2024-07-26 骑着毛驴到处走 13107

Versus China:
We are currently behind them in Infrastructure and of course Manufacturing Base. But we are playing catch up in Infrastructure.
Why be so down trodden about Samsung setting up a factory here, even if it's the most basic assembly? Do you expect them to invest billions without doing a trial run?
Instead of comparing with China today, see China's trajectory. It took time for China to build the manufacturing base. The growth in the first phases had been slow. And then, once a threshold is passed, it accelerated.
We're in that hard phase now.


That video on Why India Is Not China is more blackpilling than an economic analysis. Having problems doesn't mean you aren't going to win—India today has been willing to solve the problems.
The guy presenting the video is misreading current problems to be unsolvable at best and is deliberately dencouncing India's potential at worst.
Point 1: Size of China's manufacturing and Point 2: India neglected manufacturing:
That's why we are playing catch up now and trying to figure out. This is a work in progress. There are several big obstacles to be tackled here and they will be tackled post-election.


Point 3: China dominates traditional manufacturing:
Steel, Cement are the examples he gave.
While stating "These are two industries vital for future economic growth."
Everything needs to be taken in context. Here, it is certainly inappropriate. China has gone down the road of overbuilding.
Its constructions are not in response to demand, do not consider sustainability. China builds for the sake of building—to keep the economy going. They see Infrastructure as another engine of economy—far too much for their good.
Now they've put themselves in a position that they CANNOT stop the scale of their buildings. Even though the demand has already diminished, the production has not.
If they really try, tens of millions will be unemployed and big companies will be thrown into chaos. A chain reaction will hit their economy. The real estate housing crisis is only a part of this bigger bubble.
India needs to scale up infrastructure and in doing so, pull up its national steel and cement champions. This is not an indicator for why India is not next China. It's a ridiculous point.


Point 4: China's share of global exports
Investments were made post 1990s that continue to bear fruit. China has made the right call and empowered its MSMEs. Hence the situation.
India is taking steps to empower its MSMEs. With the steps currently being taken, it is rational to assume our share of global exports will start rising.
Point 5: The Chinese Ecosystem
Took time to be built. India is in its nascent state of manufacturing. Indian ecosystem will also be built and it will take time, but it will be built faster than Chinese ecosystem, no doubt.


India is 10-15 Years Behind China
Of course. We wouldn't be working to catch up with them otherwise.
The youtuber points out the near stagnation of manufacturing as % of GDP. It's a correct observation for the past. But to project future off it is disingenuous without a proper study into why the stagnation even happened.
If economics is as simple as looking at a bunch of numbers and predicting future, economists would all be millionaires.
The stagnation had multiple reasons—most prominent being: lack of Infrastructure, looming banking crisis.


Point 6: India needs Chinese materials to manufacture
The youtuber is making a correct observation of an event—India imports a lot of stuff to manufacture the final product.
But he's making an incorrect projection. That India will keep doing so.
Local manufacturing for components will pick up eventually. China hasn't started doing 100% local manufacturing from day 1. It still doesn't.
Point 7: India's Infrastructure Problems
The youtuber states India's number 1 problem is Lack of Infrastructure.
That's something many can agree on. That's precisely why he shouldn't make a pessimistic projection because Indian govt is spending more and more on Infra every year. There is visible change all across the country in just 9 years. This will continue and snowball.


Note: The youtuber showed a normal road with lots of people, autos in the middle of a city while playing this part. Why? Aren't freight trains, large roads and ports more important? Poverty porn much?
The problems he raised are all ironically things that are already identified and are being improved.
India's express ways are 4,000 km compared to China's 160,000 km.
Again, this is an accurate observation of current state but is a bad, bad predictor of future. The youtuber only taken snaps and knows nothing of trajectory.
India's expressways were barely 1,000 on 2014. By end of 2024, they're going to hit 5,000. 5X in 10 years.
And two more factors to keep in mind:
1. India's land area is nearly 3 times smaller than China's.
2. China doesn't built for the sake of demand, it has long passed that point. It now builds for the sake of economy.

