2024-07-19 兰陵笑笑生 9182
Why do India and China have drastically higher populations?


India and China are the top 2, and USA 3rd. But the difference between China or India and the USA is a whole 1 billion people. It's not even close. Just wondering why the difference is so huge?

印度和中国位居前两位,美国位居第三。但中国或印度与美国之间的差距是整整 10 亿人。差得太远了。我非常想知道为什么差距会这么大?

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I think the answer to this question lies is a summation of the following facts (and probably some more than what I have been able to think of):
In 18th century when U.S. was becoming a nation, the population of this region was around 2-3 million. When you contrast it to China which was 170 million and India at 160 million you can see how much exponential growth was required to get to where these countries are right now.
Most of the Indian and Chinese population lives in historically the ideal conditions for a human being to survive. The climate, soil, availability of water and other fauna etc. This has allowed population in these regions to thrive far more than any other in the world.
India and China were really struggling in terms of child mortality and diseases until the middle of the 20th century. This led to people having more kids so that some of them would survive into adulthood. This practice didn’t really change until AIDS epidemic when availability of protection became a thing and contraceptives became available as well. China went a step further by mandating the one child policy. Indian politicians implicitly encouraged the same thing. But that’s another story.
US during this time had already become a developed nation with nuclear families and availability of medical help. This meant people were more concerned about their lifestyle choices compared to India and China.

1. 18 世纪美国建国之初,该地区的人口约为 200 万至 300 万。对比中国的 1.7 亿人口和印度的 1.6 亿人口,你就会知道这些国家要达到现在的水平需要多少指数级的增长。
2. 印度和中国的大部分人口都生活在人类历史上最理想的生存环境中。气候、土壤、水源和其他动物等等。这使得这些地区的人口比世界上任何其他地区的人口都要繁盛得多。
3. 直到 20 世纪中叶,印度和中国在儿童死亡率和疾病方面仍在苦苦挣扎。这导致人们生育更多的孩子,以便其中一些能够活到成年。这种做法直到艾滋病流行后才真正改变,因为那时人们开始有了保护措施,也可以使用避孕药具。中国则更进一步,强制推行独生子女政策。印度的政治家们也暗中鼓励独生子女政策。但这是另一个故事。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Great synopsis. I watched something a long time ago that also said that these countries with high populations tend to eat rice as their primary grain. Most of the rest of the world eats corn or wheat as their primary grains. Rice, compared to wheat or corn, is both much more nutrient dense and the calories that can be produced per acre is much, much higher with rice than those other staples, allowing these countries to sustain drastically higher populations.


Actually only southern India eats rice a lot more. Northern Indian around the Ganges plain (also India and Pakistan on the Indus Valley plain) typically eat Wheat and Rice both with Wheat being the primary diet staple.
And if you look at any population density map you’ll see that Indian and Pakistani populations live around these two rivers the most.
The soil around these two Himalayan rivers is so nutrient rich that farmers have typically been able to have 3 crops in a year. Which allows far more sustenance than anywhere else in the world.


The same can be said about China. I learned from one of my online courses about China that northern China mainly cultivated wheat and southern China mainly cultivated rice. That also explains the height difference between people from northern China and southern China.


Nah. It's genes and lifestyle. Punjabis are tall and but other wheat eating people are short in Idnia.


Rice being more nutrient dense I think is a slight inaccuracy. It's more calorie dense, which is ultimately what we need to survive. However, other grains have higher protein content


Although rice does contain 8 out of 9 essential amino acids (with brown rice having a protein profile that's fairly well balanced for human consumption) while wheat has historically been lacking in threonine, methionine and most importantly lysine (although newer wheat varieties tend to have a higher lysine content).

然而大米确实含有人体必需的 9 种氨基酸中的 8 种(糙米的蛋白质含量相当均衡),但小麦历来缺乏苏氨酸、蛋氨酸,最重要的是赖氨酸(尽管较新的小麦品种往往赖氨酸含量较高)。

I've always heard it's because they drank tea long before anyone else. You have to boil water to make tea which kills germs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another big factor people don’t seem to understand is that India and China are like the EU, they are made of of very culturally diverse peoples and countries who were historically fighting each other more often than not. Imagine if the Middle East was one country or all of the EU was one country, that is what India and China are.


