2024-07-19 遐怪 6832

Despite losing most of Northern China to the Jin, the Song to their credit were still able to hold off the Jin and later Mongols for most of their dynasty by investing in strong fortifications at key strategic locations, and of course their advanced gunpowder weapons certainly kept their enemies at bay, even when the Song bureaucracy and its emperors became increasingly feckless and corrupt. One example is their navy. As unlike their northern neighbors the Song could employ riverboats equipped with paddle wheel technology that had better movement and maneuverability compared to traditional sailing ships. These boats equipped were quipped with trebuchets that lobbed gunpowder bombs at enemy fleets were virtually unassailable when taking on the Jin navy on the Yangtze. These ships were so effective that they were even used up until the Opium Wars, much to the surprise of the British who did not expect the Chinese to be this advanced in their nautical technology.


The Song Dynasty has been considered the true Renaissance Period, that came a several centuries ahead of the Enlightenment in Europe. Had things continued the way they did, its quite possible China would have experienced an industrial age of sorts. Having already mastered blast furnace technology, and production of silk, paper and ceramics on an industrial scale, as well as an arms producing industry quite advanced for its time. Its likely the Chinese and their East Asian neighbors could have seen an industrial era long before the British did in the 19th century.


Thankgod they squandered that opportunity


Max G
Ohhh please, this video is clickbait meet Chinese propaganda lovers


Om nom nom
@Max G
well, the conditions for china were there. This is just history


Leanh Leanh
Stop being delusional


kim kim
No matter they are developing and yet they can't catch up with European. Why? Kingship and dictators while Europe adopt from rome which hold senate and Republic ideal.


It was just rich. It was very weak militarily. In fact, East Asia then was dominated, not solely by Song, but also Jin, Liao and a host of other Northern countries, even before the Mongols. In China the dynasty is looked upon unfavorably.


Renaissance means "rebirth" and refers to reestablishing the wisdom of classical greece and rome. As this was China's first period of massive intellectual advancement, rather than restarting a previous tradition, using the word Renaissance makes no sense.


peace World
You are very interesting. You always deny China under the comments that praise ancient China. According to your logic, the dictatorship of ancient China should not have industrialization. lol


"this was China's first period of massive intellectual advancement, rather than restarting a previous tradition"
So the Han and Tang dynasties didn't count as golden periods where art and scholarly pursuits in China flourished during those times of peace and plenty, that influenced later dynastic periods?


HypoYT 001
@Max G
sour jealousy hahahs


HypoYT 001
@kim kim
already caught up now, boy


The problem with your argument is that you see history as too linear, it's not.


Speaking purely on dynasties, it was pretty true the Song dynasty had a weak military and that proved fatal when it's main goal was for internal security rather than actual power projection like the Tang Dynasty. People often overlook the Tang dynasty but it was a true medi empire and were responsible for pretty much containing the Mongolian/nomadic ambitions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Johnny Kwon
yes it does have that meaning of "rebirth," but if we look how "sympathy" in English has not the same meaning as "sympatico," in Spanish, we can also say that renaissance has a meaning of "re-innocence," not necessarily solely of "rebirth." To be nascent implies child like attributes, we can say born again, but the concept is that of innocence.


xinjiang Han, Free Hankuo
Actually Song was a era of Reviewing classical Confucianism and new schools of confucianist thoughts were incubated during Song.


xinjiang Han, Free Hankuo
@Leanh Leanh
Don’t be salty vietnamese, Song Chinese did invented gunpowder and utilised it in to military use, who knows how far they would’ve advanced in utilising such technology without the interruption of Mongol invasion.


Mr マックラ
But they had to see glass and think "this is useless"
They could have gained so many new technologies


Kuro Azrem
This is probably the most interesting period for me in the whole of Chinese history. In fact, I think that, hadn't the Mongols wrecked China at this stage, it could have spearheaded modernity, with it reaching Europea via the Muslim World.


Stephen Jenkins
Yep, that's the story of a bunch of Golden Ages which collapses due to internal/external pressure. Western Rome's fall likely stalled Europe significantly as well.


José Manuel Blanco Goldar
@Stephen Jenkins
Western Rome had been declining for some time already when the barbarians came around, but it's true that the collapse of the Roman state structure and the division of the empire into several squabbling kingdoms did a number on Western Europe.


kim kim
No matter they are developing and yet they can't catch up with European. Why? Kingship and dictators while Europe adopt from rome which hold senate and Republic ideal.


Mohamed Ramadan
@José Manuel Blanco Goldar
actually the fall of the western empire was the best thing that could have happened to creativity and technological advances in Europe just compare the scientific advancement that happened after the fall with before it and you will see how stagnate rome was


Mohamed Ramadan
@Stephen Jenkins
the fall of the western empire was the best thing for science the medival world was time of new advances in technology and science while rome was infamously anti technology and sc3


Kuro Azrem
@Mohamed Ramadan
that's actually right.


Kuro Azrem
@kim kim
not really. Rome was a tyranny for most of its history. Also, democracy doesn't necessarily produce innovation. According to that logic, the first industrial superpower should have been the Greeks, and that didn't happen quite clearly.


DJ Tan
@kim kim
haha still whitewashed, I see.


Alexane Rose
@Mohamed Ramadan
Rome was anti-technology? What are you smoking to make such a wrong statement? I guess those roads and aqueduct plus the constant need to make things better to pay for their whole empire doesn't count huh?


