2024-08-01 IPmod 5967


When an Indian talks, it is best to take their words with a pinch of salt. For example,
1) Modi claimed in late 2019 that India is open defecation free and what happened? A recent joint monitoring programme (JMP) on water, sanitation and hygiene by the World Health Organization and UNICEF released July 1, 2021 stated that at least 15 per cent of the total population in India defecates in the open.
2) "Know your meme: India superpower by 2020". They claimed in year 1998 that they will be superpower by 2020 or earlier? What happened today? GDP per capita not even 3k? Is that a definition of a superpower?
3) India claimed to have landed on the "South Pole" of the Moon. What happened? Two out of the best 3 space agencies of the World (Russia/USA/China) said India did not land on Moon's South Pole.
3A) NASA specifically said "The Chandrayaan-3 landing site is located about 600 kilometers from the Moon’s South Pole.". This is just another diplomatic way of saying India did not land on Moon's South Pole. If India had landed on on Moon's South Pole, NASA would have simply said that "The Chandrayaan-3 landing site is located at the Moon’s South Pole" instead of "The Chandrayaan-3 landing site is located about 600 KILOMETERS FROM the Moon’s South Pole.
3B) Dr Ouyang Ziyuan, lauded as the father of China’s lunar exploration programme, told the Chinese-language Science Times newspaper that the Chandrayaan-3 landing site, at 69 degrees south latitude, was nowhere close to the pole, defined as between 88.5 and 90 degrees.
4) Indians claimed that Modi is the "most popular Prime Minister/leader of the entire world" ages ago before the most recent election of 2024 took place. What happened? He barely won. Under India’s electoral system, the party or alliance that wins more than 272 seats in the 543-member parliament can form a government. Opposition parties including the Indian National Congress won 235 seats. Modi merely won 238 seats. (ASTHA RAJVANSHI TIME). If you are the "most popular Prime Minister/leader of the entire world", you should be having a landslide victory in your country's election?
5) India claimed in year 2010 that they will send Astronaunts into space by year 2015 - 2016? What happened 14 years later after the comment was made? Not even one single Indian Astronaunt was sent into space. "The Indian Space Research Organization is planning to send astronauts to space before the year 2015-16, deputy project director of ISRO's Chandrayaan Mission Jaswinder Singh Khoral said in Chandigarh on Thursday. (Times of India)." This is the statement made by India in year 2010.
6) Indians said that they are the "Global leader of technology" but what technology are they leading and where are their sources and tangible products to back up what they have claimed? Nothing?
7) Indians like to talk extremely big about their Indian CEOs but what is their Indian CEOs on the Global Stage? In the ranking list of "Fortune 500 companies" or "Forbes Global 2000 companies", representing the World's richest/biggest companies, where does India stands? India has merely 55 companies in Forbes Global 2000 companies" and all are not even top 10, not even top 20, not even top 30, not even top 40 but only ranked top 45 (Reliance Industries)? Meanwhile, another similar country in terms of population, China, has 3 of their companies in the top 10 ranking of "Forbes Global 2000 companies" and has 346 companies instead of only 55 companies in that same ranking list? What about India's ranking in "Fortune 500 companies"? India has not even 10 companies in that list and China has 143 companies out of the list of 500 (hence is is called Fortune 500).
8) Indians say that there are no caste system in India? But what are "caste related violence" and why is it still happening? What are the Musahar people and what are their dietary? Has democracy ever had a caste system? No, but only India's version of democracy.
9) India claimed to be the "Voice/Leader" of the Global South Countries but has every country of the "Global South Countries" ever elected a "Voice or Leader" for them? No. If India is the "Voice/Leader" of the Global South Countries, why is it that Maldives, a member country of the Global South Country, wanted "India out"?
10) Indian claimed to be the "World's Fastest Growing Economy" but
Year 1962 India's GDP = 42.16 billion (almost similar GDP to China)
Year 1962 China's GDP = 47.21 billion (almost similar GDP to India)
Year 2022 |ndia's GDP = 3.42 trillion
Year 2022 China's GDP = 17.96 trillion
China's economy is 5 times plus of |ndia.
Source: World Bank
India is "World's Fastest Growing Economy"?
These are merely 10 examples and in fact there are many more.

