2024-07-21 辽阔天空 4358
How is life in India after returning from the USA?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rohit Nigam
I came back from Canada. I do have a visa for another two years, however I think it is going to be a little tough going back.
The major changes after coming back:
I don’t check the weather app on my phone everyday before going out.
Oh the breeze of Pune!
I go out a lot more.


The normal social life is back. My kid is loving it!
Dust. A lot of it. I need to dust my house everyday in the morning.
It’s better to avoid eating outside.
Fresh chicken and mutton!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being highly picky about the projects.
Reverse conversion from INR to CAD makes everything look very cheap :-).
A lot and lot of working from home!
I just fit in very easily in India so going back to Canada isn’t going to be easy. However I don’t expect anyone born and brought up in Canada/USA to settle easily in India.


Samantha Kannan
I have a cycle of being in India.
The first couple of days are filled with wonderment - I love to see everyone's dresses. I want to try every food. I want to go see the latest releases so I can hear whistling in the theater. I want to go for a tour. I want to rescue every puppy.
Then I get frustrated - Is there even an inch without people or sounds! Why does everyone stare at me and charge me more for the same items! Why is it necessary to wear pants under a full length dress! Why is Tamil so difficult to understand! The floor hurts my ankles and knees when I sit for so long!


Ameya Ajit Ranade
To add a background, I worked in USA at Google and Facebook for 6 years, It’s been 18 months since we came back. So I thought, I’d just write down some of the experiences I’ve had so far after coming back, and maybe that may help you in some ways.
To start with, you need a strong reason(s) to come back. In my case, it was 2 fold:
1. Staying closer with my parents for both me and my wife.
2. Having to keep working forever (because of GC situations for Indians), so that I can just stay in USA, was untenable for me.
Other reasons also exist, but then there are pros and cons on both sides. Many of you may have some different reasons for coming back or staying there. But, you do need some good reason to come back. Else, it ain’t happening.


When me and my wife seriously started thinking about moving dates and all, there are things to consider from logistical point of view. “When will we move”, “Where we’ll live” and “Where we’ll work” are the basic ones. Smaller ones include taxation, savings, car, traffic etc. For “when”, both our VISAs were going to expire around same time by the end of 2018. So, we both decided not to apply for GC, and set that as a timefrx. As for "where", that was a straight forward decision for us. My wife works at Qualcomm and she was able to get a transfer here to Hyderabad office. I wanted to take a break after 9+ years, so was OK with finding a job later once in India. I had also worked in Hyderabad for 3 years at Microsoft before. So, for me, Hyderabad was a familiar place. After ~4 months, I decided to join back Microsoft and am currently working there. Reason for joining: As much as I was craving for a break, sitting at home and not working, wasn’t something I was cut-out for. Plus, I had many friends in Microsoft, so joining process was peaceful.


For many of you, these question would need some uation. If you are a software Engineer like me working in MNCs, then the companies you’re looking for in India are going to be in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi suburbs, and maybe Pune. Unless of course you’re looking to change the type of work you’ll do once in India, then there are many more choices. I also contemplated teaching physics once back here. But, that didn’t result in anything concrete. w.r.t Bangalore vs. Hyderabad, Bangalore will provide much diverse set of tech companies for sure, and many opportunities to do outdoor activities, if you’re into those. But, the Achilles heel for Bangalore is TRAFFIC. I went there once, and needed 2 hours to travel 10kms. So, that pushed me to be in Hyderabad only. Hyderabad comparatively has lesser options, mainly MNCs like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Uber, Apple. Hyderabad is more comfortable place for sure. It is city of “Nawabs” as they say. Not much traffic (Although much more than USA), people mostly know Hindi, prices of houses / rent is low, really good food options, and much better managed city overall. So, make your uation based on that. The thing to endure in Hyderabad unfortunately is 3 months of summer. I’ll add some point on that later.


What about finances? Your salary here for the same role, would come down to approximately third of your salary in USA. That also means, your savings would go down. However, you also need less money to stay in India. e.g. last home I lived in Mountain View, we paid 3300 USD for 2 BHK apartment. Here, we started living in 3BHK apartment at Rs. 26000 OR ~350 USD. Although we got a good deal there, your rent for a spacious (2000+ sq. ft., because Hyderabad) 3BHK house won’t cost you > 750 USD for sure. Secondly, if you’re a saver, like I was (I owned a Honda Accord, so.. yah) your savings from USA are going to last a long time in India, before you even need to go to work. For me, with my lifestyle and my investments in USA, I estimated I’d last for ~20 years on just saving I bought back from USA. Although, given salaries offered in MNCs here, there is no point in worrying about those. You’ll end up saving a lot here as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now, you may ask, why come back to India, if I was going to just work again anyways. Wouldn’t it be worth making more money in USA then? Well, I can leave my job here at any point, without fearing anyone kicking me out of my own home. So, that was a freedom I was happy to trade for. Plus, parents visiting / staying with us, and we being a 1 hour flight away from our parents is a good deal for us as well.