My initial reaction to this was "i dunno, China and India have historically had empires that united them as a single nation". But then I guess Europe had the Roman Empire and the Middle East had a variety of wide-reaching Empires as well (Achaemenids, Parthians, Sassanids, Umayyad Caliphate, etc), so it checks out


India exists because the Brits found it easier to manage them if they were one country.


So basically the concept of India was created by the British?


Basically, yes. India was made up of dozens of smaller kingdoms that have been conquered at various points in history. But the Brits took over it all and left a governor in charge.


India has been unified several times without the Brits. What you're saying is akin to claiming that Greece wouldn't exist as a unified nation-state without Persia.


Interesting. How come it hasn’t fallen apart in civil war, then, like so many African states/ Middle East countries


I don't know why the previous responder has been upvoted so much. The British essentially supplanted the Mughal Empire which initially ruled the sub-continent and I believe they did this by partially playing off regional anti-Mughal sentiments until they themselves were the dominant power.
It's also why Pakistan and India have such a beef because the Muslim Pakistanis think they should restore Islamic Mughal rule.


China's population trebled during the Qing Dynasty which was the last Imperial Dynasty. From 100 million to 400 million. Partly because corn and sweet potatoes were introduced from the Americas.

中国的人口在最后一个王朝清朝时期增长了三倍。从 1 亿增加到 4 亿。部分原因是玉米和红薯从美洲传入。

There's also a key factor that India and China have been civilized societies for far longer than Europe, Africa or the Americas. They were already established urban societies when the Roman Republic was just getting started.


This statement is completely incorrect. You are literally ignoring all the copper, bronze and iron ages and all the civilisations that originated in those times. Hell even the Olmecs in the Americas dated at around 1000 bce.
Urban society originated in Europe, middle east and north Africa during the copper age which started at around 6000 bce. Proper cities are estimated to be already created in those zones by the start of the bronze age, at around 4000 bce.

这种说法是完全错误的。你实际上忽略了所有铜器、青铜器和铁器时代以及起源于那个时代的所有文明。甚至美洲的奥尔梅克人的历史也可以追溯到公元前 1000 年左右。
城市社会起源于公元前6000年左右的铜器时代的欧洲、中东和北非。据估计,在公元前 4000 年左右的青铜时代开始时,这些地区就已经建立了适当的城市。

No prehistoric or protohistoric cities match Harappan cities in town planning.


I got downvotes when I mentioned India and China have climate advantage in another sub. Consider 1000s of years ago, Human Population always migrate from one place to another, basically China and India have added especially Climate and if you notice both these countries have high vegetarian population or vegetables are main diet. The climatic conditions suits more agricultural environment thus creates these countries have more Agrarian economy. Also Earlier days China and India are the highest GDP nations in the history... Overall, climatic conditions allowed India and China to have high population.

我在另一个分论坛上提到印度和中国有气候优势时,遭到了反对。想想 1000 年前,人类总是从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方,基本上中国和印度的气候优势尤为明显,如果你注意到这两个国家都有大量的素食人口或以蔬菜为主食。气候条件更适合农业环境,因此这两个国家的农业经济更发达。此外,中国和印度是历史上 GDP 最高的国家...... 总之,气候条件使印度和中国拥有大量人口。

Any idea why this is not the case for African countries? They also have similar climate, abundance of resources but don't have similar population?


Mosquitos and tropical diseases are killer in Africa, plus most arable areas in Africa don’t have very fertile soils which could support multiple harvests a year (I believe)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

True. We often forget that foreigners/colonizers essentially wiped out indigenous tribes and rapidly moved into North America as opposed to countries where there was already a stable population.


America has more arable land than China or India.


But not fertile enough or received sunlight for 3 batches of crop a year.
And the native Americans societies were had poor technology and there were barely any cities in the US before being colonised by Europe.
India and China were also technologically leading until the 1500s when Europe took over.

