2024-07-23 Aya Shawn 8380
@Aya Shawn
Monument of failure
Boeing is no longer the great company that developed the Boeing 747.
The Boeing Starliner project has been delayed for 10 years and has cost more than $5 billion. All plans have not been completed on time, and every test and test flight has failed. Before the spacecraft failure was completely resolved, they dared to let the two astronauts perform a manned mission.
Although the two astronauts successfully docked with the ISS with their rich experience and maneuvering ability after facing helium leaks and engine failures, who would dare to come back on this spacecraft full of problems?


At present, the Starliner is still hanging on the ISS, and the return plan has been delayed for a month.
Boeing rejected SpaceX's rescue plan, which suggested using the Dragon spacecraft to bring the two astronauts back. Of course, this would cause Boeing to face hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, so they refused. The lives of the two astronauts are obviously not worth $350 million, let alone Boeing's reputation.
Boeing's problem is no longer a technical problem, but the collapse of the entire corporate system.
Boeing's passenger aircraft has software defects, the hatch falls off, and the landing gear tires disappear. The delays and continuous failures of the Starliner project indicate that Boeing's R&D, experimentation, and verification systems face serious management problems.
I don't know how Boeing plans to bring the two astronauts back. The luckiest thing is that the spacecraft returns successfully after repairs and diagnosis, and the worst thing is that a bigger failure occurs.
But in any case, the first docking of the Starliner and the ISS is by no means a milestone, but a monument to failure.


Right now the global image of US with regards to space exploration is entirely propped up by SpaceX Boeing is a total disgrace


@Chris Wong
Damn! Would you consider flying in any Boeing aircraft now?


If the Starliner suffer same fate as Columbia, it would result in bigger problem to Boeing.


@Abid Ahmed
Corporate greed exceeds human considerations. Capitalism without safeguards is always EVIL. We are responsible for our future


@Chris Mugglestone
You loose a chunk of credibility when you mention the landing gear issues. All of these have involved old Boeing planes, and can not be put down to Boeing themselves. The latest incident involved a type of plane Boeing haven't made for 20 years. If I take my 15 year old car to get the tyres changed and one of the wheels falls off when I'm driving home, is that a black mark for Ford?
Now I'm not saying Boeing are not having big issues, but please don't spout the mainstream media narrative that lixs in totally unrelated incidents to further the “Boeing Bad” narrative.


@Marc Hopkins
In addition, there is/was no Dragon rescue mission to reject, so that’s BS too. I’m no fan of Boeing, and spent 10 years building both F9 and Dragon at SpaceX. When the anti-Boeing argument contains factual mistakes and fantasy, it doesn’t support an argument at all.
Boeing has huge problems. It appears that they have little control over systems integration validation, and their QC is either not doing their job, or very poorly organized to validate production.
There was always a battle at SpaceX between production and quality assurance. Just having a QC/QA department promotes dependence on it catching quality concerns. One of the more difficult tasks was convincing the production techs that there should be no QA/QC hits. The QA team is there to validate or verify the work is done to spec, not to catch problems the tech should have already identified and escalated.


For Boeing to be working to replicate the unanticipated leaks and valve failures and thruster failures on the ground says it all. These were not exhaustively tested before launch.
They’ve got to step up their systems integration testing, and edge case testing.


@Mr. Bill
I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere along the lines there’s not a catastrophic failure.


@KJ Joseph
NASA should not have chosen that faulty starliner with ambiguous safety records……


@W. T.
This makes me incredibly sad. My dad, before he passed away, spent almost his entire career working for Boeing. The first aircraft he worked on was the 747. Back when he joined, it was truly great.
And then they bought McDonnell Douglas, and for some unfathomable reason, the personnel and corporate culture of Douglas took over the company, and Boeing has been on a decline ever since. My dad was fighting the decline the whole way, but there wasn’t very much he could do.

这让我无比悲伤。我父亲在去世之前几乎整个职业生涯都在波音公司工作。他参与设计的第一架飞机是 747。当他加入时,这架飞机确实很棒。

@Aya Shawn
All the people involved in the Boeing 747 deserve respect. They did the best they could with the technology at that time, perfectly balanced technology, cost, and reliability, and created an industrial miracle in human history.
Salute to your father.

所有参与波音 747 的人员都值得尊重。他们用当时的技术做到了最好,完美平衡了技术、成本和可靠性,创造了人类历史上的工业奇迹。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Drac Zagato
It is a signal-point in history, indicating that commercial spaceflight is becoming more and more of a reality; a *second* company has docked a capsule with the space station, no mean feat.


@Penelope Bailey
Saying that docking the Boeing Starliner capsule with the International Space Station is a `` real milestone ' is a huge statement because it marks a crucial turning point for the future of human space exploration . It signifies a successful return to a capability that was previously lost after the retirement of the Space Shuttle program , allowing the US to independently transport astronauts to and from the ISS . This achievement represents a major step forward in the development of a robust and reliable commercial space transportation system , paving the way for a more diverse and competitive space exploration landscape . By successfully docking with the ISS , Boeing has proven its ability to contribute significantly to the long-term goals of NASA and the international space community . This accomplishment not only underscores Boeing 's technical prowess but also strengthens the US 's role as a leader in space exploration . The success of the Starliner program signals a renewed commitment to venturing beyond Earth and pursuing further ambitions in space , ultimately paving the way for future missions to the Moon , Mars , and beyond .
Oh, the above content is from Boeing. What I actually want to say is: Let Boeing die.


@Steven Kaschuk
If I was Trump I'd fire Boeing. First rule don't fix what's not broke. SpaceX has sent dragons up there for how long. It should have never left the launch pad with helium leaks. Hopefully SpaceX already got a plan in place and pretty soon they're going to have to go up and rescue them.

SpaceX 已将龙飞船送上太空多久了。它不应该因氦气泄漏而离开发射台。
希望 SpaceX 已经制定好计划,很快他们就必须上去营救他们。

@Wallace Stalker
Quite possibly forever no fix. The Starliner project is over on everything: Budget, development time, etc. At the same time, a capsule was sent up that, clearly to most observers, wasn’t man ready. This is a congressional and DOJ investigation in the making. I would, right now, be asking for the resignation of the NASA director.


@J. P.
Studied Physics & Astrophysics at The University of Texas at AustinJul 2
Boeing has been having some engineering / quality control issues lately, so it’s anyone’s guess.
TBH, even if they or an independent agency said that all the issues were identified and resolved, you still couldn’t pay me enough to get into one of their spacecraft.


@Scott Suhr
They will figure it out. Their methodology is just not as efficient as SpaceX’s. Regardless, there are plenty of redundancies so if there is a glitch, the mission will still succeed.


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