

On top of the usual tea breaks & lunch breaks …on daily, basis the malays will be out of office 30 ~ 45 minutes each at 1.15pm & 4.35pm for prayers and on Fridays they goes for about 2 hours prayers while we work extra hours. Most work in civil services Government Sector going at snail pace.
I’m gonna give you the most truest, unfiltered answer. In this planet, asian region wise, Chinese, japanese, korean are a hardworking race. British empire brought over Chinese people to malaya. now you have the most hardworking race competing against indigenous, laid back race. singapore separation happened because of this.
I’m gonna give you the most truest, unfiltered answer. In this planet, asian region wise, Chinese, japanese, korean are a hardworking race. British empire brought over Chinese people to malaya. now you have the most hardworking race competing against indigenous, laid back race. singapore separation happened because of this.
another reason was also the mindset of malay. from our religion, we are taught that the dun’ya (world we live in) is temporary. we should make more ibadah (religious practice) so that we could deem our deed to live in hereafter. My mom told me we should not be like the Chinese, chasing materialistic thing in the world because they have no religion, they do not believe in akhirat (the day we will all be lived again by god for judgement day after the Armageddon). we (malay) should work to make enough money to feed ourselves, then focus our time to make more ibadah.
so you have mindset of Chinese who just wants to keep working to make more money, combined with mindset of most malay who want to make just enough amount of money to live in this world. you can google top richest 100 person in malaysia, most of them are Chinese.
所以,你的思维模式和华人的思维模式一样,只想继续工作以赚更多的钱,再加上大多数马来人的思维模式,他们只想赚足够的钱来在这个世界上生存。你可以谷歌一下马来西亚最富有的 100 人,其中大多数是华人。
所以,你的思维模式和华人的思维模式一样,只想继续工作以赚更多的钱,再加上大多数马来人的思维模式,他们只想赚足够的钱来在这个世界上生存。你可以谷歌一下马来西亚最富有的 100 人,其中大多数是华人。
Khengchat Ng
I will answer on the assumption that your question is true (it may not be). Chinese are the most urbanised of the three major racial groups. Urbanised people everywhere tend to have a head start due to closer access to educational facilities. That was inadvertently helped by the resettlement of Chinese squatters to the New Villages during the Emergency War of 1948 to 1960, with most of the resettlement in the early 1950s. Jungle fringe squatters were moved en masse to fenced off settlements with very restricted outside access. They were forced to come together for mutual assistance and benefit. And they needed it. As a result critical mass was achieved which led to the setting up of close by primary schools. The Malay states Sultans generously gave land for resettlement. They were close to old mining lands unsuitable for agriculture. The Chinese had to turn them into fertile land by hard work to earn a living. The critical mass also meant networking opportunities, close cooperation for projects, which helped to ensure fruit for labour. It must be said that the New Villages repaid the Sultans’ generosity many times over by contributing to the development of the country in term of producing productive citizens.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I will answer on the assumption that your question is true (it may not be). Chinese are the most urbanised of the three major racial groups. Urbanised people everywhere tend to have a head start due to closer access to educational facilities. That was inadvertently helped by the resettlement of Chinese squatters to the New Villages during the Emergency War of 1948 to 1960, with most of the resettlement in the early 1950s. Jungle fringe squatters were moved en masse to fenced off settlements with very restricted outside access. They were forced to come together for mutual assistance and benefit. And they needed it. As a result critical mass was achieved which led to the setting up of close by primary schools. The Malay states Sultans generously gave land for resettlement. They were close to old mining lands unsuitable for agriculture. The Chinese had to turn them into fertile land by hard work to earn a living. The critical mass also meant networking opportunities, close cooperation for projects, which helped to ensure fruit for labour. It must be said that the New Villages repaid the Sultans’ generosity many times over by contributing to the development of the country in term of producing productive citizens.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Chinese in China are also known to be workaholics. Our ancestors brought that to Malaysia and subsequent generations took over. Let’s be honest. Few others match the output of the Chinese and East Asians. You get Chinese bosses complaining of workers in Africa, other parts of Asia, and even the West. As some Chinese jokingly say, we are the abnormal ones.
