2024-07-26 冲动的小李 5903

In the UK, a Somali woman named Shukri pretended to be a refugee single mother to claim benefits, but tax investigators discovered that she was actually married to a London bus driver. She immediately bought a new car and sent her children to a private school after receiving £102,000.

她领取了 102,000 英镑后买了一辆新车,并把孩子们送到了一所私立学校。

@Mike M.
What the fuck?how long was it claiming welfare to pocket 100,000 pounds? Who was overseeing this file?


@Ian Stewart
Sack them all and employ people capable of running a service fit for purpose.


@Arjan Singh
Iknow people who work hard in those departments and they are outnumbered by less than moral associates.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Ian Stewart
There you go,sack them all,reemploy the ones who “ work hard “ a d tell their less than moral associates to naff off,

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Crowley Eusford
Who will sack them mate…the higher positions are given due to ‘diversity’. It's gotten to the point where we are losing a war without them lifting a weapon just using their breeding machines.


@Ian Stewart
Totally agree,it was a hypothetical comment based on living in an ideal world.still perhaps they,ll be a nuclear war soon,if not batten down your hatches going to be an interesting 5 years,well must dash just going to purchase some security cameras and lighting.


@Owen McManus
Government Minister has the power to sack a whole civil service department, if they are not working towards the governments goals.


@Stormy Asu
They share the money to the people approving it


@Andrew Chapman
If you ever go to Corydon, as I have, and look around, you will see so few White people…. the reason is, Corydon is the central Court/Offices HUB for immigration matters in the UK…. all run by immigrants…… When I went there to plead a case of a visa for my American wife, to stay in the UK, I had to shout down an indian origin, judge, calling him a racist, because in his opinion, I/We should have paid to represent ourselves in court….. I shouted at him, I AM BRITISH…. I do not need representation in MY OWN County…… He refused the application, so I contacted Jack Straw, the Minister for Immigration at the time and got a Visa from another Englishman…… and they call me racist for even thinking that way….. So Be It.


@Denis Kirby
Like you I have had the misfortune to deal with immigration department , it was rare to speak to anyone with a British accent . A lot of solicitors dealing with visa applications were from different countries, mine was from somewhere in Eastern Europe if his accent was anything to go by. The people supervising my wifes English tests were Asian and even a Polish woman supervised her final test. Add to this the hoops and financial requirements to get leave to stay , only my age at the time stopped me from moving to Japan when we got married.


@Crowley Eusford
Just go to Japan mate. Get away from this


Racist my arse! These pricks keep using this card every time they get some heat for their own incompetence and pull the racism victim card every time. Getting old and tired now.
Now I just reply “YES! I'm a racist/fascist, whatever you say mate”


Truth is that I was never racist or racist. They made me become one! They're actions, not mine.
It's not actually because I'm racist, I'm just intolerant to the piss takers.


Seriously?? Whoever was responsible should be prosecuted!


@Wild Poppy
You mean, whoever IS responsible. Still going on…


@Cathy Rais
But of course!


@John Boluski
That is certainly one way to do it!


It's always interesting how many Muslims and immigrants are taking the piss but get overlooked, except every British person gets investigated for no reason, Whether they are aware of it or not.


@Peter Groves
Wouldn't be surprised.


@Donald McLellan
And you know this how?


@Aloysius Miskelly
Send this bitch and her whole family back to the shit hole they came from.


@Norman Rankin
Correct answer


@Christine Blanchard
Make her pay it back, FFS another scamming immigrant


@Wild Poppy
Lots of them. Why would islamic/muslim ppl come to Canada? Easy $$$. And they laugh…


@Terry McCreadie
I bet loads are at it … claiming for 6 wives 24 kids lol


@Frank Tuscany
Obviously a Muslim employee of the government!


@Arthur Jarrett
Wouldn’t be that long. A single mother gets UC for herself, her children and housing costs. Even with the two child benefit cap, this can be as much as £4/5k per month.
I once knew a guy that really milked the system. He worked full time and claimed unemployment and housing benefits and his “single mother” girlfriend had a free house and benefits for her and their child. They would have gone through £102k in no time at todays rates. They were very proud of themselves. They were also white British.


@@Maureen Butcher
Overlooked by one of their own of course


@J. Singer
Perhaps an immigrant who speaks her language?


@David Stone
When there is no inspection of claims, what do you expect


@Abaris North
The British. They imported the subjects of their former empire. Stupid move if ever there was one. The Romans also made that mistake, but hey…..go ahead and keep adhering to schools of thought that say history is bunk.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Barrie King
Kick the bitch out


@John Lonberger
They know how to game a welfare state and are proud of it. Note the purse… it’s not that on an indigent.


@Wild Poppy
Lots in Canada living off Cdn gov’t. They laugh at our easy system.


@Rick Garber
Disgusting but true!


@Paul Niedmann
You think Canada is bad? Come down to the States and then you'll really laugh they come here constantly draining our system of taxpayer dollars


@Ramesh Chohan
So the politicians in Canada are just as bad as ours turning a blind eye to ridiculous situations.


@Joanna Cooke
How do you know Shukri's pronoun is “they?”


@Miri Ohayon
Yes, they are all the same. THEY are proudly living of welfare and will cheat in any way they can


@Mike Smith
They have no qualms about taking white mans money. Yet contribute little. The German government have done a study showing immigrants like these are just a massive drain on the taxpayer. Something we all know but most governments won’t publish the stats.


