2024-07-21 辽阔天空 7002
How is life in India after returning from the USA?


Ravi Pratap Singh
Timing couldn't be better for this question, as I returned to India from USA just one month back and there are so many things which I write about. Earlier, prior to going US, I was habitual to these things, but now after coming back, these are noticeable enough to write about.


1. Crowd, everywhere: When I moved to USA, it was 31 Dec, 2015. New Year Eve. I expected people going to party, having fun. But I was so shocked to see so less people on the road. In fact, there was no one on the road. Just few cars. It may be specific to the region/city I went to. But this lack of crowd was a shocker for me. Eventually, I got used to seeing few people outside, even indoors too. No crowd anywhere, unless you are visiting a tourist place on a long weekend. Now after coming back, I realize how densely populated India is. So many people everywhere. 1.35 Billion Indians out of 7.7Billion world population. You go to office, mall, local market, vegetable shops, parks; every place is full of people. Sometimes, I feel suffocated in the crowd now, which used to happen earlier too, but wasn't that bad earlier. I haven’t been able to gather courage to take ride in train or bus so far due to this fear of suffocation.


2. Pollution: It’s so evident to notice pollution now. I miss that clear, blue sky so much. And, even earlier, I was not able to breathe properly in traffic; but now it has become even more horrible. So much smoke coming from cars, buses. Also, how can I forget the noise pollution!! Why do we honk unnecessarily? Does it even make sense if everyone is honking? If traffic is stuck somewhere, your honking will not make it clear.
3. Dust: In USA, it is so hard to find dust inside the city, ground is covered with grass everywhere. Even house owners are supposed to have the lawn over the unbuilt area, as per the law (and they are supposed to mow it too, as per the law). After coming back, since last 30 days, my eyes are red every day, because of the dust. I have to do something about it, my eyes are hurting.


4. No/Lack of Civic Sense: Oh my God, I can write long essays on this topic, will try to keep it short. No respect to other’s personal space, cutting queues, people taking pride in breaking rules, coming late to office without any guilt, forgetting meetings and not apologizing, bad personal hygiene and smell, rude on your face, and so many other things. Won’t write much on this now, it is entire topic in itself.
5. Traffic: This deserves a separate mention. We don’t follow lane, we don’t stop at red light, we drive on opposite side of the road and honk as if no one can see us, we don’t care for pedestrians, we drive so close to each other (no personal space for vehicles too ;) ), we use high beam all the time. Please don’t honk, please, please.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6. Guys, please give the way to Ambulance. And please don’t honk, please.
7. Indian Education System: My son (class 3) is currently struggling, not a lot though, he is a smart kid. In USA, they don’t emphasize much on writing, emphasis is on learning. Here it is only writing, you write questions and answers in the class, you get homework to write. He is not used to this much writing, and writing fast. Thankfully, we taught him Hindi at home, so that’s not a big issue.


Ok, enough. Now some good things:
1. Food, good food: Finally, I am able to eat good Indian snacks outside. Indian food is the best in the world, hands down. No doubt about it. And there are so many food delivery services now, Zomato, Swiggy etc.
2. Close to family: After 3 year, I will be celebrating Diwali with family this time and I am so excited about it. I can reach them in person whenever I want or they need me. My mother will see me after 3 years in next 4 days. ?


3. No need to haggle with auto drivers; uber and ola are cheap and good enough. This is a relief.
4. Availability of Public Transportation: In USA, if you don’t have car, you don’t have legs. In India, every place is connected by public transportation, buses and trains. I have not been able to take local buses and train so far due to my fear of suffocation. But Auto (and Shared Auto) are available everywhere in the city. Damn, even Ola cars are shared. It's good thing. Even flights are cheap now; before 3 years, I have never booked a flight between Chennai and delhi in less than 4K.


5. Flourishing India: Certainly, India is moving forward. Roads are not that dirty now, as they used to be 3 years ago. There is less smell of piss (I walk from office to home every day, trust me it’s still there, but bit less now). So many start-ups, so many opportunities.
6. So many apps: PayTm, FreeCharge, Ola, Uber, Netflix, Amazon, Flipkart, Zomato, Swiggy, BookMyShow, Bank Apps, QuickRide etc… these are just the ones I have… there are so many apps for every need.
7. It’s my country: On top of everything, it’s my home. Even if I am struggling a bit right now, I will be alright in some time. It feels good to be back.


I am not writing it to offend anyone, so please pardon me if your feelings are hurt. Going out of India was an eye-opener for me to learn about the world outside.
Ok, I stop here. Must have missed some things, but I have to pack my bags now to go to my home town for Diwali and meet my family. Yaayyyyy!!!
And please don’t honk, please.