印度和中国在 15 世纪被欧洲超越之前,在技术上也处于领先地位。

It’s crazy how the US is the third largest country by population, but you could triple the population and it would still be third.


You could quadruple it and still fall almost a hundred million people short of the second place


High standard of living will do that. We mostly stopped having like 6 kids 100 years ago.

生活水平高造就了这一点。早在 100 年前,我们就不再生育 6 个孩子了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am an Indian woman, historically people had many kids because they were primarily dependent on agriculture which was extremely labour intensive. Also, maternal and infant mortality rates were extremely high. When I hear my father tell stories of his childhood the thing that strikes me the most is the number of deaths that these people saw. Every other year someone or the other in the extended family passed away, also there were no means of contraception. My paternal grandmother had 8 kids out of which 5 survived to adulthood, mind you this is when they already had access to vaccines and medicines and things had started to improve. Our grandparents’ generation saw a massive boom in the population because people were having kids at the same rate as before, but more children were surviving. The population growth rate is slowing down however. In my parents generation, very few people had more than 3 kids, (in our extended family). I have two kids, my sister has two, my brother one. Most of my friends and colleagues have only one. A significant number of my female colleagues are unmarried or don’t want kids. But certain sections are still having lots of kids.

你要知道,那时他们已经有了疫苗和药物,情况也开始好转。我们的祖父母那一代人口激增,因为人们生孩子的速度和以前一样,但活下来的孩子更多了。然而,人口增长速度正在放缓。在我父母那一代,很少有人有超过 3 个孩子(在我们的大家族中)。我有两个孩子,我姐姐两个,我弟弟一个。我的大多数朋友和同事都只有一个孩子。我的很多女同事都未婚或不想要孩子。但某些人仍然有很多孩子。

And there's your answer to OP's question
Both China and India have extremely traditionalistic cultures, cultures that still see havinng many children as a good thing.


I mean, not China anymore. But yes, farming societies usually have a lot of kids.


Not even India. Their fertility rate is below replacement levels


There's a nice summary here about why those regions are good for human beings: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1pc651/why_do_china_and_india_have_such_large_populations/
I think the real question is how and why India and China never split into multiple countries.


Well, China was not always unified and has repeatedly split into multiple kingdoms in their history (Romance of three kingdoms, exc), and India was divided similarly when the British showed up.
China was/is a continental empire has 52 different ethnicities, it's not entirely wrong to think about it in terms of the Roman empire or Napoleon's French empire, had either of those two lasted into the modern day.

中国过去/现在都是一个拥有 52 个不同民族的大陆帝国,从罗马帝国或拿破仑的法兰西帝国的角度来思考中国也不完全错误,如果这两个帝国中的任何一个能延续到现代的话。

Also the concept of "country" is a new one. Most countries are just separately governed regions agreeing together that they belong to the same country. We only see ourselves as a coherent country because of improvements in communication and education to tell us that we are a single country.


Also, every time China fragments there's an implicit understanding that it unites eventually - if said Emperor wasn't worthy, the cycle repeats again. This concept more or less started with the Qin (221 BC).
Comparatively, the first time India was 'united' was in the 1500s. Before the Mughal Empire, our modern idea of 'India' as we know it was not really a thing.

此外,中国每次分裂都有一个隐含的共识,即中国最终会统一--如果皇帝不称职,循环就会再次重演。这一概念或多或少始于秦朝(公元前 221 年)。
相比之下,印度第一次“统一”是在 15 世纪。在莫卧儿帝国之前,我们所知的现代“印度 ”概念其实并不存在。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Mughals and the Mauryans were the only ones who managed to unite most of India before the arrival of the British. Of course, the British also contributed to some painful divisions.


True. I see India like it’s a continent on its own lol. This one country has tons of different ethnic groups and many climates. Like the way Europe is. India could have so many different countries within.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China can and has split into multiple countries numerous times.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It has always quickly united again though. That is what you get when you have a massive central plain, virtually no peninsulars and no natural borders between the main river systems.


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