2024-07-25 龟兔赛跑 4976

What is it like to move from India to the US?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ben A. Wise
I moved to the US from Auroville in Tamil Nadu after having lived in India for the better part of a decade and learning both Hindi and Tamil. I wanted to become a professional furniture maker and I found a great woodworking school in the Pacific Northwest. India doesn’t currently have a good woodworking school.
The first thing I noticed when I landed in Seattle was a kind of flatness. In India there was always something interesting happening: temple music or some raucous festival; cows sprawled on the side of the road; oil lamps outside of everyone’s houses at night; a snake or scorpion found in the backyard; a sadhu with a navel-long silver beard dressed in ochre; pounding monsoon rains that forced you to stay at home; men and women by the sides of the road selling fresh produce from their backyard; coconut stands in the street. Oh and mangos. Succulent, golden-fleshed mangos.


And apart from that there was something tingling and crackling in the atmosphere, some indefinable masala that infused everything with magic and wonder, like an electric field.
I had a lump in my throat as I drove out from the airport, wide quiet roads where everyone obeyed traffic, spindly-green conifers stretching to the horizon. It was beautiful, but I felt like I missed something. I missed the liveliness of India. I doubted myself. Did I make the right decision? Was this worth it?


When we settled in our rented house it took months until I got to know all our neighbors. They were nice people but they kept to themselves mostly. In India my neighbors and I had our front doors open most of the time, and our kids ran freely into each other’s houses and played together. They could even choose in which home to have lunch. In the US I only spoke with my next-door neighbor on one side after nine months.
After a while something began to settle. The school was professional and teachers intelligent; I was learning what I had wanted to learn. I had tried apprenticing with local woodworkers in India, but their level had been disappointing, crude and unrefined.


I also appreciated the vastness: the sense that I have all the space I could ever want and that no one could intrude it. I liked how clean everything was, how efficient; how there were no powercuts; how the ferries and any other form of public transportation ran on schedule, and how all the things I needed were always available.
And I liked how manual labor was honored and not disdained like in India. Not everyone was rushing to find a job in an air-conditioned office—there was pride in being able to make or repair things with one’s hands, even if other jobs paid more.


But I dreamt about India in the nights. About the red soil, the maddening call of the common cuckoo, the honking of peacocks; about the unbridled hope of people in the face of seemingly insurmountable problems. I dreamt about the warmth and ease of people and about the spiritual vibration that seemed to permeate the land itself, that nourished a deep part of myself I had only discovered in India.
I didn’t miss the filth, the pollution or the stench; or the unreliability of everything.
I felt torn—I wanted India but with the orderliness and cleanliness of the US. Or I wanted the US but with the magic and wonder of India.
In short, I wanted something impossible.


Alan W
I’ve always had the EXACT same feelings when coming back to Europe from India. I never stayed that long, but the longest was 8 months
The all-pervading underlying spiritual vibration of India, the colourfulness of life, the beauty of its people in all shapes and forms, the proximity of kindred souls, and yes, the red soil of Auroville! On the other hand the clean environment and clean air in Europe, quiet roads, the vastness and freedom of having all the personal space one wants, the quality, efficiency and comfort of the material aspects of life...
Yes, hard or indeed impossible to reconcile.


Ben A. Wise

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jenny Hawkins
This brought tears to my eyes. I too have lived all over the world and only someone who has left their home and culture behind and felt that loss and sense of displacement can even begin to understand how disorienting it can be at first. There are so many aspects of culture we take for granted that are unspoken and it is so easy to realize you don’t even know what you don’t know. I have nothing but the deepest admiration and respect for anyone willing to make that move and take that kind of chance to make their life better. More power to you. America is lucky to have you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Revathy Punithan
“I wanted India but with the orderliness and cleanliness of the US. Or I wanted the US but with the magic and wonder of India. In short, I wanted something impossible.”
You clearly defined what's running in the back of my mind ALL THE TIME. Sometimes for this very reason, I feel I am unfit to live in this world. But sometimes, I am happy cause I have seen the best of both the worlds. Thank you for speaking my mind.


Ben A. Wise
Thanks for sharing, Revathy. I’m surprised so many people have been able to resonate with this answer….


Vivek Parupudi
The magic in India is created from chaos of daily life and finding our way happily through the chaos. Can this be juxtaposed with a calm and laid back life, a derivative of development?