What about quality of life? You’re used to USA lifestyle. You have a car, 24X7 water & electricity, shopping malls, air is clean to go out for a jog, and places are not congested all the time. What about in India? Well, you’re in luck, because in India, you’re amongst Rich now… Seriously. You’ll most likely live in a gated society in India (like we do). This society will provide for water + electricity mostly 24X7 (apart from some maintenance fixing). It’s not perfect, but it works OK on most days. You can chose better societies as per your need. Also, my society provides R/O water, which is awesome. There’ll be playgrounds, gyms, swimming pools in the society. The security / maintenance / bill payments are all convenient. All payments can be done in India with your phone now. Seriously… I pay fruit vendor with Google pay or debit card. I’ve rarely used cash since I got here. I mostly order stuff on Amazon / Flipkart. This includes all appliances like washing machine and dishwasher (Hell yah… we bought a dishwasher in India, and it’s great) There is a “Ratnadeep” (Mini Safeway, essentially) right in front of my society. You’re interested in shopping? There’re like 10+ giant malls in 10kms radius from my house. I own a Baleno, as I wanted to smaller car for ease of driving in traffic. For that matter, now our net 2 way commute is < 10 kms, as we can rent a place close to work. Although because of lockdown these days, work from home is the only way. Oh did I mention, we have awesome internet speeds. On a general day, 120Mbps/60Mbps down/up speeds. And even faster are coming with Jio Fiber now. And one more thing. We have maid for cleaning, to make our lives even easier.

我的社区前面就有一个“Ratnadeep”超市(基本上相当于一个小型的西夫韦(连锁超市)。如果你对购物感兴趣,从我家出发,在10公里范围内就有超过10个大型购物中心。我选择了一辆铃木Baleno,因为我想在堵塞时更容易驾驶的小型车。现在我们的往返通勤距离不到10公里,因为我们可以选择在工作地点附近租房。当然,由于目前的封锁措施,在家工作成了唯一的选择。顺便说一句,我们的互联网速度也非常棒。一般情况下,下载和上传速度分别为120Mbps和60Mbps。而且随着印度信实工业推出高速宽带互联网服务(Jio Fiber),网速还会更快。最后,我们还有女佣打扫卫生,这让我们的生活更加轻松。

Pollution and congestion are things you’ve to deal with in India. Pollution we can mostly avoid, as we’re in Home + Car + Office mostly. In weekends you’ll drive in Cars inside A/C malls (Yes, they’re A/C) But, every once in a while, there is that trouble. I actually had dust allergies in USA, because of carpet floors and dust mites. So, I think with hard floors in India, my situation w.r.t. pollution issues has improved. However, that’s up to you to decide. There are solutions in India to work around pollution. You would need to work with those. For congestion, I’m sorry to say, but you’re in India. So, your choices will change depending on traffic, crowds etc. E.g. we avoid going for groceries early in a month, as many people shop at beginning of month when they receive salaries (Oh yes, salaries are monthly here, in case you didn’t know). Or we’d commute on a time with lesser traffic. But, that’s something you’ve to deal with. (More so in Bangalore) e.g. When I stayed 13 kms away from Microsoft for first year, my commute was ~45 mins one way. Now that I’ve moved closer to work, it’s < 10 mins.


What about climate? If you’re in SF Bay area, climate there is probably as good as it gets. You’ll get 9 months of good climate in Hyderabad. Except summers. Like Indians have to endure winter in Seattle or in Canada, you’ve endure summer in Hyderabad. Temperates go > 40 C (> 105 F) at times in summer days. We typically end up avoiding them because we’re at work during noon. But, you need to be careful with that. Using SPF50+ sunscreen is a good place to start, and staying hydrated in summer is important. Bangalore on the other hand, has much better weather all over the year. So, that is something to consider. But, apart from summers, Hyderabad has very nice weather. I can easily go for a walk at night without any hoodie, enjoying nice breeze of air.


There are some factors that we still can’t provide much answers for. Schooling and safety for example. We’ll probably discover quality of kids schools here, once we get to that stage in life. But, from what I gather from my colleagues in Microsoft, they seems to be happy with schools here. They’re slightly on expensive side in the area where we live in, but that’s probably because all their parents work in MNCs and market forces do the rest. For safety, I’m yet to discover any concern in Hyderabad. People are much nicer here. This might sound controversial, but southern parts of India have much better track record in terms of women’s safety. So, from what i gather myself and from my wife, there isn’t much concern w.r.t. safety so far. Societies have 24X7 guards in case something ever were to go wrong. I also managed to call police on some noisy function at night, and they actually helped. Police are quite friendly here. I specially find them good now, as traffic police started using camera with them, and they don’t ask for bribes, but just click pictures of violators to give them ticket. They seem much more accountable now.


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