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Charles Cassini
Ruling an empire that stretched far more to the east than it did westward, and with Rome being very much on the empire’s westward side, it made sense to find a more central place so that communication and military control could be made more effective. Besides, the infrastructure of Rome itself had become too constricted to serve as the empire’s capital and Byzantium offered a number of advantages for defense, expansion and development which the old capital did not.


Mithrandir Istari
The simple answer is: it wasn’t divided. Officially Rome was a single empire, what they did was to administer it separately. Current historians, for easiness, refer to the “Western and Eastern Roman Empire”, even they refer the “Eastern” one as “Byzantine Empire”, just because Constantinopolis was founded where the ancient city of Byzantium existed, although they were still “romani”.


Why they decided to separate administration? Because of internal conflicts and lose of economic power. That lead to constant invasions from barbarian tribes, and eventually (with some clever influence from “the Eastern” side) “the Western” side fell. Then the remaining Roman Empire set to reconquer all the Mediterranean territories lost, which they achieved just to finally fall to the Ottomans.


Father of History
The Roman Empire officially split into Eastern and Western empires in the year 284 CE. This division was the result of several factors, including political and economic instability, military weakness, and territorial disputes. The empire had grown too large to be effectively governed from one central location, and the division allowed for the creation of two separate administrative centers. Additionally, there were cultural, religious, and linguistic differences between the Eastern and Western regions of the empire, which further contributed to the split. The division of the Roman Empire was a gradual process that took several decades to fully develop, but it ultimately led to the establishment of two distinct empires that each had their own unique characteristics and challenges.


Charles Brown
Diocletian decided that the Empire was too large to be ruled using the technology available at the time. His solution was two realms bound at the top by agreements between the emperors. As it turned out, the emperors were too headstrong to agree.


Lindsay Hall
There had been from already almost immemorial antiquity before Diocletian’s (late 3rd-century) era a socio-linguistic and demographic fault-line in the Empire (stretching from what are now Syria to Portugal): one consequence of Alexander’s conquests (600 + years before) in Anatolia and the middle east caused κοινή (koine) Greek to be the language of government, of business, of ‘international’ communication—hence everyone’s second language, rather like Internet English today. Incidentally, that’s the reason the New Testament is in Greek.


This was long before the Romans got anywhere near the territories in question (mostly in the 1st century BC). And Romans had already been long used to Greek culture, and bilingualism, thanks to the Greeks’ colonisation, going back even further than Alexander’s time, to the 7th and 6th centuries BC, in Sicily and southern Italy.


This fault-line is still observable today: Croatia is culturally and historically Catholic, and uses the Latin alphabet; Serbians speak more or less the same language, but are religiously orthodox, and write it in Cyrillic. In the lamentable Bosnian war, an area called Krajina was prominent in the news as a focus of fighting. Its name is a linguistic cousin of German Grenze, and means ‘frontier’.


A distinct echo of ancient history still resounding, though ill-understood, to this day.
After centuries of mis-management by incompetent predecessors, Diocletian realised that a more practical apparatus of government was needed than the idea that Rome alone could govern. He probably had other motives, but (in comparison to most of the other Emperors) he had at least a fairly good understanding of what administration calls for.


Andrew Baird
It didn’t.
It was one Empire with two Emperors.


The technical term is a Diarchy, which basically means “The Rule of Two”. The most famous example of a Diarchy (that is recognised as such) is Sparta.
Now, as to why it needed to become a Diarchy? well, the Tetrarchy hadn’t worked, because of the squabbling of the different Augusti and Caesari, but the Empire nonetheless was too large and had too many flashpoints and concerns for one person to even hope to begin tackling. And so it was decided there would be two emperors, so that the Empire would (theoretically) have a focused military command that only had to worry about one or two things at once.


It is worth noting that the Empire maintained the institution of Diarchy for most of it’s history after Constantine I, which the designated heir being made Co-Emperor, right up to Ioannes xiII Palaiologos, who made his brother Konstantinos Dragases-Palaiologos Symbasileios and regent in 1437. Ioannes is the last Emperor to do this, primarily because Konstantinos didn’t really have time to do anything more than die defending his capital.
Well, that and his remaining brother were horrifyingly untrustworthy, and as such undeserving of being elevated.


Bruno Seixas
The Roman Empire split into two in the 4th Century because it was suffering from literally every crisis you can imagine, since the 3rd Century. The situation got better in the beggining of the 4th Century, but this huge crisis has never been overcome. In the meantime, barbarians were trying to raid the Empire (for obvius reasons) and when they realized Rome was in deep water, they seized the opportunity and so the invasion attempts began. At some point during this security crisis, the romans realized their territory is way too long to defend it properly, and someone came up with the idea of splitting the empire. They did that somewhere between 360–380 (I don’t remember correctly), but it was valid only for the administration (AKA 2 Emperos govern two different parts of the empire), so, in theory, the Roman Empire was still one up to this point.


