2024-07-22 遐怪 9153

The collapse of the middle class is driving the abandonment of a system we believed was here to stay


We can already see that modern states are facing such serious challenges that foreign policy is being subordinated to domestic considerations everywhere. This is true of Western countries, Russia, China, India, and everyone else. Indeed, it highlights what existing academic theories are unable to understand simply because of their methodology.


One of the curious effects of the two world wars of the last century, and in particular of the emergence of incredibly power weapons in the possession of several powers – the mass use of which could lead to the cessation of sentient life on the planet – has been to increase the importance of the foreign policy activities of states in the broad sense. The horror that a military catastrophe would be universal and irreversible in its consequences, which gradually became apparent and finally became firmly rooted in the minds of people, has firmly placed questions of international stability among the first priorities for the public.


In addition, industrial-scale warfare and economic globalization have contributed to the growing importance of issues directly related to external factors. The latter has, to a certain extent, lixed the development and even the very existence of any given state to the tasks it undertakes in the international arena. This has especially been true for medium-sized and small countries for which the waters of the modern world are too shark-infested to offer the possibility of a fully independent existence. But even in the case of the great powers, foreign policy issues have become so important over the past century that they are almost on a par with domestic concerns.


Moreover, the now universal market economy and comparative openness have indeed reduced the ability of different governments to fully determine the parameters of domestic development on their own. This has reinforced the perception that success or failure in the crucial task of keeping citizens happy will be decided via a country’s integration in the global system, which will solve most problems by itself. The practical consequence of this has been a historically unimaginable expansion of the diplomatic apparatus and, more generally, of the institutions that manage foreign relations. Huge numbers of officials, imbued with a sense of the importance of their work and their profession, are now responsible for their countries’ external affairs.


And in this sense the global system of states has indeed been moving towards the European medi model, in which the government could interfere little in the daily lives of its subjects, especially in the spiritual life, and was happy to concern itself exclusively with foreign policy tasks. Only those powers that have most preserved the primacy of the national over the global could afford to retain sovereignty in the traditional sense of the word. First of all, this describes the United States, whose prioritizing of domestic policy over foreign policy gradually became a unique feature that has distinguished the superpower from all other countries in the world. But this order, which suited everyone, is now beginning to break down.


The first signs that things were moving towards something fundamentally new came with the emergence of such “universal” problems as various manifestations of climate change, plus the internet and the information revolution, and artificial intelligence. Some ten to fifteen years ago, the late Henry Kissinger was the first of the great thinkers of our time to point out that “problems are global, but their solutions remain national.” With this statement, the eminent statesman wanted to draw attention to the fact that the international community was not ready to develop consolidated approaches to solving problems that affect everyone.

随着各种气候变化表现、互联网和信息革命以及人工智能等“普遍”问题的出现,事情开始朝着全新的方向发展。大约 10 到 15 年前,已故的亨利·基辛格是当代第一位指出“问题都是全球性的,但解决方案却只能由各国解决”的伟大思想家。这位杰出的政治家发表此言,是为了提醒人们注意这样一个事实:国际社会尚未准备好制定综合方案来解决影响所有人的问题。

Rich, poor, and developing countries alike have been unable to make decisions based on a strategy of minimizing the losses of each while achieving a comparative good for all. The most striking example has been the development of international cooperation on climate change. In the space of a few years, it has evolved into a series of transactions between states based on the interests of their corporate sectors and related governmental preferences, or, as in the case of Russia, on scientifically based public policies in this area that also take into account national economic interests. Thus, even during the period of Western dominance in world affairs, and indeed at its expense, states have failed to create a single “supranational” program to deal with the consequences of a phenomenon that threatens to seriously disrupt individual regions.


However, the problem is not limited to those issues, which have become relevant precisely as a result of recent changes and technological advances by mankind. The most important issue has been the growth of inequality, a concrete manifestation of which has been the decline in the incomes of large sections of the population and the gradual disappearance of the phenomenon of the “middle class” in most Western countries.


