2024-07-25 echoeso- 5099

Vinnie Stamford
As someone who would only buy a Mercedes or a Toyota, with the occasional Honda, this is my personal opinion, right or wrong.
It has everything to do with the German and Japanese psyches, and how they view their prospective customers.


German people (you only have to observe them crossing the roads in London) are people who observe rules. They will read and obey then handbook that comes with their car. German car manufacturers expect this. Whatever the nationality of the buyer, the German manufacturer will expect the owner to religiously observe the service intervals for the car and not try to push those intervals beyond the limits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

With this in mind, it is possible to buy an ultra-reliable Merc/BMW/Audi/Whatever with an impeccable service history by looking for the words FULL MBSH. But prepare to get your fingers burned if yo don’t heed this advice.
Japanese manufacturers, on the other hand, just assume that every owner will ignore the advice and will abuse the motor car.. So what do they do? They make cars that will withstand any amount of abuse

考虑到这一点,可以通过寻找FULL MBSH这个词来购买一辆超可靠的梅赛德斯/宝马/奥迪/任何拥有无可挑剔的服务历史的车。但如果你不听从这个建议,准备好自讨苦吃吧。

So without obvious and extreme exceptions, most people can buy their Yaris/ Avensis/Auris/ Camry etc with certain amount of confidence, knowing it has been made to withstand not only what abuse you can give it but a whole lot more!

因此,除非有明显和极端的例外情况,大多数人可以相对放心地购买他们的Yaris/ Avensis/Auris/ Camry等车型,知道这些车不仅经得起你可能施加的折腾,而且能承受更多的压力!

Christopher McDonald
First of all, the superiority of German engineering is a modern myth. The most recent time when German quality and durability were REALLY tested—during the Second World War, in the harsh conditions of the Soviet unx—German products failed miserably. Truck engines seized up in the cold climate, tanks failed, vehicles fell apart. In many cases, the Wehrmacht was reduced to using horses in place of motorized vehicles. Shoddy products were only one of the many reasons that the Germans were chased back to Berlin and an ignominious defeat, but the fact that their vehicles failed under trying conditions doesn’t speak well for German quality or design.


It’s safe to say that no one outside Germany has the same vaunted opinion of German engineering as the Germans themselves.
Meanwhile, Japanese products like the humble Toyota HiLux seem to thrive in the harshest of conditions. Even the terrorists of Islamic State and the Taliban seemed to gravitate to Japanese products due to their durability and low maintenance.


German vehicles often seem to be over-engineered with sophisticated systems and sensors, whereas the average Japanese vehicle seems more basic in design. Where the Germans may pack more technology into an average car, Japanese manufacturers seem to focus rather on ensuring that their cars can last as long as possible with minimal maintenance.


The J.D. Power initial quality rankings are telling. Brands like Toyota and Honda tend to be near the very top of the rankings in terms of quality and owner satisfaction, whereas German brands (even luxury marques) get more middling scores. Luxury Japanese nameplates like Lexus generally score higher than Mercedes or BMW.

J. D. Power的初期质量排名说明了这一点。丰田和本田等品牌在质量和车主满意度方面往往位居榜首,而德国品牌(即使是豪华品牌)的评分则更为一般。像雷克萨斯这样的豪华日本品牌通常比奔驰或宝马得分更高。

Ivan Iliev
My family owned both Japanese cars and German cars.
First, let's discuss what I observed. Germans tend to overengineer their vehicles, while the Suzukis we owned were more practically built.
Additionally, German cars often have numerous small, delicate components such as sensors and plastic parts in the cooling system that are prone to breaking. If just one of these components fails, it can leave you stranded. These components have been known to cause issues, and they haven't been upgraded for generations.


The Suzukis we owned came from three completely different generations, yet they shared the same engine. Each time, however, the engine was improved. It seems that Suzuki's approach is not about introducing something new and fancy, but rather about continuously enhancing their existing technology.


Germany is currently heavily focused on consumerism, leading to a throwaway society. I cannot speak for Japan as I have never lived there. In Germany, people generally don't drive older vehicles on average. The cost of labor for repairs is higher compared to other countries, making it impractical to repair older cars. This realization prompts people to buy new cars earlier. In my opinion, Germany has a very anti-repair policy, although perhaps not officially. Even if you attempt to repair something, there is a lot of bureaucracy involved regarding how it should be done, where, by whom, etc. Many items out of warranty end up being either DIY projects or deemed unrepairable due to the high cost of repairs. Essentially, for companies in Germany, it seems that they only need to ensure 7–10 years of reliability.


It's one of the most debated questions: Japanese cars known for reliability, German cars famed for fancy features, but why the reliability gap? It's true, German engineering often gets the gold star for performance and innovation, but when it comes to lasting miles, Japanese cars tend to take the trophy. Why? Let's break it down:


Japan: They focus on practicality, efficiency, and keeping things simple. Like a well-oiled machine, less complexity means fewer chances for it to explode.
Germany: They focus a lot on using the latest technology, pushing boundaries, and adding extra features. Although these additional features can be impressive, they may also be delicate or sensitive.
Japan: They're sticklers for quality control. Every step of the car-making process is like a ninja warrior test, ensuring top-notch parts and flawless assembly.
Germany: While still high-quality, their focus might shift sometimes.Some parts might be a tad more finicky.


