2024-07-27 汤沐之邑 5365

How long will the United States exist?


I honestly think that we're wrong to argue about the inevitability of a fall in a classical sense like Rome or Egypt or the USSR or any other go-to powers. I wouldn't be surprised if we're entering a period of human history in which the concept of nation-state subsides to more useful geopolitical configurations. Globalization and technology, potentially combined in the far future with interstellar travel, are going make the concept of nation-state obsolete before America collapses.
Several factors contribute.


First, rise of western liberal democracies has corresponded to a decline in wars of aggression, as have nukes and other weapons of mass destruction. Great powers no longer fight each other and I would be surprised if any large developed nation were to be conquered by another ever again on earth barring spectacular circumstances. Moreover, economies are so interdependent now that there's no incentive for two economic powers to fight each other until one submits.
Second, many large empires throughout history managed to last for a millennium. The United States is less than 250 years old and arguably the strongest power yet seen on Earth. I agree that it would be naive to suggest that it would never fall were humans to be technologically stagnant for millennium after millennium. However, the technological revolution precludes stagnation, and I bet that the United States only has to make it another few centuries to see a paradigm shift unlike any other in human history.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not sure what it will be, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of several of these happens:
(1) energy becomes practically limitless - we ace fusion technology or renewables become crazy efficient or we figure out something even more radical - which therefore significantly reduces inequalities and removes incentives for warfare (no more resource wars, political instability caused by poverty, etc),
(2) humans begin uploading their minds into computers and virtual reality - with less emphasis on geopolitics and nationalism and nation states than exists in the status quo - supplants physical reality to the extent that nation-states become obsolete
(3) the continued expansion of economic and political unxs culminates in an effective one world government (perhaps borders dissolve, but more likely nation-states exist nominally but cede sovereignty) that renders our conceptions of what it means for the United States to fall meaningless because every other nation will have also "fallen" to the next step in political evolution.

能源变得几乎无限 —— 无论是我们掌握了核聚变技术,还是可再生能源变得极其高效,或者我们发现了某种更为激进的能源方式 —— 这将显著减少不平等,消除战争的诱因(比如不再有因资源争夺而引发的战争,或因贫困导致的政治动荡);
人类开始将意识上传到计算机和虚拟现实中 —— 这将减少对地缘政治、民族主义和民族国家的重视,到一种程度以至于民族国家变得不再重要;

Again, these are developments that I would not be surprised to see happen in the next few hundred years, and considering that it's not uncommon for empires to last a millennium, the United States will almost certainly make it. Now, you could argue that the ceding of sovereignty counts as a "fall," but I think that OP is asking when the US will fall relative to other nations, and therefore a situation in which most/all nations cede sovereignty doesn't count.
The only really feasible way that I see the United States falling before a unifying event like one-world government or virtual reality or whatever else I can't foresee, is if another system of government emerges that replaces representative democracy (technocracy).


It would have to be a combination of :
(1) a radical new proposed form of government (which is why I suggest technocracy - replacing voting with decision-making computers would be such a shift) and
(2) an incredibly displeased populace.
Some people in this thread suggest that current inequality and increasing automation might prompt a revolution.

一种彻底新颖的政府组织形式提案(这也是我提出技术官僚制的原因 —— 用计算机决策替代投票将是一个巨大的转变);

The problem with this theory is two-fold:
(1) overthrowing our current government to replace it with democratic socialism or whatever they suggest is unnecessary. Democratic socialism and more radical wealth redistribution are completely compatible with representative democracy and if enough people agree, then it can easily be resolved by the ballot. The republic would continue to exist. The only way I see a true end of the republic as we know it would be the introduction of a completely foreign system of governance, e.g. technocracy, that voids massive swaths of our Constitution.
(2) despite what people will say on reddit, the standard of living in America is still much too high to foster a USSR-style collapse of our political system or a bloody revolution.
War is uniquely disincentivized in the 21st century compared to the rest of human history, meaning that most large developed nations will probably continue to exist in essentially their current form until something subsumes the concept of nation-state; the concept of nation-state probably only has a few more centuries of usage, and its fairly reasonable to assume the US can make it that long.