@Miri Ohayon
I can tell you first hand how it is in Israel. They ALL are engaged in tax fraud. Never pay any type of tax . They do not contribute a thing to Israeli society, not even their own people, no volunteering of any kind. But, they bring oh so many children for whom , along with themselves, they get free everything, social security, schooling, medical treatments. And they suck the life out of welfare. To top it all, they are priortised over anyone in Israel in being accepted to universities, even over soldiers, and even though their academic abilities are shamingly poor- all in the name of affirmative action. Then they proudly become terrorists and blame Israel for apartheid.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@@Alex Shvarts
Unfortunately, u can just to blame native people of this country, because they voted for government, who let's this shame happen


@Charlie Hone
Mass deportation is the answer.


@Cathy Rais
Maybe she doesn’t give a F#*k what the criminals’s pronoun preference is, just like the rest of us who are sane.


Maybe “they” lied about “their” gender too


@Pat Green
I really believe that the reason so many Muslims wear all this stuff so that cross dressers can hide out and no one will know

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Karen Serbert
Cross dressers shouldn't have to hide out.

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@Roy Stone
Who gives a fuck, just another scammer


@Xavier Borel-Saladin
If the system is so stupid it can be scammed then have at it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Xavier Borel-Saladin
I don't see why I should be punished for a useless system that can so be easily taken advantage of.
I definitely don't have sympathy for a person who has been robbed, after they left their front door open.


@Steve Sixpointfive
You don’t get dim wit….when someone like her rips of the system YOU DO PAY! ….more taxes, higher insurance premiums etc etc… we all pay for the scum who rip off the system!! The system is for honest people, so yes the system does need fixing as the world is filling up with crooked cockroach scum like this!

你不会变得愚蠢......当像她这样的人撕毁系统时,你需要付出代价! ......更多的税收,更高的保险费等等......我们都为那些窃取福利的败类付出代价!这个系统是为诚实的人服务的,所以是的,这个系统确实需要修复,因为世界上充满了这样的狡猾的蟑螂渣滓!

@Phil Barry
That called sociopathic behavior.


@Joanna Cooke
No, I was trying to point out the fact that the actions of one individual should not be extrapolated to characterise a whole group. It wouldn't take me long to find a picture of a white male benefits cheat. That doesn't mean that “they” - all white males - are benefits cheats. There are plenty of logical and sensible arguments surrounding the issue of immigration: hate isn't one of them. I see I was a bit too subtle- didn't read the room. Thanks for asking.


@Polly Reah
Would you prefer ‘it’?


@Bradley Dayment
It’s “that” and “it”. As in “that scum bag”and “it steals from taxpaying Brits.” Glad to clear it up for all.


@J. Singer
Actually to be inline with their ancient lives, it would be “Thee”


@Kal Uth
Because in this context “they” is correct, at least until all this stuff about people's pronouns started.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Rodel Cruz
I can't remember anymore what's correct or wrong pronouns in grammar school. This 3rd or 4th gender system has gone too far.


@Carl Wood
Fraud! Arrest the bitch. Take back the money.


@Jackie Blair
Then send her home!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Gary Allies
Prison first !


@Helen Vertannes
No, not prison. It's too cushy, duvets on beds, curtains and cushions in cells, a menu to choose from. Send the skank and the whole family back. Ensure all the families DNA and fingerprints are on file. Permanently excluded.


@Gaz Vegas
Can't do that she's not a white English person
Just last month a white woman who was working got fined for not declaring her full income.


@Philip Gordon
A professional what, fraudster?


@Phelomina Sigamani
Send her back to Somalia.


@Aj. Raymond James Ritchie
In the Islamic mind all of that is OK because it is all tribute from the infidel. You cannot reason around such a conviction of entitlement.
When her kids graduate from the Islamic private school they were sent to their attitudes will be no different. They will be able to sponge of welfare at an even higher level because they will be articulate as well as citizens.


@Saorsa Firinn
What does that mean ‘the Islamic mind’ ?
Isn’t she just a welfare fraud like many others (including non Muslims) ?


You’re very quick to defend these people. My husband was Muslim and he used to say they were nearly all untrustworthy! Not all, but nearly all!


If you challenge then you are labelled a racist.


@Wild Poppy
He’s right! I was told that too.


@Gary Watson
You’re right, it’s not great, but is simply another welfare fraud, nothing more. But reported in a manner to trigger the xenophobes that lurk round here.


@Aj. Raymond James Ritchie
No, there is a difference. It is religiously justified and rationalised. A world of difference.


@Saorsa Firinn
That is an outright lie. It is not religiously justified in Islam
I am really tired of the stupidity of people who are so willingly passing around their own ignorance as if it is knowledge. There is a nefarious Agenda to polarize people and this is how it’s being done.
The saddest part about this, Is that all the people who are spreading this rubbish Don’t even realize that they are the victims of this agenda themselves Whilst being used to do the dirty work of the few


@Aj. Raymond James Ritchie
Sorry but I am suspicious of people (anyone) that considers themselves morally superior to me based on religious belief. Historically it does not turn out well. I know what they would do to me if they had the chance.


@Frankie King
I consider myself superior to these beasts that rape children, animals and corpses, and want to kill or enslave everyone.
They are a filthy, vile people
Death to Islam


@Saorsa Firinn
To make those kind of unfounded accusations, I would say then that you were definitely not a Christian anyway


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