2024-07-20 蜂鸟窝 5731

Aging is an inevitable natural law for humans. Is it possible for humans to live forever?


Recently, a team of scientists led by Duke University in Singapore successfully developed a drug called "Anti-IL-11". This drug inhibits the inflammatory factor IL-11, which is closely related to accelerated aging. It not only significantly prolongs lifespan in mouse experiments, but also improves multiple health indicators, opening up a new path for human anti-aging treatment.


Scientists have found in long-term research that key signaling mechanisms that regulate life span, such as ERK, STK11, AMPK, and the IGF1-insulin module, are disturbed during the aging process, leading to the appearance of aging signs such as decreased mitochondrial function, intensified inflammatory response, and cell aging. In particular, chronic sterile inflammation, as an important driver of the aging process, is closely lixed to the dysfunction of the immune system, among which the abnormal activation of cytokines such as IL-6 is particularly critical. The focus of this study, IL-11, is another important node in this complex network.

科学家们在长期的研究中发现,调控寿命的关键信号机制如ERK、STK11、AMPK及IGF1-胰岛素模块等在衰老过程中受到干扰,导致线粒体功能下降、炎症反应加剧及细胞老化等衰老标志的出现。 特别是慢性无菌性炎症,作为衰老进程中的重要推手,与免疫系统的功能失调紧密相连,其中IL-6等细胞因子的异常激活尤为关键。 而此次研究的焦点——IL-11,则是这一复杂网络中的又一重要节点。

Studies have shown that the inflammatory factor IL-11 is upregulated in mice with age, and has a profound impact on the aging process of cells, tissues and even the entire body by regulating the ERK-AMPK-mTORC1 signaling pathway. This finding has not only been verified in animal models, but similar IL-11 expression upregulation has also been observed in the elderly population , further highlighting the great potential of IL-11 as an anti-aging therapeutic target.

研究表明,IL-11这一炎症因子在小鼠体内随年龄增长而上调,并通过调控ERK-AMPK-mTORC1信号通路,对细胞、组织乃至整个机体的衰老过程产生深远影响。 该发现不仅在动物模型中得到了验证,还在老年人群体中观察到了相似的IL-11表达上调现象,这进一步凸显了IL-11作为抗衰老治疗靶点的巨大潜力。

The research team implemented anti-IL-11 antibody treatment in mice and found that after 25 weeks of treatment, the metabolism and muscle function of mice, which are equivalent to 55 years old in humans, were significantly improved, aging biomarkers were significantly reduced, and physical weakness was effectively alleviated. Among them, the lifespan of male mice was extended by 22.4%, female mice by 25%, and an average of 24.9%, providing the possibility of anti-aging treatment for humans.

研究团队在小鼠中实施了Anti-IL-11抗体治疗,结果发现,在相当于人类55岁高龄的老年小鼠中,经过25周的治疗,这些小鼠的新陈代谢、肌肉功能均得到了显著改善,衰老生物标志物显著减少,身体虚弱状况得到有效缓解。 其中,雄性小鼠的寿命延长了22.4%,雌性延长了25%,平均延长了24.9%,为人类抗衰老治疗提供了可能性。

Scientists said that the current research results are mainly based on mouse models, and their effects in humans need to be verified through more in-depth clinical studies. However, this breakthrough has undoubtedly brought unprecedented hope to the field of anti-aging science, giving us reason to believe that in the near future, humans may be able to effectively delay aging and improve the quality of life through scientific means, taking a big step towards the dream of immortality.

科学家表示,当前的研究成果主要基于小鼠模型,其在人类中的效果尚需通过更多深入的临床研究来验证。 不过,该突破无疑为抗衰老科学领域带来了前所未有的希望,让我们有理由相信,在不久的将来,人类或许能够通过科学的手段,有效延缓衰老,提升生命质量,向着长生不老的梦想迈进一大步。

This research breakthrough from Duke University Singapore shows that biological agents targeting specific inflammatory factors have great potential in delaying aging and improving the quality of life. As the trend of population aging intensifies, the market demand for anti-aging treatments is gradually increasing. This research result provides new development directions and opportunities for the biological agent industry.