Unfortunately for the western part, in 395, this division became political, meaning the empire was broken into two. With a lot of invasions happening, and with little to no support of the eastern side whatsoever, the western part “quickly” fell apart in 476. Meanwhile, the Eastern part became the Bizantine Empire, and came to an end in 1453, more than a thousand years after it’s foundation.
Hope you liked the answer! Bye!


Uroš Nedeljković
Even in the times of Roman tetrachy, it was obvious that one ruler couldn’t handle a huge empire like Roman, so even then, a lot before the actual split there were ideas about it.


The main cause for it was to establish order and stability Roman Empire had back in its best days. Also difference between people in the western and eastern part of the empire was bigger and bigger. Western Romans were influenced by people they were surrounded with-Gauls, aswell as some colonies. They were speaking Latin language. On the other hand, we have the eastern part, which was influenced by Egyptians, Jews, Greeks, who partially stayed to live in the Empire.


So, Theodosius I, in the year of 395 (4 years after forbidding all religions but Christianity) decided to split the Roman Empire into two halves. The border was from Singidunum to bay of Boka. Western part was given go his younger son, Honorius (who was stutgering or had mental issues, probably both), because that part od the Empire was easier to lead. Eastern part was given to his older son, Arcadius. Capitals were Rome and Constantinople.


Unfortunately they weren’t very good leaders, they were in shadows of barbarians who were making decisions instead of them. Not long after that, Rome was taken over by Visigoths in 410 for a while and then by Vandals in 455, first two times after over a thousand years. Barbarians started coming into Western Empire’s teritory and making their own kingdoms. Last Western emperor was Romulus Augustulus, who was dethroned by Odoacar.

不幸的是,他们并不是很好的领导者,他们处于蛮族的阴影之下,蛮族们代替他们做决策。不久之后,罗马在公元410年被哥特人占领了一段时间,然后在455年被汪达尔人占领,这是过去一千多年来的头两次。蛮族开始进入西部帝国的领土并建立自己的王国。最后一位西部帝国皇帝是Romulus Augustulus,他被Odoacar废黜。

As far as Eastern Empire goes, it continued to exist as Byzantine Empire defending Europe from many threats like Persians and especially Arabs. They were conquered by Ottoman Empire in 1453 which was led by Mehmed the Conqueror.


Alfred Medolli
it’s universally known that the division was made for easy administration. In 395 AC, with the death of the emperor Theodosius, he left the two parts of the empire to his sons Arcadius and Honorius: the first had the Eastern part, the second the tormented West. From this moment and on, the division remained definitive forever. There were the same laws, but two distinctly separate courts, two administrations, and two armies. The unitary ideology has survived, but in fact it has bowed to the concrete needs of the present . In meanwhile , other historical facts will take over. The Eastern part was thriving, the Western one was undergoing economic decline , the weakening of central government and demographic decay. In particular, mismanagement and corruption was blatant .


The internal political situation worsened when the Germanic populations were forced by the Huns to reach the Roman borders to save themselves, events between bad governance and indifference culminated with emperor Valens death in the battle of Adrianople. This mass often hostile and unmanageable peoples sought settlements following the Roman routes and occupied entire cities. They also acquired large to autonomy and power, and Theodosius did nothing but manage the situation with lasting peace treaties by paying substantial tributes to cease hostilities.


It can be added also in the late antiquity in the East, Christianity successfully rooted in the Greek language, while in the West, Greek-Roman polytheism still dominated. This would lead, among other things, to religious division and the inevitable clash between Rome and Constantinople at the Battle of the Fridigus River.


Steven Bibby
It was simply too large ! Due to the vast expanse it was simply impossible to govern all the provenances in a central seat in Rome.
Therefore emperor Diocletian divided the empire into two halfs. Easten which was governed out Byzantinium ( later Constantinople) and the West which was governed in Rome.
Hope i helped.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gianluca Pica
There were many reasons, but mainly in that period the Roman Empire was really in danger because it was too large, with many cultures, populations, politacal leaders and generals who tried to obtain more power, economic difficulties and more over...so, the Empire lived a cruel period, in which its borders were in danger due to the Barbarians. So the Emperor Teodosio, after a first political division decided by Diocletian at the beginning of the III century, who created the figures of the two Augustus and their vices, the Caesars, decided the split of the Roman Empire

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Miguel Corazao
It originally started with Diocletian. During the third century the Empire nearly fell apart because of evening problems. Aurelius pulled the Empire back together and then Diocletian initiated numerous reforms to stabilize the Empire. Among other things he created east/west administrative divisions. It was still one empire but it was led separately by different emperors. Constantine later did away with these divisions. But then Theodosius’ sons reintroduced the split when they inherited the Empire. At that point the two halves of the Empire went their own ways, to the detriment of the Western Empire.


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