2) "了解你的备忘录:印度将在2020年成为超级大国"。他们在1998年就声称他们将在2020年或更早成为超级大国。今天发生了什么?印度的人均GDP连3000都不到,这就是超级大国的定义吗?
3A) 美国国家航空航天局(NASA)明确表示:“月船-3号着陆点距离月球南极约600公里”。这只是印度没有在月球南极着陆的另一种外交说法。如果印度在月球南极着陆,NASA只需要说“月船-3号着陆点位于月球南极”即可,而不是“月船-3号着陆点距离月球南极约600公里”。
3B) 被誉为中国探月计划之父的欧阳自远博士告诉中文报纸《科学时报》,位于南纬69度的“月船-3号”着陆点离月球南极(即88.5至90度)很远。
早在2024年大选之前,印度人就声称莫迪是“全世界最受欢迎的总理/领导人”。结果呢?他差点没有获胜。根据印度的选举制度,在由543名议员组成的议会中赢得超过272个席位的政党或联盟可以组建政府。包括印度国大党在内的反对党赢得了235个席位,莫迪仅赢得238个席位(astha rajvanshi time)。如果你是“全世界最受欢迎的总理/领导人”,你不是应该在本国的选举中取得压倒性胜利吗?
印度在2010年宣称,他们将在2015 - 2016年把宇航员送入太空。此言一出,14年后发生了什么?连一个印度宇航员都没有被送上太空。印度空间研究组织月船任务项目副主任Jaswinder Singh Khoral周四在昌迪加尔表示:"印度空间研究组织计划在2015-16年之前将宇航员送入太空。(印度时报)",这是印度在2010年发表的声明。
印度人喜欢吹嘘他们的印度裔首席执行官,但他们的印度裔首席执行官在全球舞台上是什么样子?在代表世界最富有/最大公司的“财富500强公司”或“福布斯全球2000强公司”排名榜上,印度处于什么位置?印度仅有55家公司入选“福布斯全球2000强企业”,而且全部连前10强、前20强、前30强、前40强都排不上,只排在前45强(信实工业公司)?与此同时,人口数量相近的另一个国家--中国,却有3家公司进入了“福布斯全球 2000 强企业”排名的前10位,并且有346家公司而不是只有55家公司进入该排名榜。印度在 “财富500强企业”中的排名又如何呢?印度在该榜单中连10家公司都没有,而中国在500强中有143家公司(因此被称为“财富500强”)。
来源:世界银行 资料来源:世界银行

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is a great laying out of the facts. A look at the growing bottom would also paint the full picture of the BJP's failed neoliberal policies.


I read that it isn't really Modi's fault that India is the way it is now, he tried to push for infrastructure and what not from a federal level but local level , each state is doing its own thing and it makes it hard to implement what Modi wants to do for India as a whole.


I read it completely and you are combining congress rule and bjp rule and throwing every wrong thing on modi alone i think you are a paid bot by opposition parties or Chinese Pakistan bot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bjp's biggest strength is its development agenda. Beside his core vote base bjp's main voters are middle class who wants to see infrastructure,jobs, factories. As long as they stick to their developmental agendas middle class will not turn away from them even if they do their typical hindutva politics. But they focussed too much on hindutva and stopped doing those developemental works. Build more manufacturing,jobs, more technology.


India is the world fastest growing economy. Are u sure bjp doesn't focus on economy?


@balajeepratham8200 what does that mean for people who are suffering under poverty and for people who jobless gdp is growing because of it’s population but when it comes to gdp per capita it’s really low compared to other countries due to lack of employment.

@balajeepratham8200 这对于贫困人口和失业人口意味着什么?由于人口增长,GDP会不断增长;但由于缺乏就业机会,印度的人均GDP与其他国家相比真的很低。

​ @balajeepratham8200 yes, its still not enough. In the 2019-2024 era they focussed too much on capturing states by dirty politics rather than doing actual work. Here, they captured maharashtra by other means rather than sitting in opposition and doing constructive politics. Now they will lose the state. We have a 1.4 billion population ,most of us are young. Even 10% gdp growth wont be enough probably. But thats better than 7%.In security they are failing, everyday soldiers are dying in borders but no response. Manipur is happening for 1.5 years but still no accountability. Railways has been a disaster for a long time, accidents after accidents, still no accountability, same minister, same problems happening. These 5 years they should focus as much developmental politics as they can. Thats the only way they will survive anti-incumbency.

@balajeepratham8200 是的,这仍然不够。在2019-2024年期间,他们过于注重通过肮脏的政治手段夺取各邦,而不是做实际的工作。他们通过其他手段夺取了马哈拉施特拉邦,而不是坐在反对党的位置上开展建设性的政治活动。现在,他们将失去这个邦。我们有14亿人口,其中大部分是年轻人。即使10%的GDP增长率也可能不够。在安全方面,他们正在失败,每天都有士兵死在边境,但却没有任何回应。曼尼普尔事件已经发生了1年半,但仍然没有问责。铁路长期以来一直是个灾难,事故接二连三地发生,但仍然没有问责,同样的部长,同样的问题。在这5年里,他们应该尽可能多地关注发展政治,这是他们在反对中生存下来的唯一途径。

@parthajitjana2222 first of all, 7% growth rate isn't a small feat in a tough world. No politician can bring 10% growth rate. And railway is much better than it was 10 years ago. The cleanliness is much better. Even the no of accidents and fatalities are reducing year by year. It will not disappear in a year or even 5 years.

