2024-07-16 冲动的小李 15378
@Dante Wong
I’m Chinese but I don’t drink coffee so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but regarding your question, well, I think we Chinese will manage just fine after Starbuck’s hypothetical demise.

After all, we have our very own homegrown 瑞幸咖啡 - or in English, Luckin Coffee - which has already surpassed Starbucks in terms of annual sales & number of stores and is currently the largest coffee chain in China:
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Luckin Coffee's annual sales for 2023 hit 24.9 billion yuan ($3.45 billion), up 87.3 percent from the previous year's 13.3 billion yuan.
Compare this to Starbuck’s 2023 annual sales of $3.16 billion.
When it comes to number of stores, Luckin Coffee is very much ahead of Starbucks:
In fact, Luckin Coffee took less than a year to reach 1000 stores.
Cotti Coffee is even more aggressive in its expansion plans, reaching 1000 stores in
In comparison, Starbucks took 16 years to reach 1000 stores.
Luckin Coffee’s triumph over Starbucks has been attributed to its much deeper understanding of the Chinese market and consumer preferences. Its franchise model and strategy of targeting China’s second-tier cities and below have also been instrumental in contributing to its explosive growth and expansion across the country.
In conclusion, James Mitchell - in the event of Starbucks’ hypotethical demise in China, we will still have Luckin Coffee, Cotti Coffee, Lucky Cup and a whole host of other coffee brands to pick from.
We’ll manage

瑞幸咖啡2023年销售额达到249亿元人民币(34.5 亿美元),比上年的133亿元人民币增长87.3%。
与此相比,星巴克2023年的年销售额为 31.6 亿美元。
库迪咖啡的扩张计划更加激进,在2019年门店数量达到1000 家。只用了5个月。

@Lonely Cantonese Sith Lord
Luckin’s coconut latte is quite addictive, aint gonna lie.


@Dante Wong
How do you handle the 200–300++ calories in each coconut latte? :D

您如何处理每杯生椰拿铁中 200–300++卡路里的热量?

@Alice Gatto
Some of those liquid cakes from Starbucks probably exceed 600 cals


Accompany your wife shopping in the mall.


@Tofu Dofu2
you dont… u just get fat… or you can always exercise


@Willow Tree
Can’t people just drink real coffee? Not a bunch of fancy lattes?
Go drink boba, guys, if you really like fancy instagrammable drinks.


@Li Pengii
Old man here coffee meant Americano…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Joe Bilo
Agree. Good coffee, without sugar


@Joe Bilo
Cut back on rice


@Andre Leong
Malaysia had some other Coffee franchise called Zus coffee suddenly spring up in the past 2 years or so and they have coconut coffee lattes too so I know exactly the kind of addiction you're talking about lol.

在过去两年左右的时间里,马来西亚突然出现了一些名为 Zus 咖啡的咖啡专营店,他们也有生椰咖啡拿铁,所以我确切地知道你所说的那种上瘾,哈哈。

@Jon Lee
At least Zus taste and smells like coffee.

至少 Zus 的味道和气味都像咖啡。

@Andre Leong
Idk about Starbucks coffee to compare.
I only used go there to have “dessert” lol


@Steve Ng
Absolutely, after the first try, I had it everyday during my Shanghai trip


@Jon Lee
You mean, get Starbucks out of China? The Chinese are desperate because they don't have coffee, so they hand over their nuclear weapons and all their state assets and beg Starbucks to come back to China?


@Katie Cheung
Absolutely, Starbucks ran on trend and I think the trend is coming to an end, you can see it all over the world. The number of Starbucks shops are dwindling, one wrong move and the wish might come true!


@Jon Lee
No more venti soy milk latte with cherries on top.


@Joe Bilo
It's brown flavored water.


@Jon Lee
Heavily sweetened too.


@Arian Inigo
Italians make better coffee, I think. Italy is one country in which Starbucks never had a major presence.


@Jon Lee
Should be, since the usual terms to describe the variety of brewed coffee is in Italian (eg. Espresso, macchiato, latte etc)


You're not missing anything and not supporting GENOCIDE is a huge plus.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Larry Livermore
Luckin offers better coffee at a lower price than Starbucks, and as Dante notes, it has also done a much better job of attuning itself to the Chinese market. If Starbucks doesn’t make some sharp changes to their business plan, they will soon be an also-ran when it comes to selling coffee in China.


@James Cloutier
lol yup. This is a country that Murica cried “you can’t use the space station because I said so!”
So they went ahead and built their own… and told Murica to eff off.
But Starbucks is supposed to move the needle on the scale? Oh that’s funny.