1. 印度的土地面积只有中国的三分之一。
2. 中国不是为了满足需求而建设的,它的建设早就超过了需求。中国现在是为了拉动经济而建设。

Point 8: India's Bueracracy
It is on PMO's agenda to fix out this problem. They have acknowledged this and if the past records say something, they might already have a plan to implement in their third term.
Point 9: India's Labor Issues
Upskilling is a thing. Again, cheap internet basically gives both the govt and private sectors a massive lever in helping upskill the youth of country. Moreover, once the manufacturing does rise, they will get skilled for the jobs.
Point 10: Technology and R&D
Indian govt and people alike acknowledge this problem. GOI has started the baby steps in this direction by establishing National Research Foundation Center.
Also, an important point to be made here: When you don't have manufacturing, you don't have much to research for.
As manufacturing grows, local champions grow, they will invest for their own benefit and an ecosystem will be formed which will help everyone.


The blackpilling folks can blackpill. The ones without confidences can live without confidence. The ones who already accepted defeat can continue to demean India on all Social Media.
The people who can see the changes happening are optimistic and find even more drive to do better in their own lives.
Bharat has a lot of problems. But it also a lot of solutions to try solve those problems.
It won't happen overnight. We'll stumble on the way. Many policies might fail, but the few that succeed and succeed spectacularly, they'll definite the trajectory and build the future of our civilizational state.


That's one of those CCP paid "white monkey" who spouts CCP propaganda. They have paid off many such "investment influencers" because Chinese coverage has become negative in mainstream business publications.


Spot on
Comparing current China with India is not a correct way to make any projections. When china started becoming manufacturing hub it was no where near to developed western powers.
When people say India might replace China, no one is saying we can replace China in 2024. It's 10-15 years in future we are talking about.
And this idiot is comparing over built high speed rail network and expressway, which are mostly Non-productive investments and a huge problem china is facing, calling it a disadvantage India is simply stupid.


Westerners are intentionally bi-polar regarding India. They swing from "India has no future, it'll collapse" to "India is the future economic superpower, it'll overtake China", even though India itself has claimed no such thing, and we simply maintain that we will have good growth and a large economy.
The effect is they create a straw man positive prediction for India, which they then disprove by saying "No, we were wrong about India's growth", creating a straw man negative argument against India.
They will not be able to constantly make these negative videos of India's future if they acknowledged that India's goal is to simply grow its economy and improve its peoples lives, while acquiring critical technology.

西方人对印度采取两极态度。他们在 "印度没有未来,它马上就要崩溃了 "和 "印度是未来的经济超级大国,它将超越中国"之间来回摇摆,尽管印度自己并没有这样声称,我们只是坚持认为我们将会拥有良好的增长和庞大的经济。
这样做的结果是,他们先为印度创造了一个夸张的积极预测,然后他们又说 "不,我们对印度增长的预测是错的",然后推翻这个预测,再为印度创造一个夸张的悲观预测。

Falcons layers
That isn't the topic, and sure we don't aim to replace them. But if we look at comparative advantages, china has the upper hand. Our manufacturing output is very low and barely growing significantly, while china's exports of just goods alone is more than our GDP.

这不是重点,当然我们的目标也不是取代中国。如果比较双方优势,明显是中国占了上风。我们的制造业产出很低,而且几乎没有大幅增长,而中国仅货物出口就超过了我们的 GDP。

Sure. I've just been seeing all these "India is not the next superpower" videos over the past 3 years Not arguing about our manufacturing disadvantages against China.

你说得对,我只是在过去三年里,不断看到 "印度不是下一个超级大国 "之类的视频,有感而发而已。我同意我们在制造业方面对中国存在劣势。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Forget standing up to China economically, we'll start making Sri Lanka and other neighbors look good.


Do you think anybody in India cares about that? The Netas and Babus live in a world of their own. Their children are more often well settled in the US and West with fancy Ivy league education.
Look at the situation of Rural schools,I find it hard to differentiate between them and schools of Congo and Somalia.No wonder most Indians drop off and never go to college and remain unskilled and end up in low paying and unproductive jobs.