Ben Lu
Most of the brightest and hardest working Chinese who make waves are people in China though.
Most of the brightest and hardest working Chinese who make waves are people in China though.
Walter Gomez
Being wealthy as a result of hard work, love for wealth and a spirit of helping each other progress does not necessarily translate to ‘best and brightest’. Know the difference …
Being wealthy as a result of hard work, love for wealth and a spirit of helping each other progress does not necessarily translate to ‘best and brightest’. Know the difference …
Musa Meyer
Is there a reason why you don’t want to be corrected on your misconception ? They knows almost nothing else other than work hard , play hard and raising babies.
Is there a reason why you don’t want to be corrected on your misconception ? They knows almost nothing else other than work hard , play hard and raising babies.
SJ Man
Please stop provoking racial debates/arguments/disputes among Malaysians. My smart/intelligent - and thinking - friends know that there are ethnic Malay, Kadazan, Dusun, Indian, Chinese, Sikh, etc Malaysians who are the best, brightest and hardest working people around.
Please stop provoking racial debates/arguments/disputes among Malaysians. My smart/intelligent - and thinking - friends know that there are ethnic Malay, Kadazan, Dusun, Indian, Chinese, Sikh, etc Malaysians who are the best, brightest and hardest working people around.
The reverse is true: there are lazy, useless, hypocritical ethnic Malay, Kadazan, Dusun, Indian, Chinese, Sikh, etc Malaysians who are parasites of the country. Such people are racist, they always want to create disharmony among Malaysians so that they (and their useless families) can steal from honest Malaysians. Think about Mahathir, Najib, Daim, Ling, Velu, Wee Ka Siong, etc etc, these are the useless people who use racism to enrich themselves and their families.
Please stop this evil scheme. Let my friends in Malaysia progress, prosper and succeed.
Please stop this evil scheme. Let my friends in Malaysia progress, prosper and succeed.
S Brahmanto
The legal reason has aleays been because the average Malay Malaysians are less competent than Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians. If you livr in Malaysia, you know what Malays are like, don’t you?
The second reason is Malaysia is their native country speaking their natural Malay language so street billboards must be in Bahasa Melayu, etc. Because a lot of Chinese and Indians don’t serm to want to be Malay completely doing Malay things, and stop celebrating their ethnic celebration days, wouldn’t eant to speak Malay as their first language despite born and live in Malaysia.
The legal reason has aleays been because the average Malay Malaysians are less competent than Chinese Malaysians and Indian Malaysians. If you livr in Malaysia, you know what Malays are like, don’t you?
The second reason is Malaysia is their native country speaking their natural Malay language so street billboards must be in Bahasa Melayu, etc. Because a lot of Chinese and Indians don’t serm to want to be Malay completely doing Malay things, and stop celebrating their ethnic celebration days, wouldn’t eant to speak Malay as their first language despite born and live in Malaysia.
Because of this they arw not seen as Malaysians.
In Indonesia, most of the non native Indo who were born in Indo speak Indo as their first language, they dislike to be called non-Indo, they are quite nationalists, etc and as such they get all priviliges without them know that they are getting all the priviliges. The answer is because they are local Indonesians that belong to Indo.
Most non Malay Malaysians are like people in Indo who were born overseas and moved to Indo to live there including the ones who are a few geberations non Malay Malaysians. So they are not really Malaysians and should of course assimilate to get the priviliges of being real local Malaysians.
In Indonesia, most of the non native Indo who were born in Indo speak Indo as their first language, they dislike to be called non-Indo, they are quite nationalists, etc and as such they get all priviliges without them know that they are getting all the priviliges. The answer is because they are local Indonesians that belong to Indo.
Most non Malay Malaysians are like people in Indo who were born overseas and moved to Indo to live there including the ones who are a few geberations non Malay Malaysians. So they are not really Malaysians and should of course assimilate to get the priviliges of being real local Malaysians.