Anshul Agarwal
I feel free here. Never felt free back in the country which stands for freedom.
1. I feel free to not cook. I’ve a cook who cooks at a monthly pay which is probably equivalent to eating out once. Cheaper food can also come home within minutes of ordering at Swiggy. In US, cooking was a necessary evil. Something you’ve to do daily. The need to cook daily was pressing and defeating.
2. I feel free to hang out. With friends. Colleagues. Neighbors. I’ve my own friend circle. There are people everywhere. You look out of your balcony and you see life. In US, you have to depend on your husband’s friend circle mostly for your social needs. There are empty surroundings all around. You look out of your floor-to-ceiling window looking for signs of life but there’s none.
3. I feel free to go anywhere. The hot weather doesn’t make you immboile, it instead pushes you to get out of bed and do something. There’s no lovely view of skyline here, but a very vital view of sun-filled sky which makes the insides of you come alive. In US, you can’t move around much owing to lack of public transportation. And because it’s so cold. Pack yourself in three layers and stay put.


4. I feel free to be someone besides a woman whose primary responsibility is to be a caretaker of home and family. I can be a mom. I can be a career woman at the same time. In US, life for an Indian woman is mainly domestic. Being the cook, cleaner, housekeeper, babysitter, primary parent. The most welcome part of the day is when your husband arrives from office.
5. I feel free to live a luxurious life. With a flourishing career and high pay, I can lead a high-class lifestyle in India. I live in a 3800 sq ft luxury apartment. The day-care costs for my child are high, yet unobxtionable. In US, however much you earn, you’ll end up leading a mediocre life. Almost half of your salary will go towards rent [of a small apartment], rest towards day-care if there’s a child and the lady of the house is a working woman. Or she ends up being a stay-at-home-mom, dependent and unfulfilled.


6. I feel free to have my space. One thing I brought back from US was a sense of space. In India, I didn’t realise anything like it before. Here a woman is taught by society to shrink her own presence. Keep herself constrained in the name of safety. It automatically becomes a part of a woman’s psyche to hunch, hide her body, lower her gaze, not make herself visible, occupy less space. Indian spaces are crowded. Neighborhoods. Roads. Public transport. Cities. In US, there is so much empty space. Neighborhoods. Roads. Personal cars. Cities. People guard their personal space. People give others space. The sense of space I got from US widened my limits. Mentally and physically. It let me run wild, go places.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

7. I feel free to exist however I want. I go out whenever I want. I go out even if I don’t have anything to go out for. I wander the streets without purpose. I stroll in shopping malls without aiming to buy anything. I go out to just buy dhania (fresh coriander leaves). You can come back again if you missed hari mirchi (green chilly). The only thing I need to put on before going out is slippers. Just hop into an auto. It feels so comfortable here. Bangalore feels my city even though I’ve been here only for a year. And it has felt same for every city I’ve lived in India. In US, whenever you go out, it has to have a purpose. You carry a to-buy list to the grocery store. You’ve got to do a marathon shopping once you are there. You beg your husband for a ride to the shopping mall. You don’t go to a grocery store just to buy dhania. God forbid, if you forgot hari mirchi, it’ll have to wait till next week of grocery shopping. And you must carry an overcoat, well-protected shoes and car keys before you go out. It never felt comfortable enough to call Chicago my own city even though I lived there for 3 years.


I left US and moved to India after staying in US for 3 years. Even though its been 6 years since I moved back, the first impressions are still fresh. Here’s why I left the luxurious life of US and came back to India.


No one talks about the money they brought back.
Returning to India after being NRI for a decade, is not the same as staying in India to begin with.
If you bring back a few crores, you have pretty much bought and secured your retirement already. After that, whatever you work, is “extra”. You can decide to be a single-income household, which you can’t afford if you stay abroad. You can decide to switch careers, or just work less (stop going “above and beyond” all the time), because you just have to take care of “today” with the salary. Since “tomorrow” is taken care of with money you brought back (if you invest it wisely). You can decide to relocate within India.


This one factor offsets a lot of things, be it dust, or traffic or pollution or population. The fact that you can go to office with a relatively free mind, not REALLY care about whether you will be fired today. As a result of that, your stress levels will be lower, reflecting on your health. One of the parents can afford to take a work from break and spend time with the children. More involved parenting would help the children too, plus that parent’s health.
This is something NRIs should think about. Plus, you will be taking foreign earnings back home and investing/spending it in your homeland, which will indirectly help the homeland too.


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