首先,在这个艰难的世界上,7%的增长率并不是一个小成就,没有哪个政治家能带来10% 的增长率。铁路也比10年前好多了。清洁度也提高了很多。事故和死亡人数也在逐年减少,它不会在一年甚至五年内消失。

@parthajitjana2222 Manipur can't be solved because both sides want different things. It can't be solved if there is no agreement

@parthajitjana2222 曼尼普尔问题无法解决,因为双方想要的东西不同。如果没有协议,它就无法解决。

@moncay3238 lol what
There is nothing called jobless growth
You can say that jobs aren't enough but gdp growth means increase in productivity or labour
There can't be a 7% increase in productivity so Offcourse there are jobs but are they well enough or plenty? No

@moncay3238 哈哈,什么?没有叫无就业增长的东西。

@balajeepratham8200 so do you admit the government is a failure when it comes to these issues? You literally have no good argument.

@balajeepratham8200 那么你承认政府在这些问题上是失败的吗?你的论据确实不怎么样。

Modiji is still the most popular and powerful leader of Bharat and the world. He has put India on the path of being the superpower. 400 paar was the narative for overconfidence that made Hindus complacent not to turn up to vote in droves.

莫迪姬仍然是印度和世界上最受欢迎、最有权势的领导人,他让印度走上了超级大国的道路。400 paar是过度自信的代名词,它让印度教徒自满,不会成群结队地去投票。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Count down has already started with Modi. He is the most divisive leader India has ever produced. India has to change course urgently. Inequality is a huge problem


Modi 1 month report card: 1. NEET UG Scam 2. NEET PG Delayed 3. NET Delayed 4. CUET Delayed 5. Manipur Burning 6. Kashmir Terrorist Attack 7. Agniveer and Farmer's revolt continuing 8. Hathras dead
Airport roofs collapsing
Cracks in Atal Setu approach road
Sinking of roads in Ayodhya, Ahmedabad
Ram Mandir leaking
Railway accidents

莫迪一个月的成绩单:1. NEET UG骗局 2. NEET PG延误 3. NET延误 4. CUET延误 5. 曼尼普尔大火 6. 克什米尔恐怖袭击 7. 阿格尼维尔和农民起义仍在继续 8. 哈特拉斯死亡事件

CNA could be Chinese News Asia. They wish India is ruled by Pappu and its citizen remain poor. India is a source for some nations' food items, river sand, granite, , human manpower etc. If India becomes developed country it is inconvenient for them.


We, South Indians, always treat him as a No.1 Joker!


Past govt of Karnataka was a bjp govt and even in 2024 with this much negativity bjp won more loksaba seats than congress in Karnataka


The bottom 5 countries with the lowest GDP per capita in G20 (1990)
16. Brazil���� = $3,190
17. Indonesia���� = $771
18. Russia���� = $472
19. China���� = $374
20. India���� = $369
The bottom 5 countries with the lowest GDP per capita in G20 (2000)
16. Brazil���� = $3,865
17. Russia���� = $1,898
18. Indonesia���� = $870
19. China���� = $951
20. India���� = $442
The bottom 5 countries with the lowest GDP per capita in G20 (2010)
16. Turkey���� = $10,533
17. S. Africa���� = $8,130
18. China���� = $4,500
19. Indonesia���� = $3,177
20. India���� = $1,351
The bottom 5 countries with the lowest GDP per capita in G20 (2020)
16. Turkey���� = $8,613
17. Brazil���� = $7,345
18. S. Africa���� = $5,672
19. Indonesia���� = $3,919
20. India���� = $1,916
*Consistency is the key to success, India���� took it to the next level

16. 巴西= 3190美元
17. 印度尼西亚= 771美元
18. 俄罗斯= 472美元
19. 中国= 374美元
20. 印度= 369美元
16. 巴西= 3865美元
17. 俄罗斯= 1898美元
18. 印度尼西亚= 870美元
19. 中国= 951美元
20. 印度= 442美元
16. 土耳其= 10533美元
17. 南非= 8130美元
18. 中国= 4500美元
19. 印度尼西亚= 3177美元
20. 印度= 1351美元
16. 土耳其= 8613美元
17. 巴西= 7345美元
18. 南非= 5672美元
19. 印度尼西亚= 3919美元
20. 印度= 1916美元

India is too big for your statistics, Most states in India vote for their government. I don't know which state you're talking about . It's like talking about Europe and mentioning Some old Italian town with declining population as your prime statistic. I don't have as much spare time as you so I wont even bother responding further


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