Alexane Rose
@Kuro Azrem
True that. Most innovations up until recently happened under empires and kings although you could argue that the American empire is a thing but the point still stands.


@kim kim
lol Rome was a dictator for most of its life. The reason they developed faster was because they invented books and kept the records and chose not to be in isolation like Japan and China. The combination of knowledge recorded in books and colonialism made Europe to have riches to fund the royal coffin.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mohamed Ramadan
@Alexane Rose
they were okay with perfecting existing techniques. But they despised creative destruction as they were very conservative



An important reason for 重文轻武 (more focused on civil than on military) is that the founder himself of Song is by coup to attain power, so he is particularly alx to any remotely potential military guys/activities, thus he had a game play called 杯酒释兵权 (release general's military power by a wine/dine talk). Since the beginning of the Dynasty, Song was bound to be on a path of civil activities. Unfortunately, by Southern Song, that was the time nomads like Khitan, Jurchen, and Mongols started to rise.
一个重要的原因重文轻武(更注重民事而非军事)宋的创始人,本人是通过政变获得权力的,因此他对任何有潜在威胁可能的军方人物/活动特别警惕,因此他有一个名为“杯酒释兵权 ”(通过酒宴谈话释放将军的军事力量)的操作。自王朝伊始,宋朝就必然走上了一条民事活动的道路。不幸的是,到了南宋,契丹、女真和蒙古等游牧民族开始崛起。

The defeat of the Song dynasty by the Mongols marked one of the saddest moments I saw in history alongside with the Sack of Baghdad in 1258 and the Sack of Constantiople in 1204. If only the Song and Western xia willingly become Chingghis Khan's vassals, they may survived longer.
P.S; Despite the imperial court being portrayed as corrupted, the media always make an exception when it comes to Bao Zheng. As fo Pang Ji, his historical self is generally a good guy while his fictionalized version is a big jerk who is always at odds with Bao Zheng.


The Song Dynasty became a Mongol ally during the latter's war against the Jin. However, the Song Dynasty did so by also betraying their own treaties with the Jin. After the Jin was wiped from the map, the Song Dynasty advanced North and occupied Jin territories conquered by the Mongols (which the Jin conquered from the Song). Naturally, Ogedei Khan was quite alarmed by this and retaliated, which sparked the eventual Song-Mongol War.
Before this, the Mongols were actually rather content with an independent Southern Song Dynasty.


Wei Shi
jin rulers rage 2 front wars like Nazi Germany, the Song Court didn't have chance to allied with Jin.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

pachomius sinanicus
Not sure what so sad about it.
1. The southern song territories were quite peaceful since Song collapsed so quick and territories were transferred to Mongol in short time, thus the commerces of Yangtze region remained to exist until it destroyed a century later by the cruel and barbaric Ming Empire.
2. Those bureaucrats with integrity characters were few, very few. Most of them were truly corrupted or systematically corrupted, the native residents of the southern part of China Proper were forced to rebel every couple years throughout Song history.

3. What is truly deserve to feel sad is a cannibal magistrate(食人知州) who ate the flesh of many street kids retired peacefully without facing any trial or punishment thanks to Mongol invasion.
2. 那些有正义感的官僚很少,非常少。他们中的大多数都是真的很腐败或系统性腐败,在宋朝历史上,中国南部的土著居民每隔几年就被迫造反。
3.真正值得悲伤的是吃人的法官(食人知州), 他们吃了许多街头儿童的肉,由于蒙古的入侵,他们安然地退休了,没有受到任何审判或惩罚。

@Wei Shi
Officially, in 1233, the Jin court dispatched diplomats to the Song requesting for aid against the Mongols. This was dismissed by the Song court, because the latter was already engaged in negotiations with the Mongols for a united offensive against the Jin. This was despite a treaty of peace already existed between the JIn and the Song. In 1234, Song support for the Mongols turned from just resources to actual military action, an act which eventually led to the demise of the Jin. If there was no chance of alliance, it's because the Song denied any chance of its fruition.


Wei Shi
jin already become none factor at this point, they lost most their army and land. Their only value left was for Song to show it's army still capable to the Mongols.


damm so the Song really had this coming to them...maybe they really did underestimated the mongols and bit off more than they could chew..but then again i feel like the mongols would still attack the Song even if they didn't reclaimed the Jin lands..it's just that it wouldn't happen that quickly had they not made the first move.


Grand Moff Tarkin
Also geography also plays an important role in why Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty are slow in developing industrial revolution. Because the coal mines are far away from cities whereas in Britain the mines are located adjacent to cities. Coal is a crucial resources to make high quality steel and as a fuel to power steam engines.
Despite China's geography is not ideal for pioneering the 1st industrial revolution but at least its a lot better than Russia. Russia is huge but its resources are scattered all over the places and there are constant lack of manpower issues in Russia.


Juni L. Yeung
The Wang Anshi reform itself is one of the most important lessons on economics, policy, and party politics in Chinese history. This deserves an episode on its own.


Lian Han
It reminds you of the importance of having strong military when a country grows into prosperity. Qing dynasty was also one of the wealthiest countries among the world’s, until it got wrecked and robbed by almost every single strong power of the time.


Godzilla Mothra
Song dynasty was a golden age empire born in the wrong time when the wolves are at peak of their power. Not only in culture and technology. Compare to other dynasties, Song empire also had relatively benevolent emperors.


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