2024-07-19 龟兔赛跑 7788

What do most Americans think of Indians?


Tal Wals
What do Americans think of Indians?
Does it matter ?
Why are you so concerned about what other nations think of your nation ?
India is a nation filled with more than a billion people. Americans would not have interfaced with everyone of them.


If an American talked with a jerk Indian, the American would have a bad opinion on Indians.
If an American talked with a good Indian, the American would have a good opinion on Indians.
Or Sane Americans realize that India is a diverse nation with all kinds of people just like US is a diverse one.


Neel Patel
The US is obviously a big country so this does not apply to all Americans but in general I’d say most white Americans don’t know much about India other than negative (racist) stereotypes they have learned. I doubt even 20% of Americans could find India on a map or name its capital city. Americans are of course famous for not being very knowledgeable about the world. I don’t think this applies to Asian Americans or some people in major cities like NYC or SF who will know more about India, maybe eat Indian food, and possibly have an Indian or Indian-American friend. Most white Americans though probably cannot even tell a Latino, Indian Hindu, or Arab Muslim apart. To some racist whites all brown people are Muslim and Muslims are evil.


Nowadays the right wing whines a lot about China and India stealing jobs so that is one of the major things some Americans would think about, especially with Trump spewing venom about immigrants.
Overall, I’d say most Americans are indifferent. Honestly, most white Americans don’t know much about any non-American group, including even the white countries their ancestors came from. People don’t travel abroad much. The education system doesn’t teach much about the world. Most people have a lemming like patriotism where they think the US is the best at everything even though it’s not and every other country is garbage.


Debjit Banerjee
How is the perception about Indians in the US?
Ignored. Even though we contribute to American GDP far more compared to any other ethnic group.
We don't have cartels or triads in USA. Most Indians don't know how a gun looks like, let alone holding it. (Btw, even a 22 caliber semi-automatic ii s fucking heavy).
So most Americans think Indians are like rug rats until, they have a computer problem. Then the quarter literate Indians (with useless or fake degrees, shopped by Infosys or TCS) help them out.
Then Indians start dancing somewhere in India, thinking they are the masters of the universe without realizing they are nothing but cheap labors in USA. Same thing holds true in middle East!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Harsh Manral
As a Person who visits USA regularly every Year , I can tell you that the Indians are considered to be a very hard Working, Law Abiding and Sincere People. However there are a few Americans who do not look at their drawbacks Vis a Vis the Bright and Hard working Indians tend to grudge their Good Standard of Living and talk ill about them.


Harsh K
What do most Americans (from the US) think of Indians?
Most Americans generalise Indians as techy, poor, racist, misogynist, religious, stinky. India is a third world & backward country for them. And we ourselves have let them pull our image down. Why giving importance on what a superior country think of us? Better our image & don't let others judge us. You certainly do not care what Kazakhs, Ugandans, Lithuanians, Peruvians, Nigerians think of us do you? Maybe because they're not white skinned people like most of the Americans (except Lithuania & Kazakhstan) or those countries aren't India's competitors. What a fucked up question!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jayashree Sampath
Whatever Americans think about India doesn't matter. They have their own mess to deal with than give time to think about us.
Plus, we have our own screwing/(non) functional systems, to worry about.
Either way, both doesn't matter.


Laura Williams-May
I have a perspective since the 70’s when one of my boyfriends in college was an Indian.
At first, there were so few that they stood out, especially because some Indian women continued to wear saris instead of western clothing.
Whenever you stand out you make yourself a particular focus of suspicion. Is that person one of us or not?


These days there are many second generations who blend in completely to the American lifestyle.
But the immigrants still stand out.
If you want to immigrate there will not be a lot of problems I feel if you make an effort to understand the culture here and at least pretend to adhere to it.
Don’t run a hotel if you can find another way to make a living. There have been so many Indians who bought hotels here that it has begun to look to Americans like they are taking over the small hotel industry, and that breed suspicion and resentment.
I suggest you watch the movie “Mississippi Masala” for one perspective on it.


Greg Brecht
What do Americans think of people from India?
There’s not a single answer to this. My first encounter with a person from India was a professor at a UW campus when I was there a million years ago. He taught me a lot and his influence has made me a better teacher. More recently, a woman from India was on my thesis committee and her observations sharpened my focus in a very meaningful way.
I have had some experience with customer service reps from India, and sometimes have some trouble understanding their pronunciation of English. An American typically speaks a little more slowly and the vowel sounds can be different. Here’s a related example. Americans will pronounce an address like 1646 Main Street as “sixteen forty-six.” That’s not the real address, but last time I had to deal with customer service, I had to go one-six-four-six. One time recently I had to repeatedly ask “please,can you slow down a little?” and the rep hung up on me.

