2024-07-26 ◣靜♂候輪回 11372
@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Independent Legal Banking Consultant at Self-Employment14h
Every Nation or at least more than four fifth of the world's countries tax their citizens right?
Unless you are really wealthy and have very few Citizens like Qatar, you can't help it. You have to tax people.
Tax is inevitable
The Problem in India is that India is Corrupt and Dirty
So your Taxes go into a lot of junk including a worthless City in Andhra Pradesh and a lot of greedy corrupt pockets in Bihar
You ultimately get nothing for your taxes
If you see the taxes paid in percentage, people in Europe pay a large chunk in taxes and in Scandinavia you have even 55%–60% paid in taxes
Yet those people get plent of benefits like free healthcare and free education and unemployment benefits


Let's forget all those western Nations and look at China
Chinese people pay quite a lot of tax
An Average Chinese household pays almost 43.44% of their income in taxes , direct plus indirect
The Average Indian Household only pays 31.79%
The problem is the Chinese get a lot of stuff for their taxes
Portion of their taxes returns to them after 55 through a State Pension for Life
Portion of their Taxes goes to state health insurance which ensures hospitalization for 90% diseases incurs an out of pocket of maximum 30% with no extra premium. Employer Insurance could reduce this to as low as 5%
Education is free for the first 9 years and a paltry 2000 RMB for the next 3 years
University Education is subsidized between 40% to 100% depending on the province plus 20 year interest free loans are granted for Tuition, Rooming & Food
Doctorate and Post Doctorate Studies are fully free and stipend is provided by the state in addition to any private stipends
The State funds a lot of research and development helping China with EV Batteries and other critical areas
The Average Indian Household gets nothing
Thats because our tax money is spent on :-
Interest payment for borrowed debts on worthless infrastructure
Money to encourage corruption
Paying basic bills
Feeding 80 Crore people in a Nation with 31 Crore officially poor people
When we get nothing, paying taxes seems pointless
So it's the system
Overhauling the gutter system is critical here
Otherwise the other solution is to go and be loyal to another country, one that rewards you better


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Rahman Mohammed Abdul
Mind you, we also pay taxes for the various costumes our Supreme leader changes into.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Karthikeyan Rajagopal
Yes, our taxes goes to daughter, sons, grand sons, great grand sons, son-in-laws of leaders as well.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah and around 18% filth of India’s population breed like mosquitoes thinking its god given… the tax payers pay for their welfare as they are the congress vote bank. Also these namak haram’s are a threat to the country, so a huge amount is spent on safe gaurding against the very own snakes raised within. How unfortunate.

是的,大约 18% 的印度人口像蚊子一样繁殖,认为这是上帝赐予的……纳税人为他们的福利买单,因为他们是国会的选票库。此外,这些宗教圣地也对国家构成威胁,因此花费了大量资金来安全防范内部饲养的蛇。多么的不幸。

You forget to add Bihar, UP Hindus to the list.


Is it true that in western countries like USA, income tax is 40%?


Depends on state but yeah you do have income tax reaching 40%.
But you also have social security. If you pay taxes for 10 years you get lifetime social security.

取决于州,但所得税确实达到 40%。

@Bicycling Enthusiast
That’s only federal tax which tops out at 37%. State tax like in California tops out at 12.3%. You also have social security and medicate tax.

这只是联邦税,最高税率为 37%。像加利福尼亚州这样的州税最高可达 12.3%。您还有社会保障和药品税。

@Zane Liu
Western countries, yes. USA no.
The US is an exception among the West in its low tax rates, especially corporate taxes. It makes up for it by having one of the highest cost-of-living requirements in the world.
Forbes indicates the average US credit card debt is $6218 (as of Q1 2024), with roughly 400,000 bankruptcies (as of 2023) according to Debt.org. Student loans typically take 10 years to pay off (although an increasing number of people are opting for the 25-year plan now) while home buying can’t even be approved except for the top 25% of married households (single people need to hit the top 7% to qualify). 40% of Americans can’t even come up with $400 in the event of an emergency.
It is known that European countries are quite different. There’s a reason why many of them call the US “a poor country with rich people”. There’s a lot more state welfare in Europe, while in the US you’re completely on your own when shit hits the fan.

Debt.org 的数据显示,《福布斯》指出,美国平均信用卡债务为6,218 美元(截至 2024 年第一季度),大约有40万例破产(截至2023年)。学生贷款通常需要10年才能还清(尽管现在越来越多的人选择25年计划),而购房甚至无法获得批准,除了顶层25%的已婚家庭(单身人士需要达到前7%才有资格)。 40%的美国人在紧急情况下甚至拿不出400美元。

@Bicycling Enthusiast
If your income is high enough, the marginal tax rate in California is well over 50%.