Knows Malay
most entrepreneurial yes, most hardest-working and brightest, there is no color tag on them. I've seen the laziest in all three, I've seen the brightest in all 3 as well.
most entrepreneurial yes, most hardest-working and brightest, there is no color tag on them. I've seen the laziest in all three, I've seen the brightest in all 3 as well.
Guan Keng Ho
The Chinese and Indians are treated like a “Second class citizen” regardless they are full citizen being born and grew up in Malaysia since several generations ago.
The malay previledges special aids (not all bumiputra like orang Asli, Siamese, Portugis or Sabah/Sarawak Indigenious folks gets these), teasingly called “crutches” that gave priority university entrances to malays does not follow educational meritocracy, GLC (Govt lixed Corporation) previledge shares, 7% minimum ~ 15% home ownership discounts forced on private home developers and even the Zakat/Income tax policy were discriminated.
The Chinese and Indians are treated like a “Second class citizen” regardless they are full citizen being born and grew up in Malaysia since several generations ago.
The malay previledges special aids (not all bumiputra like orang Asli, Siamese, Portugis or Sabah/Sarawak Indigenious folks gets these), teasingly called “crutches” that gave priority university entrances to malays does not follow educational meritocracy, GLC (Govt lixed Corporation) previledge shares, 7% minimum ~ 15% home ownership discounts forced on private home developers and even the Zakat/Income tax policy were discriminated.
GLC shares like ASNB has bumiputra getting more divident than non bumiputra getting lower divident!
Not all B40 (below40% income earner) non-malays gets Government BRIM, BSH (Bantuan Sara Hidup) or whatever Government financial assistance.
Not all B40 (below40% income earner) non-malays gets Government BRIM, BSH (Bantuan Sara Hidup) or whatever Government financial assistance.
A RM500K home on soft launch to the Chinese and Indians sells for only RM425K to the previledge race (minimum 7% disount could go high 15% or RM75K)! Developer recover lost by increasing prices to RM575K on actual launch sold to non-malays!!!!! During soft launch, about 50% best choice lots were reserved for Malays. We could not buy until after 2 years later when no more Malays willing to buy, these reserved lots gets sold to all other races at about 20% increased prices. 2 years later, we noticed usually about 95~98% of the owners are non-malays.
一套售价 50 万令吉的房子在试售时卖给华人和印度人,而卖给特权族群时只卖 42.5 万令吉(最低 7% 折扣,最高可达 15% 或 7.5 万令吉)!开发商通过将价格提高到 57.5 万令吉来弥补损失,实际出售给非马来人!!!!!在试售期间,大约 50% 的最佳选择地段被保留给马来人。我们直到 2 年后才买下,当时没有更多的马来人愿意购买,这些保留的地段以大约 20% 的涨价出售给所有其他种族。2 年后,我们注意到通常大约 95~98% 的业主是非马来人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
一套售价 50 万令吉的房子在试售时卖给华人和印度人,而卖给特权族群时只卖 42.5 万令吉(最低 7% 折扣,最高可达 15% 或 7.5 万令吉)!开发商通过将价格提高到 57.5 万令吉来弥补损失,实际出售给非马来人!!!!!在试售期间,大约 50% 的最佳选择地段被保留给马来人。我们直到 2 年后才买下,当时没有更多的马来人愿意购买,这些保留的地段以大约 20% 的涨价出售给所有其他种族。2 年后,我们注意到通常大约 95~98% 的业主是非马来人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A Chinese/ Indian scoring 8As or CGPA 3.8 has slimmer Public University chances compared to a 2As~ 3As previledge race. Please click these lixs for more details.
一个取得8个A或者CGPA 3.8的华人/印度人,与一个取得2个A至3个A的优待种族相比,在进入公立大学方面的机会较小。请点击这些链接获取更多详情。
一个取得8个A或者CGPA 3.8的华人/印度人,与一个取得2个A至3个A的优待种族相比,在进入公立大学方面的机会较小。请点击这些链接获取更多详情。
Not all low income Chinese/indian gets PTPTN study loan or if they get, it is just about 30% of the amount.
