2024-07-24 冲动的小李 18675
@Amber Zhan
Most ordinary people don't care about history, politics and international affairs. People only care about their work, life, emotions and disputes. Therefore, most of the impression of the country comes from general education and media influence. Look at the map in Korean books, you can understand why this phenomenon occurs.


@Wander Everywhere
It’s true. Because they have many such kind of maps.


@Wei Cheng
This is an ad posted by a company claiming they are getting more attention globally, not an actual map.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Qiaon Qaa
Kim Jong Un will be furious. wkwkwk


The external manifestation of extreme inferiority is extreme boasting.


@Wander Everywhere
The below is the map posted by S.korea SBS TV channel. Should admit that SBS is very cunning cuz they didn’t exaggerate so ridiculous as above but still they stealthily amplify their land in the map from 1 to 2x.


Here is the real normal map.


Compare these two maps.


Apparently, South Korea is intentionally and systematically distorting their map to mislead his people just as what they’re doing on stealing culture and history from his neighbors.


They could brainwash and cheat their people but couldn’t deceive the other people in the world.

@Sean Landy دانشجوی چینی 陆

poor Japan, looks like a random island like New Zealand in the map…..


@@Wei Cheng
That’s just 3 places on the map (Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea) highlighted and put close to show the audience where they are talking about.


Education is important in a country, and apparently Korea is terrible at it.


U are right.


@Yichen Yin
How can Korea be terrible at history while they can simply invent it?


Since they don't teach Chinese characters in Korea, young Koreans don't know real history. Korean history books are written in Chinese characters.


@Yichen Yin
Didn't get it?I mean some of their history is invented, not recorded.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Joe Dart
Yes - this is a picture of it.


@Wander Everywhere
Yes, they are doing this intentionally and systematically.


@Shu Liu
Really amusing. No wonder why they always claim Chinese things as theirs.


@Hu Shi xiong
I don't think the sane ones do


The ones that do, especially on quora don't talk normally


This is what gives them the ego.


I dont know if your being sarcastic or actually curious cuz the map is clearly exaggerating the size of Korea like I think it says its some type of design thing or smthn in the book, Koreans use normal world maps like anywhere else.


@Wander Everywhere
The below is the map posted by S.korea SBS TV channel. Should admit that SBS is very cunning cuz they didn’t exaggerate so ridiculous as above but still they stealthily amplify their land in the map from 1 to 2x.


Here is the real normal map.


Compare these two maps.


Apparently, South Korea is intentionally and systematically distorting their map to mislead his people just as what they’re doing on stealing culture and history from his neighbors.


They could brainwash and cheat their people but couldn’t deceive the other people in the world.


damn I think you might have a point with the photo above but still I think it was likely created bigger to show the locations better in Korea, and I doubt the South Korean media wants to intentionally make people think Korea is bigger than it is because most people in Korea know its a pretty small country like if you search 세계지도(world map in korean) in korea it doesnt show anything with an enlarged korea.
Below is also a photo of the world map from a Korean textbook
which has Korea correctly scaled.
This answer sums it up really well in my opinion


@@Wander Everywhere
Thank you for telling us some other side story. But just as you said, man would be more easily influenced by the media rather than the textbooks. Suppose I were a South Korean, I watch episode of running man in SBS TV show, I read some advertisment from the newspaper, and all the Korean map has been intentionally enlarged, of course I will get the idea that South Korea is so big! And this process is silently and imperceptibly implanted into your brain. The implanting of such distorted knowledge leads to the arrogance and ignorance. I was once debating with a South Korean in Quora because he wrote an answer saying that South Korea was the start point of ancient silk road. Then I asked him: how do you plant so many mulberry trees since your barren land is so small and so cold in the winter? I said “barren land” didn't mean to offend you but it's true that even now you couldn't make cabbages self-sufficient and should rely on China. why the merchants from the far west to pass through the long territory of China to reach your pennisula to buy silk while they could actually be very easy to get these goods in the western area of China? I don’t want to repeat here his bulls**t sophism. What intrigued me is why this guy, a self-called retired policeman, could produce such ridiculous idea? Then I saw the intentionally exaggerated Korean maps. And I understood. If a man grew up at the atmosphere of such as “Korea is big in geography”, no strange this kind of guy would have the delusion of SOUTH KOREAN INVENTS EVERYTHING. Feel you’re a rational South Korean, so I wrote so long to reply you and hope you could know the other people’s perspective on South Koreans.

谢谢你告诉我们另一个故事。但是正如你所说,人更容易被媒体而不是教科书影响。假设我是一个韩国人,我看SBS电视节目中的《Running Man》的一集,我看报纸上的一些广告,所有的韩国地图都被故意放大,当然我会觉得韩国很大!这个过程是悄无声息地植入你的大脑中的。这样的扭曲知识的植入导致了傲慢和无知。我曾在Quora上与一个韩国人辩论过,因为他写了一篇文章说韩国是古代丝绸之路的起点。

@Amber Zhan
Thank you for your answer and I’m really curious. I’ve never been to South Korea and is planing a trip there next year.