Life Cycle of a Country
About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior.
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence :


1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage"


Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
I also like using the Copernican principle for these kinds of predictions. The gist of it is, lacking any other information, in predicting the lifespan of an entity, we can assume with 90% certainty that we are not witnessing the entity at the first 5% of its life or the last 5%.
So if we consider 1776 to be starting date of the US, then it is 240 years old. We can say that the first 5% of US history has passed, but that we have not yet reached the last 5%.
Therefore, we can predict with 90% certainty that the US will last between 12 and 4,780 years. Finally, it's not a highly precise prediction tool.


Jon Vowles
I agree that great powers going to genuine war (as opposed to proxy wars in some third world 'shithole') are very unlikely. However the risks to the US are more internal I think.
Whilst it's very, very hard to see any country even openly attacking the US for the next 100 years at least the chance that internal divisions will push for increased regional sovereignty are quite high.
If you take the NE, the Pacific West Coast, the SW and the MW they are four fairly robust blocks. With the increasing divisions between groups an internal collapse can not be ignored.


Michael Moldenhauer
Of course one possibility is that highly disincentivized war DOES happen with nuclear results, leading to an unsurvivsble calamity. Or perhaps even something we can't even comprehend yet. Keep in mind that developments could produce as much new and unforeseen modes of disaster as much as of progress. Or maybe it ends on a positive note - we all move off Earth and then convert it to a nature preserve, thus rendering the United States non-existent by non-inhabitation by humans. Given the timescales of the future - thousands and millions of years - I'd think it rather foolish to rule ANYTHING out - try asking a cave man 100,000 years ago about today. So the only really honest answer I think we can give is “Less than forever”, with the example of the upper bound used to prove that being the heat death of the Universe. Anything other than that is to be too confident and not considerate of possibilities.


Nate Gross
well, if you mean another 12 years, that could be pretty accurate, given the fact we now have president trump.


New Vig
It's well-pieced out. Mathematically, it checks out only because of the economic model's ability to adapt. Keynesian neoliberal economics are, in essence, able to print debt with little outcome. Last time gold created this international order failure the petrodollar became a more common standard. Odds are, a few possibilities are able to emerge. A new standard for economic valuation is needed. Cashless is an option, but it requires a way to gauge actual human resource consumption. Which would mean a significant decline in human freedom under the concept of nation-states, as you said. Therefore, the idea of nation-states will need readdressed.


The possible ways to fix our equation would be for an elitist class to deliberately return some material means to individuals to encourage creation. To believe Mars is our next stop is asinine, but we do have to understand that at some point, we do have to leave Earth or commit to mass sterilization and/or GENOCIDE. Which also begs the question of human lifespan in this economy, as the previous suggestion will be outright rejected by the majority in perhaps one of the only situations democracy has done any good (humans are generally good, with some of our nature coming through when pressed- ironically to our economics' fault).

解决这个问题的可能方法是,精英阶层需要有意识地将一些物质资源返还给个人,以鼓励创新。认为火星是我们的下一站是荒谬的,但我们必须认识到,总有一天我们可能不得不离开地球,否则就得接受大规模的绝育或种族灭绝。这也引出了在这种经济体系下人类寿命的问题,因为前面的提议可能会被大多数人直接拒绝,这可能是民主唯一发挥了作用的情况(人类总体上是善良的,当我们受到压力时,我们的一些本性就会显现出来—— 讽刺的是,这恰恰是我们经济体系的缺陷)。

I can't say the U.S. will last in accordance with Copernicus’ equation. Though it isn't impossible, as China (the Sinitic tradition) and India (particularly the Indus-Vedic inheritors, Hindus) have both grown and endured in their sphere and region for anywhere from 3,800 to 4,500 years- neither show any sign of disappearing any time soon. However, the Anglo world does need a significant cultural overhaul. Particularly at the top.

我不能说美囯会按照哥白尼的原则那样继续存在。虽然不是不可能,但中国(汉文化传统)和印度(特别是印度河-吠陀文明的继承者,即印度教徒)已经在它们的领域和地区内持续发展和繁荣了3800到4500年 —— 它们都没有任何即将消失的迹象。然而,盎格鲁世界确实需要一次重大的文化改革,尤其是上层社会。

Contrary to liberal academics, the atmosphere isn't going to disappear. CO2 isnt likely to be invading and annihilating our species through a warming globe. It's more likely it will force us to rethink resources. Liberalism made us think about other Earthlings as having their own value as well. War for thinning the herd will not be as effective as planned.
You're very right about this and I am sure of it. We are going to see a new system very soon. That is necessity as of now.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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