Because consumption based GDP has its own pitfalls without sufficient self sufficiency in key areas. When things get anti India mode, GDP will tumble. We need Chinese, Japanese and Korean level high tech and low tech manufacturing economy as part of that GDP growth. Look at our major exports, it doesn't reflect the manufacturing side that well yet. Brands of household name are a sign of strong economies

如果不能在关键领域实现自给自足,以消费为基础的 GDP 本身就存在隐患。一旦出现 "不利于印度的状况",印度的GDP 就会下滑。我们需要中国、日本和韩国那样的高/低技术制造业作为拉动 GDP增长的引擎。看看我们的主要出口产品,反映出了印度制造业方面的糟糕状况。拥有家喻户晓的世界品牌是国家经济强劲的标志

shade said:
lol ITA-1 killed any hope of domestic PCs making it big because of cheap imports, they started and continue to centralize PC manufacturing in China, India was not export competitive back then, it isn't export competitive today in spite of Tim Apple going all-in.


another_armchair said:
Q. So why did they choose China and not some other country?
A. They chose China because()


Literally the best country to do any manufacturing, cheap labour because there are like 1 billion of them and eventual large consumer market, no trade unxs bullshittery, bent over Govt( at the time ) willing to do anything and everything to attract manufacturing, said bent over Govt also has 100% control of the country and doesn't depend on 5 year election cycles on national or state levels, Courts are also Govt controlled unlike here, which means they can build world class infra for everything, I also heard that even in the 80s their vocational training game was much better than ours, so good supply of technicians, workers etc was available from the get-go
This is the "Chinese efficiency" the goras mastrubate about.
Baki ka we have fuck all, you have worker unx chimpouts, you have random MyStEriOuS fires happening at factories, you have meme infrastructure, rail, road, ports, electricity, water, waste management( where do all the effluents from PCB manufacturing go? in your lakes and rivers ofc, directly dumped ).

因为中国是世界上最适合从事制造业的国家,劳动力便宜,因为有 10 亿左右的劳动力和庞大的消费市场,没有工会,政府(当时)愿意做任何事情来吸引企业、 我还听说,即使在上世纪 80 年代,他们的职业培训也比我们强得多,因此从一开始就能提供充足的技术人员和工人等。
这就是西方津津乐道的 "中国效率"。
而我们什么都没有,我们的工会会提各种条件,我们的工厂经常发生"神秘 "火灾,我们的 基础设施、铁路、公路、港口、电力、水、废物管理都躺在备忘录中。(知道PCB(电路板)企业生产的废水排去了哪里吗?当然是直接排在了湖泊和河流里。)

I really feel india is the wild card here. The faster india gets prosperous and a manufacturing center, the more the west can hammer Chinis. So, it is a 3 way game: the west-India-china with all others playing these big 3 markets. If india becomes prosperous rapidly, China is going to have a very tough time. Only by 2030 we will know.

我真的觉得印度是博弈的关键角色。印度越快繁荣并成为制造业中心,西方就越能打击中国。因此,这是一场三方博弈:西方-印度-中国,所有其他国家与这三大块市场博弈。如果印度迅速繁荣起来,中国的日子就不好过了。到 2030 年我们就能知道结果了。

India has not even begun its manufacturing journey. Forget China, we seem to be installing fewer industrial robots than Singapore.


This is the thing people fail to understand, without improving primary education, India will always remain a laggard and a backbencher country.
If an 18-year-old cannot do class -3 level math and cannot determine things as simple as time or read a simple sentence correctly,then there is something very wrong with the country.
Most of these rural children will never go to college, probably drop off even before completing class 10, and then end up becoming casual laborers and a huge burden on the country's fiscal resources.
And Instead of a demographic dividend,we might end up with a massive demographic nightmare.

如果一个 18 岁的孩子连 3 年级的数学都不会做,连报时间这么简单的事情都说不对,也不能正确阅读一个简单的句子,那么这个国家绝对出大问题了。
印度农村孩子中的大多数永远无法上大学,甚至可能在 10 年级毕业前就辍学,最终沦为临时工,成为国家财政资源的巨大负担。

It will take three to four decades to fix this issue and that too Government has to give its all.
Does not look bright.


And what has this government done in 10 years to start fixing this? absolutely nothing. Government schools are as broken as they were decades back with shoddy infrastructure. Go and compare the quality and infrastructure of government schools in China and with us. You will see which country actually cares about its youth. Here is a interesting thought. Rural china had a similar issue 20 years back. Rural schools barely taught stuff and many could not spell their own names. They had a long campaign to shut down rural schools and consolidate students in larger schools in towns where they can standardise quality better. It seemed to have some initial issues but this is something India needs to do in rural areas/ Most village schools in India are of garbage quality and people are increasingly sending their kids to private/church run schools.


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