Survey Indication:
Independent surveys: They're like the car world's report cards, and Japanese brands like Toyota and Honda consistently ace the "reliability" test. German brands, while still good students, often land just behind.
Wallets love simplicity: Japanese cars generally cost less to keep running because they're easier to fix and parts are more readily available. German cars, with their fancy bits, can sometimes be like visiting a specialist doctor – pricier!
Remember, this is a friendly comparison, not a war:


There are rockstar German models like Mercedes that have upped their reliability game.
And some Japanese speed demons like the Nissan GT-R pack a punch of complexity.


Abdul Haseeb Memon
Reliability rivalry: Japanese cars shine with meticulous craftsmanship, rigorous testing, and a dash of Zen. While German engineering is top-notch, sometimes simplicity conquers complexity on the reliability track.

可靠性竞争: 日本汽车凭借一丝不苟的工艺、严格的测试和一丝禅意而大放异彩。虽然德国工程非常出色,但在可靠性赛道上,有时简单能胜过复杂。

Brent Tucker
After serving as the head of a car service department for 16 years, I can confidently say that both Honda and Toyota produce vehicles that are much more reliable than their German counterparts. This begs the question, why is that the case?


Firstly, the Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on reliability and genuine quality. This is reflected in their designs and the expectations they have from their parts suppliers. On the other hand, German culture and design focus on creating cars that can handle high speeds on the Autobahn, which is not a concern for their Japanese counterparts. As a result, German cars require a different design process that involves the use of higher performance parts. While some might call it over engineering, it is necessary to meet the daily potential uses of these cars. However, this complexity in design also increases the potential for failure points.


To illustrate this point, I was once shown by a technician the suspension parts of a Volkswagen, which had three times the number of parts compared to a Toyota of the same class and price. The reason behind this stark difference is that the Volkswagen requires these additional parts to meet the performance parameters needed for the Autobahn, whereas the Toyota does not.
In the design world, there is an axiom of keeping things simple, known as "Keep it Simple, Stupid" if you want...


Nick Nardolillo
It’s actually a rather simple answer. The German car companies more so than most other car manufacturers over engineer their cars for one main reason. Money. For a lot services you need a BMW Mercedes or Audi mechanic to do the work. Why? So you have to bring your car into their service department to get fixed. Where they can then charge you extremely high labor rates The car companies make much more PROFIT on service than they do on car sales. Japanese cars are much more reliable and their service labor costs are not only lower but non trained Toyota mechanics for example can actually repair those cars.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mazhar Khan
Having owned a bunch of German and Japanese cars throughout the years, the only thing that stood out to me was the absolutely ridiculous reliability of the Japanese cars, particularly Toyota and Lexus but also Honda to an extent. No German car from the 1990’s till date has come remotely close, period. I had a 1991 Corolla that I tried to kill but failed to. I don’t know how they do this tbh

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Michael Cohen
Its rather silly to say that German engineering surpasses that of the Japanese or that of any one else.
All machines are engineered for specific purposes. The engineering is agnostic where the marketing is concerned.


My son had a BMW three series that featured an electronic water pump required considerable disassembly of the vehicle to access. You’d never see this in a Honda, but BMW intentionally engineered it this way to solve a problem. How do you fit a six cylinder engine into a bay where a four cylinder would be tight? Well you can’t employ a reliable and easily maintained pulley system, so you tuck an electric pump in any inaccessible space you have available.


Why not have a bigger engine bay? the car must conform to particular dimensions, for marketing purposes and cost.
Do you see how the engineering is incidental to the marketing requirements?
The Japanese and Americans have different requirements and therefore employ different engineering solutions.


Luc Devriese
Most cars are reliable these days compared to 30 years ago. In Europe German cars have a good reputation with regard to reliability and unlike the US, maintenance costs are very reasonable. It is true that in the premium segment, the Germans tend to apply more technology than most other manufacturers. Some would even say that they over-engineer their cars compared to what most buyers would need in daily life. But then, some people go to a simple restaurant and others enjoy more sophisticated food and wines and are prepared to pay for that. This more complex technological content inherently may translate into being more prone to problems. Typically though, if you go for the lower end of the premium cars (say, a BMW 320i without too many options) you tend to recover, at least part, of the extra initial investment when you sell the car after 4 or 5 years and you will own a reliable car.

与30年前相比,如今大多数汽车都很可靠。在欧洲,德国汽车在可靠性方面享有良好的声誉,与美国不同,维护成本非常合理。事实上,在高端市场,德国车厂倾向于比大多数其他制造商应用更多技术。有些人甚至会说,他们在汽车设计上过于追求技术,超出了大多数消费者日常生活所需。但是,就像有些人选择简单的餐馆,而另一些人享受更复杂的食物和美酒,并愿意为此付费一样。这种更复杂的技术内容可能会导致汽车更容易出现问题。不过,通常来说,如果你选择高端车型的低端配置(比如一辆没有太多选装件的BMW 320i),在使用4到5年后卖车时,你至少能够部分回收额外的初始投资,同时拥有一辆可靠的汽车。

Nick Nguyen
German automakers are purchased for their perceived technical advantages and are increasingly leased, not purchased. Therefore, lots of effort goes into making sure that a car is visibly different for the average 3 year lease period- with BMW, they do major generational changes every 5–6 years and they do a mid cycle LCI (Life Cycle Impulse) upxe that implements numerous cosmetic and technical improvements on an existing platform that are noticeable to the target audience. It would be very difficult if not impossible to maintain reliability, affordability, and novel technical changes, so it’s mostly the reliability that suffers.


Having said that, mechanical sympathy is important and some generations of German cars actually are quite reliable and overengineered- the E90 generation of the BMW 3 series, particularly the non turbo models, are quite long lived and well made.


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