This is very similar to my sentiments when I left Nigeria to study in England. England was peaceful scerene but incredibly lonley. Connecting with people in England was a herculian task unlike back home in Nigeria, you could not just strike a conversation with a random person making friends or more accurately aquintances takes a lot of time as the British are generally private and suspicous of new people


Ben A. Wise
Yes, very much agreed, Caleb.


Rozalin Mohanty
This is so beautifully articulated. I felt overwhelmed after reading your post because it so perfectly describes the 'reverse culture shock' I always get when I return from my long annual holidays in India where I was born, to Singapore where I live. You can imagine just how much more pronounced these feelings were for me- Singapore is much more orderly and quiet than the US!


Growing up I never knew how to pinpoint what exactly it was that made me so sad about leaving India in particular. For the first few days it just felt like giant arms had plucked me out of a lively party and thrown me into a silent cell. I'm not even kidding- but depression is mostly in your own head so that's how I perceived the contrast in my surroundings. And then there would be the same longing. “What if… there were a country with the X of India and the Y of Singapore?” I still hope for a better India in the years to come so that I might go and live there independently one day.
Fortunately, these negative feelings and wishful thinking vanished when I got busy with work and had no time to think about anything else.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ben A. Wise
Hi Rozalin, thank you for the comment. It’s difficult for me to imagine the contrast growing starker, i.e. with Singapore being even more orderly and quite and clean than the US.
Your descxtion of leaving and the depression is beautiful. That’s how I felt the first time I came back to Israel from India….


Tara Ramanan
Beautifully articulated!! I completely agree. When I came to the US to study, I felt the same thing. There was too much order and everything followed a very predictable routine in the US. It made it a little … um… ‘boring’. In India there was always something ‘intetesting’ going on. Even catching a bus had that little bit of a challenge to your day. Will I be able to get on the crowded bus? Will the traffic allow me to reach on time? When will the bus be here? And accomplishing small things just made the day more interesting because I can't predict them. But I don't miss the pollution and the garbage of India. I love having the convenience and efficiency of services and facilities in the US. It the US everything is ‘too convenient’ and clean. But the ‘hi how are you’ greetings seemed forced because in reality people valued privacy and their space too much. I too wish that there was a balance between both of these!!


Ben A. Wise
Haha! Yes, I can relate!


Jay Patel
Thanks a lot for this answer! You’ve described exactly how Indian immigrants/expats feel about moving to a developed country.


Ben A. Wise
Thanks for the comment! I’m surprised it seemed to capture a somewhat universal sentiment…


Jay Reeves
Well written, honest and unbiased. I lived in Tamil Nadu for 5 years though I am from Kerala.
I am now based in London; at least for the next few years I will be staying here.
This is not America but I do share your concluding notes. I want an India which is clean, which honours craftsmanship and manual labour, more clean and less smelly, a reliable transportation system, and a little bit more order in the chaos.
I miss everything about India. Sometime I sit back and reflect on our culture a lot. I love my country and its culture more than anything now. More than love I have grown to live with more awareness about it.
I get more comfort here. I get things done quicker, faster and effectively. With due respect to my current host, what I miss cannot the found here.


Ben A. Wise
Hi Jagadeesh, yes, I can completely relate to what you’re saying. And I especially miss the vibration that is found in Pondicherry


Shaju Edamana
Feels so nostalgic after going through your read….you definitely got a passion for writing, even can start a blog, if you do not own already….salute your positivity for not to project the poverty, malnutrition as well as corruption….you are a great human to find such a comparison which can be difficult to find even by the natives…


Ben A. Wise
Thank you, Shaju, although I also write about the disturbing things I’ve seen in India…


I can never live in a super quiet place with no one to talk to except at the work place. And discovering my neighbours after 9 months. I would rather live in my exciting chaotic unpredictable India though I hv to sacrifice the cleanliness aspect and noisy unpredictable daily life.
Btw my neighbours kids eat more of the biscuits at my house than I do. Lol.


Manjiri Kulkarni Gadekar
Wow!Your answer left me without words.I wish I could express myself so beautifully! When I came to Charlotte,USA from my home in Pune,India,the one thought that haunted me was “why did I live such a full life and come here in this soltitude?”But gradually I came to terms to the American way of life.The one thing I admire the most over here is that there is a sense of fairness in most of the people over here which is kind of missing back home.


Ben A. Wise
Hi Manjiri, I’m glad you could relate to my experience. And yes, I agree with you, there is, in certain facets, more of an evenness and quality in the US.


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