我曾与一些来自印度的客户服务代表打过交道,有时我会发现很难理解他们的英语发音。通常,美国人说话会慢一些,元音的发音也会有所不同。举个例子,美国人会将地址“1646 Main Street”读作“sixteen forty-six”。但上一次我与客户服务打交道时,我不得不反复说“one-six-four-six”。最近有一次,我不得不多次请求对方“请慢一点说?”结果对方直接挂断了电话。

And frankly, now and then I have run across young immigrant men from India who have a kind of arrogance that comes across as contempt when they are in a group. That dovetails with a certain kind of belief that women are not very competent, which is deeply offensive here. My observation refers to IT people in the workplace. In a university context, I have seen no such thing. Young men have that kind of arrogance regardless of where they are from, of course.
That said, I think immigrants from India have enriched this country. I assume there are tourists from India, but I have never seen any. Where I have met or noticed people from India is in the workplace.
Second-generation people whose parents are from India are really no longer very Asian. They have become American.


Venki Moogala
What opinion do Americans have about India?
Some common misconceptions about India
1) Language:
The biggest misconception is that Indians speak Indian. Indians don't speak Indian, that's not even a language. Majority of people in India speak Hindi. Officially there are about 20 recognized languages. There are hundreds of other languages and dialects spoken in India- making India one of the most liguistically diverse nations in the world.
2) Religion:
Diversity is not just limited to language. Hinduism is the predominant religion in India but minorities like Muslims, Sikhs and Christians also have large populations. Infact India has more number of Muslims in it than there are in Pakistan( a muslim predominant country ). India has the largest number of mosques in the world than any other country.


3) Food:
Diversity can also be found in India's cuisine. A common misconception is that Indian food is very spicy and all food is so. But this is very far away from the truth. The variety of food in India is overwhelming. The diversity in food goes along the country from north to south and from east to west. Indian food in all categories is not shy away from using spices, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has a lot chilli.
4) People:
Now, many people also have this perception that India is full of snake charmers and religious gurus. It's also a common assumption that every Indian person is fantastic at IT. While it is true that all these do exist, and the nation does have a booming tech industry, almost 50℅ of the 487 million labourers are actually employed in the agricultural, dairy and horticultural industries.


5) Dressing:
What about our dressing? Many foreigners who arrive in India are surprised to see that not every woman wears a saree and not every man wears a turban. Working women in metro cities tend to mix up traditional dress with western style clothing.
6) Marriage:
Arranged marriages are still common in India but it has changed with times. These days, the man and woman are romantically involved first and then go through the rituals associated with the marriage when they decide to wed. These marriages of this sort are so called love-arranged.


7) Drama:
The movies, life is not like a bollywood film, where people burst into song - although that would be amazing. Indians do not either burst into tears whenever they are hurt. It is neither like Slumdog Millionaire. According to 2011 census 70% actually live in rural areas (although the numbers might have altered by a large amount by now), which makes sense, given the amount of people employed in agriculture. But there is some truth to slum dog though. In large cities like Mumbai and Delhi, one in six residents lives in an urban slum.


Vanitha Muthukumar
Few that I encountered think of us as being backward, are surprised that we can even talk English and find it hard to accept we are so ahead in TIME. I didn't take offence because even for them if someone lives on the east coast, they know very little of someone living in the west, and hardly know their own history well. Being and Indian, I have learnt to be grounded and not take offence at anyone's opinion


Rob S
What do Americans think of people from India?
I think I’m qualified to answer this, being as I’m an American and know a lot of Indian people. Being in IT, I have worked with many people from India. I’ve travelled extensively throughout India. I have close friends that are immigrants from India, and friends that are second generation Americans whose parents immigrated from India. I have friends in India.
They’re people. Just like all the other people from everywhere else. There are good and bad, kind and selfish, greedy and generous, lazy and ambitious.
A lot of Indians have a love for India and all things Indian that is blind to some very serious flaws, but that’s true of everyone everywhere, and again goes to show that they’re people like everyone else.


Diego Normand
Well, I'm going to imply that most went through Freshman year of High School.
So, with that in mind they probably think of the Caste system as well as thinking that every Indian is a Hindu, and although some might be Buddhism, which doesn't embrace the Caste system as much.
They might also think of India as very diverse, considering all of the languages.
They also know the Pakistan India conflicts, assuming they've made it past 7th grade, meaning they also know of the weapons India has.


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