@Wander Everywhere
Good luck. But many tourists back from S.Korea criticized they’re the very disgusting xenophobic racists unless you’re a Caucasian.


It's funny how the Korean government and media educate the Korean people like this


@Kevin Lim
It’s just a simple emphasis lol, simply stressing: “we’re HERE!” Why should be so mad at this? I mean, do you sincerely believe that Koreans believe that their country is as big as that picture? Then, which is more stupid, few Koreans who believe that they are large, or people who believe that most Koreans trust this bullshit? I see nothing but a group of people who try to be smart and logical just to hate Korea more and more.

这只是一个简单的强调哈哈,仅仅是强调:“我们在这里!” 为什么要对此生气?我的意思是,你真的相信韩国人相信他们的国家有那么大吗?那么,哪个更蠢,是少数相信他们国家很大的韩国人,还是那些相信大多数韩国人信这个胡说八道的人?我只看到一群试图聪明和逻辑的人只是越来越讨厌韩国。

@Lucas Tracy
For thousands of years, Korea has been a vassal state of China. Later, China declined and Korea became a colony of Japan. After the end of World War II, it was called the mistress and colony of the United States. Because it has developed rapidly as a mistress of the United States, Koreans will definitely whitewash their unbearable history. In short, Korea has always been dependent on big powers, and Korea is a poor place, which has created the extreme inferiority of Koreans, leading to the ignorance and arrogance of Koreans. Inferiority, ignorance, and arrogance, these qualities have also led to Korea stealing other countries' culture, history, food, celebrities, etc. everywhere, and have led to Koreans fabricating history and exaggerating their own strength. So, do you still think it is strange that Koreans do such things? Finally, I think they know that their country is small, otherwise they would be too stupid!


@Wei Cheng
Let’s get real, you are just trolling because no sane people would believe that’s an actual map. Just in case you genuinely believe so though, when somene draws their country big like that, it means they want to show that they are proud to be a person from that country, not that they think their country is actually thay big.


@HarrY LEE

Sorry, but wrong entry point in criticizing Korea. Quite the opposite. If anything, many Koreans love to exaggerate how small they are - both in land and in population. Those excessively proud Koreans love to think of themselves as having inherited a tiny, god-forsaken strip of land at the end of Asia - with harsh weather conditions, inarable terrains made of mountains, zero natural resources, facing three hostile powers to the north, two nuclear superpowers including you, China, to boot - and yet they achieved economic prosperity. It is precisely in this sharp contrast that is the source of their pride. For what is so special about inheriting a big land from your ancestors? You have earned nothing on your own. What is so magical about beating a country in football that is 15 times smaller in population than you? Nil. Rien. Nichts. 無. You Chinese never get it, do you? Korean vice is not in thinking how big they are geographically; it is in teaching and thinking far more diminutive in size than Korea really is, to induce harder work and efforts from the population, to block any spirit of complacency from slipping in, and to make any achievement appear all the more miraculous. All Korean children learn, ad-nauseam, that Korea is such a weak and small country (弱小國) and the handicap can only be overcome through their own sweat and tears. This self-deprecating rhetoric has continued to this day. So when you see a map that depicts Korea smaller than real, bring that to me - for that would signify Korean exaggeration and imply hubris.

@Eric Lee
Originally the Korean territory included also North Korea and also even small parts of what is currently Northeast coastal China . The ancient kingdom of Gojoseon and then Goguryeo included small parts of what is now China .
But of course, the overly arrogant and proud members of my fellow countrymen would like to believe in revisionist history and think that it was Ancient China instead who controlled those current territories. They’ll even just claim that the Mongolians who successfully invaded and took over during the Yuan Dynasty “became” Chinese themselves. I mean, definitely you could say that the descendants of the Mongolian commanders and soldiers who slept with Chinese women and men did become Chinese eventually. But the actual Mongolian invaders themselves definitely weren’t Chinese, they were Mongolian.


@Dang Yeon Sim
This is my latest article talk about the comparison between South Vietnam and South Korea in 50s and 60s and present today, please, read it when you have time, thank you very much:
Dang Yeon Sim's answer to Was South Vietnam more developed overall than South Korea in the 1950s-60s? This question compares the entirety of each country, not just Saigon and Seoul.


Another great answer. Undoubtedly VN was more prosperous than Korea after Korean War and before Vietnam War because Korea was a pile of rubble.


@Dang Yeon Sim
No, 1954 to 1975 is Vietnam War. South Vietnam was more developed than South Korea despite the war was going on until United States and Alliance withdrew their army from South Vietnam in 1973 due to Joe Biden and Democratic Party in United States cut off the military support for Republic of South Vietnam that led to the the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. South Vietnam followed the democratic and election regime too early when communist never stopped to invade and dye entire Asia in red, they were luckier than South Korea at the time but now, Vietnam is way more worse luck than South Korea and any other Asian countries due to the rule of Vietnamese communist.


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