim Tran
The reason was that the fatter you were, the wealthier you were, as it meant that you were fed well. This made fat women very much adored and desired. However, there was always a limit. Fat and fat to the point where your skin just melts off your body are completely different. And although being fat was a desired trait, it doesn't mean that skinnier women weren't desired. It was a diverse society, so it obviously would have many different people with many different standards. However, being overweight was still the main desired trait.
Even one of the most popular Hanfu styles at the time allowed fat women to have beautiful aesthetics. Ruqun was a very favored Hanfu that revealed the cleave, but completely covered the waist, yet made the attire flow to the wind. Favored hairstyles were buns or styles that allowed the roundness of plump faces to shine. Foot binding wasn't popularized at this time yet, since women were extremely liberal at this time.
One of the Four Beauties that lived during Tang was Yang Guifei, and she was described to be quite plump and round. Imagine the beauty standards back then that enabled women of the heavy side to be considered as one of the 4 most beautiful women in ancient China.


@Giao Vu
The preference was not unique to Tang China. The love for plump women was also reflected in Renaissance and Baroque European painting. Rubens’ paintings can serve as prime examples (thus the adjective “rubenesque.”)


@Angelina Reyes
The photos are beautiful!


@Vdhay Kumar N
Beautiful photos


@Samuel Ademeso
Correct if I'm wrong, but according to Youtuber, there was no evidence that fat women were desired during, the rumours that was spread due to fear of emperors having sexy women distract them which had consequences, thus some scholar wrote urge men to desire women not because of luv or attraction, but it would put them off carnal desires and focus more on their work and confuis stuff.
I could be wrong though

如果我错了,请正确,但根据 Youtuber 的说法,没有证据表明胖女人是被渴望的,因为担心皇帝让性感的女人分散他们的注意力而传播谣言,从而产生后果,因此一些学者写道敦促男人渴望女人不是因为爱或吸引力,而是因为这会让她们远离肉欲,更多地关注她们的工作和生活。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Ines Hvala Dolenc
Come on. Plumpness was considered desirable across many human cultures, societies, and eras. The reason being that excess body fat signalled opulence. It also insured prolonged survival during famines, and would make it easier for the woman to carry children (so long as not in so much excess as to put unhealthy amounts of pressure and weight onto the spine) to term, being less dependent on consistent influx of food from outside to do so. In skinny women, an acute lack of food may trigger a miscarriage from the body, and chronic malnutrition can cause issues in fetal development and congenital defects.
Of course, men always had personal preferences as well, but plump women were socially acceptable and historically desirable in many different time periods and cultures and it had little to do with the physical appeal.
The skinny/fit being sexy is more of a modern concept, because of the abundance and availability of food (and the proliferation of obesity), which makes fit/skinny look great in comparison. It is also seen as being a green flag signifying health, moderation, hard work (working out), and self restraint on the part of the woman.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
Skinny being beautiful may be a more recent Western fashion??


@Christopher Tegner
That's so wierd to be more desirable for being more unhealthly and having a propensity to lack self control…


@Ines Hvala Dolenc
You're applying modern morals to bygone times.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
HMM I didn't know that Chinese women wore Indian style Bindi in between their eyebrows.


@Tim Tran
Those aren't Bindi. Those are just decorative makeup that resemble one. They had no religious meaning. Just there for beauty.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
Bindi (sindhur actually) is a social thing to mark married status of a woman, though unmarried maidens wear small bindis. And they are considered quite beautiful.
It is considered to be 1 out of 16 types of beautification (solah-singar) esp for a newly wed.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

@Tim Tran
Yes. But these for Tang women weren't social either. It was just for pretty sake. It also came in hundreds of different forms, a la many flower styles. It can also be put on your cheeks and dimples, or next to your eyes.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
Small tattoos were/are used in different ways similarly in some parts of India.


@Tim Tran
Ah, this isn't tattooed. It's drawn on. They change styles everyday.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
We also have something called Mehendi (paste of a particular herb) which changes colour to brown used to draw small “temporary tattoos” but it's mostly used on the hands and sometimes to dye hair reddish brown.
The patterns last for a fortnight or so.


@Tim Tran
As I said, this is not a social nor a religious thing. It wasn't Bindi.


@Gurudutt Mallapur
Yeah, I got it.
I just felt it such a familiar thing esp the girl with the red dot in the middle of the forehead…
Anyway, quite beautiful if I may say so.


@Qi Chen
Ancient cultures in general favor fatter women.
First of all, the “fat” in ancient time is very different than fat by modern standards. The desirable kind of “fat” in ancient time is about average build at most.
Second, in ancient times, people have a lot less nutrients. The ability to accumulate fat means you are relatively wealthy and if there is a famine, you are much more likely to survive.
Third, remember English such as “child-bearing hips”? Small, skinny and petite women are a lot more like to die during child birth in ancient times. Most guys would prefer their wives live past the childbirth.


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