@Keshav Kaundal
Income tax. Is paid by 2to 3 percent of population that too by salaried class

所得税。由 2% 至 3% 的人口支付,也由工薪阶层支付

@Piyal পিয়াল
Many people thought if Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia do not tax their people on anything how their government earn money? Simple By Business. Some seems amaze that Etihad, Qatar Airways are fully Government owned Companies, Oil and many service industries are owned by their government fully or Partially. Government Ownership of Assets or Investment is not bad thing . The Government Management of Companies is not efficient. Increasing State owned enterprises and making them profitable is good and ethnical way to reduce taxes. China, Gulf Countries singapore followes this.


Is there any political party in India which is not corrupt? Are there any state, be it Bihar or Tamil Nadu, in India where political corruption does not exist? Is there any politician in India who is not corrupt? What is the solution for all these corruption? How to stop corruption by politicians? Rich are becoming richer and poor remaining as poor.


@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
It's the system
So it's all parties
The fundamental principle of needing votes from a population which is very poor means economic appeasement at the end of the day
This also means potential for a lot of corruption by exploiting the same poor people


@Jaisal Bhati
KB Sir, just as the middle class people of India wish to go to Europe or America, do the people of China also think the same?


Yes, Chinese are seen in large numbers in Western countries.


@@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Indians migrate fot jobs
Chinese who want to migrate are mainly not the smarter Chinese but those who want to do business and set up clubs, restaurants etc and who want to be rich and who already have relatives in US
Chinese migrate mainly for business, small, medium or big


@Arun Shivaswamy
KB wants to bring China into everything - why doesn’t he go to China and leave there?


@Piyal পিয়াল
It is his test country, standard country.The situation of both countries were similar and have similar population so he compares with China. Comparing with Second Largest Economy is Good country to compare

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China does not provide citizenship to migrants


@Sai Kriishna
People say we are most taxed nation. They may be true. But we are also least fined nation. What govts ideally need to do is generate fiscal revenue with fines and give tax benefits to subjects.
Fines collected via offenses of public littering, public urination, bribing the official, accepting the bribe, over speeding, minor driving, civil nuisance, road rage, manipulating the evidences, manipulating the judiciary. Fines for all these can work wonders for state and its subjects as well.


@Vijesh B
Which one is better , always fine is better as it discourage the mistake by penalization


@Neelakantan Ramachandran
i think should incentivize savings in new regime and remove old regime as healthcare, housing, education are not provided and double indirect taxation exists.


@Sriram Iyengar
Our hard earned money which we pay as taxes is totally justified to for allocation to states like Bihar as recently around 10 bridges fell within a year of construction ! Not to speak of repairing road cracks on state of the art built highways. Even after 25 years of ruling Bihar the CM wants Bihar to be declared as special category state thereby wanting excess funds . What good has he done i wonder ? I beleive equally corrupt as previous govts.


India desparately need someone like Singapore's Lee Kuan.
The worst investment according to me right now is the bullet train project. What a colossal waste of money while Government schools and hospitals are in pathetic state.


@Vijesh B
We should also consider the size of the country, to rule like the person you mentioned will require equally good team of people.
To put in the right perspective we do have some good Mayors and Collectors who run similar sized areas .
All this discipline comes at the price of personal freedom.
We chose to live as undeveloped,free , irresponsible citizen .A small portion among us exploit us and another portion facilitate they exploitation.


@Meherjee Yanamandra
No matter how much you clean the gutter, it remains the same…


@Anil Nair
All I need to do is stop working and prove that I am below poverty line through some documentation. I will then get everything from food (rice to pulses) to house to toilet from the government. If you are states like Kerala, then, you’ll get even more items. If you are TN, then you’ll get tv, grinder, laptops etc.. So saying that I get nothing is incorrect and doesn’t make sense.


You are welcome to try living in slums for a month, Where there is lack of basic human needs. Then you would know what is the value of welfare schemes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Jacobs Trovbel
What are your thoughts on not taxing the income, instead taxing the spending much like the sales tax?
IMO that would be equitable, anonymous and won’t need a huge bureaucracy to process returns, exemptions etc. Plus it will not need detailed information on the taxpayers together with people living in their households.


I too agree with you on No benefits after paying this much Tax. The way my tax money is being spent breaks my heart. And have also started feeling to move out of India. But I stuck on the point that How will I be treated there by the citizens of that Nation. Here I feel I am the child of this country and have all the rights of First class citizens and No One can force me out because of whatsoever the reasons.


@Vinod Vinu
Lot of tax money goes to the military.
Police force also needs to be paid - that also is from tax money only.
Then there is building of roads, irrigation projects, flyovers .
They are starting flyover work in Mangalore a 80 crore project.


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