2024-07-26 Aya Shawn 10610
@Aya Shawn
1. Weak infrastructure
Half of China's exported cars are electric vehicles, and India lacks charging facilities for electric vehicles. This makes it difficult for China's main export products to be sold in India.
2. Model mismatch
The Indian market is very sensitive to prices. The most popular models are cheap small cars such as Suzuki's Swift and Alto. Such models have basically been eliminated in China, and Chinese companies no longer produce such models. Suzuki's branch in China has long been closed down. For the same reason, American and German brand cars are also difficult to sell in India.
3. Unwilling to invest in the Indian market
India imposes high tariffs on the global automotive industry. To sell cars in India, you must invest in building factories in India and produce them in joint ventures with companies such as TATA. In fact, Chinese auto companies believe that ICE cars are no longer worth investing in. They have even reduced their domestic factories and have no plans to build factories in India. Their investment focus is on ASEAN and Europe.

1. 基础设施薄弱
2. 类型不匹配
3. 不愿意投资印度市场

@Tony Christian Ratcliffe
The Philippines shares that lack of infrastructure and high proportion of small ICE bikes and cars. It’s funny how many people think that the world is ready to go 100% electric when consistent electricity for week is almost unheard of in so many places around the globe.

菲律宾也同样缺乏基础设施,且小型内燃机自行车和汽车的比例很高。有趣的是,有多少人认为世界已经准备好实现 100% 电力化,而在全球许多地方,连续一周持续供电几乎是闻所未闻的。

Frankly hardly Phillipine doesmatter on any world wide trend.
China sells 1/3 cars in this world every year. In last month already more than 50% are ev. That's the trend.


@Yee JS
There is no such thing as instant 100% adoption rate! It is going to be a gradual but continuous growth. You either adopt EV infructures (gradually) or you be left far behind. A small gradual step now makes a difference. You don’t need to go all out EV from the get go

不存在即时 100% 采用率这样的事情!这将是一个渐进但持续的增长。你要么(逐步)采用电动汽车基础设施,要么被远远抛在后面。现在,一个小小的渐进步骤就会产生影响。你不需要从一开始就全力以赴电动

@Shin Chan
Thanks Aya Shawn for answering!!!!

谢谢Aya Shawn的回答!!!!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Hu Shi xiong
It's the same with ice bikes . They were banned from quite a few places in china . Naturally they cannot dominate the market outside of china.

译注:ice bikes实际想表达是燃油踏板摩托车

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Shin Chan
Wtf are ice bikes? First time hearing it


@GuangYuan Zhao
scooters with gas engine. Internal combustion engine, ICE. Nowadays, lots citys ban them, only electric ones are allowed.


@Do Chen
All cities.


@GuangYuan Zhao
I stand corrected

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alto is no more in top 10 cars sold in india, people are buying top models here.
And you totally forgot the main point “bilateral relations”, Even BYD wants to invest in india but since it is a Chinese owned , indian govt rejected the proposal.


@Leow Kam Soon
Who want to commit corporate suicide to invest in India? Enough lesson learnt.


Byd recently decided to invest $1 billion to build an electric car factory in Turkey, including $1 billion in loans from Turkish banks and technical support from BYD. Now, you should know why the Indian government won't accept BYD's investment.


So what are all the companies coming for?


More are leaving than coming in, to the tune of $60 billion a year.

离开的多于进来的,每年高达 600 亿美元。

Byd recently decided to invest $1 billion to build an electric car factory in Turkey, including $1 billion in loans from Turkish banks and technical support from BYD. Now, you should know why the Indian government won't accept BYD's investment.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Sumit Das
better to avoid a gutterhole that is india… a cesspit of corruption, 3rd rate bureaucracy and nepotism.. better to invest outside india…


@Bernard Tan
Poor boy!!


@Zhang Le
BYD urges full payment before delivery on India related business. You think they will be interested in investing in India? You can only dream of ev investment.


@Ayush Karn
Fake news already debunked


If it is about buying power then why Chinese cars are not popular in Singapore?
Quality matters in long term. Even American, German and French companies have their manufacturing unit in India not in any collaboration with TATA. U can be pro Chinese not at the cost of others !


@Anthony Tan
Totally wrong. Chinese EV, BYD sells more than 50% of total new EV sales in Singapore today!


This year, Shanghai Auto Group's MG subsidiary in India was forced to buy shares like a bandit. This has made people all over the world see India's poor business environment. In the past, xiaomi and vivo suffered from it. Indians are only interested in immediate interests, just like those rapists, who cannot help themselves. Maybe Indians are born greedy.


@Ayush Karn
delusional .....


If lies can write a post on its own, it would be this post. India is the 3rd largest car market in the whole freaking world. Chinese companies desperately wanted to invest in India (they still do), but after the border clashes, India has began to scrutinise Chinese investments and their tax payments.
EU is imposing about 38% of tax for the Chinese EVs starting from later half of this year. Where do these Chinese EVs find a big enough alternative market? The easiest answer is India. But, with the border crises I don’t think India will open for Chinese EVs unless they commit to manufacture in India with a local Indian partner.
MG motors from China is already doing that. Korean and Japanese cars are selling record numbers in India. Hyundai is about to offer IPO which is one of the largest in India for an automotive. These Chinese, even the ones in Singapore are good at bad mouthing India and take pleasure in that. Silly as ….


India will sell 5 million cars in 2023, a good number.
Total amount of $38.1 billion
Average price of $7,600 per car
China will sell 25 million cars in 2023
Total amount of $740 billion
Average price of $29,600 per car
Thailand will sell 770,000 cars in 2023
Total amount of $17.1 billion
Average price of $22,000 per car
Perfect explanation of why Chinese companies are not very interested in India
If I were the boss, I would not be very interested either
Chinese companies are investing heavily in Thailand, BYD's super factory has started production


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