The Chineses and Indians were self forced to excel in study and work smarter/ harder to succeed in sustaining ourselves without much Government crutches. Their core mission is to earn as much money as possible during their working life to retire comfortably and financial help for the next generation… discriminated from many Government aids or even government jobs.
Not all low income Chinese/indian gets PTPTN study loan or if they get, it is just about 30% of the amount.
The Chineses and Indians were self forced to excel in study and work smarter/ harder to succeed in sustaining ourselves without much Government crutches. Their core mission is to earn as much money as possible during their working life to retire comfortably and financial help for the next generation… discriminated from many Government aids or even government jobs.
Positive opinion moving forward, without the Government crutches and various aids, the ugly environment had enable folks to be self sustance, stronger with the fighting spirit & instinct for survival for the next generation. We have to triump in bad racial situation and excel in challenging business climate to be the best we could.

On top of the usual tea breaks & lunch breaks …on daily, basis the malays will be out of office 30 ~ 45 minutes each at 1.15pm & 4.35pm for prayers and on Fridays they goes for about 2 hours prayers while we work extra hours. Most work in civil services Government Sector going at snail pace.
The Indian paid a lot for private university studies as Medical Doctor or Legal Degree, needs to work extra hard to payoff the RM millions study loans. No Crutches. Their earning plan for next generation university study too.
The Chinese funded their kids private university and set-up own business in a do or die survival mode to make as much profits for the next generation. No Crutches.
The Chinese funded their kids private university and set-up own business in a do or die survival mode to make as much profits for the next generation. No Crutches.
Bill Chen
Well, if the Olympics are never held, there will never be an Olympic gold medalist.
Performance that is expressed, and more importantly, MEASURED, needs a stage. Typically, that involves open competition to remove the effects of bias and sample size.
The fact of the matter is, there are parallel economies in Malaysia that don’t meet. One set serve the employment needs of the Malay, the other the rest.
Well, if the Olympics are never held, there will never be an Olympic gold medalist.
Performance that is expressed, and more importantly, MEASURED, needs a stage. Typically, that involves open competition to remove the effects of bias and sample size.
The fact of the matter is, there are parallel economies in Malaysia that don’t meet. One set serve the employment needs of the Malay, the other the rest.
The entry barriers are different, and the rules are different too, resulting in the measured outcomes. The Malay that choose to compete with the rest is usually more than competent, so it isn’t an intrinsic issue, but rather how the system is designed and maintained.
I will stop here.
I will stop here.
Only in Malaysia do you have 2 sets of Economies, one serving only the Bumiputras where even the Indigenous Orang Asli are left out and the Other a Level Playing Field Economy where Non-Malays compete against each other on a Meritocracy platform. Sadly, a strong signal is sent by the Govt to the Hardworking Best & Brightest Malaysian Chinese that they must Emigrate Overseas seeking to achieve their ambitions because the Govt of the day only takes care of the Bumiputras.
Only in Malaysia do you have 2 sets of Economies, one serving only the Bumiputras where even the Indigenous Orang Asli are left out and the Other a Level Playing Field Economy where Non-Malays compete against each other on a Meritocracy platform. Sadly, a strong signal is sent by the Govt to the Hardworking Best & Brightest Malaysian Chinese that they must Emigrate Overseas seeking to achieve their ambitions because the Govt of the day only takes care of the Bumiputras.
Keat Yap
The Malays can also compete on the level playing field economy. They just have another protected economy to dip their fingers in.
The Malays can also compete on the level playing field economy. They just have another protected economy to dip their fingers in.
Benny Jan
The Malay elites have a double edge sword goal. I will bluntly lay out. Keep them{lower strata)} slow and contended and yoi get votes for the elections. Handouts here and there make them feel blessed and lazy.
The Malay elites have a double edge sword goal. I will bluntly lay out. Keep them{lower strata)} slow and contended and yoi get votes for the elections. Handouts here and there make them feel blessed and lazy.