The problem was most pronounced during the coronavirus pandemic, when the least well-off suffered the most. In the United States, this resulted in huge human losses that no one really cared about because of the peculiarities of the local socio-economic structure. In Russia, and most of the rest of Europe, the deaths of citizens from Covid were added to the already enormous costs of various types of social programs and health care. As a result of the intensive work of states to mitigate the immediate effects of the 2008-2009 crisis and the 2020-2022 pandemic, and at the same time to continue measures to stabilize budgets, the greatest concern now is the future of social programs that were the basis of welfare in the 20th century and the source of the wellbeing of the expansive middle class.


But soon this will lead to a general crisis of a system that has provided stability in the form of a middle class that relies on savings. Thus, we will see a general decline in the economic basis for citizens’ consent to the existing domestic political order. This applies primarily to Western countries, but Russia will not be spared the negative consequences of the collapse of a way of life that was at the center of the modern global economy and was the source of legitimacy for state intervention in the free market. All the more so because the consequences of the globalization of information, such as a certain erosion of control over the lives of subjects, have not disappeared. Even China, where the state’s information policy is the most consistent and subordinate to the tasks of the government and elites, faces this problem.


As a result, states have to focus more and more on their immediate tasks, such as maintaining public peace among citizens. In the case of growing international political powers such as China or India, their sheer demographic size puts domestic issues at the top of the agenda. As a result, foreign policy activities take a back seat and are only considered in the context of internal struggles for unity (Russia, China, India) or the retention of power by elites that have become virtually irremovable in recent decades (the United States and major European countries).


This process has two interesting implications at a theoretical and practical level.
First, there is growing confusion among those whose professional responsibility it is to analyze international politics. One of America’s most prominent realists, Stephen Walt, in his recent articles has angrily drawn attention to the way in which the US government’s foreign policy decisions deviate from the logic of international life. It is also not uncommon to hear claims from Russian analysts about politics as such being dominated by purely foreign policy rationality.


Second, there is a purely practical risk that governments preoccupied with domestic concerns will in fact pay insufficient attention to those issues of international life that remain fundamentally important. So far, the leading nuclear powers have shown themselves capable of looking after the survival of humanity, despite some shifts in their own priorities. One suspects, however, that it would be a little foolhardy to place all hope in the wisdom of our statesmen alone.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

G' - Next..Assange for Australia's Prime Minister
>Henry Kissinger was the first of the great thinkers of our time to point out that “problems are global, but their solutions remain national.”
You must be kidding... not a thinker just another warmonger! And nothing great about it ...as of course he could see the problems as Kissinger himself was one of the evil masterminds pushing all those problems on the rest of the world especially to Asia and South/Central America!
He was the chief evil foreign policy advisor orchestrating and pushing the d umb HEADS of STATE to go for killing millions of people through bombings assassinations, political sabotage, etc! He is right down there with Madeleine Albright and KillaryKlinton plus many others.

你肯定在开玩笑... 不是一个思想家,只是一个战争贩子!而且这没什么了不起的... 当然他可以看到问题,因为基辛格本人就是将所有这些问题推给世界其他地方,特别是亚洲和南美洲/中美洲的邪恶主谋之一!

G' - Next..Assange for Australia's Prime Minister
Galaktik- Truth= most Powerful, Lies weakest lix, ...
Truly No solutions are ever being examined! On the contrary, oligarchs, plutocrats, kakistocrats merely come up / "word" their agendas into Congressional Laws. Practically everything they come up with, is but their desires to control, enrich themselves, enslave the masses, and solidify their power (keep the status quo).
But it is not good to just say this! Let's break it down to how they really do all this!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Basically they sweet talk to "their constituents" about what are the critical NEEDS and WANTS but then towards the end they always FLIP THE WORDINGS (or timing) so initially the masses think these Politicians are really going to fix things as they had sounded like they really care about average citizens! Their words can best be described as NEWSPEAK!
One way (an example) is something needs to happen by 7 PM today, they will turn around, pass a crooked law to pretend to fix it, but ultimately say "OH I had originally meant 7 AM the following day. Oh I'm sorry, my bad... it will never happen again!" Then they will keep stringing the masses along and doing the same thing over and over again!

举个例子,如果某件事需要在今天晚上 7 点之前完成,他们就会转过身来,通过一项不正当的法律来假装解决这个问题,但最终会说“哦,我原本的意思是第二天早上 7 点。哦,对不起,我的错……这种事再也不会发生了!”然后他们会继续欺骗群众,一遍又一遍地做同样的事情!