@Katie Cheung
Becareful what you wish for!! If Turkey can go without Stuckbuck , sorry Starbuck, so can China!。


@Willow Tree
Only people with too much money go to Starbucks.


@Mario Steinitz
As a regular coffee drinker, and if given the choice between Lukin and Cotti, I usually go for the latter. Their coffee blend is more to my taste.
But I agree, doesn't have to be Starbucks.


I don’t think Starbucks’ coffee is better than Luckin’s, both are just sugar water in the form of coffee. But Starbucks’s price is over $4, while Luckin can get the same for less than $1.5.


@Mario Steinitz
Black with a shot of milk. That's my preferred choice. No sugar.
Also explains, why the blend must fit my taste buds. Not much to enhance or overload the coffee flavor.
Starbucks is a tad too strong for my taste. Works as cappuccino only, which on the other side has too much milk. Lukin's standard blend tastes a bit too much like fermented coffee beans. This “cat shit flavor” isn't mine as well. So Cotti it is, if my choice is limited to those three.
No big deal. All of them within a five to ten minutes walk from my usual whereabouts. And my own coffee machine even closer.


Starbucks can’t survive in a country where people actually enjoys good coffee.


@Liam Nguyen
When they open first store in Australia, it will be big sensation! Many Vietnamese tried and love it!!


@Hu Shi xiong
Tried but not a fan . Preferred local versions of coffee
Difference between them and Starbucks is really at least luckin have coffee.


@Y. Liong
They already tried and failed in both Australia and Vietnam. Why Starbucks FAILED in Australia: The $105 Million Loss Bet


@JimmY LEE
If “they” refers to Starbucks then they wouldn’t like it at all.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Jeanpeterson Pierce
Like many other modern products, always good to learn and surpass your Competitors!


@Richard Teo
Ow, someone's self importance might be challenged. But there are other brands, Mc something, chicken something, and so on …


@Shun Bot
Withdrawing Starbucks is not a threat, it’s the promise of a reward.


@Willow Tree
Starbucks is a show off drink, not a real drink.
Anyone that takes their health seriously does not touch Starbucks.
Asians have better drinks than a trash overpriced icing. Seriously. I’m surprised that Starbucks managed to survive in Asia for that long.
I have been a proud Starbucks hater for years now. It exists for college students to burn their money. The sooner it dies, the better.


@Peter Newman
Age of roasted beans and age of grind is critical. Coffee quality deteriorates very fast: the shelf-life should really be a few days for ground coffee, as I recall.


@John McKnight
Did the questioner think there were no other coffee shops in China other than Starbucks?


@Y. Liong
What’s the context of this question? Sorry, it looks like I missed something here, because I don’t understand why James Mitchell act like Starbucks is so special that the mainland Chinese would die without it?


@Steve Ng
Starbucks can try to quit the Chinese market, Luckin will be laughing to the bank
Btw, I like Cotti


@Guan Lim
There are plenty of alternatives to Starbucks in China. Though I would argue that the America cafe chain was the one who introduced and cultivated an entire generation of coffee drinkers in China some twenty odd years ago.
I would also argue that the business model of Starbucks and Luckin are rather different. Most Luckin outlets are kiosk based and that makes it a lot easier to duplicate and expand, hence the speed of which it reached 10000 stores. Also, because of the entire generation of caffeine dependent consumers that Starbucks had cultivated, the battleground is more on pricing and accesibility, which brings me to my next point.
“Luckin coffee pricing strategy is unsustainable in the long run.”
I estimated that they have to sell 2.5 cups of coffee to match Starbucks margin of a single cup. The current sky high green coffee price is not helping either. They probably strategized that Starbucks would increase their selling price to establish a price ceiling for the coffee chain sector and to create strata within this sector with Luckin inching up to be the 2nd place behind them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Raven Knight
Larkin offers a good range of coffee. Much cheaper and truly good coffee. We just came back from visiting China, Larkin is very popular.


@Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Starbuck’s, Starsucks. Starbuck’s coffee tastes like horse piss anyway. In the past I visited Singapore a lot, and I always choose Ya Kun Kaya Toast instead of Starsucks, because the former serves real coffee.


@William Neo
Starbucks means nothing to Chinese.


Luckin’s Maotai Latte is really something. The first time I made a purchase with a Chinese coffee shop.


@Gre Grees
Take away the Louis Vuitton store and imported cars


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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