Gd Katang
Asasnya kami org Melayu / Islam berpegang pd hidup bersederhana. Kami x focus 100% kpd kerja dan dpt kemewahan di dunia. Kami utamakan buat amalan (kindness) utk bekalan for afterdeath. U should not compare the thing that came from different believe. If u want to compare, let between Chinese n Chinese, malay n malay, or indian n indian. Again, we selesa dgn kesederhanaan.
Asasnya kami org Melayu / Islam berpegang pd hidup bersederhana. Kami x focus 100% kpd kerja dan dpt kemewahan di dunia. Kami utamakan buat amalan (kindness) utk bekalan for afterdeath. U should not compare the thing that came from different believe. If u want to compare, let between Chinese n Chinese, malay n malay, or indian n indian. Again, we selesa dgn kesederhanaan.
Bobby Chong
Not only the Chinese is the best, the brightest and hardworking, other race too.
I once run across a video clip about a Malaysian Chinese mother to her child saying something like that in short.
“ In Malaysia we Chinese must work 3 times harder to catch up”.
在马来西亚,不仅华人是最好、最聪明、最勤奋的,其他种族也是如此。 我曾经看过一个关于一位马来西亚华人母亲对她的孩子说的短视频,大意是:“在马来西亚,我们华人必须努力工作三倍才能赶上。”
Not only the Chinese is the best, the brightest and hardworking, other race too.
I once run across a video clip about a Malaysian Chinese mother to her child saying something like that in short.
“ In Malaysia we Chinese must work 3 times harder to catch up”.
在马来西亚,不仅华人是最好、最聪明、最勤奋的,其他种族也是如此。 我曾经看过一个关于一位马来西亚华人母亲对她的孩子说的短视频,大意是:“在马来西亚,我们华人必须努力工作三倍才能赶上。”
Now what is or are the reasons of your question.
In Malaysia, non- bumis or non Malays have lesser benefits compare to the Malays, a different start line in the race. This is the main reason that mould the Chinese, hardened the Chinese to survive to strive in a less advantage environment.
In Malaysia, non- bumis or non Malays have lesser benefits compare to the Malays, a different start line in the race. This is the main reason that mould the Chinese, hardened the Chinese to survive to strive in a less advantage environment.
These are the factors, and the embedded values of the Malaysian Chinese family.
Well if you use to run a 42km marathon, running a 20km half marathon is easy. The Chinese, the Indians and other non bumis are running full marathon everyday.
On the bright side is not a bad thing but being ahead instead, so in a way the non bumis have to thanks to the government
这些是马来西亚华人家庭的因素和内化的价值观。 好吧,如果你过去跑过42公里的马拉松,跑20公里的半程马拉松就容易多了。华人、印度人和其他非土著每天都在跑完整马拉松。 光明的一面是这不是一件坏事,相反,非土著在某种程度上应该感谢政府。
Well if you use to run a 42km marathon, running a 20km half marathon is easy. The Chinese, the Indians and other non bumis are running full marathon everyday.
On the bright side is not a bad thing but being ahead instead, so in a way the non bumis have to thanks to the government
这些是马来西亚华人家庭的因素和内化的价值观。 好吧,如果你过去跑过42公里的马拉松,跑20公里的半程马拉松就容易多了。华人、印度人和其他非土著每天都在跑完整马拉松。 光明的一面是这不是一件坏事,相反,非土著在某种程度上应该感谢政府。
By the way there are increasing hardworking, bright and independent thinking Malays who want to excel. Hope one day more follow suit to be independent, strive to excel on their own, ready and willing to have the same start line for the race.
Maybe thats the answer for a better Malaysia, a successful Malaysia.
Never one will improve without a fair and real competition.
Not the Malays are less better, is the policies, the politics, the politicians.
Maybe thats the answer for a better Malaysia, a successful Malaysia.
Never one will improve without a fair and real competition.
Not the Malays are less better, is the policies, the politics, the politicians.
很赞 14