Now the best example! The politicians are part of a "PARTY" so the long term agendas are solidify over hundreds of years. Their methods are taken from hidden playbooks...follow the PARTY LINE. So they are always going to flip everything...ie turn around and forcefully try to shove man- ure/ dong down people's throats!
To give an example, They need to pass laws that will deals with a SUNRISE, but they intentionally worded their Congregational Bills as NOT sunrise but as the SUN ON THE HORIZON. People then clueless believe and accept that they are getting a SUNRISE BILL.


But then once the Nefarious NEWSPOKEN Laws are passed and work their way down, the true evil magic begins with the different Cabinets Czars who know the exact intentions of their Politician Masters! So Ultimately Cops and everyone down at the municipalities will be enforcing SUNSET LAWS as a Sunset can also apply to the phrase SUN ON THE HORIZON. Remember Cops are told that they are not paid to think, only to enforce the Laws of the Politicians (they MUST OBEY the RULE of LAW)
Everything happens at the WORDING level!


steve drake
The Elites destroyed the middle class as the elites wanted all the money for themselves, The Elites also found it easier to keep the lower class's down by taxation. With tax's high for the workers the rich corporations get tax breaks and if they are huge they get to pay no tax's as they have to pay a certain group called Lobbyists who constantly tell the politicians how poor the wealthy 1% are after all it is unfair that the wealthy can't have at least 10 mansions around the world in 1000 acres whilst having to rub shoulders or even speak to the working class (god forbid)

精英阶层摧毁了中产阶级,因为精英阶层想要独占所有的钱,精英阶层还发现通过征税来压制下层阶级更加容易。由于工人的税收很高,富有的公司可以享受减税,如果它们规模庞大,则可以不用纳税,因为他们必须向一个叫做游说者的团体支付税款,这些游说者不断告诉政客们 1% 的富人有多穷,毕竟,富人不可能在1000英亩的土地上拥有至少10座豪宅,同时还要和工人阶级擦肩甚至说话(但愿不会发生这种事),这是不公平的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Globalization was an ethos so that the rich could stay in power & reduce the abilty. Of workers across the world to been subservient too their whims & fixated profits. Gladly I agree that whether as a british citizen I become poorer. That this 'on time' delivery lark is dead as a door nail. Globalism has allowed the filthy wealthy too exploit us all & turn tribe & religion against one another. Distracting us from the real struggle of class war, we must see zionazism & it's agents for what they are: innately evil doers!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The world should never be governed by unelected people, having family money doesn’t make you smart just because you were born into it and others like Bill Gates need to stay the F out of the medical science industry, just look at the WEF, WHO bunch of unintelligent clucks!


But people in EU, USA, Canada, Australia, UK are still being tormented by governments infiltrated / subervient to WEF's elite globalists. These governments are winning public compliance with demands for intrusive behavioural changes that completely reset the balance of rights and responsibilities between citizens, society, markets, and the government. Instead of implementing policies to give effect to voter priorities, the emboldened dominant metropolitan elites are entirely dedicated to the proposition that citizens should be forced to live by their rules on what to say, think, read, watch, do. The elites are also intent on telling the people which cars and heating appliances to buy. What news to consume and from which ‘trusted’ source. In addition to the by now familiar censorship industrial complex that has gained a suffocating hold in the US, think of the proposed new censorship laws currently being enacted in Australia, Canada, Ireland, and Scotland.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

KillBill, Same old, same old...western governments say: 'The people gave us the mandate'


Boiling it down: The human species rides a driverless, overcrowded bus speeding down a precipitous mountain road. The prospects are not good.


Globalization is finished because it is code for adopting the American way of life - mind numbing stupidity, vile homosexuality including pedophilia, obesity with ultra processed foods, addiction to alcohol drugs and sex, no justice system, rampant racism and just vile satanic humans that you don't want to be around.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AntonKrupp, But the USSA has the most lawyers and the best politicians money can buy.


Fudealism was tried in the middle ages, and it didnt work then and it wont now. The pessants will take out their pitchforks and chase the evil king from the land as he has gotten fat and rich of their sweat and suffering.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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