新加坡杜克大学的这项研究突破显示,针对特定炎症因子的生物制剂在延缓衰老和提升生命质量方面具有巨大潜力。 随着人口老龄化趋势的加剧,抗衰老治疗市场需求逐渐增加。 这项研究成果为生物制剂行业提供了新的发展方向和机遇。

Biologics are not a new concept. High-value products such as insulin, human growth hormone, and erythropoiesis stimulating agents are all biologics. With advances in genetics and understanding of cellular processes, new biologics products have ushered in development opportunities. The global biologics market size has grown from US$220.2 billion in 2016 to US$297.9 billion in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 7.8%.

生物制剂并非新概念。 胰岛素、人类生长激素及红细胞生成刺激剂等高价值产品均为生物制剂。 随着遗传学和对细胞过程理解的进展,新的生物制剂产品迎来了发展机遇。 全球生物制剂市场规模由2016年的2202亿美元增长至2020年的2979亿美元,年复合增长率为7.8%。

In terms of subdivision, therapeutic antibodies account for nearly half of the market, with a market size of US$120.8 billion in 2020, accounting for 41% of the total biologics market. In 2021, the therapeutic antibody market size was US$132.2 billion, accounting for 39% of the total biologics market.

细分来看,治疗性抗体占据了接近一半的市场,2020年市场规模为1208亿美元,占总生物制剂市场的41%。 2021年,治疗性抗体市场规模为1322亿美元,占总生物制剂市场的39%。

According to the "Global Top 100 Drug Sales" list disclosed by PHIRDA, the immunosuppressant drugs were sorted out and it was found that there were 23 immunosuppressants on the "Global Top 100 Drug Sales" list in 2022, with a total sales of more than 100 billion US dollars, accounting for more than 20% of the total sales of the global top 100 drugs. In terms of drug types, the vast majority of immunosuppressants on the "Global Top 100 Drug Sales" list are biological preparations.

前瞻根据PHIRDA披露的「全球药物销售额TOP100」榜单,整理出其中的免疫抑制剂药物,发现2022年进入「全球药物销售额TOP100」榜单的免疫抑制剂共23款,销售额合计超1000亿美元,占全球TOP100药物销售总额之比已超20%。 从药品种类来看,进入全球药物销售额TOP100榜单的免疫抑制剂绝大多数是生物制剂。

The biologics industry has broad prospects and huge development potential. With the continuous advancement of medical technology and the increase in people's demand for health, biologics have shown good efficacy and safety in the treatment of various diseases, and market demand continues to increase. Especially in the fields of tumors, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc., biologics have become an important treatment method. In addition, with the intensification of the aging trend of the population, some geriatric diseases such as osteoporosis and diabetes also require biologics for treatment, which further promotes the expansion of the market.

生物制剂行业前景广阔,具有巨大的发展潜力。 随着医疗技术的不断进步和人们对健康需求的增加,生物制剂在治疗多种疾病中显示出良好的疗效和安全性,市场需求持续增加。 特别是在肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病、心血管疾病等领域,生物制剂已成为重要的治疗手段。 此外,随着人口老龄化趋势的加剧,一些老年性疾病如骨质疏松、糖尿病等也需要生物制剂进行治疗,进一步推动了市场的扩大。

Technological innovation is an important driving force for the development of the biologics industry. The application of emerging technologies such as gene editing technology, single-cell sequencing technology, and artificial intelligence technology will greatly improve the efficacy, safety, and personalization of biologics to meet the growing medical needs. At the same time, with the development of precision medicine, customized biologics for specific diseases and specific patient groups will become the focus of research and development.

技术创新是推动生物制剂行业发展的重要动力。 基因编辑技术、单细胞测序技术和人工智能技术等新兴技术的应用,将大幅提高生物制剂的疗效、安全性和个性化水平,满足不断增长的医疗需求。 同时,随着精准医疗的发展,针对特定疾病、特定患者群体的定制化生物制剂将成为研发的重点方向。


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